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Posts posted by Lefty_S

  1. On 4/13/2020 at 6:23 PM, Doomsday said:

    1. It's been a roller coaster of a first half, and the Saskatoon Wild sit at 7th place past the halfway point of the season. How are you feeling about the season at this point?


    2. The VHLM has seen a bit of a shake-up with some teams receiving new general managers. What are your thoughts about the new hires?


    3. What is your post-game ritual? @Sonnet @GustavMattias


    4. What VHL player best resembles the type of player you'd like to become?


    5. What do you think is an underrated aspect that makes teams successful?


    6. What celebrity do you think would make a great head coach?

    1. Pretty good

    2. Pretty expected for a D league tbh

    3. Drinking, lots of it

    4. Um..... whatever good Defenseman there is...

    5. Having a low tpe defenseman :P

    6. Liam Neeson?

  2. On 4/6/2020 at 8:33 PM, Doomsday said:

    1. After coming back to Earth a bit, Saskatoon pulled off a big sim today, with three wins. How important is that for you and your teammates?

    2. After joining the team after the season started, Barry Bonds has taken over as the starting goaltender. He's better known for hitting home runs, but how is he in the crease?

    3. Do you feel safe knowing @Peace is creeping in the locker room?

    4. @McWolf was overheard talking about implementing the Flying V into the Wild's game plan. How successful would this be if it is for real?

    5. If you haven't been drafted by a VHL team yet, which team are you hoping calls your name? If you were already drafted, how do you feel you fit into your team's plans in the future?

    6. Adam Syreck has an absolutely absurd amount of points right now. Precisely how much drugs is he on?

    1. Winning cures all

    2. Pretty good, or else he wouldn't be playing there, I need to try whatever he's eating for breakfast.

    3. Um, sure?

    4. Time to check some mfers

    5. I dont really care tbh, if anyone wants my lazy butt, have at it

    6. All of them

  3. On 3/30/2020 at 11:42 AM, Doomsday said:

    1. Saskatoon was a team many were writing off this season, but you're currently in third place so far. Are you surprised about that?


    2. What player do you think is really making a name for himself so far this season?


    3. What personal goals do you hope to accomplish this season?


    4. What do you feel is the reason for the chemistry developing with the Wild?


    5. Who do you think is the most dangerous player in the VHLM right now?


    6. What do you enjoy the most about the VHL/VHLM?

    1. No

    2. Me of course

    3. Getting them blocked shots

    4. Our GM and AGM

    5. Me, duh

    6. Saskatoon Team LR

  4. On 3/17/2020 at 7:31 PM, McWolf said:

    1. Speak your truth; are you happy that you have been drafted to the Saskatoon Wild?

    2. Were you surprised to be drafted at the rank that you were? Are you going to make the teams that missed out on you regret their decision?
    3. The Wild missed the playoffs last season, do you think we have what it takes as a team to make it this season?

    4. Who of all current players do you think will finish the season with the most points?

    5. If you were drafted by a VHL team too this weekend, are you excited to be joining them in the near future? If not, which VHL team do you wish drafts you next offseason?

    6. What do you think of the new Ottawa Lynx logo?

    1. Yes, I know the Gm

    2. I legit dont know what rank I was drafted, but it was probably too high tbh... probably not...

    3. Maybe.. we'll see...

    4. Definitely not me, that's for sure

    5. Um, @Jubo07's team I guess, he seems chill...

    6. Oh wow, it looks like an actual logo!

  5. 18 hours ago, McWolf said:

    1. Most of you joined Saskatoon through waivers. Why did you pick us?

    2. We have now lost 16 games in a row. Do you regret choosing to play here?

    3. What's your opinion on this season's theme week?

    4. Who are you rooting for in the playoffs?

    5. What NHL player would you say your playstyle resembles the most?

    6. What team do you wish will draft you this offseason?

    1. The GM asked nicely

    2. No

    3. It's cool, I guess

    4. Whatever team has my favorite colors

    5. Dougie Hamilton

    6. Don't really care, but I do like the wild.

  6. On 2/17/2020 at 12:24 AM, McWolf said:

    End of season press conferences.


    1 Season is almost over and we haven't been too good. Are you disappointed in the team?

    What about your individual performances, are you doing as good as you expected at this point?

    3 We just traded Gary Tarantino to the Minnesota Storm. Are you going to miss his presence?

    4 Who do you think will end up winning the Founder's Cup?

    What are you going to work on this offseason?

    What would be your early objective for next season?

    1. No, I think this team is pretty well primed for the future.

    2. Well, I'm undefeated ;)

    3. Not really, as I wasnt here when he was traded.

    4. The best team.

    5. Getting better as a player

    6. Making an impact on defense.

  7. On 2/17/2020 at 9:23 PM, McWolf said:



    Hey @Lefty_S - Glad you joined the VHL. 


    I'm GM of the Saskatoon Wild. The offer I said on Discord stands. Our team has it rough, but it could be a good opportunity for you to play a lot and learn how things work around here, if you'd rather that over having a limited role on a more crowded roster. Though defense are in high demand so you might find a mid range team where you'd have a good role. Let me know what you think, and good luck with the team search!



    Thanks to all of the GMs who took the time to offer me a spot!

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