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Spence King

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Posts posted by Spence King

  1. Position



    Home Country


    VHL Draft Year



    Greg Eagles RIG-square.png


    PL.png Poland PL.png


      S67/8 VHL Seasons , 4th World Cup Appearance



    Grekkark Gyrfalcon Malmo_Icon_XHWEfZS.png


    GL.png Greenland GL.png


    S73/2 VHL Seasons, 1st World Cup Appearance










    Condor AdrienneMalmo_Icon_XHWEfZS.png


    VA.png Holy SeeVA.png


     S68/7 VHL Seasons , 4th World Cup Appearance



    Vladimir Pavlov MOS_V02.png


    RU.png Russia RU.png


    S67/8 VHL Seasons, 3rd World Cup Appearance



    Cinnamon Block Team_Square_PRG.png


    EG.png Egypt EG.png


      S69/6 VHL Seasons, 2nd World Cup Appearance 



    Berocka SundqvistSEA-square.png


    AU.png Australia AU.png


    S67/7 VHL Seasons, 3rd World Cup Appearance












    Hiroshi Okada HSK-square.png 


    JP.png Japan JP.png


    S69/6 VHL Season, 2nd World Cup Appearance



    Kyl Oferson SEA-square.png


    BN.png Brunei BN.png


       S71/4 VHL Seasons, 2nd World Cup Appearance 










    Edwin THE EncarnacionCalgary_Icon.png


    DO.png Dominican Republic DO.png


         S70/5 VHL seasons, 2nd World Cup Appearance



    Jim Bob SEA-square.png


    AL.png AlbaniaAL.png


    S71/4 VHL Season, 2nd World Cup Appearance



    Ondrej Ohkada Team_Square_PRG.png


    SK.png Slovakia SK.png


    S68/5 VHL Seasons 1st World Cup Appearance



    Marshall James FrostBeard    Malmo_Icon_XHWEfZS.png 



    LV.png Latvia LV.png


    S73/2 VHL Season . 1st World Cur Appearance


    This is Just the beginning and more news to come in tomorrow in flurries , ecstatic to have the opportunity to work with such legendary users and a Roster for the record books ! Lets bring home gold ! Discord invites will be sent out in the morning ! :) Congrats to everyone named to S74 Team World ?





  2. The S74 Playoffs have come to an end, another amazing run with Helsinki, Two season in the VHL and two Finals appearances. As a 1st gen user and let alone a sophomore, making it to the Finals two years in a row in the pros. Not to mention in the newly expanded VHL with more teams than ever making the long journey of a 72 Game season with a broader ranger of talent and intensive travel schedule. Ultimately leading for the most competitive and the most illustrious trophy in hockey winning the VHL playoffs. After a long 72 games working together with your brothers and sisters working towards a playoff spot, not everyone even makes the playoffs so winning during the season and progressing is essential. “As ive always said the season is practice for the real games.. the playoffs.”- Quoted Elsby. In the VHLM Elsby put his work where his words are , as always. As Co-Captain of the S72 Philly Reapers with current Titan teammate @Big BobBob Helminen, Elsby with the aid of an amazing and S72 Reapers roster for the History Books put together by @DMaximuswith future and now current VHL stars and VHLM award winners League leading scorer @Spade18, S73 VHLM Playoff MVP @Jer_Lefebvre superstar two time VHLM Top goaltending award winner @CrlineDijohn14JohnPoremba along with other rookie sensations for example Elsby aka Spence King’s first waiver signing as a AGM 1st gen user and taking him under  his wing @KaleebtheMightyVictorGrachev, a now VHL ROTY. Along with two time VHLM 1st All Team Members brought from S71 Ottawa Lynx Founders Cup Championship squad key members with the VHLMS top sniper Big Chungus and more recently traded in the post S74 VHL playoff Pre S75 VHL Draft Blockbuster trade involving s74 VHL leading scorer @Patrik Tallinder deal to Calgary without a doubt one of the best defenseman in VHLM history the one and only @Mike Defenz Mann.  The Roster was studded with talent, However the bounces didn’t go the Reapers way and there record book season for @dmaximus ended in the conference finals  Candidate In two seasons now as a pro Elsby has a combined 35 Playoff games of experience. In his rookie season Elsby scored the series clinching Game winning goal against the powerhouse Riga en-route to the underdog Helsinki Titans 4-0 sweep in the European Conference Finals. Only later to have our hearts crushed in a devastating overtime loss to the Seattle bears in a heated Finals series. [Just noticing now that there is one common factor in Elsby’s playoff dreams being crushed in S72 and S73 when all felt right , Timothy brown was there in Saskatoon to end the Conference finals with an amazing assist for the GWG in OT of Game 7 before leading the Wild to a Founders Cup. The following season Brown would go on again to be there in Seattle to crush Helsinki and Elsbys Title hopes in S73.



    74 (HSK) 18 4 14 18 3 42 18 30 34 0 0 0
    73 (HSK) 17 5 10 15 9 42 24 30 31 2 2 0
    Totals 35 9 24 33 12 84 42 60 65 2 2 0


    This was Elsby’s first taste of VHL Playoff action and he came he saw and he proved to the entire VHL this big 16 year old from Eastern Espoo has been giving it his all and watching and working SO hard to get #47 in the rafters in Helsinki. From day one Elsby was greeted by one Titan specifically, a moment I will never forget… To be honest at the time I still had never even participated in the VHFL and had only been a member of VHLM/VHL community for 1 season and knew virtually NOTHING about anything about the VHL organizations and honestly couldn’t name every team in the VHL if you had a knife to my throat.

    However, moments after being drafted the first Titan to contact me (other than the myth the legend @jubo who recruited me to the VHL site and with the crazy S72 draft was able to snag myself and my childhood idol VV ? :fire [That’s a VHL.com Article for another week lol @VSN if you want to interview me about my experience and the incredible draft night story it was and has lead to amazing career so far?])



  3. On 11/1/2020 at 9:13 PM, BladeMaiden said:

    Hey Titans C;  It's press conference time again and guess what we are talking about? The finals of course... so let's have some fun and earn some TPE! A reminder you only need to answer six questions for two TPE or  three questions for one TPE.


    l.) How do you feel about being the European Conference Champions?

    Its truly humbling , being known and recognized as the top organization with such a prestigious is amazing. We have fought and worked hard over the past two seasons to assert this dominance and with this roster there is NO signs of slowing down but a dynasty in the making... 

    2.) Did the team do anything to celebrate the landmark of claiming that European Conference Champions title?

    I cant say for myself weather or not the team did anything in particular to celebrate winning the Conference championship other than the most recent Contract resigning in huge news announcing not only star goalie Zamboni Driver , VV, Myself and rookie Sensation Patrik Laine all have resigned with the Titans for another 3 seasons and rumours are coming of the signing in the hopefull upcoming days that Vikinstad announces his resigning as well.

    3.) Lets do some predictions, Who wins and in how many games? do you hear the sounds of bristle rustling?  Do you hear a Sweep Sweep Sweep a coming?

    Im never one to assume the outcome of games, Hockey is a game of inches and seconds and theres no formula to determine the random bounces and the level of heat and effort put into each shift from each player , forming  the chemistry it takes to win the big games , evidently this wont be an easy series and clearly not a sweep now after going 1-1 in the first two games. Game One was a big one for us after having such a long layoff with the previous sweep in the conference finals against a fresh vancouver squad, however game 2 things really starting clicking again and the Titans are looking tighter than ever

    4.) Who are you looking forward to facing off against on the Wolves?

    Venus Thightrap without a dought , her skill has had me taken back since i first saw her skate in the WJHC and wow there is ALOT of skill in that woman's body 

    5.) Give me a headline quote that will strike fear into your opponents hearts.

    "Titans are Tighter than Ever"

    6.) Usually in professional leagues like VHL (and the NHL) teams spend a lot of money on making a big display during the playoff finals (some teams lip-sync, some dance and some teams like  put on a full blown show with fireworks and story telling.) What do you see Helsinki doing to commemorate being in this season's finals?

    A massive Firework show and a huge parade and celebration in the markets in downtown Helsinki having amazing food vendors as far as the eye can see and just the entire community enjoying and celebrating together with the team , its truly a surreal feeling living and celebrating amongst the fans that have been there all the way throughout the amazing long journey that has taken us to where we are today and we would have nothing without our loyal and humble fans 

    7.) Do you think the refs are more or less strict during the playoffs?

    The refs are without a doubt MORE strict in the playoffs , you have to watch every stick infractions , the refs want to see the most skilled and clean hockey. Nothing dirty or chip we want the best quality of hockey played on ice and not deterred buy stupid immature behaviors due to lack of skill and effort, Discipline in the playoffs is more than essential.

    8.)Who takes the first penalty against the Wolves? Why did they take it?  If It was a fight who won?

    Its more than likely going to be me and for a goodness gracious hooking or roughing minor ?

    9.)This playoff showdown is gonna be epic, how epic you ask? Well i hear they are going to make a movie... who is playing you in the film? Do you think they do a serious take or is it "Goons" all over again

    I0.) In the spirit of keeping the mood light, how do you keep lose during high pressure situations? Some Players play music, others can play jokes and some even just bro out play games or go out for food together.

    I honestly cant see anyone else playing me other than Pete Davidson, and if its that case its going to be a spoof and be a movie like Goons , not my type of hockey movie...

    II.) What is your playoff style? Are you rocking a new hairstyle? Dis the whole team dye their hair Helsinki blue? Did you change your tape colour, change the way you lace your skates or even grow a beard or shave your head? What are you rocking in the name of the playoffs, and is your team doing the same over all?

    Nothing changes when it comes to playoff time other than the razor gets locked away and the hair clippers are on the shelf for months because the playoff beard is real and anyone that knows me KNOWS i go full caveman for the playoff run , anything for the team 

    I2.)What is the most interesting conversation you have had in the penalty box?

    When @Jer_Lefebvre asked me if i wanted to go for food after the game in Davos ? wtf man play attention to the game hahahaha  


    Good luck in the playoffs Helsinki ❤️



  4. l.) How do you feel about being the European Conference Champions?

    Its truly humbling, being known and recognized as the top organization with such a prestigious is amazing. We have fought and worked hard over the past two seasons to assert this dominance and with this roster there is NO signs of slowing down but a dynasty in the making... 

    2.) Did the team do anything to celebrate the landmark of claiming that European Conference Champions title?

    I cant say for myself weather or not the team did anything in particular to celebrate winning the Conference championship other than the most recent Contract resigning in huge news announcing not only star goalie Zamboni Driver , VV, Myself and rookie Sensation Patrik Laine all have resigned with the Titans for another 3 seasons and rumours are coming of the signing in the hopeful upcoming days that Vikinstad announces his resigning as well.

    3.) Lets do some predictions, Who wins and in how many games? do you hear the sounds of bristle rustling?  Do you hear a Sweep Sweep Sweep a coming?

    I’m never one to assume the outcome of games, Hockey is a game of inches and seconds and there’s no formula to determine the random bounces and the level of heat and effort put into each shift from each player, forming the chemistry it takes to win the big games , evidently this wont be an easy series and clearly not a sweep now after going 1-1 in the first two games. Game One was a big one for us after having such a long layoff with the previous sweep in the conference finals against a fresh Vancouver squad, however game 2 things really starting clicking again and the Titans are looking tighter than ever

    4.) Who are you looking forward to facing off against on the Wolves?

    Venus Thightrap without a doubt , her skill has had me taken back since i first saw her skate in the WJHC and wow there is ALOT of skill in that woman's body 

    5.) Give me a headline quote that will strike fear into your opponents hearts.

    "Titans are Tighter than Ever"

    6.) Usually in professional leagues like VHL (and the NHL) teams spend a lot of money on making a big display during the playoff finals (some teams lip-sync, some dance and some teams like  put on a full blown show with fireworks and story telling.) What do you see Helsinki doing to commemorate being in this season's finals?

    A massive Firework show and a huge parade and celebration in the markets in downtown Helsinki having amazing food vendors as far as the eye can see and just the entire community enjoying and celebrating together with the team, its truly a surreal feeling living and celebrating amongst the fans that have been there all the way throughout the amazing long journey that has taken us to where we are today and we would have nothing without our loyal and humble fans 

    7.) Do you think the refs are more or less strict during the playoffs?

    The refs are without a doubt MORE strict in the playoffs, you have to watch every stick infractions , the refs want to see the most skilled and clean hockey. Nothing dirty or chip we want the best quality of hockey played on ice and not deterred buy stupid immature behaviors due to lack of skill and effort, Discipline in the playoffs is more than essential.

    8.)Who takes the first penalty against the Wolves? Why did they take it?  If It was a fight who won?

    Its more than likely going to be me and for a goodness gracious hooking or roughing minor

    9.)This playoff showdown is gonna be epic, how epic you ask? Well i hear they are going to make a movie... who is playing you in the film? Do you think they do a serious take or is it "Goons" all over again

    I0.) In the spirit of keeping the mood light, how do you keep lose during high pressure situations? Some Players play music, others can play jokes and some even just bro out play games or go out for food together.

    I honestly cant see anyone else playing me other than Pete Davidson, and if its that case its going to be a spoof and be a movie like Goons , not my type of hockey movie...

    II.) What is your playoff style? Are you rocking a new hairstyle? Dis the whole team dye their hair Helsinki blue? Did you change your tape colour, change the way you lace your skates or even grow a beard or shave your head? What are you rocking in the name of the playoffs, and is your team doing the same over all?

    Nothing changes when it comes to playoff time other than the razor gets locked away and the hair clippers are on the shelf for months because the playoff beard is real and anyone that knows me KNOWS i go full caveman for the playoff run , anything for the team 

    I2.)What is the most interesting conversation you have had in the penalty box?

    When @Jer_Lefebvre asked me if i wanted to go for food after the game in Davos ? wtf man play attention to the game hahahaha  

  5. On 10/25/2020 at 6:52 PM, BladeMaiden said:

    Hey Titians, I heard you guys just took that wild card spot. So of course i have some questions for one of my Favorite European Teams. So first things first, Congrats to Ya'll ❤️  Now lets get to Business, answer six questions for two TPE and three questions for one TPE.

    1.) How excited are you to have won your wildcard series?

    Im still ecstatic, the wild card series has gone and passed , and now the conference finals ending in a sweep over Malmo proving the league what I and all of my Titan brothers have already known is where here and here to play. The playoffs is what we practice all regular season, this is where the games REALLY matter.

    2.) Show me the best sweeping gif you can find, gotta get ready for next round ; )

    3.) What do you think makes a team successful in the regular season vs the playoffs?

    The team chemistry growth throughout the season , staying close and buying into the system and doing everything and anything our GM and team asks from us on a daily basis. The key is without a doubt our off-ice chemistry that leads to this unbelievable on ice success with chemistry, Its not an accident. From seasoned  vets to rookies to even prospects watching on from the M keep the LR active and the positive environment really leads to great success and growth as a team and each player individually which is evident with the recent on ice success

    4.) Are you washing your Hockey socks or are they now considered lucky socks?

    My socks are always getting washed hahaha . The Equipment manager here in Helsinki is like no other and i wouldnt trust anyone more with cleaning my gear and keeping my drip in check.

    5.) Who do you think is on fire atm? Who has been the MVP this far?

    This is in a impossible question for me to answer first off, the team as a whole have been phenomenal and thats the reason we have achieved the current record we have standing, from our first to third line everyone has been playing there best hockey . However Okada and Driver have put up some incredible numbers along the way throughout the first ten games of the offseason that cant go unrecognized.

    6.) Do you think playoff hockey is more or less exciting than  the regular season?

    This is another no brainer, ive said it before , ill say it again , and ill say it a millions times. The regular season is inevitably just practice for the real show .... which is the playoffs , no one really cares who wins the regular season title , and the end of the day everyone dreams of winning the playoffs and going all the way four round and sixteen wins and achieving the ultimate goal with your brothers that have been there with you from the beginning and the only imaginable surreal feeling to raise the cup after such a long hard fought road .

    7.) What do you do for good luck before a game?

    Before every game it has always been part of my routine before any exceptional game i have ever played starts with a perfect warm up with the boys and if not alone, Starting off with a good lower body stretch and then running 4 laps around the rink, weather depending and also with regards to the arena i will do this inside or outside. Afterwards stickhandling for AS long as possibly before i must start getting suited  up i will spend time fine tuning my hand eye and intight quick puck movement and finding ways to make a pass with the puck/ball in my feet with my head up and staying strong on my feet and aware of all options, making myself an elite threat from the blueline. Afterwards during warmups i will be the guy making passes from the corner for the majority of practice and usually making sure no one is fooling around (Laine) otherwise working hard on my edges around the net and gaining as much speed with two strides and always maintainng a head up position swiveling finding passing lanes no one else see coming.

    8.) Playoff hype song?

    Playoff hype song without a doubt has to be Saturday night is alright to party - Nickelback , LETS GO TO THE FINALS

    9.) Who is the Helsinki Hype Guy? What is the wildest thing they've done to get the guys pumped?

    The Helsinki Hype guy is without a doubt Spaz and secondary Seabass and Vaak and then Laine is always active , can sometimes be a little negative if were being honest , still love the guy to death and would take a bullet for him any day no matter what and nothing will change that #TitanForLife

    10.) How far do you think the Titans will make it?

    I know the TItans are more than capable of winning 4 more games and taking home the trophy , I know we were also a good enough team to take it home last year in this position. No matter what this comes down to effort , were going with two incredibly skilled teams and its going to be effort that beats skill and all inches and seconds and bounces , its going to be a series for the record books.

    11.) How do you feel about being the underdog that is going for victory against all odds? 

    There is no better feeling than being the underdog , most of all creating buzz in the media , good or bad , people are talking Titans hockey and alot of users seem to be surprised and refer to us a a "mediocre" roster that only performs in the playoffs. Well to anyone that believes that , i have a simple answer , look at our roster and the MAJOR changes we have made already since the previous season, Jubo has managed to find a way to continue to build a championship quality roster two season in a row after making some big and risky moves.



  6. 1.) How excited are you to have won your wildcard series?

    Im still ecstatic, the wild card series has gone and passed , and now the conference finals ending in a sweep over Malmo proving the league what I and all of my Titan brothers have already known is where here and here to play. The playoffs is what we practice all regular season, this is where the games REALLY matter.

    2.) Show me the best sweeping gif you can find, gotta get ready for next round ; )

    3.) What do you think makes a team successful in the regular season vs the playoffs?

    The team chemistry growth throughout the season , staying close and buying into the system and doing everything and anything our GM and team asks from us on a daily basis. The key is without a doubt our off-ice chemistry that leads to this unbelievable on ice success with chemistry, Its not an accident. From seasoned  vets to rookies to even prospects watching on from the M keep the LR active and the positive environment really leads to great success and growth as a team and each player individually which is evident with the recent on ice success

    4.) Are you washing your Hockey socks or are they now considered lucky socks?

    My socks are always getting washed hahaha . The Equipment manager here in Helsinki is like no other and i wouldnt trust anyone more with cleaning my gear and keeping my drip in check.

    5.) Who do you think is on fire atm? Who has been the MVP this far?

    This is in a impossible question for me to answer first off, the team as a whole have been phenomenal and thats the reason we have achieved the current record we have standing, from our first to third line everyone has been playing there best hockey . However Okada and Driver have put up some incredible numbers along the way throughout the first ten games of the offseason that cant go unrecognized.

    6.) Do you think playoff hockey is more or less exciting than  the regular season?

    This is another no brainer, I've said it before , ill say it again , and ill say it a millions times. The regular season is inevitably just practice for the real show .... which is the playoffs , no one really cares who wins the regular season title , and the end of the day everyone dreams of winning the playoffs and going all the way four round and sixteen wins and achieving the ultimate goal with your brothers that have been there with you from the beginning and the only imaginable surreal feeling to raise the cup after such a long hard fought road .

    7.) What do you do for good luck before a game?

    Before every game it has always been part of my routine before any exceptional game i have ever played starts with a perfect warm up with the boys and if not alone, Starting off with a good lower body stretch and then running 4 laps around the rink, weather depending and also with regards to the arena i will do this inside or outside. Afterwards stickhandling for AS long as possibly before i must start getting suited  up i will spend time fine tuning my hand eye and intight quick puck movement and finding ways to make a pass with the puck/ball in my feet with my head up and staying strong on my feet and aware of all options, making myself an elite threat from the blueline. Afterwards during warmups i will be the guy making passes from the corner for the majority of practice and usually making sure no one is fooling around (Laine) otherwise working hard on my edges around the net and gaining as much speed with two strides and always maintaining a head up position swiveling finding passing lanes no one else see coming.

    8.) Playoff hype song?

    Playoff hype song without a doubt has to be Saturday night is alright to party - Nickelback , LETS GO TO THE FINALS

    9.) Who is the Helsinki Hype Guy? What is the wildest thing they've done to get the guys pumped?

    The Helsinki Hype guy is without a doubt Spaz and secondary Seabass and Vaak and then Laine is always active , can sometimes be a little negative if were being honest , still love the guy to death and would take a bullet for him any day no matter what and nothing will change that #TitanForLife

    10.) How far do you think the Titans will make it?

    I know the TItans are more than capable of winning 4 more games and taking home the trophy , I know we were also a good enough team to take it home last year in this position. No matter what this comes down to effort , were going with two incredibly skilled teams and its going to be effort that beats skill and all inches and seconds and bounces , its going to be a series for the record books.

    11.) How do you feel about being the underdog that is going for victory against all odds? 

    There is no better feeling than being the underdog , most of all creating buzz in the media , good or bad , people are talking Titans hockey and alot of users seem to be surprised and refer to us a a "mediocre" roster that only performs in the playoffs. Well to anyone that believes that , i have a simple answer , look at our roster and the MAJOR changes we have made already since the previous season, Jubo has managed to find a way to continue to build a championship quality roster two season in a row after making some big and risky moves.

  7. Dear BoG


    With the recent surge in VHL recruits and the continuous amazing efforts and evident success of marketing this community and advertising/managing everything has been truly mind blowing this season and since I've joined the community . I know now that i am more than ready to take over the role of a VHLM GM and i think with this recent surge in players and users , its time for another new team in the VHLM , and i know three great cities with AMAZING facilities and fans that would be ecstatic to have a VHLM franchise in their city. To this point i am suggested the proposal of the idea of a Expansion team going into S75, i have been a Silver Medalist as GM in the WJHC within only my 1st month of being a member , have a great understanding of STHS as well as named AGM in Philadelphia shortly after and have already been through 3 drafts and have had the opportunity to learn so much from the legendary @DMaximus, Dmax has given me the opportunity to learn under his wing and getting a true understanding of how picks are valued and IA players with high TPE with regards to trades, and most of all understanding earning trends and learning how to pick and formulate the most active and consistently active users , using TPE tracking methods. Ensuring that drafting users that are active in the LR is essential and truly make the experience so much more for so many users , even the inactive Discord users eventually chime in here and there and its truly something special being in that LR.


    Cannot forget to mention my time working with VSN as Assistant Director of Scouting for 1 season under the legendary VHL Scout @Patrik Tallinder(also a VHL legend) Furthermore in regards to capped point task earning vs uncapped and managing and analyzing trends in users weekly averages in both capped and uncapped TPE and understanding more and more with time what looks like a player to stay and who and how VHL GMs conduct their individual scouting going into each draft as well as VHLM GMS with the even more uncertainty in the dispersal draft , my time working with VSN as a Scout since has proven to me how much 1st gens can and are contributing to the community such as @PatrikLaine and @bigAL , these have been some great Users that i have had nothing but amazing interaction with. Again the man that started it all for me and continues to teach me everyday my true mentor and VHL LEGEND my GM in Helsinki @Jubo07 who is the individual who actually introduced me to the VHL community as i was a new GM in the FNHL that Jubo is a Competing GM in . Coincidently Jubo's younger brother happened to be the man that got me the GM position in the FNHL after working together with the younger brother of Jubo as his AGM in the FOHL. oh how things come around full circle and how amazing the online hockey community is and can be and especially the growth and no tolerance policies enforced here in the VHL community and love nothing more than the amazing conversations in the discord LRs and seeing how users from all around the world can come together in a way like this and share the enjoyment and mutually benefit eachother through motivation and genuinely putting forth effort and there's nothing better than feeling like part of a team and feeling wanted and more so "needed" as the VHL creates this opportunity for so many users and the more engaged 1st gens get the more they enjoy the community and continue to make improvements to create the most realistic and fair simulation league with the most friendly of competition and making EVERY user itching to come back to see if their player has been mentioned , or to check the results of an important game against a IRL friend or even 1st gens and watching your player accumulate and grow is a feeling like no other and i want to do everything and anything i can to make this happen for more users, No shots against Dmax , i Feel this is truly my time and the leagues time to make the jump to the ever so fitting lucky number 13 teams in the VHLM again ever so fittingly in the month of October. 


    Moving forward i have already secured the rights to a new VHLM sized arena, Team Names, Jersey schemes, Including an alternate, Professionals Logos, Multiple highly qualified and more than deserving AGM candidates prepared to accept the position at a minutes notice , An official weekly team news reporter as well as a Graphics team all lined up for this i have been working on a Formal franchise proposal including all details and plans for the new franchise, Please PM me so we can talk about this further more , and looking forward to hearing back and hopefully being a part of the next wave of VHLM growth ❤️




    In hockey 


    Spence King 

  8. VIA Morse Code VSN was able to get an Interview with Star Sophomore defenceman in Helsinki Spencer Elsby. Elsby has gone from two 35+ TPE weeks to three straight weeks of under 4 TPE earned… This has all been explained in the recent VHL article Elsby was able to upload last week stating he is currently out of service from any technology or cell phones and internet and completely off grid for the last three weeks on the road and will be until atleast the 22 of October. Well here we go with the Interview provided by TzShadow and yes these answers were all translated via Morse Code


    VSN: What do you think about your play so far this season?

    Elsby:This season has been the most confusing one of my life as I have been so away from the VHL and the community on this road trip I am on right now traveling across Canada with the love of my life and our fur baby. Things have been nothing close to where I would like them to be over the last three week endings to earn Capped TPE and the missed opportunities are very disappointing in myself and have nothing I can do than work my ass off and do anything and everything possible to earn back that TPE and those opportunities in any and all ways that come about and make sure that I never miss anything again during my career with the ultimate goal and when the day comes that they hand up my number in the rafters and making my HOF speech , this is what its going to take and I know it …


    VSN: Helsinki has had a slow start to the year but has won 7 of their last 10. Do you think the team is starting to roll?

    Elsby:I cant give you a true opinion on that because I don’t believe in what you’re referring to as a roll, Hockey is a game of inches and seconds and no matter how skilled the players are on the ice the teamwork and adversity through effort for 60+ minutes nonstop is what wins games , bottom line, and that’s what mentality our leadership group has instilled in our minds, I know each of my teammates would put their life on the line for me just as I would there’s. The Titan brotherhood is like no other. The chemistry we built last season that took us to the finals is here in this roster , changes have been made , however Jubo knows better than anyone and I trust him more than anyone in the VHL community as he is the one that brought me here and given me such love since the start of my VHLM career.


    VSN: What do you think of @Jubo07’s draft legacy?

    Elsby:Jubo’s draft legacy is exactly as you say, Legendary , it’s a legacy because its true this man knows how to draft and puts so much time and effort into understanding the sim mechanics and building an active roster and prospect pool, these are some of the huge keys ive noticed as an aspiring VHL GM myself as the AGM in Philly I have learned a lot from both Jubo and ofcourse my boss @DMaximus, also Legacy drafter in Philly as the books prove ❤️ The amount of late round steals , and overall use of assets Jubo has proven to be in my eyes the most consistent VHL GM since my short time in the community and following the VHL since graduating from the M. HSK is always a top team or borderline playoffs, Jubo knows how to always maintain a competitive roster and this is done without an AGM pretty amazing.

  9. 8 hours ago, Jubo07 said:

    -->  :hel:Titans S74:hel: <--

    For week ending Oct 18th

    Answer 3 for 1 TPE or 6 for 2 TPE!


    1) Through trade the Titans said good bye to Jim Bob after almost 4 seasons in Helsinki. How did you bid him farewell?

    Still Speechless....
    2) The trade saw us acquire center Ola Vikingstad. What do you think he brings to the roster?

    (In Tears) Next question please i cant do it 
    3) This week we saw Erik Draven announce retirement after 5 seasons in Helsinki. He will remain with us for the rest of the season and playoffs. What was your favorite memory of Draven as a Titan?

    (Elsby continues to cry more and more unable to speak and stuttering) Next question....
    4) With the trade and pending retirement noted above, how motivated are you going forward?

    I really cant think about that right now after the recent news ...
    5) If the Titans were to sport a 3rd jersey, what fun color scheme would you suggest?

    Purple for Mental Health 100000%
    6) Last week was Dream Team theme week. What was the best line mate(s) you had in your career?

    Best Linemates would have to go out to Victor Grachev the rook in my last season in Philly , otherwise its clearly Summers , hes the GOAT


    @enigmatic @Spaz @Jbeezy76 @Big Bob @PatrikLaine @Erik Summers @Seabass @Spence King @Tbeez99 @Tape-to-Tape @Mrpenguin30 @Mason @OscarTheSwagDude @Wreckening @AnthonyOuellet @Dil


  10. On 10/5/2020 at 7:33 AM, Jubo07 said:

    -->  :hel:Titans S74:hel: <--

    For week ending Oct 11th

    Answer 3 for 1 TPE or 6 for 2 TPE!


    1) Week 3 was a rollercoaster but ended with back-to-back wins. How are you feeling about going into week 4?

    Ive been stuck in the fcking bush and mountains and havent been able to keep up with anything !! S74 has forsure been the craziest and most uncertain formyself
    2) Oh Sens was moved to Toronto on the weekend. How did you bid him farewell?

    Terrible news :( and very sad i didnt even get to say bye , this is LITERALLY the first im hearing of this 
    3) We have a negative goal differential, aside from tinkering with lines what do we need to do better as a team?

    ALOT, The chemistry isnt there and you cant force it 
    4) Who on the team would you pick to take a penalty shot?

    Vaak and always Vaak 
    5) What sport are you 2nd best at behind Hockey?

    6) Who on the team would you send up to the stage to sing Karaoke?

    deffinetely @PatrikLaine




  11. Elsby's off grid out of nowhere , what the fudge ? for real ? Elsby himself was unable to respond to any interviews over the past two weeks and went completely ghost on point tasks. This may sound like something that means nothing , however , to Elsby this means everything. WIth my commitment to the Helsinki Titans Organization, My coaches and teammates as well as the whole country of Suomi this was a major struggle for Elsby with depression and anxiety worrying about not only his Titans brother but his second family with Dmax in Philadelphia. My dedication and love for my players in philadelphia is an eternal burning flame and want to be there for each and every one of them and most of all my partner and boss who gave me this opportunity LEGENDARY Dmax himself.... So the story is Elsby (IRL) AKA User Spence King AKA Myself have been on a road trip across canada from Ontario to British Columbia and have had no real acces to the internet as i am tenting the whole way lol I will still be tenting and on the road until atleast the 16th , however i will be having more of a reliable source of internet and should be able increase if not get back to my full productivity and activity not only as a player, but AGM and Scout as well.

  12. 1 hour ago, DMaximus said:

    Since @Esso2264needs only 1 more pick and it has to be a (G) and i have a (F) spot , just making my pick now to make sure it gets done and i dont forget ?‍♂️


    1. Spence 

    F -  Kris Rice  

    F -  RJ Jubis

    F - Chris Hylands 

    D - Condor Adrienne

    D -Vladimir Pavlov

    G - Jimmy Spyro


    2. Esso

    F - Benny Graves

    F - Scott Greene

    F - Squirrely dan

    D - Jeff Downey

    D -Hugh Jass

    G -


    3. DMax

    F - Brock Louth

    F - Thomas Landry II

    F - Hiroshi Okada

    D - Hulk Hogan

    D - Roque Davis

    G - Jacques Lafontaine


    4. bigAL

    F - Mikko Lahtinen

    F - Ola Vikingstad

    F - Groovy Dood

    D - Erik Killinger

    D - James Rose

    G - Rayz Funk


    5. Zetterberg

    F - Ray Sheilds

    F - Lewis Dawson

    F - Patrik Tallinder

    D - Guy Sasakamoose

    D -Alex Bridges

    G - Gyrfalcon


    6. Big Green

    F - Phil Marleau 

    F - Chad Magnum

    F - Markus Nygren

    D - Lincoln Tate

    D - Victor Grachev

    G - Jean Pierre Camus


  13. :ReaperLogo:Philadelphia Reapers S74 Press Conference #2:ReaperLogo:

    For week ending SEP 27

    Answer ALL 6 for 2 TPE!


    1) After week one and 8 GP the The Reapers are sitting at the bottom of the Western Conference at 2-4-2. How are you feeling about the season so far?

    2)    With the second least Goals Scored in the VHLM at 17 in 8 GP just shy of 2 goals for a game, what can we change to boost the scoring power?

    3)     Who has been the biggest leader at practice?

    4)     So how about that weather EH? Those fires in the west coast have you nervous about traveling?

    5)The leadership S74 Reapers Leadership Group is poised to be finalized this week. ( @dariusmarimotomanReturning Captain as well as Carson Walkers @Cwalker) who do you believe will revealed as the final member/members of the leadership group?

    6)Should the Reapers have a weekly Podcast Held by AGM Spence King would you be willing to answer questions for 15 minutes straight and earn 6 TPE for doing so?

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