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Posts posted by turkey2349

  1. I'll preface my presser answers by saying that I was just traded to the Lynx from the Wild


    1. How do you feel about @Da_Berr so far and has his player fit in well? 

    - I know he's been big for this team so far and a major driving force. Seems to really want the team to succeed as a whole.


    2. If you could bring one member of the VHLM who isn't currently on Ottawa to the Lynx, who would it be?

    - Can it be the whole Wild team? Loved those guys when I was there and it was hard to face off against them.


    3. How do you like our chances to make the Founder's Cup this year?

    - Having played against this team this year I know their drive and they are really good team.  I like them a lot.


    4. What song do you think would be a good goal song for the Lynx?

    - Something with some nice howling.


    5. @PadStack just set the record for most franchise wins! What drink do you buy him to celebrate? (Padstack, what do YOU want to drink to celebrate?)

    - I don't know, I always thought that it was them buying rounds for everyone when they break the record?


    6. Has @Hulk Hogan done a good job as AGM and should he continue?

    - Brother, he's been tough so far, but I think pretty good.

  2. 1. It's been a roller coaster of a first half, and the Saskatoon Wild sit at 7th place past the halfway point of the season. How are you feeling about the season at this point?

    We have sorta put our selves into our own group, but we seem to be competing against all the teams in the league. Sets us up well for next season if not to play spoiler this season


    2. The VHLM has seen a bit of a shake-up with some teams receiving new general managers. What are your thoughts about the new hires?

    Hey, new talent and eyes beings new play styles and players. Shakes things up and keeps it interesting


    3. What is your post-game ritual? @Sonnet @GustavMattias

    When we will, I play some Peanut Butter Jelly by Galantis

    4. What VHL player best resembles the type of player you'd like to become?

    Oof. I'll get back to you when I learn and watch them


    5. What do you think is an underrated aspect that makes teams successful?

    The ability to shutdown other teams' top players


    6. What celebrity do you think would make a great head coach?

    Mr T would be interesting. Maybe take a page from Torts

  3. 2 hours ago, Doomsday said:

    1. After coming back to Earth a bit, Saskatoon pulled off a big sim today, with three wins. How important is that for you and your teammates?

    It's huge, but the goal of this season is still not to top the standings. It's to build the necessary bonds and skills for next season and our push then


    2. After joining the team after the season started, Barry Bonds has taken over as the starting goaltender. He's better known for hitting home runs, but how is he in the crease?

    I've seen him try to hit homes runs a few times ;) in the crease. In the hockey world he's fitting right into the team. He's been giving us a chance even on days we have solemnly shown up.

    3. Do you feel safe knowing @Peace is creeping in the locker room?

    It's great to see, but I've only just joined it here in the VHLM. I'm not trying to get ahead of my self yet. I'll get there in time.

    4. @McWolf was overheard talking about implementing the Flying V into the Wild's game plan. How successful would this be if it is for real?

    Hey it would give us some fun! You never know what will happen when the team and players are having fun out there and playing to enjoy the game.

    5. If you haven't been drafted by a VHL team yet, which team are you hoping calls your name? If you were already drafted, how do you feel you fit into your team's plans in the future?

    Not drafted yet and still learning the teams and how this all works. Honestly I'd be fine with any team looking for a project to help bring out a new defense man and help make him a top liner!

    6. Adam Syreck has an absolutely absurd amount of points right now. Precisely how much drugs is he on?
    Ask me again when the seasons over and we'll talk then


  4. On 3/30/2020 at 11:42 AM, Doomsday said:

    1. Saskatoon was a team many were writing off this season, but you're currently in third place so far. Are you surprised about that?

    I've just joined the team this week and have completed my first 7 Games. Things are going as well as they were, but honestly nothings changed. The team knows their goal and knows that we aren't expected to do much this season and that next season is our "big push". We are taking things 1 game at a time and we are gaining as much experience as we can. This season is a great time to experiment and make sure the next is perfect! 

    2. What player do you think is really making a name for himself so far this season?

    Honestly Apple. He's been quietly holding it down on defense this season and his numbers are a bit sneaky

    3. What personal goals do you hope to accomplish this season?

    Just get settled into the new role and league and get the team setup for a good season and work towards our goal next season.

    4. What do you feel is the reason for the chemistry developing with the Wild?

    In my short time here it's just been the leadership and team bonding. Everyone is getting along and trying to help eachother out!


    5. Who do you think is the most dangerous player in the VHLM right now?

    Am I allowed to put myself down? ;)

    6. What do you enjoy the most about the VHL/VHLM?

     I am hoping to enjoy the experience of playing here and trying to work my way up through the ranks and make a name for myeslf in the league!


  5. Chance Rust can best be described as “The player every team needs, but the one everyone forgets about”. Chance prides himself on being the one to have a good game play and shut teams down, but in ways that keep him off the score sheet. Battles in the corner, keeping players out of the front of the net and making smart plays are his goal in every game.


    Chance has been playing for many years and has slowly been making his way up the ladder system. It has been a struggle for him to advance at points, but through his hard work and constant contact with the coaches, staff and players has earned him good reputation as a leader and one that always wants to improve himself. The VHLM and eventually the VHL are Chance’s next goals in his career and he hopes that his talent and skills will lend himself well to his new teams.


    Stats wise, Chance is a defensive defenseman, so goals tend to be far and few between, but he does try and get his assist numbers up. His leadership and discipline keep him out of the box, but he’s not afraid to take good penalties when in the best interest of the team and moments. Likewise, he’s not a very physical guy, and rarely throws a hit, but he’s still not afraid to use his body in the corner and work to out battle his opponents 1 on 1 for the puck. The best stat to look for though to see Chance’s abilities is to actually look at the stats of his opponents and their stars as shutting them down is what he does best. Matching up against the best of the best and not letting them play their game is what makes him a game changer.  


    Throughout his career, Chance has developed and run some of the best penalty killing squads and he looks to improve on it in his next steps of his play. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, Chance was unable to enter the VHLM entry draft and is entering through free agency. Don’t think this will stop Chance from making an impact right away though.


    Don’t be looking for his name in the papers and box scores because you won’t find him there. Just look for him on the ice and for his team at the top of the standings.

  6. 2 hours ago, McWolf said:



    Welcome in the VHL, @turkey2349 !


    I'm McWolf, GM of the Saskatoon Wild. I'm reaching out to see if you'd consider joining our franchise for the next season.


    Saskatoon last won the Founder's Cup in S69 (2 seasons ago) and we are still feeling the repercussions of being heavy buyers in the past to make this happen. Realistically, I don't think we should be prime competitors this season, but we are currently 3rd in the league's standings. We don't have the firepower that other teams like Minnesota, Yukon and Las Vegas have, but I do believe we have what it takes to finish in the 4-6 range and maybe go on a Cinderella run come playoffs time. However, we do have to get better in some areas to reach this level.


    And this is where you come in. Saskatoon is full at forward, but we need defensemen badly. You'd come in as our 3rd defenseman, and you'd have the opportunity to fight for a 1st pairing spot early in the season if you stay active. Our team is young and built for the future: if you join us, you'd be one of many players starting thisseason on the lower side in terms of TPE, which means you'd all be developping together as the season goes and possibly be a part of an exciting upset come playoffs time.




    Something to consider before picking a team:

    Every team is only allowed to offer you the same VHLM typical contract: 1 season for 1.5mil. At the end of this season, you will be eligible to drafted in both the VHLM and the VHL. This means you'll have to decide which team you wish to join based on how the GMs presents their teams and how well you think you'd fit in their plan.




    Let me know what you think about my offer, and feel free to ask me questions about myself, my team or the league.


    With that being said, I wanna wish you good luck - you have a big decision to make in the near future.



    Thanks for all your help man! I'd really like to Join your team!

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