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Everything posted by Jer_Lefebvre

  1. Well it seems that that day is finally upon me that day where all your hard work and all your success really come to light. Yes week by week you get into your routine, you do your press conference, you go to practice, do your articles, all the things you need to do to earn that oh so valuable TPE. And yes some weeks your are busy or you just don’t feel like it, and you do that welfare, and that is ok this career in the VHL it is a marathon not a sprint there is lots of time to get where you need to be you just need to be consistent. So as I sit here and write this article I just want to reflect because by the time I am done I will have done it the next milestone in my career I will reach 250 TPE, and have shown that my hard work had paid off. In the beginning things started off a little slow for me, not just in the sims but in the VHL as a whole. As a fresh new recruit it can be and is very overwhelming with so many things you need to do and remember to do each and every week. Thankfully I had a great support system around me to keep me on the right path and focused on my goal of developing into the best player I could be. Now that I have been around for over a season and a half and am about to hit 250 TPE if there is one thing I would say is the most important thing for new players, it is to be just what I said before consistent. You need to get into a routine, it has to be like clockwork to get that 12 capped every single week to become the best you can be. Of course there will be weeks where it is not possible because life catches up to you but that’s why the welfare is there some weeks you just have no choice but to take advantage of it there’s no shame in that. Lastly I would just like to say that I have been looking forward to this milestone since I started a season ago with the basement Houston Bulls, it was a tough go when I first came in but we turned it around and made a huge push for the playoffs. Now as I look back it has been such an amazing experience so far for me in the VHL. As I sit coming to the end of this article it is really a big moment for me, I’m excited to see what’s in store, I don’t know if I will be pro nest year or have one more year of development in the VHLM, I mean I don’t even know what is going to happen tonight. There’s a huge game 7 on the line it could go either way, but what I do know is I’m going to live in the moment nothing better than the best 2 words in hockey GAME 7 !!!
  2. The 2 best words in all of sports without a question GAME 7. Coming into the series there was very little doubt that it was going to be a close one, with our team in Philly being only separated from Saskatoon by only 3 points it was bound to go the distance. Many on the outside looking in figured this was where we would end up, a game 7 the most exciting thing you can possibly be a part of as an athlete. I know I’m philly we figured would could get it done in 5 or 6 and I’m sure Saskatoon figured the same. However with two teams who had themselves very great season we are here. We are at the breaking point of the series, with Mexico City knocking off the top rated Minnesota Storm in 6 games the finals could be anyone’s. There is a lot of pressure that come with a game 7, but with the great additions made at the deadline for philly and the strong core we had in place all season long we have what it takes to get things done!!
  3. Well it is safe to say we have found ourselves in a dog fight now! Going through the first series against Mississauga, we went about our business with ease. Now we have Saskatoon on the table and boy are they putting up more of a fight than expected, I applaud them..but now it is time for us to buckle down! This team we have in Philly is destined for greatness, we are built to win and to win now anything less is going to be a let down. Saskatoon is putting up a good fight and pushing us to give everything we have every time we step on the ice. Even tho on paper it looks like we should be more ahead Saskatoon has been a great consistent team all year, and from the season series which saw which saw 4 of the 5 games go into extra time, including 3 shootouts we knew we weren’t coming out on top of this one with ease of any sorts. This series could go the distance but in philly we are ready, we would have it any other way. Yes Saskatoon is a great team but over here we have gamers and guys who are dying for a championship, we have got this I know we do we will come out on the other side!!
  4. 1)It’s the atmosphere, something about the playoffs with so much on the like it just ramps up the atmosphere 2)Just gotta keep the train rolling, Choo choo 3)Gotta be Adam Syreck 8 points in 5 games Ouff stay hot 4)Definetly the development I have gone through from last year to this year 5) It doesn’t matter to me whatever team it is we are confident we can roll over them 6)My main focus the last 2 weeks has been getting my defence up to my offensive skills
  5. With only 5 games remaining in the VHLM regular season for the Philadelphia Reapers it is going to be a very close finish for Second spot! With their great regular season Minnesota has first spot locked up but there is a shot at 2nd place for the Reapers. Now don’t get me wrong with Saskatoon having a game in hand while being 4 points ahead it is only a small shot to catch them but there is definitely a chance! After a very active deadline in which @DMaximus and @Spence King brought in some massive pieces, we have continued right where will left off before the deadline on a winning track winning 17 of our last 20 games. That is what has put us in position to even have the thought of catching them. It has been an amazing season so far it is one of those years where you go into the night now wondering if your going to win but wondering how many you are going to win by, the fans love it, the coaches love it, and the players especially love it. Hopefully we can finish off this final Stretch strong and catch but if we can’t catch them let’s finish strong, keep this unreal confidence that we have had all year knowing we are going to win almost every night and carry that into a championship run!! #REAPem
  6. 1) OK I love playing for philly I love the city I love the fans no question but Um what did @Mike say??? Ya Bills Mafia all the way!! “YOU DIGG??” ? 2) Gotta be one of the oh captain my captain my buddy Elsby he’s always doing what he can to pick up the boys, and I’m pretty vocal myself 3) Great kid good work ethic haven’t got too much. In depth with him yet but lots of time big playoff run coming! 4) I plan on being around for another year so it’s not really In my mind just yet 5)HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ok ok I’m sorry guys hahahahaha hahahahaha here I’ll show you a screen shot from the video 6)PHILLLYYYY CHEESSEEEEEE STEAKKKSSSSS PERIOD!!
  7. I want to start off for those of you that don’t know me I’m from a small northern Ontario, Canada town Sault Ste. Marie. In all honesty there is not much to do there other than fish hunt, drink and play hockey. I’m not a big hunter or fisher but do get myself going in the latter 2. So in Ontario there is a league called the OHL (Ontario Hockey League) it is one of 3 leagues that are a part of the CHL (Canadian Hockey League). If you know anything about hockey you will know it because the CHL which includes the OHL, WHL, and the QMJHL is arguably the best developmental league in the world for the NHL. Now to put this in perspective for you here is a list of the number of players taken from the CHL as a whole in the first round of the last 5 NHL drafts, I have also added if a player from any league in the CHL went 1st it 2nd overall. 13 players 2019 13 players 2018, 2nd overall 14 players 2017,1st and 2nd overall 15 players 2016 18 players 2015,1st overall Now that anyone who didn’t know understands exactly what the OHL and CHL is to the NHL I can continue on talking about why they are similar to the VHLM. So the first major similarity is an obvious one which I just went into detail about, the VHLM is the development league the the VHL. It is where all the young new recruits go in order to be given the tools and have the time to work and develop themselves into a rising star . It is a league where you see guy come in with no idea what they are doing blossom into superstars that tear up the VHL. It is a beautiful site to see just as we see it in the OHL with guys that have come through such as Mitch Marner, And Connor Mcdavid! Not only is it just similar in the way they develop players but is is similar in the style of play. It is more of a run and gun kind of league, anyone can beat anyone on any given night that is just how junior hockey goes. High scoring games, high scoring players a select few more than the others one year to the next. It seems in the OHL there are always a few players that highly skilled above the rest, just like in the VHL you have your top tier players who have been around already for a season or two and your second tier players that are just starting out. Those players that are the top tier just as in the VHLM find themselves playing in the WJC around Christmas time. The last big similarity between the OHL and the VHLM is the trade deadline and going for the Championship. Year after year in the OHL or any CHL league teams that have a shot at title trade away parts of their future for the biggest names available. There is one reason for this and it is the same reason in both of the leagues, the top end players don’t stick around. They either advance up to the NHL or on the case of the VHLM they advance up to the VHL it is the exact same format. The best example of this is the Reapers this past deadline they did exactly what any contending OHL team does you load up with the best players available from the lower end teams in order to increase your chances of winning. For me this is the absolutley biggest similarity the graduation of the leagues top players to the best of the best. I hope you enjoyed this read and some insight into exactly what I feel that the VHLM is as a whole and how it compares to my favourite league to watch in my actual life !?
  8. 1) For myself I think wanting to soon be a top scorer and in the run for an MVP syreck has made the biggest impression on me, he comes in as the top scorer and right away is active in the LR. And on top of all that you can tell he wants to win a championship and that’s the mentality we have had all year so bringing in guys with that same thought was important. 2) I wasn’t surprised at all I know our assistant gm quite well and I know he’s one for big moves, this is a league that when you have a shot you need to go for it guys don’t stick around long. So with us getting ourselves in the position we have this season I figured some moves were going to be made. 3) Honesty I’m a big travel guy, I love it it’s what brings a team together as a tight knit championship group. So there really isn’t anywhere that I don’t like to go in this league. 4) I’m a fan of the direction he takes from a front office prospective. He’s not afraid to take a shot, when the time is right you need to be ready to pull the trigger without hesitation and from what I have seen both him and Maximus both have that philosophy. 5)I’m not a big believer of the shootout, I’ve always said that overtime is the way to go, leave it in the hands of the team or individual players. It’s more exciting for everyone as well, the players the fans everyone wants that not the shootout. 6) GOTTA BE MY BOY KYLE LOWRY!! Helping lead the way and bringing the first chip to the Toronto Raptors. I’m a good old Canadian boy so that has to be my most loved athlete to come out of philly!
  9. WOW! Huge message sent by @DMaximus and @Spence King to the VHLM with a trade for the ages. The Reapers are all in for this coming post season, and have made it very clear to anyone who will listen. Giving up 2 1st round picks and a 3rd round pick we have acquired 2 of the top 10 scorers in the league. Welcome @Ferda aka Big Chungus and @Mike aka DeFenz Mann we are excited to have you aboard as Reapers for this up coming run! We have had a very good season so far in philly and management is showing they have the faith in this team to win it all. Being a leader in thay room when you see the front office make moves like that you can only smile. You know they see how hard everyone is working and they are rewarding the entire team by brining in 2 massive names that are difference makers all over the ice! As of right now we are sitting in 4th 7 points back of 3rd and 10 points back of 2nd, this is crunch time now everyone on the roster is all in, we have brought in 2 guys with 91 and 80 points respectively, this is our year we have as good of shot as any let’s finish this and bring it home!
  10. This week I had the privilege of interviewing @Spence King he is an up and coming star playing for the Philadelphia Reapers. In the most recent VHL draft he was drafted 17th overall by the Helsinki Titans, as well as 35th overall in S71 VHLM draft by the Reapers. Spence King is a model member of the VHL community he is very active in the organization with not only his player Spencer Elsby, but also assistant gm of Philadelphia as well as GMIng team Asia in the WJC. Before we jump in to the few questions he had time for me to ask him I’ll show you my answers to those same questions ! Q. When did you first come upon the VHL and how did you hear about this amazing league? A. For me I first heard about the VHL in the beginning of April, it has now been about 2 months I have been a part of those league and I can say for sure I love it, it is the closest thing to the actual league. Spence King was the one to tell me about it I know him from my hometown and I definetly owe him a huge thank you for introducing me!! Q. The VHL as a whole is a massive organization with many moving parts, for some it can be a bit overwhelming when you first come on to the scene. For you what was your first impression like, and how did you cope? A. As a new recruit coming into the VHL I think the most appropriate way to describe me is like a deer in headlights! I was very overwhelmed I didn’t even know where to start, from creating my player to figuring out how to earn this so called TPE, it was a lot to take in. Thankfully I was very lucky to have a great supporting cast around me to help push me along in the right direction to be as successful as I could be. I’ve been through it if you are a recruit reading this it gets much better, practice makes perfect things become routine. Q. Many young players struggle in the beginning to with so many different things you need to stay on top of in order to develop at a rapid rate. For you what did you find the hardest about it and how did you overcome that first wave of difficulty? A. The hardest thing for me honestly was not the figuring out how to do things but trying to figure out what to do for those things. In order to maximize your TPE you need to during most weeks write a 500 word minimum and a 200 word minimum article. My biggest struggle most the time is trying to decide what to write about, even to this day some weeks it is tough to get creative. The one thing I have going for me is my good buddy Spence King, if I’m having a writers block lots of times I’ll start just chatting it up with him about anything and everything to do with the VHL and something comes to me. He’s been there for me from the beginning and I appreciate more than he knows. Q. Now that you are established as a big up and coming name who were some of your greatest influences that may have helped you through the tough times? A. There are 2 people that have been major players in my development thus far in my career the first I talked about previously Spence King. He brought me into the VHL world and has been for me since day one. Even when I was that Anoying new recruit that knew nothing and had a question about everything he always had an answer. The other is @Sonnet my very first GM in Houston, no the season and my career didn’t start out the best but I always had a gm that helped me stay on top of getting all my weekly tasks done and knowing exactly what I need to do. Honesty, I owe a lot of my success now to my start of my development thanks to sonnet. Q. The VHL is a very tight knit community, which is why that is exactly what our theme week is focused on, what is your favourite thing or things about the VHL? A. I think my favourite thing about the VHL is the Discord communication, just having your locker room chats with your teammates after sims, either a big win or a close loss just encouraging and pumping each other up to me it is the best part and there is nothing else like it. Q. With this last question we are going to get a little deep with you, now that you have been around for a little bit you have seen both sides of the league with being an assistant gm as well as a star player. If you were talking to a new recruit or someone who was thinking about joining and had to just explain to them what it means to be a part of this amazing league what would you tell them? A. Now this question is more geared towards Spence King himself but if I was to talk to someone who is thinking about joining the VHL I would tell them that a league like this gives you a passion, everyone here is passionate about and it’s an exciting thing to be a part of. It’s something to care about, the VHL is exactly what our theme week says it is we are a community, everything is fun it is an awesome experience to live out a hockey dream but above all else it’s a community! Now that I have given you insight in to my experience as being a part of this amazing community here are the answers I got from Spencer King! Q. When did you first come upon the VHL and how did you hear about this amazing league? A. “From my childhood hero Valtteri Vaakainen , he had just recent signed in the league and was my favorite player growing up back home since I can ever remember, he is 100% the reason im here today” Q. The VHL as a whole is a massive organization with many moving parts, for some it can be a bit overwhelming when you first come on to the scene. For you what was your first impression like, and how did you cope? A. “At first I was more than extremely overwhelmed with how much of a culture shock it was. I was completely lost Had no idea how to even claim Practice , needed to ask atleast 4 people to help me figure out how to claim my first welfare. Let alone getting into discord I had ZERO experience with this new form of communication. I wasn’t even able to get find the locker room for 4 days” Q. Many young players struggle in the beginning to with so many different things you need to stay on top of in order to develop at a rapid rate. For you what did you find the hardest about it and how did you overcome that first wave of difficulty? A. “One word, ROUTINE Its all about the getting in the routine of your weekly tasks , it gets easier and easier to the point that maxing out on weekly capped TPE can happen so quickly” Q. Now that you are established as a big up and coming name who were some of your greatest influences that may have helped you through the tough times? A. “Jer….. I just wrote 1000 word article explaining that in the Media Spots, Check it out ? your actually even tagged in it ?” Q. The VHL is a very tight knit community, which is why that is exactly what our theme week is focused on, what is your favourite thing or things about the VHL? A. “Exactly what you said right there , the guys at the top put SO MUCH effort into monitoring everything and making sure theres always moderation happening and don’t allow for any bullshit or bullying or disrespectful behavior, this is the reason the community remains so tight knit, they are all truly great people” Q. With this last question we are going to get a little deep with you, now that you have been around for a little bit you have seen both sides of the league with being an assistant gm as well as a star player. If you were talking to a new recruit or someone who was thinking about joining and had to just explain to them what it means to be a part of this amazing league what would you tell them? A. “This league is a great escape from reality for hockey fans , especially the die hards like myself and the entire community, VHL,VSHL and everyone that works on this makes it such a welcoming and realistic experience you cant find anywhere else.” I want to thank Spence King for his awesome answers to my interview it was really a privilege to be able to ask him a few questions to add to my experience of the VHL and I hope you all enjoyed as much as I did!
  11. 1) I feel like we have the bigger rivalry with Mexico, we have only played Mississauga once there isn’t a whole lot to go on there but with Mexico we have played them 3 times and they have had our number a bit winning 2 2)Idk if we are supposed to keep this within the locker room walls but something needs to be said haha.... Spence King’s equipment is getting out of control we may need to hold a team intervention ? 3) It was crazy! What a beast battling through that, and in all honestly those nurses were 10’s really had me on the top of my game ! 4) My expectations for this season were somewhat of a mystery I was really coming into my first full season, and with the big offseason I had I didn’t really know what to expect. But I think that at the very least I’m living up to the hype contributing offensively. 5) Maaaann that’s the first I’m hearing of this, I’m gonna have to be in coaches ear on this one! Hmmmmm.... gotta be somewhere tropical I need some relaxation out of it I’ll get back to you guys ask me again next week ? 6) I go to work, I come home play ps4 sleep repeat haha, oh and eating us in multiple spots in there too
  12. 1) at about the age of 14 I realized that I was bet then most if not all the kids my age and figured that if I kept working hard I would be able to make it one day! 2) There is one thing that is my favourite thing by far about philly. It has to be the delicious, greasy philly cheese steaks !!! 3) Honesty! I understand things have to be done, moves have to be made changes have to come for the good of the team, but as long as there is honesty anything can be understood 4) It was a little bit shocking tbh he was a great piece to this roster but as a teammate I understand his decision and I am happy for him 5) Everyone has been putting the work in! I said it in the locker room last week, we lost a couple close ones but if we kept all working hard those games would start to go our way 6) I’m so excited to be a part of Team world! It is a dream come true to be in the WJC and I can’t wait to get it started!!
  13. Coming into the VHL I was like a deer in headlights but I had people to help me along to start out. The one thing that i kept being told over and over again was that in order to become a star in this league it is a must for you to get 12 TPE every single week! Yes there are going to be times where life is busy and you may need to grab ahold of that Welfare but 9 times out of 10 you need the 12 TPE every week. When I first starting out I felt like this was going to be a difficult task for me, my life outside the VHL can get hectic, with friends, a girlfriend and work on top of that sometimes I don’t have as much time as I would like on my hands. Even when I did have the time sometimes I would find it hard to figure out what to write about, but the more I have got involved in this league the easier it has become, and now I am in what I like to call My Groove. I’m on a roll articles are coming as a second nature to me, I’ve developed my player well into a productive part of the Philadelphia Reapers family. I have come a long way from when I first came around, getting used to the way things work took a few weeks, that for sure @Spence King and my GM in Houston @Sonnet can attest to that but now I feel as though I am a leader. Someone who has a grasp on how things work and is able to help those new players or anyone for that matter that has any questions about whAt it takes to be the best you can be in the VHL.
  14. In the first 14 games of the VHLM season so far Jer Lefebvre has proven to everyone that he has taken great strides in his game as a whole. His work in the off-season is really shining through in both his offensive and defensive aspects of the game. However there is one aspect of his game that so far this season has been lacking, and even though it hasn’t come back to really bite him or his team yet, sooner or later it will, and it won’t be pretty. Lefebvre has found himself in penalty trouble multiple times so far this season and it hasn’t been pretty. Sooner or later it is going to start costing his team games and that will not end well. He has been such an offensive threat in the first 14 games of the season that 18 penalty minutes is not a good look for the star forward. Coming into a new team you want to make a good impression, rumblings out of the Reapers locker room are that Lefebvre, and Elsby have become close right off the hop and co-captain Elsby has taken him aside and told him he needs to work on his discipline. Even tho it may seem like it could be it isn’t a rift between the two leaders Lefebvre, and Elsby have a great deal of respect for eachother and Jer has informed is counter part he’s going to do everything he can to work on his penalty trouble. Lefebvre is a rising star in the VHLM it would be tough to see him flame out due to discipline issues, for all our sakes of seeing him make it big hopefully he can set it straight and turn it around.
  15. To say it has been Great start for Jer Lefebvre, in his first full season in the VHLM could be seen as a bit of an understatement. Coming in late to the season last year he was only around for 38 games, overall it was a very great experience for his first taste of the VHL as whole. Being in Houston it was a bit of a roller coaster ride to start out many losses to be seen but eventually we were able to stabilize and make a big push for a playoff spot! Now, after being drafted be the Philadelphia Reapers with the 19th overall pick in the VHLM dispersal draft it is a whole new year, a very exciting one for Lefebvre as he is coming in after a very big summer! Over the summer Lefebvre knew he needed to make big strides In order to become a difference maker in the league. That was the goal, he worked hard everyday putting on 10 pounds of muscle over the summer and made the big changes in his shot to become the goal scorer he is expected to be. Hours and hours of shorting puck and wrist exercises have lead to his shot being much heavier and his accuracy being right on point In 38 games in Houston at the end of last season Lefebvre was able to accumulate 5 goals and 11 assist for 16 points, along with that he had a plus minus of -23, and 44 shots on goal. For a player just getting the feet wet with their first taste of the VHL it was a decent stat line. Being able to make the playoffs would have been an amazing experience for a first year guy, unfortunately even with the big push they made and Lefebvre contributed to the Bulls came up just short of the post season. Now In his first full season with the Philadelphia Reapers Lefebvre is showing that the potential many seen in him is coming to the forefront. His summer of continuous work and practice has really paid off, in only 10 games so far this season he is only 1 point shy of his complete total from the 38 games he played in last year. In total so far he has accumulated 6 goals and 9 assist for 15 points, along with that his plus minus has turned around substantially with a mark of plus 17! He has also added 30 shots on net already, with his new improved shot that is going to lead to many more goals this season. Jer is extremely excited to continue on through the rest of his first full season in the VHLM, the Reapers have championship aspersions with a bolstered roster from a Great draft, Lefebvre is really having his coming out party to start the year not only has his play been doing the talking but he has blossomed as a leader as well on Philly, just officially named today as a part of the Reapers leadership group wearing an ‘A’ for the season. It is a huge honour and Lefebvre is extremely excited to help push this team over the hump to the next level, while trying to help advance the younger players coming in.
  16. I would be very interested in being the GM of Team World and would be happy and honored to GM any team ,i have heard nothing but amazing things about the tournament and what it has to offer to upcoming GMS and users wanting to learn about the process and thats exactly what im here to do! You can contact @Spence Kingor @DMaximus as my references!
  17. 1) Just need to bare down on our chances, we are close next time I’m sure we will come out on top 2) Ive got myself where I want to be for now in other areas so i am wrking on my scoring shooting lots of pucks at home? 3)I’m a classic kind of guy gotta keep it simple : Fear the Reaper! 4)Would have to be CrlineDijohn14 been killing it in the crease stealing some games for us 5) Spence King and Bud Knight would have to be at the top of my list as leaders on this team they have the experience 6) The pink in the rink nights are always the best , go towards a Great cause and for me that one hits home a bit
  18. Boy now that the new season is upon us i look back at what was an absolutely amazing draft day experience for myself! First of all going into the VHL draft it was looking like I was going to land somewhere around the 30th pick overall being ranked as the 32nd player, but that was not the case and I was in shock. And as for the VHLM draft I had a hope a certain team would take me but I wasn’t sure if it would work out or not. “With the 23rd pick in the VHL draft the HC Davos Dynamos select from Canada Jer Lefebvre”Holy was I surprised, watching thinking to land around pick 30 to jump that many picks was amazing. It truly showed that Davos saw the potential in me I feel like I have in this league, I was so excited I couldn’t wait to join in on the chats and such! What a day, Great group I’m very excited to be a part of and cannot wait to make my way to the big leagues and hopefully help win a championship or 2! “With the 19th pick in the VHLM dispersal draft the Philadelphia Reapers are happy to select Jer Lefebvre!” Boom!!! Exactly where I hoped to land the reapers ! I had some great conversations with them about being apart of their organization, one that is poised to have a great shot this season at winning it all. They are high on me they have made that clear and I have lots of work to do to prove @Spence King and @DMaximus right for trading up to get me. I’m so excited to join forces with them and I am gonna be the hardest working, dedicated player around to show them they made the right choice...I am very greatful and can’t wait to start this new chapter tonight! Game 1 of many baby!!
  19. I am going to claim the doubles week next week not this week as I have already claimed welfare this week.
  20. 1)I’m very excited to be a Reaper it is a special feeling, this organization was at the top of my list coming into the draft! 2) Draft day was awesome I was both nervous and excited not knowing where I could end up but it was a great experience overall. 3) It’s going great This is a huge summer for me and my development. Not really any weird workouts but a lot of old fashion like the classic tire up the hill! 4)I have a lot I’m a very superstitious guy so I may need to make a list, but my biggest one is I need a fresh roll of white, black, and clear tape for every game. 5)Definetly need the reaper coming up out the the ground and taking the opposing mascot away with him ....not sure if it’s possible but it would be cool lol 6) Gonna need to hit up some of those Phillies games and see my good buddy Bryce Harper going to work
  21. Jer Lefebvre Jer Lefebvre was born and raised a good old Canadian boy. Drafted 23rd Overall in the S72 VHL draft the 6 foot 3, 205lbs center was a surprise jump in the draft. Ranked to be taken around the 32nd spot in the draft the HC Davos Dynamo must have been impressed by the young forwards up and coming talent. He was signed by the Houston Bulls late into S71, the Bulls has not had a good year up to that point, but it all turned around In the end as they nearly made a push for the playoffs. Only playing 38 games this past season things started out slow for Lefebvre however and the games went on he got better and better. He showed immense amounts of development throughout his first year in the league and opened the eyes of some teams. Strengths Scoring -Rating of 70 Even though his stats may not portray it from his first short season this kid can score goals. In prior seasons before coming to the the VHLM he was a minimum 40 goal scorer every single year. His shot is comparable to that of Ovechkin 9 times out of 10 the puck is in the back of the net before the goalie even knows what happend of all his strengths his shot and scoring ability is no question at the top. Skating-Rating of 70 Another Major strength of Lefebvre’s game is his skating ability, his first three steps are second to none, he leaves defencmen in his dust many times throughout games. Coming into his first season in the VHLM he was a good skater but not seen as a top one, however he worked and worked throughout the season and has now found himself as one of the best skaters around. Weaknesses Faceoffs- Rating of 45 As a center faceoffs are very important, this is one area of his game that Lefebvre really needs to work on, his offence and skating has come a very long way but now there is a need for him to work on winning draws. This is a very important aspect not only in the defensive zone, but for a player with Lefebvre’s scoring ability it is also important to gain possession in the offensive zone. After being taken by the Dynamos the first things he mentioned was his goal over the offseason to become a better face off man and I’m sure he will get there. Passing-Rating of 50 With Jer being the goal scorer he is his passing game is lacking. Sometimes he tries to make the extra move when it would be a lot easier to move the puck to a teammate. Though he means well and is a great teammate, sometimes the blinders get up in game. Lefebvre more than makes up for this weakness with his scoring ability however, so not to many coaches or players seem to be complaining. Jer Lefebvre is very young in his VHL career he holds a great amount of potential to develop into a star, now signed by the Dynamos, and playing the upcoming season with the Reapers he will be given every opportunity to advance his game to a star studded level. It will be very exciting to see how far it can go.
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