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Everything posted by mediocrepony

  1. You probably know i am obsessed with the team name "Paris Triomphe", so i wanted to make a logo for them in case it does get selected. i went for something minimalistic, with no text. Here is my first attempt at making a logo. it's not very good. made with logomakr.com
  2. awful paris triomphe logo coming soon
  3. big 4 point game for newhook! somehow managed to be -2 though
  4. DaMoose not having a less gooo moment
  5. Now we just need some siblings and a few cousins and the Dimmadome name will be legendary -16z reinhart 2.0
  6. too close for comfort, we need more paris votes
  7. https://open.spotify.com/track/6uDBSDI9pDM7C4Gm0hc2hI?si=5d31fae5524844da (clean version)
  8. rip me Moscow is one of the more active lrs fuck discord about 1/4th oh my homies hate discord

    : oh wait, this draft class sucks

    poggers sabres win

    1. der meister

      der meister

      I wouldn't say it sucks. More like after Power, there's a clump of 5-8 guys who can go in any order and be very good 2nd line forwards, with some top line talent. The pandemic kind of wrecked havoc on everything, but Power is showing in Worlds that he's legit.

    2. a_Ferk


      Another great talent down the drain!

  10. probably, just will be quite a bit harder to sneak
  11. PF? but yes, i think i won't retire newhook and just claim welfare, and all that for him. next player will be start of next school year
  12. getting a laptop in the mail addressed to me might be a tipoff to my parents that something fishy is going on. thanks though
  13. i got wifi, thats no problem. I just have zero idea how to do graphics on mobile and typing seems like it would be awful. I guess it's not as dramatic as i made it out to be, i just won't be earning TPE

    1. der meister

      der meister

      Hopefully some day they'll adjust the odds so that it actually makes sense.

    2. mediocrepony


      god wouldn't that be awesome

  15. Yesterday night I learned that the school district would be taking our computers over the summer. i am not entirely sure why, because when i return to school there are all-remote and in person options. Therefore, i will not be able to do VHL at the same rate i am currently. I will login a few times on my dad's iPad, but that will just be to claim welfare. Unless i somehow convince my parents to get me a computer, i wont be able to do any actual work (i.e. graphics and writing). I won't really witness the development and growth of the VHLE, and maybe not even get to vote in all of the polls about naming. also, i'm really going to miss talking to all of you guys. yeah, i know i can still sign in, but i won't be very active. What does this mean? So, cohen campbell will be postponed till over the summer. I'm not yet sure if i will claim welfare and practice facility every week for newhook, or if @Spartan wants me to retire him.
  16. 1. not a line, but@WentzKneeFan036 and @OrbitingDeath 2. way to go dudes! keep it up, you are helping a lot 3 PARIS and rome i guess 4 PARIS TRIOMPHE 5 Colorado is my 2nd team after the sabres, and i'm guessing they win the cup 6. i didn't really do anything, my brother had a baseball tournament.
  17. yes plz 645 elo, going to play a bit to try to get it up
  18. my little brother had a baseball tournament this weekend. 3/6 teams in his age group were named the knights

    1. Ledge


      I hate those uber common minor league sports teams. Mainly Knights, big cats, birds of prey, and any team called the Thunder. 

    2. mediocrepony


      my brothers team is the blaze, mine is the wings, so not too common

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