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Everything posted by Bojo

  1. European first line is rigged
  2. Bojo

    VHLM Players!

    I did, I remember saying something like "Yay moneys" for the contract.
  3. Bojo

    VHLM Players!

    But I don't show up anywhere in that link. I checked every team just in case I got traded to every team some how.
  4. Bojo

    VHLM Players!

    How's those lotto picks doing for ya in Calgary, the past two seasons?
  5. that's kind of the idea they've been saying though don't hurt me...
  6. What better motivation to get out of the minors do you need?
  7. I'm down, if you're interested Shit. I'm on mobile. I'll do the format in a minute Edit2: Username: Bojo Why I should hire you: I have a lot of free time at work. The best thing you've ever done in Photoshop: I like animated stuff like this: but I try do still ones as well:
  8. Or if two 590 things isn't enough then maybe three to get that 2 tpe. Helps provide fun content and shows effort.
  9. Jersey stock. Neutral, nice looking.
  10. Don't you bust out the Swanson on me!!!
  11. If you put me on the next podcast I'll pretend I'm translating.
  12. Bojo

    VHLM Players!

  13. Can I still do it? I never got one
  14. Though, I do agree. Have you ever been a trade bait so bad that you get traded in both VHL and VHLM in less than 24 hours.
  15. Yeah, but you can't have any fun without the can.
  17. Has there ever been a grade where creativity is not a 1? Looks like it's always 1.
  18. Full Name: Coca Cola Age: 25 Born: Columbus, GA, USA Height: 77 inches Weight: 230 Position: Goalie Hand: Right Pro's - Hand Speed Coca Cola's reaction speed is attributed to how quickly he can raise his glove in a moment's notice. Every goal Coca Cola has allowed in the minors was either on the stick side, or because the other team was cheating. When he's not practicing his signature saves he's at home alone at night on his computer just furiously m- practicing his hand speed until he explodes. - Is not afraid of Heights One thing Coca Cola is not afraid is heights. He is often looking up way in the standings to see if any playoffs spots are available. Coca Cola will do his best to look up at those standings, and say "Hey. We're only down by 20 points. There's still a chance." That's how the Red Wolves made it in this season. As Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell would say: "Ain't No Mountain hiiiiiigh enough..." - Water Bottle Refilling Fun fact: Coca Cola never really started that much growing up. With all the extra time on the bench, Coca Cola would practice the forgetten art of "The Waterboy." People would often get thirsty, and need somebody to be a hero for those unquenched mouths. Enter Coca Cola, sitting proudly at the end of the bench, shaking and filling water bottles, tossing them down the wall like a bartender. Coca Cola is the healthiest way to refresh yourself during a game. Con's - Lazy When Coca Cola first came to the league, he was actually in a coma-like state where he could still move, but his concious wasn't really there. He woke up in Moscow one day, and improved a bit I guess. He eventually helped lead the Red Wolves to a playoff round, and actually won a game while he was there. But he was late to every meeting, and he forgets to do his weekly art session that provides him with about 6 imaginary points. - Doesn't Bathe I'm not 100% sure this is true, but something must be off about Coca Cola. It must be his lack of showers. Coca Cola's stench has forced him to go from Ottawa to Moscow, Davos (wherever that is), Stockholm, then finally in Olso. The odor has made him one of the most traded people in VHL history under 3 three seasons. He's super awesome, so he must smell like the underside of a burnt diaper. - Might actually be a cat named Pushkin Meow. Final Thoughts Coca Cola is a very strange prospect. What he lacks in any ability to play the position, he makes up with funny pictures of cats. He might even be a better player if he didn't play goalie, but there he is with his undersized goalie gear, and leg pads on the wrong leg. However, this guy is just so cool. He was voted "most likely to have a profile mention he was cool." Despite Coca Cola's immaturity and off ice issues, he will be a top goalie one day, or at least the best back up goalie in the league. He just wants to be in the league as a great team player, and will help whatever new franchise picks him up. If he can't do that, he will at least plan to play for as many franchises as possible before each team decides that he isn't really all that good at being a goalie.
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