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  1. Love
    Laine got a reaction from LucyXpher for a status update, 21 is the best number @LucyXpher   
    21 is the best number @LucyXpher
  2. Like
    Laine reacted to Moon for a status update, Super stoked to be a VHL GM now but I honestly wouldn't be in this situation if it wa   
    Super stoked to be a VHL GM now but I honestly wouldn't be in this situation if it wasn't for the LEGENDS @youloser1337 and @Laine! ❤️
  3. Like
    Laine reacted to Moon for a status update, I HAVE RECRUITMENT FRIENDS AGAIN!   
  4. Like
    Laine reacted to JB123 for a status update, 1 Year in the VHL today   
    1 Year in the VHL today
  5. Like
    Laine reacted to JB123 for a status update, VHLE Awards today at 12 PM EST!   
    VHLE Awards today at 12 PM EST!
  6. Like
    Laine reacted to KaleebtheMighty for a status update, Completely unrelated but won my fantasy football championship tonight 🏆   
    Completely unrelated but won my fantasy football championship tonight 🏆
  7. Like
    Laine reacted to JB123 for a status update, #MoonForCommish   
  8. Like
    Laine reacted to diamond_ace for a status update, Not at all final yet, but currently the plan is for the first cooking stream to be Mo   
    Not at all final yet, but currently the plan is for the first cooking stream to be Monday, Jan 10th. Prob around 9-10 PM (normally when I'm cooking for myself for the week it's at about 1 AM but I know that's unrealistic for people on more normal schedules).
  9. Woah
    Laine reacted to Moon for a status update, Is @ bigAL actually big?   
    Is @bigAL actually big?
  10. Like
    Laine reacted to Horcrux for a status update, the VHLM is not about stats and cups. stop treating it as such   
    the VHLM is not about stats and cups. stop treating it as such
  11. Like
    Laine reacted to Horcrux for a status update, MOVIE NIGHT TONIGHT...LFG   
  12. Fire
    Laine reacted to mediocrepony for a status update, wait what im on my school computer its not blocked anymore!!!!!!!!!!!   
    wait what im on my school computer
    its not blocked anymore!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Fire
    Laine reacted to Gustav for a status update, Attention writing nerds: this week I'll be dropping my most quantitative article EVER   
    Attention writing nerds: this week I'll be dropping my most quantitative article EVER--and it's not even the mod one. Stay tuned.
  14. Love
    Laine reacted to samx for a status update, My discord and forum name now match. Took me long enough lmao   
    My discord and forum name now match. Took me long enough lmao
  15. Fire
    Laine reacted to JB123 for a status update, Trivia Night in San Diego! All are welcome https://discord.gg/kmvYbDXU   
    Trivia Night in San Diego! All are welcome  https://discord.gg/kmvYbDXU
  16. Haha
    Laine reacted to JigglyGumballs for a status update, @ ajwllmsn I'm so proud of you for trading a shit ton of picks away   
    @ajwllmsnI'm so proud of you for trading a shit ton of picks away
  17. Sad
    Laine reacted to KaleebtheMighty for a status update, Spending some time with family this week, lost a close family member. Thank you all.   
    Spending some time with family this week, lost a close family member. Thank you all.
  18. Confused
    Laine reacted to Prout for a status update, I’d like to say one thing. fuck @ bigAL   
    I’d like to say one thing.
    fuck @bigAL
  19. Fire
    Laine reacted to Beaviss for a status update, Welcome to the League all new members!   
    Welcome to the League all new members!
  20. Haha
    Laine reacted to Banackock for a status update, Thank you.   
    Thank you. 
  21. Haha
    Laine reacted to Banackock for a status update, Process the trades   
    Process the trades 
  22. Like
    Laine got a reaction from Ledge for a status update, #SticksOutForKivi   
  23. Like
    Laine got a reaction from JB123 for a status update, #SticksOutForKivi   
  24. Like
    Laine reacted to Ricer13 for a status update, #sticksoutforKivi   
  25. Woah
    Laine reacted to Dil for a status update, Posted via VHL app…. on iOS 😏   
    Posted via VHL app…. on iOS 😏
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