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Everything posted by KaleebtheMighty

  1. @Brodie_Landrywhile you’re not quite up here in the E yet, I wish you well with your new VHLE team in your future! Thanks @JB123for the talks!
  2. 1). I think we still have a good team and depending on some things, we could do really well next season! 3). Yes, and then things really started to click at the end. I think Laperriere is going to do great things here! 4). I need a better FO percentage and the ability to score, so I’ll be working on that this off-season. 6). I have a camping trip planned in Germany for a few days to just get away from the VHL for a bit! 8). Right now, I’m leaning towards the salad. Not the biggest fan of onion rings and BBQ pizza, although good, is more of a in the mood type of food for me.
  3. 1). I think an adjustment in strategies helped us get over that little struggle we were having, and thank goodness! 3). Our grey and purple stealth jerseys are super awesome! 4). Nope, mind is set on hockey right now. We've got a run for the cup to push for! 5). Fish in some way, sometimes a fish taco or sometimes grilled. 6). Coffee, it's what hits the spot for me and helps me think clearly. 7). Absolutely, and very much so!! I'm hoping to see Darth Vader in action again and am excited for Hayden to come back to the Star Wars universe.
  4. It's approaching 2 years since I joined the VHL community. Two years of up and downs, rough seasons along with championships. Two years of many things in both the community and in real life. As if spurred upon by a sense for additional TPE, I'll give thanks and mention to those in the community here who have made these past 2 years enjoyable and fun. Although I wish I could extend a thanks to everyone here by name, I've only interacted with a small number of you all. That being said, even if I don't mention you here, thank you for being you! -- In the beginning, @DMaximus was the Philadelphia Reapers GM. It was his offer that I initially accepted as a first time player, and what an ordeal that struck up. Only spending a short time there as a player, I would later return as his AGM for a time and eventually take over the GM position. It was through him that I learned the initial steps of GMing here and getting involved. @Ricer13 was an incredible GM in Miami and a valuable connection to make! While the team fell just short of a championship, it was here that I got to know some other great members, @dlamb and @Laine. Thank you for the great time together on that awesome team! @.sniffuM created an awesome culture in Warsaw, and it was a blast to join that organization and play there for as long as I did. Each of these interactions with players on that team from season to season gave me a great insight on how to GM and communicate with the players here as well. @Renomitsu, @AW13, @jacobcarson877, @Siddhus, @hylands, @dasboot, and again @dlamb - we had a great run with the Predators. Thanks for being a part of an amazing team and showing up each day to contribute to an amazing experience! @thadthrasher, actually meeting up for a beer and a burger was awesome. It was so cool to hear how both of us were going to be having kids and GMing in some way in this community. Thanks for the talks and taking on the VHLE! @Spence King, you have such a passion for this community. Thank you for all that you contribute to the community and keep doing you buddy! @Alex, my first AGM. I remember you applying with an actual application for the position in Philadelphia, and boy I was thrilled when you got to work. You've been a tremendous force in the community for good, and I can't wait to see your future dynasty in the VHL! @Spaz. Where the heck do I even begin, we've had a crazy ride through some wild seasons. You've been my AGM for awhile now and have put up with me panicking over line changes and trades. But you've stuck with me, and I'll keep sticking with you! We make a great team, let's go win us a championship here soon! @Acydburn thank you for your commitment to the VHLE as commissioner, you help make that league better and better with each passing season! And also you're a great GM in Prague, so please keep this thanks in mind when you look at Laperriere on Prague's roster around each trade deadline! For the members of my teams that I've had, I'd like to say thank you for being involved in some way during my tenure with the Philadelphia Reapers and Istanbul Red Wolves. You all have been tremendous assets to the community, and I'm always rooting for you to do well! Each of the GMs that I've had trade talks with or discussions with, thank you to each and every one of you! Your efforts make each team and their respective locker rooms better!
  5. It would be wrong of me to take complete credit for it. Awhile ago when I was the GM of Philadelphia, @Alex was the one who originally brought it to my attention and to implement it into the Reapers locker room. I have merely carried that theme on to the VHLE and am loving how the fleece has brought the Red Wolves together every season!
  6. PRESS CONFERENCE - Week of May 22th, 2022 (Just answer at least 6 of the questions for 2 TPE) 1). It's suddenly a free for all in our conference for both the lead and a playoff position. Do you think the Red Wolves end up on top? 2). What is something you are really looking forward to? (either VHL related or real life related!) 3). What is your favorite thing about Hockey? 4). Are you an expensive house / cheap car typo of person, or a cheap house / expensive car person? 5). Last chance for some predictions, who ends the season with the most points on the Red Wolves? 6). What is your predicted number of hits @jaredc7 has at the end of the season? (I'm thinking 329) 7). Team practice has been cancelled, and instead, we will all go help out at a charity of your choosing! Which charity would you like to see the Red Wolves help at? 8). Which brand of hockey equipment do you like to use? 9). Hypothetical: Aliens exist! You've been selected (honestly baffled at that but you have lol) to be the first to interact with the aliens. However, in order to avoid a catastrophe in saying something wrong or displaying a body gesture that would be taken the wrong way thus dooming the planet to an alien invasion, you have been tasked to stand in front of them and play 1 song. Which song do you play for the aliens to show them what is unique about our planet and humanity?
  7. 1). Commit more to offense, just start going full tilt. I think we can overpower a lot of teams. 3). Alarm clock, mainly because I get up at different times for work and my kids. 4). I put on my lower half of my gear, then usually put in my headphones and play music. 5). That first lap on the ice for warm ups. If that clicks, I’m good. If I feel sluggish or weird, it’s going to be a rough game. 7). My goals initially this season were to produce as much as I can. However, my role with the team right now is to be a team player. I’ve been mainly focusing on my face off statistics and my +/- right now. I think in another season or two is when I’ll be at the point to produce. 8). When I was with the Red Wolves, we handed out a fleece to the player best deserving after the game. It was super unique to get a pelt of fur to drape over yourself like a warrior!
  8. 2). Honestly, give STHS an appropriate sacrifice to bring some good luck our way. 4). Drive by myself. That car ride alone with music is therapeutic. 5). No, that's not something I normally go for. I'm good with my gloves throughout the game as is. 6). Orange juice was always a big one, plus a pickle. Yes I know it's weird but it worked (at least I thought it did lol). 7). Moscow. It's a rinky dink room with folding chairs and we just hear "MOSCOW MOSCOW MOSCOW" from the stands above us. 8). Beer is good, so yes I consume.
  9. I can confirm after my vacation that Italy is an actual place

    1. Dil


      Thank you for your confirmation

    2. jacobcarson877


      I'm gonna need some proof before I believe something so blasphemous

    3. Matt thunder

      Matt thunder

      Good I live somewhere that is an actual place, I was scared to live in a simulation.

  10. 1). STHS has not been pleased with our normal offerings, we need to step up to bigger sacrifices. 2). Reylynn Reinhart, they always bring a positive attitude into the locker room! 3). Very hard, but we need it. The only way we are going to get better is through hard work! 4). Someone mentioned that they were going to introduce a Cajun Chicken Sandwich soon, I'll be looking forward to that. But everyone needs to go try the Veggie Tacos they have. I know it's just veggies and guacamole and what not but hot damn! 5). Right now I'd be leaning towards Asher Reinhart. They have put in some serious work on the blue line, blocking 33 shots and making 69 hits so far on top of having 22 points in 20 games. 6). No suggestions at all, just keep doing your thing!
  11. I tried to mimic something that reflected the design of the Walt Disney Concert Hall's stainless steel outside and ended up going with a beveled look. Ta-da.
  12. Currently doing my absolute best in raising a 4 month old and a 2 year old. It is a battle of attrition every day Working on managing the Red Wolves and just having a blast with it! Work is great, I was recognized for an all performers award at our sales conference in Las Vegas earlier this month. I work in a medical instrumentation/testing company and it's bittersweet with Covid going on, because we are doing really well. But it's a good company to work for that is doing their best to provide great products for everyone to test and use, and they definitely put people and their employees first. My wife and I are going to Italy in a few weeks for a much needed vacation and we are very excited! Also looking into getting a house but with how everything is going, who knows if that's going to happen anytime soon.
  13. From the desk of KaleebtheMighty, GM of the Istanbul Red Wolves Good evening to all reading this! It is my greatest pleasure to introduce the members of our team who will represent us on the ice as Captain and Assistant Captains. The team together voted on who they felt should best represent the Istanbul Red Wolves, and I have no doubt that this group will represent the team extremely well. ______ CAPTAIN: LW - Tomas Sogaard - @Brandon Sogaard's commitment to the spirit of the team is unmatched. They are a welcome addition to the Red Wolves and have already made a tremendous impact both on and off the ice. Congratulations on obtaining the C this season! ASSISTANT CAPTAIN: D - Siyan Yasilievich - @badcolethetitan Equally active in the locker room and in spirit like Sogaard, Yasilievich contributed on day 1 right after we drafted him. Already making a mark in production and leadership, we are thrilled to have Yasilievich on the Red Wolves this season. Congratulations on obtaining one of the As this season! ASSISTANT CAPTAIN: D - Ryuji Sakamoto - @der meister A leader of experience and persistence, Sakamoto was a natural add to this leadership group, and the votes helped bolster that fact. Sakamoto is a force on the blue line and an extremely valuable member to the team in terms of defensive ability and stewardship. Congratulations on obtaining one of the As this season! ______ Without a doubt, I am eager to have these individuals lead our team to a successful season. Remember these names; the S83 Istanbul Red Wolves leadership on the ice may be one of the greatest groups in franchise history. I am proud to add their names to the growing history of the Red Wolves, and look forward to an incredible season!
  14. PRESS CONFERENCE - Week of April 24th, 2022 (Just answer at least 6 of the questions for 2 TPE) 1). The season has finally begun! What is your projection for our final record? 2). We started off going 2-2-0. How did you player do in those 4 games? 3). Guilty pleasure time: I freaking love the band ABBA and jam to them a lot at home. What is your guilty pleasure in music? 4). What is your dream career? 5). Who do you think will be the season's MVP for the Red Wolves at the end of S83? 6). What is your favorite type of candy? 7). Everyone has a dream car, what's yours? 8). What is your locker room tradition before a game? 9). Hypothetical: You have been chosen to be the first human to step foot on Mars! But the mission requires two astronauts. Who in the VHL community would you pick to go along with you? (tag them here to let them know!)
  15. F - Sigard Petrenko Apologize for the delay, @BOOMyou’re up!
  16. 1). Absolutely, in the words of Alexander before he marched forth against the armies of Persia, "Let's do it!" 2). I don't think we will lead the EU conference, and may finished 3rd. But I think we will surprise a lot of people in the playoffs! 4). I've been traded twice, both of which were in the E. It wasn't too bad of a process! 5). I think our depth is going to be tough on us this season. We've got some new players coming up, so we just need to get them seasoned. 6). Honestly, not super sure there would be one. I'm just here to play my game 7). Aisle. Window seats tend to give me no room to lean and I usually end up pressed against the side of the plane. Aisle seats give me the option to lean out into the aisle a little.
  17. S83 super coach is listed over there

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