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Everything posted by KaleebtheMighty

  1. Thanks again for the trade talks @Laine!! @Daniel Janser let’s get to work!!
  2. 1). Yes, we will be fine! 2). We don’t need to trade anything. We have a great team and have all the pieces we need. Just need to figure out what meshes well together or see what strategies work better! 3). I’d go with Max Torq, they put up some good hits, SBs, and help keep us in games when it counts! 4). Steve is a great part of the locker room as is mattonelle! 5). An absolutely obnoxious sombrero 6). The Lynx
  3. Brag away, you're killing it in Oslo! You could very well be the standout player for Oslo when S81 is complete
  4. As a VHLE GM, and given the current environment, I wanted to try and garner some more attention with some power rankings for the VHLE. We're at the halfway point more or less, and why not toss some rankings around for this league as well as some standout players? (RANKINGS BASED SOLELY ON MY INDIVIDUAL RESEARCH AND OPINIONS) **POWER RANKINGS AS OF DECEMBER 14th, 2021** KaleebtheMighty's VHLE Power Rankings #1: Bratislava Watchmen (28-11-3, 59 points) *Currently ranked 1st in standings* Standout Player: John Baard @Birdman - 26G, 37A, 63 points out of 42 games played (1.5 ppg), +/- of 16 #2: Istanbul Red Wolves (28-12-2, 58 points) *Currently ranked 2nd in standings* Standout Player: The Red Menace @NickSunderbruch - 0.928 SV%, 2.84 GAA, 4 SO, 20 Wins out of 31 games played #3: Rome Gladiators (24-15-3, 51 points) *Currently ranked 4th in standings* Standout Player: Noah Mashford @Mashy - 16G, 38A, 54 points out of 28 games played (1.92 ppg), +/- of 23 #4: Cologne Express (24-13-5, 53 points) *Currently ranked 3rd in standings* Standout Player: Kyosti Karjalainen @UnkemptCL4PTP - 31G, 45A, 76 points out of 42 games played (1.81 ppg), +/- of 16 #5: Stockholm Vikings (21-12-9, 51 points) *Currently ranked 5th in standings* Standout Player: Aldwin Craig @Eldredman - 20G, 28A, 48 points out of 42 games played (1.14 ppg), 204 hits (4.86 per game) #6: Vasteras Iron Eagles (19-22-1, 39 points) *Currently ranked 6th in standings* Standout Player: Braxton Hunter @dshervill - 30G, 41A, 71 points out of 42 games played (1.69 ppg), 204 hits (4.86 per game) #7: Oslo Storm (15-24-3, 33 points) *Currently ranked 7th in standings* Standout Player: Brussels Sprout @Liberty_Cabbage - 37G, 39A, 76 points out of 42 games played (1.81 ppg), +/- of -5 #8: Geneva Rush (9-29-4, 22 points) *Currently ranked 8th in standings* Standout Player: Clinton Giftopoulos @Thranduil - 15G, 25A, 40 points out of 42 games played (0.86 ppg), 159 hits (3.79 per game) ____________________________ Now to take this a step further, I'd like to explore the possible playoff matchups that could occur with the top 2 teams from each conference advancing. This will be conducted using the standings as they sit currently. In the Northern Conference, the playoff matchup would be as follows: VS Right now, the games played between the 2 teams are even (regular season series is 3-3). But what I think the driving edge will be in this matchup is offense. Cologne has 4 current players in the top 10 in points for the season. The combination of those players will push them to the finals, but just barely. NORTHERN CONFERENCE PLAYOFF PREDICTION: COLOGNE beats STOCKHOLM in 7 In the Southern Conference, the playoff matchup would be as follows: VS The Red Wolves currently hold the lead in the regular season series against the Watchmen, having not lost a game to them (4-0). And I think a combination of their stellar goaltending and defensive game continues them forward into the finals. SOUTHERN CONFERENCE PLAYOFF PREDICTION: ISTANBUL beats BRATISLAVA in 5 Now of course I'm not going to make any predictions for the finals, because I don't want to say anything that jinxes anything. And of course this could have worked as a media spot but I already bought a free week due to the fact of my daughter being born last Friday and I was unsure how much time I was going to have. Ah well. Hope you enjoyed this!
  5. Tornados = very scary 🌪️

    1. UnknownMinion


      what happen are you okay 😮

    2. KaleebtheMighty


      Look up Quad state tornado and Bowling Green, KY tornado. Lots of tornados across the US yesterday evening.

    3. nurx


      agree staying up in case of tornadoes no fun. Do hope anyone involved in the tornadoes is doing as well as they can do following that experience..

  6. After a long week of trips back and forth to labor and delivery due to some little red flags, happy to say that my baby girl was finally born this morning! 👨‍🍼

  7. Oh I didn’t take your podcast as a concern towards my GM role specifically! Rather an overall concern that as someone in that role I can do something about in a way. And I agree with it being more of an entry level ordeal, but I also understand why some veterans were brought in initially to start it off. Thanks again for your podcast and discussion points, and when I have a free moment I’d be more than happy to invite you into the Red Wolves locker room!
  8. I honestly appreciate your take on the culture of the E as a whole. We do need to do better. And I think things are stagnating right now to the point of it being a bit dead in terms of involvement. We need to fix it. And I think the start up of this league, being a bit rocky and clunky the past 2 seasons, has hurt it as well. This might be a call for a lot of the VHLE GMs to start working on things to make it seem more exciting and meaningful. I’ll admit, right now it seems like a bump in the road on the way to the VHL. It needs some creativity and passion, but - as it was mentioned - some of us GMs have gotten complacent. Myself included. I think it’s time to get to work on this. Regardless of people’s current opinions, it’s on the GMs and management to kick things into gear here.
  9. PRESS CONFERENCE - Week of December 5th, 2021 (Just answer at least 6 of the questions for 2 TPE) 1). This season has finally started! How do you feel we kicked things off? 2). What are your goals for your player this season? 3). Who so far has been a stand out player on the team? 4). What is your favorite candy bar? 5). Are you an early bird or a night owl? 6). PC or Mac? 7). Which other VHLE team do you think we have a rivalry with? 8). What is your prediction for our final record at the end of the season? (Mine is 46-18-8) 9). Hypothetical: you can now only watch one Christmas movie every year at Christmas for the rest of your life. What is that go to Christmas movie?
  10. Soft with beef/chicken/pork/chorizo. Pretty much any protein with the right seasoning. Get some cheese in there, chop some tomatoes, some onions, make some guacamole, and add some hot sauce. Pile it high, try to fold it, give up, hold it folded in half, eat it, then grab a fork and eat the stuff that falls out onto your plate when you’re done with the taco.
  11. The Istanbul Red Wolves have made a free agency offer to Napoleon Bonaparte.
  12. The Istanbul Red Wolves have made a Free Agency Offer to Kloxified.
  13. G - Rara Rasputin D - Tui Sova @teknonym
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