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Everything posted by gregreg

  1. When the train starts a rolling, there is no stopping it!
  2. gregreg

    COL/SEA ; S50

    TO D - Arcturus Mengsk (85%) S52 2nd TO S52 1st I accept, to be processed after game 41
  3. Got to start a rivarly some where and here seemed like a good place Fuck Davos and their shitty team. Riga is better
  4. Hey people sometimes make dumb mistakes and robbie makes them all the time. No shocker here
  5. where is the triples week! Happy Birthday VHL!
  6. I don't think they will regret it with just this move
  7. SWC3 is joing the Express cause we have an express lane to winning and he knows it #fuckseattle #fucktoronto #fuckdavos

  8. there is the first trade of the off-season!!
  9. Still no trades?? 

  10. PM coming but to show that Cologne is interested S50: $3 000 000*NTC S51: $3 000 000*NTC **PO
  11. @Draper you can give him LR access to Cologne
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