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Everything posted by gregreg

  1. Yeah guys you don't have to have two players. You will have the option no one will force you to make two players
  2. So we can agree that you can do two PTs but not two welfares
  3. And if you want two players you will have to do PTs Something we could do is one player must be a PTs player and the other is a welfare player. Letting new members if they do PTs be able to beat out the doubles in drafts
  4. Yeah totally fine if all you can do is welfare that's great but it probably means you can't run two players either if you can't spend 30mins on a graphic or writing something
  5. and will actually make people do them instead of claiming welfare every week
  6. go vote and maybe we will get a better idea if we should move forward VOTE
  7. Vote if you would or wouldn't like to see the option of creating two players  

  8. As discussed in this thread
  9. It's something we would have to figure out for sure.
  10. If you had to have at minimum 4 seasons (At S50 deadline) between players and every active player in that age group recreated next season you'd have 22 new players but that is a bit much for one draft. S48 - 3 seasons - 7 new players S47 - 4 seasons - 8 new players S46 - 5 seasons - 5 new players S45 - 6 seasons - 9 new players
  11. Have to be 4 seasons apart maybe?? I'm happy to help figure this out to see if we can make this work!
  12. I like the idea of two players more and more. It would create more activity and buzz around the league. Something needs to be added for us oldies to add some excitement
  13. I was thinking once you reach your 5th season you have the option to recreate. Having people go the full 8 more often
  14. 2 goalies in S49 draft and....... they're gone
  15. #Victatorship2016

  16. Come to Cologne @boubabi I'll even give Stockholm something in return
  17. another thing is I'm still in the Saskatoon and Ottawa LRs which is a pain in the ass
  18. as a GM I spend most of my time on the bottom half of the forum so why wouldn't I want it there
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