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Everything posted by gregreg

  1. What we should be looking at is the most important lottery in Canadian history that happens on Saturday
  2. and the stock keeps going down
  3. #Cologne4Cup

    1. JPL


      I'll root for you guys since I was on the team for a few minutes :lol:

  4. It begins now! #Cologne4Cup
  5. Yes cause i lost to a bad team. Must be something wrong.
  6. I demand a resim cause I want one
  7. He is just scared of playing the dominate team that is the Cologne Express
  8. I demand a re-sim of the entire season 

    1. JPL


      I second this.

    2. Phil


      I'll take it

  9. Thanks for wasting our time random member
  10. sorry but these games mean very little and you're wasting our time. They'll fix the problem and move on.
  11. is that a terrible joke or something that is actually happening?
  12. I'm hiring Solas then and I'll give him the job in a couple seasons You're just opening up a loop hole you don't have to. Jack is the GM now and boubabi can help him but is not the GM
  13. I'd be okay with this is Jack wasn't a CO-GM for a season. Give him the job or don't. Everything would be done correctly if he was named the GM
  14. gregreg

    COL/DAV ; S48

    Until you go to the free agency page
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