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Everything posted by gregreg

  1. Sundberg finally having a game. suck it Quebec
  2. Just cause I'm not there doesn't mean the team should act any different lol
  3. 100% chance we don't get another sim today
  4. Dav G can't be stopped
  5. yeah TPE means very little when compairing players but only allowing 18 goals is pretty good
  6. Riga has the best defense tbh
  7. Montreal is average which means they're a playoff team but if Price isn't stealing every game they run into problems
  8. cause without Price they're an average team
  9. one of my three cups.... but damn that team was good
  10. nice easy game to get into it
  11. Player Name: Devin Sundberg VHL Team: HC DAVOS DYNAMO Cash you have: 5M Purchase Name: Triple prediction Cost of Purchase: 5M Cash Left: 0
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