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Everything posted by gregreg

  1. if he doesn't sim before 9pm, he is banned for life
  2. I'm now going to take over
  3. We only have Higgins left.. We fucked
  4. Was really disappointed that this wasn't jardy's thread
  5. This doesn't belong here but the vhlm is full of noobs. Good effort
  6. Time for a different simmer or a better sim team cause these late simmed games suck
  7. shit, was it a junior refing crew?
  8. It's past mid-season, all the gms will be looking towards making off-season moves at this point so makes sense to do it now
  9. The deadline has passed and I’m still a member of the Toronto Legion so why not rank the teams that I might go to in the off-season as a free agent for the first time. 1 – : Come on now I’ve never jump ship and the likely hood that I do it now 31 seasons into my VHL career is pretty low. Edgar has done a good job of building a really good group of prospects and has drafted really well, they’re the team of the future but it might take a couple more seasons to see that come true. 2 – : Another easy choice for me, I spend 25+ seasons there and I will always have them as a top option. They have a very good, young goalie and two very good wingers just need that number 1 center/ veteran to put them closer to a playoff spot. Could be a long wait for a Cup which is something to think about. 3 – Vast… : Even though they have yet again left Vasteras, I was drafted by this franchise and when I was I wanted to help get them back to winning. Stockholm has a lot of picks and talents but are missing a goalie which is a huge problem. 4 – : This might change if they decide to rebuild in the off-season but I’d love to take a run at the cup with the Reign. A very deep team that could use another weapon up front but age might have finally caught up to them. 5 – : The Express have had a soft spot for me since they enter the League. They have a very good group of players and a decent goalie. Will be a threat to win a cup for seasons to come and would be a great group to sign long term with. 6 – : Like Riga they are in the group of older teams but are a threat to win a cup this season and next. If they decide to rebuild they would slide down the list, if not they would be an easy one and done team. 7 – : Will be a playoff team for the next couple seasons and could really use a good player to help them win a cup so… yeah they’re an option 8 – : A team when I was drafted that looked like a team that couldn’t be stopped have kind of plateaued and don’t look that great going forward. Have an aging goalie and a bunch of semi good players with no prospects in the system. 9 – : Love the GM, been a member of Davos a couple of times and wouldn’t have a problem with them. They just are in the start of their rebuild and I’m heading towards the prime of my career. Just isn’t a fit 10 – : Going to start a rebuild soon and that’s just not for me right now. YOU ALL KNOW I’M NOT LEAVING TORONTO But thanks for reading this crap will update in 2 weeks
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