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  1. Like
    TownBizness got a reaction from Spartan in Hampton on Prague’s Win   
    Back home for the off-season, ESPN radio recently caught up with Fred Hampton. Here’s some of his comments regarding the off-season and his previous season for Prague. 

    “I’m still a little shocked to be honest. Shocked in a good way of course. Being a champion is always an amazing thing. It’s always something that takes a lot of work and it’s something that our entire team set out to do during last seasons training camp. We knew we had a good team; we knew we had a shot. We just needed to put in that effort and make it happen. And we did that. As we prepared for the finals, we knew we saw a great opponent in front of us. We knew it would be tough. But ultimately we simply saw them as standing in our way. Fast forward and we did what we needed to do and we danced on that ice. I’d of course want to give a shout out to my teammates and the coaching staff for making this happen. It’s a we over me thing always and we did that!  I’m looking forward to being back and making a run for a back to back championship. Let’s get it.”
  2. Like
    TownBizness got a reaction from Frank in Hampton on Prague’s Win   
    Back home for the off-season, ESPN radio recently caught up with Fred Hampton. Here’s some of his comments regarding the off-season and his previous season for Prague. 

    “I’m still a little shocked to be honest. Shocked in a good way of course. Being a champion is always an amazing thing. It’s always something that takes a lot of work and it’s something that our entire team set out to do during last seasons training camp. We knew we had a good team; we knew we had a shot. We just needed to put in that effort and make it happen. And we did that. As we prepared for the finals, we knew we saw a great opponent in front of us. We knew it would be tough. But ultimately we simply saw them as standing in our way. Fast forward and we did what we needed to do and we danced on that ice. I’d of course want to give a shout out to my teammates and the coaching staff for making this happen. It’s a we over me thing always and we did that!  I’m looking forward to being back and making a run for a back to back championship. Let’s get it.”
  3. Like
    TownBizness got a reaction from Acydburn in Hampton’s Plans   
    Fred Hampton on off-season plans:

    “My main goal is just to continue to improve. I realize I’m in a position that my agency has not had to navigate before — that is, actually representing a talented and capable player. Ultimately I want to try and become the best player that I can become, someone who can not only score himself but also get his teammates involved. And not only is this improvement a benefit for myself, it’s always a benefit for the entire Prague organization. We’re only going to be as strong as our weakest link and it’s up to every single player to try and raise their game. That’s my goal. To train this off season to continue to raise my floor. I got a lot more shots on goal this season but my conversion rate was not where I wanted it to be. That’s something that I really want to work on. I believe the coaching staff will continue to get the best out of me and my teammates moving ahead and I’m looking forward to seeing that development.”
  4. Like
    TownBizness got a reaction from BOOM in Hampton's Highlights   
    Fred Hampton has been putting together a highlight reel of clips over the course of this past season.  Whether it is flashy assists, bone breaking checks or logic defying goals, there's been a multitude of jaw dropping moments for the young player.  The problem is that he's only been able to see limited time on the ice this season.  If you ask him is that a problem, the young player will say absolutely not.  We recently caught up with him and asked him about his confidence and his desires for more playing time.  Here's what he had to say:
    "Do I want to play more?  Absolutely.  I mean, every player should want to compete and play more.  That's what competition is all about.  Do I believe that I can positively impact my team on the ice?  Of course.  But I also know that I need to be patient and wait my turn.  I just need to keep on working and my time will come.  And when that time comes, I will be ready."
  5. Fire
    TownBizness got a reaction from leandrofg in Hampton’s New Beginning   
    Recently VHL.com caught up with Fred Hampton and asked his thoughts on the upcoming season. Here’s what the forward has to say:
    “I am looking forward to it. I am finally in the big leagues. These last few seasons have been amazing and I’ve been fortunate enough to achieve both individual and team success. It’s bittersweet in that sense. On one hand to leave a place where you finally felt comfortable with, a place where you shining and succeeding, a place where you felt supported is always a hard thing. My agent has said that this is the first time he’s felt that support in the VHL. However, on the other hand, I’m excited to a new opportunity and a new challenge. I’ve been able to get in contact with my General Manager and we’ve been able to get a plan of an attack heading forward. Now am I expecting to have the same impact on the ice that I had before?  Absolutely not. That would be foolish. I’m still far less skilled than a lot of these guys. Regardless, I’m finally at a place where I can go hard in my training and develop quickly. I’m just hoping to be a contributor on a winning team. Let’s go!”
  6. Like
    TownBizness got a reaction from Triller in Hampton’s New Beginning   
    Recently VHL.com caught up with Fred Hampton and asked his thoughts on the upcoming season. Here’s what the forward has to say:
    “I am looking forward to it. I am finally in the big leagues. These last few seasons have been amazing and I’ve been fortunate enough to achieve both individual and team success. It’s bittersweet in that sense. On one hand to leave a place where you finally felt comfortable with, a place where you shining and succeeding, a place where you felt supported is always a hard thing. My agent has said that this is the first time he’s felt that support in the VHL. However, on the other hand, I’m excited to a new opportunity and a new challenge. I’ve been able to get in contact with my General Manager and we’ve been able to get a plan of an attack heading forward. Now am I expecting to have the same impact on the ice that I had before?  Absolutely not. That would be foolish. I’m still far less skilled than a lot of these guys. Regardless, I’m finally at a place where I can go hard in my training and develop quickly. I’m just hoping to be a contributor on a winning team. Let’s go!”
  7. Like
    TownBizness got a reaction from jacobcarson877 in Fred Hampton on moving forward...   
    Fred Hampton recently released this statement:
    "First of all I want to thank God for this opportunity to be a professional hockey player.  It's something that I wasn't sure if I would be any good at but I've found some success.  Additionally, moving forward, I want to thank my player agency and general manager TownBizness for their continued support and guidance. I know he's better acclimated for the basketball world but he's been making some inroads here in the VHL world.  
    It's not easy to break into the professional hockey world.  There's some incredible talent around the league from legendary players and other legendary agencies.  In many ways, I've been a fish out of water.  As has he.  Regardless, I wouldn't be where I am today without their help. 
    However, I do feel like I'm not able to train and develop at the pace I want to. Well rather, I've realized that without an uptick in my training regiment, my cap as a player will always be limited.  All in all, I'm hungry to improve my game and make a name for myself in the league.  
    I know that I'm still a young player and that it takes time to develop the skills and experience necessary to succeed in this sport but that moment is coming where I either stay a roleplayer or potentially make a bigger move to something else.  I firmly believe that with the right training and support, I could be a real asset to any team. I'm going to keep pushing myself to work harder, to train smarter, and to learn everything I can about this sport.  I want to be better.
    The good news is that I will be better moving forward. With additional resources and help from my agency TownBizness, I will be able to progress at a faster rate.  I will be able to earn more development hours and practice harder to boost my skills.  VHL here I come -- let's see what we can do!
  8. Like
    TownBizness got a reaction from jacobcarson877 in Fred Hampton on the New Year   
    VHL.com recently caught up with forward Fred Hampton. After a slight delay in his training during the off season, here’s what he had to say about the current season at hand:
    “I approach every season in the VHL with the same mindset, to give it my all and leave everything on the ice. As seen with the success from last year, I trust in my coach and my team, and know that if I continue to work hard and improve every day, I will be in a good position to succeed; both as a team and individually.  I keep telling myself to focus on the process, trust in my training and preparation, and let the results take care of themselves. I also believe in the power of teamwork and know that collectively, we are stronger than any individual. So, I will do my part, trust in my teammates to do theirs, and together, as a team, we will strive to match or surpass last year's award-winning season. By putting in the work and trusting in each other, the sky's the limit for what we can accomplish."
  9. Fire
    TownBizness got a reaction from leandrofg in [S87] (S84) Fred Hampton   
  10. Like
    TownBizness got a reaction from Frank in Fred Hampton on Playing in Vegas Again   
    VHL.COM recently caught up with wing Fred Hampton post the recent draft and first set of games. Here’s what the young player had to say about those events:

    “I was elated to hear Las Vegas call my name in the draft. I know that I become eligible a little bit later last season so I would have to enter the draft. There were several teams that reached out to me about playing there, and to be honest, I did not necessarily have a strong lean one way or the other. However, when Shindigs and Vegas reached out, I was definitely hopeful that they would be able to draft me. Even though coach said it was probably not likely, this was a spot where I knew I could thrive. When he reached out to my agent and let him know that I was coming back to Sin City, I was all smiles. The coach has been incredibly hands on and supportive with my training and I hope to serve him well as the team competes night in and night out..”
  11. Like
    TownBizness reacted to Shindigs in S83 Las Vegas Awards (for real this time)   
    Welcome to the S83 Las Vegas Aces Award Ceremony, presented by Clue Glue™
    After a great season ending with us as the Founder's Cup Champions. It's my pleasure to give out this years awards for the most prolific Aces. The awards that will be presented today are the following:
    1. MVP
    2. Playoff MVP
    3. Points Leader
    4. Goals Leader
    5. Assist Leader
    6. Top Offensive Defenseman
    7. Top Defensive Defenseman
    8. Top Goalie
    9. Lowest GAA Goalie
    10. Top Rookie
    11. Top Waiver Player
    12. Top Two-Way Forward
    13. Top Power Forward
    14. Top TPE Earner
    15. Most High Roller Awards*
    16. Top Leader
    *The High Roller Award is awarded every week between the week ending after the VHLM draft and the last week of the playoffs. To the player on the team that earned the most total TPE that week.
    So let's get going shall we?
    Aces MVP
    Our nominees are:
    Dogwood Maple @dogwoodmaple
    Velociraptor Greg @samx
    Travis Clark @ClarkClanT
    James Kagelberg @MatiasMa
    And the winner of the Aces MVP Award is *drumroll* Dogwood Maple @dogwoodmaple!
    Dogwood Maple was our best offensive producer in Even Strength, while also being our best possession specialist among our forwards. He was our rock on the 1st line and afforded us the luxury of stacking our 2nd line while still making the 1st line elite in its own right.
    Aces Playoff MVP
    Our nominees are:
    Travis Clark @ClarkClanT
    William Futch @Futch
    Velociraptor Greg @samx
    Rustyov Dusterov @LanerDUST
    With how many players we had putting up big performances this list could have easily been made longer than those 4. But are the ones we finally got it down to.
    The winner of the Aces Playoff MVP Award is ... William Futch @Futch!
    Despite playing on the 3rd line and 2nd PP/PK unit. William put up numbers that equaled the players getting the most minutes, while also having the best FO% of anyone in the playoffs. He made our 3rd line a force to be reckoned with and let us win games while our top 6 was on the bench. That's huge! But Laner also had a huge playoffs, probably making him 2nd in line for it in my eyes.
    Now we're moving on to the statistical awards, no voting required. Simon took care of that for us! <insert laugh track>
    Aces Points Leader
    James Kagelberg @MatiasMa
    With 88 points on the season, our 4th round pick from this season's draft took the league by storm in his rookie season and was a huge part of why our 2nd line was the most dominant line in the entire league this regular season. 
    But don't get off the stage just yet James, there's more to come!
    Aces Goals Leader
    James Kagelberg @MatiasMa
    Yes, it's James again! With 37 Goals on the season he lead not just the Aces, but the entire league in his rookie campaign. That's no small feat and we in the Vegas organization consider ourselves very fortunate that James just barely stayed below the cut-off and has decided to stay with Vegas for the S84 campaign. Will he go for a repeat? We can only hope so!
    Aces Assists Leader
    Velociraptor Greg @samx
    With 62 assists on the season our very own velociraptor was 9 ahead of the next closest Ace. No small feat for a creature that realistically shouldn't even be able to hold a stick, much less use it to be an elite playmaker from the point.
    Since Greg is already on the stage, and moving a raptor about the premise is a bit scary at the best of times, we might as well ask Greg to stay on the stage for the next award too.
    Aces Top Offensive Defenseman
    Gruffud Theofylaktos @JigglyGumballs
    Velociraptor Greg @samx
    And as you may have guessed by Greg not leaving the stage, the winner is Velociraptor Greg @samx!
    Greg's role on Vegas PP can't be understated this season. It simply would have been the same without the raptor praying on our opposition's weaknesses. Having easily put up the most PP minutes of any Ace and being a huge driving factor behind our strong end to the regular season and playoff alike. We couldn't have done it without Greg!
    Aces Top Defensive Defenseman
    Juan Ceson @dylanjj37
    Gruffud Theofylaktos @JigglyGumballs
    Jimmy MacElroy @Xflexz
    The race for this award was surprisingly close, but in the end it has to go to ... Jimmy MacElroy @Xflexz!
    Both Juan and Jimmy were throwing the body around alongside their super solid defensive play all season long. So and argument could be made for either of them. But Jimmy just barely edged out Juan on the possession side of things, while putting up an impressive 101 Shot Blocks, 30 more than Juan with 71. In the end that was enough to give Jimmy the edge. He was absolutely elite defensively and put up numbers I'd honestly never seen before the hybrid era. We are honored to have him with us again in S84 and wouldn't be surprised to see him going for a repeat!
    Aces Top Goalie
    Travis Clark @ClarkClanT
    Cory Evans @Spaceium
    And the winner, as expected, is Travis Clark @ClarkClanT!
    As impressive as the things Cory managed to do as a backup was this season, this award has to go to Travis. He was statistically arguably the best goalie in the entire VHLM this season despite only getting starts against the harder teams. He was very consistent with bad games being very few and far between. Giving us the peace of mind to play our defensively responsible game that ultimately lead to us holding the top 9 spots on the +/- Leaderboard in the VHLM. It wouldn't have been possible without Travis performance.
    Lowest GAA Goalie
    Cory Evans @Spaceium
    Despite his 21 games not counting as "enough" games to be on the STHS leaderboards, I consider it more than enough that his performance this season deserves an award. With a 1.37 GAA he was second to none, leading to him going 21-0-0 this season and picking up his new nickname "Unbeaten Goalie" in the Las Vegas LR. As Cory will still be with us in S84 I'm looking forward to seeing how he will build on this performance in the starter role.
    Aces Top Rookie
    Velociraptor Greg @samx
    Jimmy MacElroy @Xflexz
    James Kagelberg @MatiasMa
    Dogwood Maple @dogwoodmaple
    Well, when the team MVP is almost in the Top Rookie race, it kind of goes without saying who will get it. You guessed it, it's Dogwood Maple @dogwoodmaple!
    Dogwood takes the stage again. Every single one of our rookies this season lead the team in something. But the one player that was consistently near the top in every single aspect was Dogwood Maple. Which makes him just barely edge out the others in my book. A great performance all around!
    Aces Top Waiver Player
    William Futch @Futch
    Gruffud Theofylaktos @JigglyGumballs
    Fred Hampton @TownBizness
    Andrew Tate @Pisco
    The winner is, our very own faceoff specialist ... William Futch @Futch!
    William Futch takes this one hands down, as instrumental as Gruff was in holding down the fort on our 2nd D pairing. The things William managed to do from the 3rd line, both in the regular season and the playoffs is very impressive. If we didn't get him on waivers we didn't win this cup. It's really that simply in my eyes.
    Aces Top Two-Way Forward
    Rustyov Dusterov @LanerDUST
    Blake MacTavish @Blakemac22
    Dogwood Maple @dogwoodmaple
    William Futch @Futch
    This one was quite close on the defensive end of things, with all of them having very comparable possession game. But at then end of the day it has to go to Dogwood Maple @dogwoodmaple!
    This one is close, Futch had amazing possession numbers but his Even Strength production just wasn't quite there in the regular season. He turned it on in the playoffs. But Dogwood was doing much of the same from day 1 of the season all the way to the end. So it has to go to Dogwood, as both our top point producer per minutes played and our best possession guy during Even Strength. Blake was hot on his tail for the defensive side of things, but the offense just wasn't quite on the same level. And Rustyov was more of a PP specialist for us than a two-way forward. Even though he ended up with two-way numbers for the role he filled.
    Aces Top Power Forward
    Anton Bielas @Shawner40
    Blake MacTavish @Blakemac22
    Both of them were great in the role as power forward, but one one can win it and that one is Blake MacTavish @Blakemac22!
    Blake really just did everything you could ask of a Power Forward this season. He had top 10 FO%, was up there in hits for forwards and put up goals, assists and points at a very good pace. Simply put if Blake was on the ice. You were probably about to have a bad shift as the opposition.
    Time for a couple statistical awards again to mix it up!
    Aces Top TPE Earner
    Dogwood Maple @dogwoodmaple
    With 184 TPE earned from his first full week on the Aces to his last week on the Aces. He comfortably coasted to first place in most TPE earned. Much as I had anticipated he would before the season started. Great job on the consistent competitive max earning Dogwood!
    Aces Most High Roller Awards
    Dogwood Maple @dogwoodmaple
    I had anticipated he would run away with this more than he did to be perfectly honest. That's not cause he didn't earn as much as I expected though, but rather because we had a lot of player step up with huge weeks here and there. I mean Juan Ceson actually won this once, that's a miracle if I ever heard of one! But when all was said and done, Dogwood won the High Roller 4 times. Sam won it twice and all other winners were one-offs.
    This brings us to the final award of the ceremony!
    Aces Top Leader
    Dogwood Maple @dogwoodmaple
    Blake MacTavish @Blakemac22
    Velociraptor Greg @samx
    Juan Ceson @dylanjj37
    The winner is *drumroll* Juan Ceson @dylanjj37!
    Who else but our beloved Captain Best Bot Ever could get this award? Now realistically this award is given to whoever was the most active in our Discord LR. Which is still Juan Ceson aka. Captain Best Bot Ever. But he also was the leader we all needed on the ice, by BEEPing the opponents to bits! (BEEP is bot-speak for hitting)
    That concludes our Vegas Awards for S83. Now regardless of it you won/didn't win awards and if you got nominated or not. It was a pleasure having you on the Aces and I wish all of you the best of luck in your future VHL careers if you're moving on from Vegas after S83. For those of you who are still here, let's go again. Shall we?
  12. Like
    TownBizness got a reaction from Shindigs in Las Vegas Radio on New Aces Wing Fred Hampton   
    Late night sports talk radio in Las Vegas, Nevada was recently discussing their development hockey team the Las Vegas Aces.  When discussing new prospects, the new wing Fred Hampton's name was briefly mentioned.  Here's a transcript that was recently posted on the internet about what the hosts had to say about the relatively unknown player.
    Host #1:  I really think this move really doesn't move the needle much.  He's a wing.  Great.  But with the make up of this team right now, I just don't know if we're going to see him make a difference.
    Host #2:  I think there's some potential.  I mean, maybe he's never a star.  But sometimes the name of the game is to find dependable prospects that you can at least count on week in and week out to do better and if he can do the little things to help the team win, I'm completely happy with that.
    Host #1:  We shall see.  His agency isn't super familiar in these parts, more of a basketball guy, but the last prospect they tried to develop was pretty lackluster.  Obviously I wish the kid luck but I'm not holding my breath for more than a journeyman at the end of the day.
  13. Like
    TownBizness got a reaction from Jack Johnson in Las Vegas Radio on New Aces Wing Fred Hampton   
    Late night sports talk radio in Las Vegas, Nevada was recently discussing their development hockey team the Las Vegas Aces.  When discussing new prospects, the new wing Fred Hampton's name was briefly mentioned.  Here's a transcript that was recently posted on the internet about what the hosts had to say about the relatively unknown player.
    Host #1:  I really think this move really doesn't move the needle much.  He's a wing.  Great.  But with the make up of this team right now, I just don't know if we're going to see him make a difference.
    Host #2:  I think there's some potential.  I mean, maybe he's never a star.  But sometimes the name of the game is to find dependable prospects that you can at least count on week in and week out to do better and if he can do the little things to help the team win, I'm completely happy with that.
    Host #1:  We shall see.  His agency isn't super familiar in these parts, more of a basketball guy, but the last prospect they tried to develop was pretty lackluster.  Obviously I wish the kid luck but I'm not holding my breath for more than a journeyman at the end of the day.
  14. Cheers
    TownBizness got a reaction from jacobcarson877 in Las Vegas Radio on New Aces Wing Fred Hampton   
    Late night sports talk radio in Las Vegas, Nevada was recently discussing their development hockey team the Las Vegas Aces.  When discussing new prospects, the new wing Fred Hampton's name was briefly mentioned.  Here's a transcript that was recently posted on the internet about what the hosts had to say about the relatively unknown player.
    Host #1:  I really think this move really doesn't move the needle much.  He's a wing.  Great.  But with the make up of this team right now, I just don't know if we're going to see him make a difference.
    Host #2:  I think there's some potential.  I mean, maybe he's never a star.  But sometimes the name of the game is to find dependable prospects that you can at least count on week in and week out to do better and if he can do the little things to help the team win, I'm completely happy with that.
    Host #1:  We shall see.  His agency isn't super familiar in these parts, more of a basketball guy, but the last prospect they tried to develop was pretty lackluster.  Obviously I wish the kid luck but I'm not holding my breath for more than a journeyman at the end of the day.
  15. Fire
    TownBizness got a reaction from Shindigs in (S84) LW - Fred Hampton, TPE: 96   
    Hampton is All In. @Shindigs
  16. Like
    TownBizness got a reaction from jacobcarson877 in (S84) LW - Fred Hampton, TPE: 96   
    Hampton is All In. @Shindigs
  17. Like
    TownBizness got a reaction from Frank in (S84) LW - Fred Hampton, TPE: 96   
    Hampton is All In. @Shindigs
  18. Fire
    TownBizness got a reaction from Frank in (S84) LW - Fred Hampton, TPE: 96   
    Player Information
    Username: TownBizness
    Player Name: Fred Hampton
    Recruited From: Returning
    Age: 21
    Position: LW
    Height: 80 in.
    Weight: 250 lbs.
    Birthplace: Canada

    Player Page
    @VHLM GM
  19. Fire
    TownBizness got a reaction from frescoelmo in Player Curiosities   
    TownBizness Sports Management, whose previous player Kid Frost called it a career a few seasons ago recently released this statement:
    Another month has passed and I’m still on the fence. Not on the fence about whether or not to bring a new hockey talent to the VHL — but on the fence about the type of talent I need to be scouting.
    Previously I had my heart set on finding the next great — well starting caliber scoring wing. All things considered, Kid Frost never really found his groove. He bounced around a lot — only one GM really took the time out to check on him. I’m not bitter, it is what it is for a marginal talent.
    This time around I’m just not sure the type of talent I should be evaluating.  So I’m looking for some input in advance — that is if anyone is willing to read and reach out. 

    I’ve been attending some amateur hockey  camps around North America, trying to find a hidden gem — but sometimes I’m not quite sure what I should be looking for. 
    I know my agency is not a blue chip name when it comes to hockey so an elite scorer may not be the best player for me to bring forward.
    Im thinking that a goalie could be a viable candidate. I think this could be relatively simple and strait forward allowing me to witness my player be successful on a member of a quality franchise. 
    I’m also carefully looking for a defensive player.  Maybe if I’m able to find a foster a no nonsense defensemen then I can carve out a role on a team in that capacity. Someone who may not score a ton but can be a tough guy enforcer and someone who can excel at preventing the other team from scoring. 
    Regardless, If there are any GMs or HCs out there who want to point me in the right direction, I’m all ears. 
    I am also unsure about how a mediocre agency here can best succeed with the hybrid attributes. 
  20. Like
    TownBizness got a reaction from Shindigs in Kid Frost's Career Nearing an End   
    As the career of First Generation forward Kid Frost comes to a screeching end, we came across this statement from his TownBizness Sports Management group about future prospects and plans within the VHL sphere moving forward:
    "Rest assured, our scouts are hard at work.  In addition to employing their services, I myself am currently scouring the globe for the next player to bring up within the agency under the VHL umbrella.  While our agency historically has heavily leaned towards basketball players in the scouting department, there has been some dabbling in the hockey realm as well and it's an area of growth.  While I know that Kid Frost was never an elite player, and was a mid to low level talent that bounced around various teams, we were certainly appreciative for the flexibility and grace that teams and general managers showed him over his career.  At this time we are also open to suggestions on how to maximize a player under the new hybrid attribute system.  Our lines are always open."
  21. Like
    TownBizness got a reaction from Nykonax in Kid Frost on being a Role Player   
    The Vancouver Tribune sports page recently caught up with Vancouver Wolves reserve Kid Frost at a charity appearance.  The forward was wrapping up a scholarship ship event at a local school when he was asked about his role on the team and how he manages that game in and game out.  Here's what he had to say:
    "In all honesty, I love it.  It's something that I've embraced from the start of my tenure here.  I'm a realist at heart and I knew that I was never going to matriculate into some superstar elite hockey player.  That wasn't my goal nor my focus.  I wanted to play a small role on a team that could compete and hopefully win a championship.  I wanted to help support the more dedicated and driven players on the team by doing the little things.  So I just stay ready.  Whatever moment my line is called, I skate in and I do my thing.  Need defense?  Sure.  Need a shot on goal?  Sure.  Need to just give energy and break for our studs?  Sure.  Whatever it takes is the motto and I'm completely happy with that."
  22. Like
    TownBizness got a reaction from hylands in Kid Frost on being a Role Player   
    The Vancouver Tribune sports page recently caught up with Vancouver Wolves reserve Kid Frost at a charity appearance.  The forward was wrapping up a scholarship ship event at a local school when he was asked about his role on the team and how he manages that game in and game out.  Here's what he had to say:
    "In all honesty, I love it.  It's something that I've embraced from the start of my tenure here.  I'm a realist at heart and I knew that I was never going to matriculate into some superstar elite hockey player.  That wasn't my goal nor my focus.  I wanted to play a small role on a team that could compete and hopefully win a championship.  I wanted to help support the more dedicated and driven players on the team by doing the little things.  So I just stay ready.  Whatever moment my line is called, I skate in and I do my thing.  Need defense?  Sure.  Need a shot on goal?  Sure.  Need to just give energy and break for our studs?  Sure.  Whatever it takes is the motto and I'm completely happy with that."
  23. Cheers
    TownBizness got a reaction from Nykonax in Kid Frost on Expansion   
    Victor Waller is a beat writer for the Vancouver Tribune.  He is currently assigned to the Vancouver Wolves of the prestigious SHL.  After making his rounds to the more notable stars of the team and franchise, he caught up with Kid Frost as he was exiting the team's practices facilities.  Speaking mostly on the recent expansion league announced, here's what the minor role player had to say about the whole ordeal and ultimately his decision to remain with Vancouver in the SHL.
    Kid Frost:  "Oh?  You wanted my thoughts on the recent expansion and my thought about what I ultimately decided?  It's definitely an interesting decision to be made by the league and I think it speaks to the number of of players who are developing and coming through the league.  To be able to expand in any capacity seems to be a positive indicator of a league's health.  In terms of myself, I was asked by a couple of teams if I'd like to be a part of their expansion franchise and I decided to pass.  While it's flattering and I assume it's partially created for players just like myself, after a quick conversation with my own general manager I decided to say put on Vancouver.  Sure I'm not a starter.  Sure I barely play.  But at the of the day, I'm serving a role that can help out my team and that was important for me to continue; especially since I'm so close to the cutoff point anyways.  Here's to pushing forward.  Thanks for asking."
  24. Hmmm
    TownBizness got a reaction from Nykonax in Kid Frost on his Mindset   
    The Vancouver Wolves ESPN Hockey Blogger recently caught up with Wolves' forward Kid Frost.  The young player has not been responsible for much on ice success of late.  Here's what the player had to say in an excerpt from this recent interview:
    "Vancouver is little lonely I'm not going to lie.  Well maybe that's just me and my experience as an outsider here.  It's not necessarily a knock on the coach or the organization, just an observation about my time here.  Needless to say, it's been a strange experience of late.  There's been very little communication on the team front.  I sort of clock in, do what I can, and then clock out.  The coach isn't necessarily checking in on my independently and ultimately that's his prerogative.  I know that different people operate differently and if it's working for him, that's all that matters.  And I fully understand that I'm not some blue chip prospect.  I'm not a current or future all-star, I'm just a small piece that happens to have a pulse.  I knew that coming in and I expected that."  
    On the team as a whole:
    "Obviously, I'm hoping for success from the Wolves and hopefully the franchise can grow into an elite organization. Any team I'm on I want to have success.  It's team over me.  So let's get it Wolves."
  25. Like
    TownBizness got a reaction from BOOM in Kid Frost on Progress   
    Local ESPN Radio show "Wildin' with the Wolfpack" recently caught up with VHL wingman Kid Frost.  While never the most talented nor most highly touted, Kid Frost continues to slowly but surely carve out a VHL career.  The host, Fuzzy Lupus, recently talked to Kid Frost about what motivated him to continue to chase a career, even amidst the face of uncertainty.  Here's what he Wolf himself had to say:
    "Fuzz!  That's a great question.  It's something that I've had to think about a few times.  What keeps Kid Frost motivated?  What makes me come back week in and week out and try to get better via practice.  It's a question that there's not necessarily a clear and concise answer to.  Hell, some people might even question his motivation at all.  However, the consistency of even try to improve via practice and training weekly is an example of motivation.  As one wise man said, 'slow motion is better than no motion.'  At the end, it's a long journey.  It's a marathon.  And as long as I get a little bit better each week, it's going to not only help myself out, but ultimately help out my coach and my teammates.  And to me, that counts for something.  While I may never be a star, and I've said that before, I definitely will be someone who's taking the slow road to success."
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