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OrbitingDeath last won the day on December 6 2023

OrbitingDeath had the most liked content!

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About OrbitingDeath

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  1. My cup winning rate has gone done since the rebrand if that helps. And technically Green is also no longer Green but 'NotAVHLMGM' as that account kept notifying me for stuff i shouldnt have had rights too. To call my rebrand succesfull in terms of winning stuff - nope, but in a matter of feeling better with the new name personally, hell yes.
  2. I successfully rebranded once and never looked back.
  3. Thats the one its based on yes, but just had to do the AI prompt to get him to show as a logo Wish I was that talented to have designed it like that
  4. (Please note: this is not being claimed - will use this for a Warsaw signature, but wanted to show the logo in full )
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