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Posts posted by Trunkxolotl

  1. Scouting Report: Tater Tottingham - How to Draft and Slow Cook a Tot



    Step 1: Inspect your potato
    Standing 6'3" and weighing nearly two hundred pounds, Tater Tottingham checks the box for what most GM's are looking in a new age prototypical defense men. Using his size combined with deceptive speed makes closing off offensive players remarkably easy for the young defense men, as he is quick to take away time and space from attackers. His strength on and off the puck, combined with a lack of fear of retrieving pucks from the dirty areas means Tottingham is rarely in his own end for long, and strong first pass often send his team the other way. Of course on the offensive side of the puck is quite possibly where his greatest strength is. Unafraid to shoot, while able to provide pin point passes sets him up to be a future power play quarterback, who can also kill penalties as needed. All of this combined with a high hockey IQ aims Tater towards joining the ranks of the 'new age' defensemen that has recently emerged.


    Step 2: Add some seasoning.
    Drafted 16th overall by the Mexico City Kings, Tater quickly settled into the role of a leader for the team on and off the ice. Despite being a new comer, he was named Captain and certainly led by example. By the end of the season, not only did he lead his team in points, Tater also finished first among defense men with 89 points, with an attonishing 27 of those being goals behind a staggering 12.39 shooting percentage. His point totals weren't inflated from power play time either, as only 14 of those goals and 22 of the assists came with the man advantage. Perhaps Tater's most staggering statistic however is the 29.66 minutes per game he averaged- while only recording 38 penalty minutes over the 72 game span. This high amount of ice time however could explain this prospect's low +29 considering their point total. In the playoffs, Tater's points per game dropped below 1, with 8 points in ten games, just one of which being goals and over half of his points coming on the power play.


    Step 3: Bake and let rest
    Tater likely still has at least another season before joining whatever VHL chooses to draft him, as the young defense men will hope to continue to make strides as he sets his eyes on Europe. Stepping up a league means Tater will no longer be able to dominate his peers as he did in the VHLM, and will have to rely on his IQ and natural talent to succeed rather than being able to bully his opponents with his size. On the ice and within the locker room, there is no foreseeable reason why Tater wont continue to be an active member and leader of whichever teams choose to draft him.


    Step 4: Enjoy!
    Tater Tottingham is a puck moving two-way defense men who uses his skill and size rather than physicality to separate his opponents from the puck before nearly immediately turning his focus up ice. A power play specialist, whose speed allows him to be the first man back and cover for any of his youthful mistakes, makes this young prospect the total package that will make any team that chooses him feel he was worth their pick.


  2. ♬"It's the most wonderful time of the year"♬




    🇨🇦GOALIES 🇨🇦


    G - Shaun Young - @shaun1979
    G - DJ Fire Dragon - @Firekiss


    🇨🇦FORWARDS 🇨🇦


    C - Tyler Busser - @lil z
    C - Jack Hextall - @Jack Feriancek
    C - Eldon Escobar - @TeeJay11
    C - Budnik McDangle - @Budnik
    LW - Cobalt Burns - @Ledge
    LW - Cole Caufield Jr - @weekz
    RW - Hayden Rain - @Rain
    RW - Luca Accardi - @LRJA
    RW - Molly the Cat - @JCarson


    🇨🇦 DEFENSE MEN 🇨🇦

    D - Doug Matchett - @jacobaa19
    D - Jared Carter the 2st -  @jaredc7
    D - Erik Finch - @Erikkef
    D - Tater Tottingham - @Trunkxolotl


    Welcome to the team and congratulations on your selections!

    We would love to see you in the WJC discord, and in the Team Canada locker room, which you can find a link to here:




  3. Hey @Bobcat I'm the GM of Team Clue, the more suoeriorly named, jersery and branded team of the JST, Junior Showcase Tournament, a small tournament consisting of five teams based around giving you chance to showcase your skills ahead of the VHLM draft and a chance to get to know the VHL and the people within it better! If you'd like to join our team please quote/reply to this message with #GetaClue! It's not actually our hashtag, but I havent figured out a better one yet that's not long like #ShindingsWithAHockeystickBehindTheZamboni. Actually, feel free to use either of them! Look forward to seeing you in the JST, good luck and welcome!

  4. 1 minute ago, Thunder said:


    Press Conference

    Week ending 08/14/2022

    (Answer Questions for 2 Capped TPE!)


    1. Mexico City made it look easy getting past the first round of the playoffs.  What do you see next for the Kings and what challenges are coming up?


    2.  What is your player doing differently in the playoffs?


    3.  Having the best defense in the league is only part of our success.  What else do you see as having a major impact on the team?


    4.  When you joined this team, did you expect to be surrounded by such talent and are you surprised to see Mexico City in the run for the cup?


    5.  Do you have any words of wisdom for Tucker or Swayman?


    6.  Do you prefer skiing or snowboarding?  Why?

    (Hiss Black Font in dark mode.)


    1. The second round is going to be rough no matter who we face, both SSK and LVA are good teams.


    2. Scoring a little bit less, focusing on defense more and making things easier for Tucker


    3. A defense is only as good as the goalies that bail them out. We also have the best tandem in the league in Swayman and Tucker. Gives our forwards the chance to take risks knowing whats behind them.


    4. I mean when I saw I got drafted to the same team as Tucker... again, I knew I would be surrounded by talent. So no, not surprised at all to be where we are.


    5. Yeah... don't join a team with no defense where youll face nearly 4000 shots against in a season.


    6. Snowboarding, and because its just more enjoyable. I've done both and skiing just feels boring in comparison.

  5. 23 minutes ago, Thunder said:



    Press Conference

    Week ending 08/07/2022

    (Answer Questions for 2 Capped TPE!)



    1.  The season is almost over and Houston is on our tail.  What do we do to keep them from overtaking us and gaining second place?


    2.  Are you happy with your player this season?


    3.  Which VHLE team do you think is going to surprise everyone in the playoffs?


    4.  What is your first memory of hockey?  Playing or otherwise?


    5.  How far in the playoffs do you expect Mexico City to go and why?


    6.  When was the last time you had a PBJ sandwich?


    (Please stop using black font, it hurts my darkmode soul)


    1. Stick to our game. Having two pairs of defense again I think it really going to help us out with whats going forward.


    2. Definitely! Most goals by a defensemen, and fighting for the lead in points is better then I could of ever hoped for.


    3. Honestly, I haven't paid much attention to the VHLE. Considering my last time around it didn't really exist lol


    4. I'm honestly trying to think, but I guess the one that sticks out the most that I remember would be Potvin decking the heck out of Hextall.


    5. ALL THE WAY BABY. In all honesty, I've never really been on a team with playoff success, and this is looking like a really good shot at getting it done this year.


    6. I don't really like peanut butter, so probably like 20 years lol

  6. From Couch Potato to Record Holder - The Tater Tot Interview

    Conducted by his estranged cousin: Tater Tottingham



    Hello there and welcome to Couch Potatoes, where I, Tater Tottingham interview the person who helped get me into hockey, my cousin Tater Tot. Now for those of you who don't know, Tater Tot is a former goalie of the VHL, debuting with the team that drafted him the Vancouver Wolves in Season 77 while going on to play with three other teams including London United, Warsaw Predators and finally the Los Angeles Stars where he retired in Season 83. Over those years he put up a .915 save percentage, and a somewhat respectable 3.84 GAA considering the high-scoring era he played in- and the notoriously bad teams he played for. Which brings us to the main topic of our interview today, with the recent 15th birthday of the VHL I decided to find out about the odd, record breaking season Tot had- where he faced nearly FOUR THOUSAND shots over 65 games for an average of SIXTY ONE shots PER game.


    Tot: "Why are you bringing up these memories for me?"


    Shush old man, it's not your turn to talk yet. Anyways, thank you for joining me-


    Tot: "You didn't give me a choice..."


    ...And hopefully my questions won't bring up any trauma. So I guess the first easy question is: What do you remember from that year?


    Tot: "Well, I remember it was my last year in London- things weren't exactly going that well, but it was my third full year with them so I was pretty comfortable and content with the team. That said, nothing really could of prepared me for the onslaught of pucks I faced game in and game out. Of course the game against the Stars sticks out too. 92 shots against I think it was? We lost 6-1, and I remember being so annoyed I took a slashing penalty in the third- which they scored on of course. I'd have nightmares of pucks flying at me, my defenders unconscious on the ice from blocking so many shots. I'd wake up in cold sweats."

    ...And that's why I'm not a goalie, but that is a fantastic Segway into my next question: Did you know that London also set the record for shot's blocked that season as well with 1272?


    Tot: "Those players in front of me were troopers. Though I think once we all kind of realized I was closing in on the VHL record they started letting some muffins past. It was kind of funny to be honest. We were so bad that it was like this one thing we all banded around and focused on. Helped keep the team's spirit high when the season was at it's worse."


    Well keeping on the track of sweet and wholesome, I know you and Henry Tucker were both drafted by the same VHL and VHLM team, and also came up to the big leagues the same year, while this past season both his son and I were also to the same VHLM team-


    Tot: "Are you winning?"


    ...yes. Anyways, I was just wondering do you think you had any influence on Tucker Jr becoming a goalie like his father's friend, and do you have any advice for us in the upcoming playoffs and drafts?


    Tot: "I mean, I'd like to think I had some influence on it but truth be told Tucker got to play in front of a lot better goalies then I did- not to mention he was lucky enough to stay with Vancouver through their dominant run. As for advice.. Well for Tucker Jr I would tell him to make sure he lets his defense know how much he appreciates them-"


    Yeah, can confirm that's important.


    Tot: "...so that's how that feels. Anyways, I was also going to say that my advice to you is somewhat similar. If you make a mistake, wither your goalie bails you out for it or not- make sure you apologize. Also don't do drugs, you wouldn't want to end up baked.




    Tot: "..."


    ...Alright well thank you for your time and I'll let you get back to retirement and enjoying the life of being a couch potato. Any final words?


    Tot: "Haters gonna hate, Potatoes gonna potate."


    I hate you, but thank you for you time, and for my dear readers if you're interested in any other of the VHL's surprising records, you can find a link to them here as well as a link to Tater Tot's career stats here.



  7. 3 minutes ago, Thunder said:


    Press Conference

    Week ending 07/31/2022

    (Answer Questions for 2 Capped TPE!)


    1.  Last week we dominated the offense and goal scoring.  How confident are you that we will be able to bring this energy into the playoffs?


    2.  So far this season, we’ve gone into overtime 10 games, losing 8 of those games.  Do you think doing more sand bags in training will help the endurance or should there be more focus on penalty shots?


    3.  Team Captain Tater Tots, leads the team in points.  What do you say about his consistent stellar performance?


    4.  When Henry Tucker was selected #1 overall, some thought GM Cole was taking a big risk by selecting a goalie first.  Now that Tucker has brought the Kings up in the standings and has proven to be a top goalie and contributor to the team, do you have anything to say to those other GMs?


    5.  We’re 52 games in and have separated from all teams except the Las Vegas Aces.  Should we push to try to pass them or be satisfied in second place going into the playoffs?


    6.  What is the biggest mountain you have climbed, hiked, biked, or driven up, and why did you go up?

    1. I don't think we can expect this kind of offense in the playoffs, but we've been having good defensive games lately which give me a lot of hope.


    2. I mean, I don't know about other players, but I've been money in the shootout. Maybe we need to try new players?


    3. I guess I gotta give the captain answer here, and say my success is from the people I'm surrounded by, but a special shoutout to my D partner that isnt far behind me.


    4. Don't ever doubt the Tucker and Tot connection. Also: Draft tucker and tot into the E together.


    5. 2nd place is fine. Something something President's trophy curse.


    6. I have awful knees, and as you know, Potatoes are awful at climbing anything, except perhaps onto a fork.

  8. 14 minutes ago, Thunder said:


    Press Conference

    Week ending 07/24/22

    (Answer Questions for 2 Capped TPE!)



    1.  Our GM, Cole, just made an incredible trade, giving us Nikolas Kauppi for the next couple seasons.  Are you looking forward to what Kauppi can contribute to the team?


    2.  How have you been doing with the weekly game predictions for TPE?


    3.  If you could play one professional sport, what would that be and why?


    4.  The season is just over half way and Mexico City is tied with Houston.  Are there any changes we need to do in order to jump ahead of Houston and chase Las Vegas?


    5.  What NHL jersey was Cameron wearing in the movie “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off?”  And if you know more, who’s the player?


    6.  Is it OK to put ketchup on steak?  Why or why not?

    1. Definitely! Kauppi is a friend of mine, and I'm happy that he'll be joining us for our playoff run.


    2. You're right, I should be doing that. I think I did this past week... I have no idea what I guess or how I did.


    3. While I enjoy hockey, it'd probably be basketball or baseball. They were the two sports I was better at.


    4. Honestly, I don't mind heading in to the playoffs as a slight underdog. As for leapfrogging the teams above us, itll depend who plays teams from the other division more lol.


    5. The jersey is easy. It was Detroit. The player? For some reason I want to say Howe but I feel like thats wrong. I'll have to check now after this.


    6. No. Never. Niet. That's heathen talk, and as captain I will banish anyone from the locker room to dress in the showers if they say yes.

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