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Everything posted by Ptyrell

  1. Cmon @Caboose30all the evidence is right in front of you. I dont know why you are letting him smooth talk you out of this. You know he is guilty. He is just BSing his way out of this. If you lynch me, it is game over and town loses. All of town wants you to vote for him. Otherwise we've just wasted a week and a half and a huge lead in order to watch TT win in the end.
  2. Everyone knows Hatter is TT. Him making a mistake last night doesnt prove that he is innocent.. I don't see any rule against this, so this is from discord: (I added who is talking since that doesn't copy over for some reason) (Gus) @ptyrell you have received a message from beyond the grave! (Mike) Hey we figured out Hatter is TT. Ricer let it slip while arguing about it (Me) Ooooohh I've never done a seance before Lol nice! Wait @MikeSzat how do you know Ricer isn't lying? (Mike) We don't know for sure, but as soon as he said it Doom pointed out that we still had the seance and then Ricer deleted his comment but we all saw that he had said Hatter. Then he tried to play it off as if he had done it on purpose, but it was pretty obvious he was faking it. Eagles also said he thought it was Hatter already because of how Hatter kept pushing omg's original plan and that usually he wouldnt just go along with a big plan like that unless he was TT. Also @MikeSzat tell him that it can't be Caboose because he was framed by mafia based on sheriffs results That was Eagles (Me) Hmmmm ok... Well that makes it easier, thanks! Anything else I should know? (Mike) No problem! No I think that's everything Good luck! (Me) Thanks! @Caboose30
  3. This is death by a thousand words. I'm too busy at work to respond to everything, and somehow Hatter has convinced you @Caboose30that by some twisted logic that I am TT? Obviously I don't have any concrete evidence to prove that I had a seance last night. Otherwise it would be OP and Hatter wouldn't still be talking. But I'm sure they picked me because you were already suspicious out that Hatter was TT. I don't understand how Hatter has somehow convinced you after a million messages that he is innocent. There is no way that town should lose this game after the huge lead we've had aalllll game. Please don't throw that away just because Hatter is good at manipulation.
  4. Look at the plan Hatter made from omg. Night 9 was last night.
  5. Wtf are you talking about. Omgs plan was nobody visits last night. I followed his plan to the letter, including when it could have gotten me killed. Do not let yourself be manipulated by Hatter
  6. You just keep bringing up the same point over and over and over and over again. No rebuttal to the other facts: - you didn't vote against mafia early in the game - you have only shot neutrals - you've been the biggest proponent of omg's plan - Ricer accidentally said you were TT to medium - Mike and Eagles both think you are TT - you've been super defensive this whole time about being TT, when everyone else including Caboose and myself have been willing to go along with omgs plan It is honestly so obvious I don't know why we are still having this conversation
  7. I was literally one of the first people to vote for jiggly, who turned out to be the mafioso. Wanna know who never voted for jiggly? MR HATTER
  8. Hatter you could have shot someone last night, but you didn't because you had no reason to. You were on the way to winning already! Obviously hindsight is 20:20, but in no way does not shooting someone last night somehow exonerate you from all the other evidence that points to you being TT
  9. Lookout N1: jorg - omg N2: jorg - omg, lefty, osens N3: jorg - omg N4: osens - none N5: jorg - omg N6: Hatter - omg, solas, osens, +1 more (Caboose/Crusader) N7: Caboose - none N8: Caboose - none N9: no action
  10. You sure have a lot of intimate knowledge of what the mafia's actions were a week ago. Would have taken me at least a few minutes of going back through forum pages to find out those answers...
  11. Sorry Hatter. I'm going with what Mike thinks, and with what my gut is telling me. It's possible I could be wrong, but usually the correct answer in these situations is the one that is the most straightforward. And in this case, that's you being TT, so Im sticking with that.
  12. Yeah, you're getting lynched because you are TT. You got a lucky role to combine with TT, and have just been riding it doing nothing this whole time while watching as town slowly killed itself.
  13. I think it is pretty obvious you are TT. Obviously you wouldn't shoot someone when we were all already blindly following a plan that would lead to you winning. You had no reason to expose yourself. Not to mention the extra risk of accidentally shooting someone that Crusader was visiting.
  14. Had a seance with Mike last night. Hatter is TT. Ricer let it slip and forgot about seance. Apparently Eagles has been calling it for the past few days ever since Hatter became the biggest proponent of omg's plan. And of the two of you, I definitely trust you not to be TT over Hatter. Since all he has done this game is shoot 2 jesters. Vote Hatter
  15. Let's just stick with the plan. We are keeping Hatter alive since he is vigi. Maybe the game ends with solas getting lynched anyways.
  16. Almost done with this Vote solas
  17. The expected people visited hatter except for mmflex. vote flex
  18. This is getting confusing as shit. So basically... the main thing we have to do is pick 3 people who are the most likely not to be TT. If we are wrong and the TT is there, we lose. If we are right and the TT dies somewhere along the way to getting to those 3, we win. Correct???
  19. And this whole time I thought silencing eagles (including through the medium) was mafias #1 priority
  20. Ok, that actually is kind of funny though
  21. Wait is this seriously how TT games usually end?? Would that be like a draw or something? How many days would we have? I thought maybe TT would turn into mafioso like the other mafia then we just flush em out like we've done the rest.
  22. I have been except for last night I went on you actually like omg suggested in case jugg showed up. Nobody visited you.
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