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Everything posted by Ptyrell

  1. Swinub 21 Dratini 19 Rhyhorn 20 Rhyhorn is caught thanks to a 105% catch chance. Your Alakazam sees the future and Wooloo gains 3 levels The lowest Alakazam gets is 23 HP. Then Wooloo hops back in for 3 more levels. Wooloo is so excited to get the W that it evolves into Dubwool http://pa1.narvii.com/7613/d7a484bba71789d91e0be44995177fdadc0bf4e6r1-256-318_00.gif You earn $309
  2. join the discord so you get notified for the next game!
  3. A4 work Buy Evo stone for whatever Honages' 2nd form is called A5 Erika Ivysaur uses Earthquake and holds Oran Berry Aegislash-Sword uses Retaliate 2 then Iron Head Gyarados uses Air Slash
  4. Lapras 19 Horsea 22 Rhyhorn 19 You get prime shipping delivered and catch all 3 in 4 throws! Then earn $854 working
  5. Swinub 23 Squirtle 22 Dratini 23 Squirtle is caught on the first throw! Machop beats the Swinub and gains 3 levels! You do fancy future sight tactics and Magikarp gains 4 levels. Magikarp evolves into Gyarados! Machop gains 3 levels You gain $396
  6. Mimikyu 20 Magnemite 20 Magnemite 19 3 throws total for 2 pokemon! Charmeleon gains half a level for Mimikyu You gain $108
  7. Sneasel lv 23 Poliwag lv 23 Sneasel lv 23 Go CHARMELEON! Charmander comes out instead Just kidding, you do have a Charmeleon but the sheet wasn't updated as you said Charmeleon uses flamethrower! The first Sneasel goes down but the 2nd doesn't get scratched Koffing takes the first Sneasel out with Sludge but takes heavy damage Against Poliwag... Poliwag takes out Koffing! Poliwag has 20 HP left. Who do you want to get the Poliwag levels? Charmeleon gains 3 levels Koffing gains 1 level You gain $328 (for all three) Since Charmeleon didn't beat both Sneasel's and won't have first strike on Vikavolt which would cause it to lose out the gate, I'm gonna wait for your input
  8. You walk around an extra long time before deciding where you want to set up your picnic Lapras 19 Horsea 22 Rhyhorn 19 Larvitar 22 Elekid 24 Pichu 23 Rhyhorn 19 Exeggcute 22 Rhyhorn 21
  9. Rhyhorn 23 Elekid 19 Growlithe 21 You catch Growlithe on your first try! Nice! After 2 Stomping Tantrums.. Rhyhorn has 0.1 HP remaining! It gets another attack off Larvitar before it dies. Will it make a difference? Elekid comes out swinging with... Thunder punch??? It does no damage. Then it follows that up with Quick Attack. Not very effective. Larvitar takes out both! Larvitar gains 3 levels You gain $269 But don't leave your seats folks! Now in the Caves you find...
  10. Elekid 24 Mimikyu 21 Riolu 24 You catch the Riolu on your first try! You just know you are going to be best buddies with this Riolu and never let it go. You and this Riolu are going places! Jolteon wrecks the Mimikyu and gains 1 level, but Axew only takes Elekid to 40 HP before it loses. You gain $128
  11. You catch Eevee with the 5th Pokeball Meowth evades the rest of your Pokeballs, but gets caught by the 1st greatball The 2nd meowth also gets caught by the 1st greatball.
  12. lv 29 Ivysaur Exeggcute Haunter Battle Tower, take 2! You send out Flareon confident it will get the first strike. Your opponent sends out Haunter who uses Sucker Punch to go first! Afterwards, it dies in 1 hit to fire blast. Next up is Exeggcute. Exeggcute tickles Flareon with Confusion. Then it again dies in 1 hit to fire blast! Last up is Ivysaur. Ivysaur uses Body Slam. Flareon has 45 HP remaining! Flareon uses Fire Blast... You guessed it! 1 hit KO AGAIN. Flareon completes the sweep and gains 3 levels. Kirlia never saw the battlefield! You have 2 actions left. Since day 4 likely won't close for half a day, I'll let you review in case you want to change your last 2 actions. If not, I'll process those later.
  13. Ivysaur leads using Earthquake on Steelix/Koffing and Razor Leaf on Poliwhirl (If Koffing uses Self Destruct, Ivysaur should have the next move) If Poliwhirl first and Koffing 2nd, use earthquake then razor leaf on koffing Honedge next uses Surf against Steelix/Koffing, Night Slash against Poliwhirl Gyarados 3rd uses hydro pump
  14. You go for quality over quantity and head to the safari zone. You find Swinub 23 Squirtle 22 Dratini 23
  15. Poliwag 22 Pidgey 24 Dratini 20 You've got 8 Pokeballs and Dratini isn't easy to catch.... You catch it on your 3rd thow! Poliwag takes 2. Magnemite shocks the pidgey to death Grubbin has the EXP share right? Grubbin gains 2 levels and evovles into Charjabug! Magnemite gains 1.5 levels You gain $122
  16. You find Eevee 22 Meowth 19 Meowth 19
  17. You both send Sycthers and get back Scizors!
  18. You face Gardener Garvin! Ivysaur Exeggcute Haunter
  19. "YOU AGAIN? Haven't you learned your lesson yet? How'd you even get back here so fast? The Pokecenter is all the way across town!" Saying nothing, you send out Charmeleon with a look of determination on your face. Charmeleon flamethrowers the Pidgeotto twice until it starts to smell like chicken in the arena. Pidgeotto eats some leftovers during the battle with terrible table manners. Next up is the hella tanky Togekiss! Ancient Power brings Charmeleon down to 5 HP. It gets a flamethrower off before fainting. Steelix barges in and starts iron tailing everything around it. Togekiss uses a super effective Aura Sphere, but falls to the second Iron Tail. Now, Ladies and Gentlemen, The moment you've all been waiting for... Entering the ring, standing at 1.5 meters tall (look I'm using metric units for you), weighing in at 150 lb. The Bird with the Word. The Fowl that plays foul. It's HAWWWWWLLLUUUUUUUCHHHHHAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Hawlucha enters the ring and immediately leaps onto Steelix smashing him into the ground. But Steelix survives with 8 HP! Enough to get 1 hit off on Hawlucha. Scizor knows he won't lose this time. Air Slash goes out.. Hawlucha hangs on with 6 HP.. The crowd cheers wildly for an acrobatic Flying Press! Another Air Slash... Does some OP item ruin this battle as well?
  20. You buy a Master Ball, just in case Does it pay off?
  21. Your Growlithe evolves into Arcanine! You and Arcanine work as Jr Police Officers and earn $711 You buy the new and improved (and hopefully not OP) EXP Share along with 3 pokeballs and go fishing! Poliwag 22 Pidgey 24 Dratini 20
  22. You awake after an eventful night of stealing pokemon and meet Wooloo 21 Wooloo 19 Grubbin 19
  23. It's a mighty fine day for a stroll in the city! You find Elekid 24 Mimikyu 21 Riolu 24
  24. Smoochum 20 Smoochum 23 Larvitar 24 You catch Smoochum on the 4th try Wartortle takes out both of the other 2 pokemon and gains 4 levels. You gain $430
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