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Everything posted by JB123

  1. Haha. Great article, great message. You’re going to be a star in this league
  2. SAN DIEGO MARLINS PRESS CONFERENCE Week Ending Sunday, October 17, 2021 Answer for 2 TPE! 1. There’s some new faces in the locker room lately in Jake Lerner, Charles Williams and Nick Sansone. Do you like the locker room more that we have more players? 2. This week is theme week! This season’s theme is what your player will do in retirement. Anything you’re planning on doing yet? 3. What have you liked most about your VHL experience so far, and what do you hope to achieve in the league? 4. What should our goal be the rest of the season? 5. Hockey season starts in a few days for the NHL! Does your team make the playoffs? How does a player you like do? If you don’t watch hockey too closely, how are things going for another sport you watch? 6. Apple juice or orange juice? Let’s Go Marlins! @Johnny_HX@IslesWin@Nosam_13@boatsinking123@Tipskid97@Tomat0@Bulduray_1@Jake Sumner@Silver Warrior@Russianmenice @teknonym
  3. Welcome to the VHL, @johan80! I'm JB, GM of the San Diego Marlins. We would like to offer you a contract. While we may not be the best team this season, we have a fun, engaged and welcoming locker room. Additionally, we have guides to assist you in earning TPE and building your player. We are always willing to help too and answer any questions you may have! We can offer TOP NINE MINUTES with the opportunity to gain ice time as you develop. We'd love to have you on our team. Just quote this post with #FILLTHETANK to join us in the sun! Sincerely, JB & the Marlins
  4. Hello and welcome to the first scary story by me, JB, called “The Encounter.” This is a lot more open-ended than anything I have done before; I will do my best to relate it back to the VHL in some way, shape or form! Enjoy, and feedback is much appreciated “The Encounter” It was a late October night, approximately 11:00 PM Pacific Time. Three friends, Joe, Jim, and John, were walking home from a Marlins game in the suburbs of San Diego. The Marlins had just won, 4-2. All was going good. Joe had just inquired about performing live at future Marlins’ games as a musician. Jim had not. John had disappeared to buy chicken tenders. Anyway, they were now on their way home. They were born in San Diego; all three of them. They had been fans of the Marlins ever since they were founded by GM Zack Gagnon @InstantRockstar and had followed them through the tenure of Thadius Sales @thadthrasher. But now there was a new GM in town, one who shall not be named. The trio passed by numerous bakeries, restaurants and other businesses on their journey home. They came up to an intersection where two streets crossed each other. Oddly there were no cars on the road. It was eleven o’clock at night, but no cars? Come on now. This is San Diego! As if that wasn’t warning enough, the street lights went dark. There was no light whatsoever. They wondered where all the fans went after the game. “I don’t understand. Where did they all go?” Joe asked. Jim pondered the same thing. “Also why did the street lamps go out?” John sat on the corner of the intersection eating his chicken tenders. Suddenly a truck came driving, headlights flashing, down 25th Street. The friends stood there in silence, although all of them knew what the others were thinking. They didn’t know who in the world this could be driving in the city of San Diego. One would not usually give that a second thought. But this night, something was off. The truck got closer. And closer. And closer. The truck slowed down to a speed of zero miles per hour. A shadowy figure sat in the passenger’s seat; for they could see no one in the driver’s seat. Should they run for it? Should they investigate? They dreaded walking up to the vehicle but realized it was necessary into discovering what was up with this night. John stepped forward. The truck was parked in the middle of the intersection, all by itself except for the three of them and the city of emptiness. He waved at the figure but got no response. Then he said hello and again, no response. It was only when he attempted to hand the chicken tenders over did he get a reply. A loud ‘bark!’ followed by growling noises. Then—the stealing of John’s chicken. How awful. Throughout this encounter Joe and Jim stood, wearily confused and freaked out. John turned around and retreated to his friends. The truck sped down the road and out of sight. They asked John what he had seen, and what the beast was. “I saw a hound.” Word Count: 533 How did the story end? How did the truck drive? Why was the city not crowded? Those are up to you to decide!
  5. Welcome to the VHL, @nhljr! I'm JB, GM of the San Diego Marlins. We would like to offer you a contract. While we may not be the best team this season, we have a fun, engaged and welcoming locker room. Additionally, we have guides to assist you in earning TPE and building your player. We are always willing to help too and answer any questions you may have! We can offer TOP NINE MINUTES with the opportunity to gain ice time as you develop. We'd love to have you on our team. Just quote this post with #FILLTHETANK to join us in the sun! Sincerely, JB & the Marlins
  6. Welcome to the VHL, @Big Game James! I'm JB, GM of the San Diego Marlins. We would like to offer you a contract. While we may not be the best team this season, we have a fun, engaged and welcoming locker room. Additionally, we have guides to assist you in earning TPE and building your player. We are always willing to help too and answer any questions you may have! We can offer TOP NINE MINUTES with the opportunity to gain ice time as you develop. We'd love to have you on our team. Just quote this post with #FILLTHETANK to join us in the sun! Sincerely, JB & the Marlins
  7. Welcome to the VHL, @nhljr! I'm JB, GM of the San Diego Marlins. We would like to offer you a contract. While we may not be the best team this season, we have a fun, engaged and welcoming locker room. Additionally, we have guides to assist you in earning TPE and building your player. We are always willing to help too and answer any questions you may have! We can offer TOP NINE MINUTES with the opportunity to gain ice time as you develop. We'd love to have you on our team. Just quote this post with #FILLTHETANK to join us in the sun! Sincerely, JB & the Marlins
  8. Welcome to the VHL, @Morgan C! I'm JB, GM of the San Diego Marlins. We would like to offer you a contract. While we may not be the best team this season, we have a fun, engaged and welcoming locker room. Additionally, we have guides to assist you in earning TPE and building your player. We are always willing to help too and answer any questions you may have! We can offer TOP NINE MINUTES with the opportunity to gain ice time as you develop. We'd love to have you on our team. Just quote this post with #FILLTHETANK to join us in the sun! Sincerely, JB & the Marlins
  9. Review: Awesome article. Format is good with italics, different colors, image, and paragraphs. Stats back up words too. Looking forward to reading more, let’s go Stockholm!!!
  10. Review: Great sig. I like the background with the different lighting and also the fonts, with Ablar having purple too. Only suggestion may be a logo on the shoulder patch but overall well done. 9/10
  11. Quote the team’s post you wish to sign with and from there they will send you a contract
  12. Teams are offering under your page here: Sign with whatever team best fits what you want to achieve
  13. Welcome to the VHL, @Mxrkstrom! I'm JB, GM of the San Diego Marlins. We would like to offer you a contract. While we may not be the best team this season, we have a fun, engaged and welcoming locker room. Additionally, we have guides to assist you in earning TPE and building your player. We are always willing to help too and answer any questions you may have! We can offer a backup goalie spot with the opportunity to gain ice time as you develop. We'd love to have you on our team. Just quote this post with #FILLTHETANK to join us in the sun! Sincerely, JB & the Marlins
  14. Which form of chicken is better?
  15. Welcome to the VHL, @dmxg444! I'm JB, GM of the San Diego Marlins. We would like to offer you a contract. While we may not be the best team this season, we have a fun, engaged and welcoming locker room. Additionally, we have guides to assist you in earning TPE and building your player. We are always willing to help too and answer any questions you may have! We can offer TOP NINE MINUTES with the opportunity to gain ice time as you develop. We'd love to have you on our team. Just quote this post with #FILLTHETANK to join us in the sun! Sincerely, JB & the Marlins
  16. Welcome to the VHL, @Redwings4040! I’m JB, GM of the San Diego Marlins. We would like to offer you a contract. While we may not be the best team this season, we have a fun, engaged and welcoming locker room. Additionally, we have guides to assist you in earning TPE and building your player. We are always willing to help too and answer any questions you may have! We can offer TOP NINE MINUTES with the opportunity to gain ice time as you develop. We'd love to have you on our team. Just quote this post with #FILLTHETANK to join us in the sun! Sincerely, JB & the Marlins
  17. Welcome to the VHL, @Bigchuck01! I'm JB, GM of the San Diego Marlins. We would like to offer you a contract. While we may not be the best team this season, we have a fun, engaged and welcoming locker room. Additionally, we have guides to assist you in earning TPE and building your player. We are always willing to help too and answer any questions you may have! We can offer TOP NINE MINUTES with the opportunity to gain ice time as you develop. We'd love to have you on our team. Just quote this post with #FILLTHETANK to join us in the sun! Sincerely, JB & the Marlins
  18. Awesome! I’ll send you a link to our discord and a contract. Excited to add you to our team!
  19. Welcome to the VHL, @Tipskid97! I'm JB, GM of the San Diego Marlins. We would like to offer you a contract. While we may not be the best team this season, we have a fun, engaged and welcoming locker room. Additionally, we have guides to assist you in earning TPE and building your player. We are always willing to help too and answer any questions you may have! We can offer TOP NINE MINUTES with the opportunity to gain ice time as you develop. We'd love to have you on our team. Just quote this post with #FILLTHETANK to join us in the sun! Sincerely, JB & the Marlins
  20. Welcome to the VHL, @TEthier09! I'm JB, GM of the San Diego Marlins. We would like to offer you a contract. While we may not be the best team this season, we have a fun, engaged and welcoming locker room. Additionally, we have guides to assist you in earning TPE and building your player. We are always willing to help too and answer any questions you may have! We can offer TOP NINE MINUTES with the opportunity to gain ice time as you develop. We'd love to have you on our team. Just quote this post with #FILLTHETANK to join us in the sun! Sincerely, JB & the Marlins
  21. Welcome to the VHL, @Nosam_13! I'm JB, GM of the San Diego Marlins. We would like to offer you a contract. While we may not be the best team this season, we have a fun, engaged and welcoming locker room. Additionally, we have guides to assist you in earning TPE and building your player. We are always willing to help too and answer any questions you may have! We can offer TOP NINE MINUTES with the opportunity to gain ice time as you develop. We'd love to have you on our team. Just quote this post with #FILLTHETANK to join us in the sun! Sincerely, JB & the Marlins
  22. Welcome to the VHL, @IslesWin! I'm JB, GM of the San Diego Marlins. We would like to offer you a contract. While we may not be the best team this season, we have a fun, engaged and welcoming locker room. Additionally, we have guides to assist you in earning TPE and building your player. We are always willing to help too and answer any questions you may have! We can offer TOP NINE MINUTES with the opportunity to gain ice time as you develop. We'd love to have you on our team. Just quote this post with #FILLTHETANK to join us in the sun! Sincerely, JB & the Marlins
  23. Welcome to the VHL, @shaun1979! I'm JB, GM of the San Diego Marlins. We would like to offer you a contract. While we may not be the best team this season, we have a fun, engaged and welcoming locker room. Additionally, we have guides to assist you in earning TPE and building your player. We are always willing to help too and answer any questions you may have! We can offer TOP NINE MINUTES with the opportunity to gain ice time as you develop. We'd love to have you on our team. Just quote this post with #FILLTHETANK to join us in the sun! Sincerely, JB & the Marlins
  24. Welcome to the VHL, @Coleman23224! I'm JB, GM of the San Diego Marlins. We would like to offer you a contract. While we may not be the best team this season, we have a fun, engaged and welcoming locker room. Additionally, we have guides to assist you in earning TPE and building your player. We are always willing to help too and answer any questions you may have! We can offer TOP PAIRING MINUTES, plus special teams time. We'd love to have you on our team. Just quote this post with #FILLTHETANK to join us in the sun! Sincerely, JB & the Marlins
  25. Welcome to the VHL, @Sam Novotny! I'm JB, GM of the San Diego Marlins. We would like to offer you a contract. While we may not be the best team this season, we have a fun, engaged and welcoming locker room. Additionally, we have guides to assist you in earning TPE and building your player. We are always willing to help too and answer any questions you may have! We can offer TOP NINE MINUTES with the opportunity to gain ice time as you develop. We'd love to have you on our team. Just quote this post with #FILLTHETANK to join us in the sun! Sincerely, JB & the Marlins
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