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Everything posted by qripll

  1. Review: It's insanely good goalie graphic. Pose choice looks absolutely fascinating . Lightning effects make it even better, moreover, logo swap appeals to me a lot, it's sooo clean i can't imagine how you did that. The background is also nice. The whole render is award-winning, hope you are really proud of your work. 10/10
  2. Review: It's a nice one that I like to comment. It really appeals to me, talking about the concept I'd like to state that this collage looks cool. The green colour render is also pretty nice. Logo swap is almost clean and smooth, you had better to practice it a bit more. Font is ok, the whole graphic seems like a good work. 7/10
  3. Congratulations on your parents' child birthday
  4. Nice to see a russian here, welcome and привет : )
  5. 1.) If you could change one thing about your player what would it be? Nothing. I like my build and everything related to my player. 2.) What's the one thing we could do as a team to push us against other teams? I don't know, we are really good this season not sure what can stop us. 3.) What is one meal in Warsaw that you can't go without? Pizza 4.) What do you think of the Warsaw fanbase? Our fans are awesome , probably the greatest in the league 5.) Choose a player you'd like to play along with. Why did you choose that player? Kristof Welch, cause @Juiceis handsome 6.) Which VHL team would you want to play for, if you couldn't play for Warsaw? I like D.C's logo so I guess I would play for them.
  6. Tomorrow Trunov will play his 185th games. 2 seasons and 6 months since he has been drafted by Warsawa Predators. He went 22th OA in the 2nd round. With 40 games played so far filthy Russian center forward has 33 goals and 32 assists. Basically, it's 1.6 PPG. Also he is a stats leader with 11 powerplay goalsgoals. As a projected good two-way center Trunov breaks all expectations and proves that he was truly underrated by VHL general managers. According to the data, his tpe rating is 9th among the whole S78 Draft class. For instance, former 1st overall selection has 185 points so far (against Trunov's 183) with one more full season. Moreover, Trunov already has more TPE. Throughout the season Warsaw shows its ability to play offensive style. According to the standings, Predators are 3rd in EU and they have an opportunity to climb up. Being a core player Trunov does his best to lift the cup with his native team. It's early to think about breaking D. Lamb's franchise records. Trunov still needs to do a lot to be compared with the first captain in Warsaw Predators' history. But if he continues gaining 1.5 point per game we will be able to see new record holder. Right now, Trunov is in his prime. Before the start of the season he was honored to wear an "A" patch on his jersey. It's his 3rd season he is already a veteran of the team, respectful teammate on and off the ice. We can state the fact that there is a great gap between the current season and the previous one. Trunov produces much better with the new teammates and that's not a surprise for the critics. Muffbeav, Reynolds and Kisslinger carry the team improving statistics of the whole team. Let's see what he will do without star fellas. Kristof Welch aka @Juice: "Trunov is one of those guys that slip in the draft and have the GM's questioning "How did I pass that up." How he fell to 22nd OA is beyond me, but the Warsaw fans I can say without a doubt are pleased with their breakout allstar. It's not often you get a guy that can put up over a point per game, but even this season Trunov is going beyond that pace and might even finish over 2 PPG which is a fantastic surprise. He hasn't been in the league long, but he'll be climbing up to familiarity in all the VHL locker rooms sooner than later if he keeps up this pace."
  7. Review: As i can see, throughout the last week the Clue theme is hyped a lot. I like your concept, it sounds like a perfect advertisement for the hockey shop. The font is kinda average, but it fits so i can't complain about it. I would like to see more renders, probably a logo related to VHL , but it's not so crucial. Overall, that is cool and unusual graphic with the nice concept and realisation. 8/10
  8. Review: Hello, Mr. Lamb. It's nice to see you are alive. Talking about the graphic i need to mention this unique idea. To be honest , I have never seen hockey board game and this one looks perfect. The background is colourful. The font appeals to me as well, its size is good-looking and red U makes it even better. If i saw this board game in the store i would definitely buy it. Overall, it's an award-winning graphic! 10/10
  9. 1.) What's the one thing you'd like to see improved in Warsaw? Scoring for sure, sometimes we need 40 shots to score one goal. I'm sick of this stuff 2.) If you had to play any other sport, what would it be? I don't know, tennis probably 3.) Did you have any inspiration growing up, if so who? Dakota Lamb is a symbol of predators. It would be nice to see Trunov's retired jersey near Lamb's one 4.) Who would you say is the biggest fan favorite in the league? Kisslinger is having his first vhl season but he could win fans choice award 5.) On the contrary who would you say is the most hated in the league? I am not sure, Welch probably @Juice 6.) What's your favorite thing about @dlamb? Even I can't express how awesome that dude is! His imperturbability
  10. Review: Great sig. Banner size for this kind of graphic is unusual, but it makes it even better. The effects, background and font are insane. The whole sig looks fascinating. For i see you even did logo swap and I'm impressed how smooth and clean it is. It's award-winning sig 9/10
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