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Daniel Janser

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Posts posted by Daniel Janser

  1. Callum was just boarding the train in Basel to Frankfurt a. M., where he than needs to change trains for the final leg of his travel. Of course it would have been shorter to drive by car or even take the plane, but he is more for travelling with public transport, a habit he is acquired in his years living in Switzerland.  For this weekend he has been granted leave from the army to supervise the final touches on Kurt's new toy. An explorer yacht powered by 'green' methanol. The senior Janser had picked the Lürssen shipyard for their long history of building state of the art ships, bearing in mind innovation as well as tradition. The former Hounds and Red Wolves manager tasked his grandson with the negotiations with shipwrights, carpenters, engineers and other specialists for the final inspection of the vessel before her delivery to make sure everything is up to the agreed specs and that the schedule is kept. He trusts the hulking Swiss defender more in these matters than himself. Callum has a degree in ship engineering and enjoys to work for once in the field he has studied for. 

    But until he arrives in Kiel, Callum has a lot of landscape to admire from his first class compartment and to prepare more lessons for the American trainees in his mountain warfare classes. No rest for the wicked, as they say.

  2. 2l4QAJM.png

    (graphic courtesy of Leandrofg)


    Upon reporting to the Andermatt competence centre for alpine warfare for his yearly military service, Janser was asked to get to Colonel Regli's office stat. Being a good soldier Callum immediately knocked on his commander's door.

    'Come in.'

    'Captain Janser reporting for duty, sir.'

    'At ease, Captain. Take a seat. As you know your unit has done its yearly exercise during winter already, during the avalanche period and helping out the civil elements of search and rescue.'

    'Yes sir, I was aware of that. From what I heard my First Lieutenant Steiner did well in organizing the missions.'

    'So he did. I am sure you remember that we render training in alpine warfare to other nation's armed forces.'

    'I do indeed, sir.'

    'Well, we have a group of US Army personnel, which were sent to us to get this sort of training and I thought this is a perfect assignement for you, being fluent in English and such.'

    'Of course, sir. I just wish to mention that I am not known for my tact and I do not want to jeopardize international relations.'

    'Humbug. Diplomacy, shmiplomacy. Don't be deliberately rude, but also be clear in what needs to be done. This is not a feel good experience. The mountains are unforgiving if you do not respect them, and I think it will set the right tone if the participants get a dose of reality at the start.'

    'Well, fair enough. Who will be my assistant?'

    'PFC Z'graggen.'

    'Sarah Z'graggen?'

    'Yes, the very same. Do you object?'

    'Not at all, sir. I could not have asked for a better person for the job.'

    'It is settled then. You find all the paperwork and lessons in the folder waiting in your office. Unless you have any other questions, you are dismissed.'

    'No questions, sir. Have a good day.'

    'And you, Captain.'


    The following day, after breakfast, Janser goes to the class room assigned to his charges.

    'Good morning, class. I am Captain Janser, your teacher for the next four weeks. This is PFC Z'graggen who will be responsible for most of the practical training. At ease and take your seats, please.'

    'Lieutenant Myers, you have a question?'

    'Yes, sir. If this PFC is so competent, how come, she did not get a higher rank?'

    Callum put on his best fake smile: 'Myers, unlike the US Army, the Swiss Army is a conscript army. Which means we recruit from all able bodied Swiss men and tend to put them in branches where the can employ their expertise of their civil live. For example, most chefs will be drafted as cooks, most truckers will be drafted into the transport companies, construction workers will be drafted into combat engineer units and so on. And while the Swiss government can theoretically press the member of the Swiss armed forces into any rank and function they need, they are hesitant to do so, as pressed leaders are not necessarily the best leaders. With PFC Z'graggen it is different to start with, as she volunteered to be in the Army. She did not get officer's rank because she is incompetent. She did not want the officer's rank, because that meant more than double the service time. And she is self-employed so she would lose out on her income. How long do I know you, Sarah? Ten years?

    'Eleven, Cal.'

    'That's right. She is a mountain guide for tourists and natives alike and she has an impeccable reputation. She does also work pro bono for the Swiss mountain search and rescue, where she is basically indispensable. Last but certainly not least, she is born and raised in this area and knows the mountains we are training in like the back of her hand. We could not wish for a more competent teacher for navigating and surviving in mountaineous terrain. Sarah will salute me until her arms fall off if military protocol demands it. However, as soon as we cross the tree line in these mountains, I will follow every order of hers to the tee and as fast as I can. Unless it is a tactical decision, these are mine to make. Everything concerning the movement in the mountains and every safety issue it is her call. PFC Z'graggen is polite and courteous and will clad her orders under the disguise of requests and suggestions. Make no mistake, they are orders and they are not up for debate. The mountains do not reward discussions and haggle. If you feel that you struggle to take orders from a mere PFC or a woman for that matter, there is the door. Talk to the Colonel for a refund, as we will not take you on a tour where our very survival may depend on immediate obedience of Sarah's orders. Have I made myself clear?'

    'Crystal, sir.'

    'Let's start with our first lesson then.'




    CIA’s Long, Undoubtedly Wrong S95 VHL Mock Draft - Media Spots - Victory Hockey League (vhlforum.com)





  3. 2 hours ago, leandrofg said:

    Optimal team: $41, 1516,2 points


    Goalie: Herald Benson ($5, 233.7 points)

    Defenseman 1: YaBoi Oven ($9, 286.8 points)

    Defenseman 2: Fradin McGryer ($7, 243.8 points)

    Forward 1: Catia Goncalves ($8, 264.4 points)

    Forward 2: David Rashford ($8, 254.6 points)

    Forward 3: Maverick Goncalves ($4, 232.9 points)

    Two Gonçalves' in the ideal super coach team? hon y soit qui mal y pense... 🤔

  4. On 9/18/2024 at 3:40 PM, Thunder said:

    Sounds like The Villain has seeded himself into your brain and is preventing you from exposing the devious things Villain has in mind and he’s keeping you from recording him and presenting his twisted mind to the vhl.  If youre gonna quit leagues, quit all the other shit you have and get back on track with villain podcasts.  I’m running out of shit to write about and i need stuff to keep maxing tpe.    Step up!!!!

    I mean you could always resort to Flaming @ScottyP or @Scurvy, it's not like it would be a novelty ;)


  5. Callum is rummaging through his flat he shares with his cousin Eilidh. Looking for his odd part of equipment or some clothes he needs. 

    'Hey, cuz what are you up to?' asks the Scottish lass.

    'Well, as someone attending uni, you should be able through the method of deduction, that I am packing.' responds the Swiss.

    'Funny. What for?'

    'Well, I am going to Switzerland to attend my annual military service, then I go to Kiel to oversee the final fitting of my Gramps' new yacht at the Lurssen dockyard and last but not least, I will participate in the ProAm tournament. Should there be any time left, I will visit Adam and the 'Tightfisted Three' and see what they are up to or go to Calgary and meet with some old friends and padrinho Leandro.'

    'Seems like a pretty busy off-season for you.'

    'Yeah, I am happy I do not have to learn for any trimester tests though like a certain someone I know.'

    'Ah will you shut up. I'll have you know that I am doing well and that I am ahead of the curve with my assignments. Does that mean I have free reign of the flat during your absence?'

    'Within reason. And maybe you want to use some of the time to visit Marcel in the Hamptons. He mentioned he has not seen you in a while.'

    'Yeah, I would like that. Can I take your truck to drive to him?'

    'Okay. But if I get my car back any different than I gave it, Monster Joe will have to dispose of two bodies.' 

    'Nice 'Pulp Fiction' reference there, Mr Wolf. I will take extra care of her, promise.'

    'Good enough. Okay I need to rush to catch my plane, see you in a couple of weeks, Eilidh.'

    'God speed, Cal.' 


  6. 1 hour ago, ShawnGlade said:

    I've always been curious about how a true farm system would work. Give each VHL team a singular, dedicated minor league team


    Of course, logistically impossible at this point in time, from building 16 different brands, and then FILLING 16 different teams....never gonna happen. But still cool to ponder

    I think in the dawn of the VHL this was a thing but was abandoned after some time (I am sure Victor will jump in and correct me)...

  7. 12 hours ago, Scurvy said:

    Well…I spent the weekend in Nashville Tennessee to visit some friends and was shocked to see a forum post that the VHLE had been disbanded.  Now I know there are a lot of opinions about the VHLE, some pretty emotional on both sides. 


    I came into the league in S81 as a free agent and my S83 year was played in Bratislava with GM @FrostBeard and some truly high caliber players like @Shindigs and @Girts, whom I have played with more most of my career with two players. It was in the VHLE that It (THE VHL) finally clicked and I could prepare a player that could be good.  


    Fast forward to Logan Ninefingers and I again spent time in Bratislava where I was fortunate enough to win a championship with GM @roryRory.  Again, I had a fun time and was a great locker room to be a part of. 


    I understand the logistics of the decision and I think it will be a positive thing for the league will be In the long run but cheers to my time in the VHLE and a thank you to all who made the VHLE a fun place.  

    At least you do not have to suffer every time the Jake Thunder Trophy is announced in the VHLE awards, named after one of your buddies... ;)


  8. 2l4QAJM.png

    (graphic courtesy of Leandrofg)



    So the fat lady sang and unfortunately, it was not a winning hymn for the New York Americans. Except for maybe the last ten games, the Big Apple franchise has had one if not the best defence in the league. But they had offensive woes for the majority of the season, which could never entirely be solved, despite Vince Wong's best efforts. One could argue, that having two of the most penalized players with Kadachi and Janser on the roster sheet, who only had Sleeves ahead of them, did not help. And that would not be an entirely wrong assumption. However, NYA's penalty killing unit was third in the league, only behind Moscow and Malmo, and the Empire State team even managed to score the second most shorthanded goals league wide. The power play was insanely efficient with 0.09% behind the primus Vancouver.


    36xW's goaltending may not have been best in class and probably does not warrant any silverware, however, a save percentage of .923 is nothing to be sneezed at and was 5th for all starting goaltender (for this article's purpose, we did not consider Lovstrom as a starting goaltender as the Malmo net was almost tended on a 50/50 basis by him and Herzlich). So the misery cannot be pinned to the Americans' netminder either.


    The devil lies in the mediocre goal production. The highest scoring player in a blue-red-and-white Jersey is Jeb Amish, a defenceman of all things, which as the only player on the roster eclipsed a point per game (73). From the forwards, aggressive leader Kadachi was the closest to get to the ppg benchmark with 71 points to his name. Of course that does not mean that the forwards are bad per se. It just means they did not have the puck luck they needed to push further. It also needs to be considered that there is something like a salary cap (even though some NHL franchises successfully dodged that in the past, the VHL does not tolerate such shenanigans) and if you spend money on the netminder and the D, one has to make compromises in the forward section. At the end of the season the strikers looked like a motley crew of young talents and veteran depth players. It deed not help that Janser took a step back in production from last season, however scored four game winners doing so.


    Now with the past dealt with, what will the future look like? The Americans have three potential callups. First, winger French, who just had a 100 point campaign for Bratislava and has scored two points in the one playoff game his team played in. So there is hope that he may be part of the answer to New York's scoring woe, given time.


    There are also two backs in the pipeline who potentially are VHL ready, come season start. Cheese and Toland both have scored 60+ points for Vasteras and Cologne respectively and promise to be solid defense men.


    There you have it: An inconclusive attempt to analyze 'Wtf is wrong with the Americans?'


    For good order's sake here are Janser's stats for this past season:

    72gp, 13g, 55a, 68pts, +7, 241 PIM, 274 hits, 132sb, 6ppg, 4gwg, 2 First Star Awards and a 2-0-1 (W-L-T) fighting record





    CIA’s Long, Undoubtedly Wrong S95 VHL Mock Draft - Media Spots - Victory Hockey League (vhlforum.com)




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