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Daniel Janser

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Posts posted by Daniel Janser

  1. Callum went to the local Wal-Mart for some grocery shopping. When he was in queue at the tiller, he noticed that there was an argument on the head of the line. He walked up to the elderly man, who was clearly embarassed that his card was rejected by the card reader and was frantically trying to find enough cash to settle the tally. People in the queue got upset and started complaining. The 'Beauty' saw the tatoo on the guys lower arm. 'Thank you for your service, sir. What seems to be the problem?'

    'Apparently, my pension has not come in yet and I had unexpected expenses which kind of let me short on cash. How did you know I served?'

    Cal-Gary replied: 'You have the emblem of the 75th Rangers with their motto 'sua sponte' tatooed on your right arm, sir. And from the dates underneath it, I take it you were deployed to 'Nam.' Then he turned to the shop assistant: 'Ma'am, I would like to foot this veteran's bill.' He reverted to the old timer: 'Sir, if there is anything else you wish to purchase, I am happy to pay for these items as well.'

    The war vet was close to tears: 'Son, you do not have to do that. Give me at least your details, so I can pay you back.'

    'Sir, I do this because I want to. And you have paid forward many times already, when you put your live on the line for your country.'

    'I do recognize you now, you play for the Americans, do you not?'

    'Yessir and proud of it, too.'

    'Thanks then. God bless you, son.'

    'Thank you, sir.'


    4/5 uncapped


  2. a-tale-of-two-brothers-cgyjanser.jpg?ex=

    graphic courtesy by Leandrofg

    (stats for Janser, stats for Kagamine)


    The Americans have absolved twenty games in the present season and are third in the NA conference with a 11-5-4 and a two win mini streak. As in last season, the team hailing from the Empire State have one of the best back rows in the league, only out-performed by the defending champions D.C. Dragons by the statistical insignificant margin of one goal against. On an individual level, it appears that Janser is on the often quoted sophomore slump, as he has focussed on his leadership skills more than any physical traits, which may have been premature. However, the team does better than last year and looks like a lock for the playoffs, albeit it is still a long way to go. People close to the Swiss back know that he is not too much concerned about personal records, unless they become a liability for his franchise. And one could reasonably argue that while his offensive stats have suffered compared to his rookie campaign, his defensive stats have not. To the contrary, his +/- rating is much better than last year's and he is a less frequent guest in the sin bin. The regression in hits dished may have to do with a more aggressive forward group, chief amongst them Champagne, who leads his team in checking.


    Not all young players suffer from the dreaded 2nd season curse, though. 36W has already matched last year's shutout total, has a besser save rate and the exact same GAA so far. And they do not seem to slow down at all.


    What is refreshing is also that the core of this team may have another 2-3 seasons of competitive play in them, if Vince Wong finds a way to manage the salary cap. It is also true that Lecavalier and the aforementioned Champagne will hang up their skates for good, but with Gretzky, the best player of all sports, times and leagues is chomping at the bit to get called up.


    However, there are of course question marks behind Callum's roomie and fellow draftee, Rin Kagamine's development. Since she has been in New York, she has done the bare minimum in the training sessions and her once stellar projection is now in jeopardy. Rumours have it that the 'Nagasaki Nightingale' may suffer from a severe case of homesickness, but the player as well as the New York management refused to comment on the matter.  


    In the next four matches, the Americans will face Moscow, leader of the European conference and perennial contender under Euron Leonidas, Seattle under the experienced guidance of Blake Campbell, the Prague Phantoms under new Management of Leonard S. Kinnard and finally London with the cup winning GM Jacob Carson. All four teams are among the top four in their respective conference. Especially the game against the Bears could be groundbreaking as the teams are only two points apart and a win in regulation in this match practically worth four points.


    Please find the stats for 'the Beauty and the Beast' for the running campaign:

    Kagamine: 20gp, 4g, 2a, 6pts, +2, 14 PIM, 18 hits, 39sb, 2ppg, 2gwg

    Janser: 20gp, 2g, 11a, 13pts, +12, 50 PIM, 58 hits, 30sb


    Kindly note related articles linked below.










    535 words


  3. image.png.2e081f98548623d4c2567b789b7364

    1. Strasmore is now all time leader in regular season hits for the Wranglers. What do you want to tell the Calgary die hard.

    2. Davos and LA seem to take an early bye to the Playoffs. Which teams do you think will also suffer from an early off-season?

    3. If Strasmore was a cocktail, what cocktail would he be? Elaborate your choice.

    4. Why are the Wranglers the best team in NA (and arguably in the league)?

    5. What will you do for the (long) weekend (if you have one)?

    6. What was the first board game you played and what memories do you have?

  4. I am glad you like it here and I concur with your assessment. When I joined the league I was half expecting it to be one of the many projects that I join with enthusiasm but will fizzle out. Now one HOF career of max earning later, I am already thinking about the player after this one.

  5. 3 hours ago, Beketov said:

    I had already graduated university and been at work for almost a year.... Fucking hell I'm old.

    I call yours and raise it by being discharged from the army due to reaching age limits.

  6. Boom this is anything but a #2. I like your witty titles for your amazing graphics. I catch myself asking over and over again 'who is he referring to?'. I always look forward to see your latest creations and you never disappoint. 

  7. Callum was irate about the Americans' lacklustre start into the new season. As an alternate captain it would be his job to lead by example, but so far neither points nor checks are coming his way. The vent some of the pent up anger, he went to a dockyard, where a decommissioned destroyer was laid up to be scrapped. He has asked the foreman whether he can help dismantle the once proud ship. After signing a waiver, and putting on the legally required protection gear, the shift boss gave him a sledge hammer and told Janser that he can lay in in the galley and take apart the cupboards and other furniture. The Swiss defender started swinging the hammer furiously, but soon noticed that this was just tiring him out without much effect on the mostly mild steel appliances. So he started to seek for weak points and hit those with well placed but forceful strikes. Which enabled him to make faster progress. 'Huh, maybe there is a lesson to be learned from this.' he thought. He promised to himself to be more considerate on the ice and make deliberate plays and not to waste energy on 'gallery checks' as his dad called them. But preserve his strength when a check was really needed.


    3/5 uncapped, not claiming the article.

  8. 2 hours ago, aimkin said:

    So as we all know ( and as @samx is gleefully anticipating), this is Jesse Teno's last season and I have been asked the question whether I will be recreating at TDL or at the end of the season. And so I pose to you, members of the VHL, the question of what you think the pros and cons are of both. I still don't fully understand how it works other than I have max carryover of TPE. So tell me; what do you see as the benefits and pit falls of the recreate options?

    If you want a swing at 1OA for your new player, you are better off recreating at TDL. 

  9. a-tale-of-two-brothers-cgyjanser.jpg?ex=

    graphic courtesy by Leandrofg

    (stats for Janser, stats for Kagamine)



    The New York Americans around their alternate captain Janser have played eight games and show a 4-2-2 record, good enough for fourth place in the North American Conference. The Swiss defender has had a somewhat inconsistent start, but is still par for the course to match last season's offensive numbers. We will now showcase two games the Americans played. A New York team who by the way is considered by pundits to be one of the contending teams in the league. It certainly helps to have the most recent Clegane Winner 36xW between the pipes who was FISTED ANALLY BY A CIRCUS MONKEY in the Stolzschweiger voting by the powers to be. The jury considered the cocky greenskin Grimgor Ironhide to be the better choice.




    In our first featured match, the team out of the Big Apple took the squad from the City of Angels for a ride in a 6-1 landslide win. Especially Analfist had a field day with the Californian defence, which barely deserved that name in this encounter. The veteran forward scored a hattrick in the span of two minutes, with the first marker coming on the man advantage. That was all the goals for the first period. In the second frame, retiring center Lecavalier re-installed the three goal lead ten seconds after Swearingen scored a goal for the Stars. In the final twenty minutes, Jeannot and Analfist with his fourth of the night but the last nails into Los Angeles' coffin. The three Stars were awarded to Analfist (4g/2a), Yvel (0g/4a) and Jeannot(1g/2a). Sophomore netminder 36xW (.950) dominated McCagg (.891) in the duel in the crease, with the latter finally getting a chance as a starter for the West Coast outfit. The Americans' power play was decent (1/4), while their box play was immaculate (4/4). This is a good foundation for success.

    Janser left the ice with a 0g, 0a, -1, 4 PIM (Interference, Holding, obviously no effect on the score), 2 hits and 1sb record

    Kagamine logged 0g, 0a, +5, 0 PIM, 0 hits and 2sb



    4-5 (SO)

    The next game we feature was much closer with the bitter end for the Empire State team against their adversaries from Illinois. New York was off for a bad start when they allowed two goals in the first twenty minutes. In the second period, Davis with his first of the season cut the lead in half, before Chicago reinstated their advantage. Alas, the Americans came back with a vengeance and scored back to back goals with Mancini and again Davis finding the back of the net. In the third frame, both teams scored a goal each with Amish scoring for the red, white and blue. The game went into overtime and because neither goalie conceded a goal it was time to throw a dice in the penalty shoot out, which Chicago took home. Davis (2g/2a), Trunov (3g/0a) and Amish (1g/2a) were given the post-game honours. 36xW (.882) had to bow to Artyomov (.913) in a rather underwhelming netminder competition. New York's special teams contributed heavily to the defeat with 0/6 for the power play and 3/5 for the penalty killing.

    Janser was noted with 0g, 3a, +1, 2 PIM (Roughing, no goal scored in the ensuing Chicago power play), 1 hit and 1sb

    Rin had 0g, 0a, +1, 2 PIM (Holding, lead to a goal against), 1 hit and 0sb to her name.


    And here are the stats for 'The Beauty and the Beast' for the season:

    Kagamine: 8gp, 2g, 0a, 2pts, +4, 10 PIM, 7 hits, 15sb, 1ppg, 1gwg

    Janser: 8gp, 1g, 6a, 7pts, +2, 18 PIM, 23 hits, 12sb, 0ppg, 0gwg


    We will report from these two defenders in due course, meanwhile please find some related articles down below.








    GM 28: New York Americans vs. Los Angeles Stars (vhlportal.com)

    GM 40: New York Americans vs. Chicago Phoenix (vhlportal.com)



  10. 13 minutes ago, leandrofg said:


    Uno reverse card on the technicality that while I did plagiarize... those words fall outside the 400-word count. 😂

    I know. I checked on that as well. And whether you are eligible for it in the first place, as I thought you were playing VHLM...

  11. 14 minutes ago, leandrofg said:

    "Almost heaven, West Virginia

    Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River

    Life is old there, older than the trees

    Younger than the mountains, growin' like a breeze

    Country roads, take me home

    To the place I belong

    West Virginia, Mountain Mama

    Take me home, country roads"

    sorry had to reject your Hello Europe article due to plagiarism. the above text is a one-to-one copy of the late and great John Denver. While I admire your taste in music, I cannot let blatant copying slide in articles...




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