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  1. Fire
    Vice got a reaction from Arce in Continental Cup Finals: Game 5   
    I've literally got a Moscow meme on deck waiting for Game 7.
  2. Haha
    Vice reacted to Spartan in Continental Cup Finals: Game 5   
    Throw away those intrusive thoughts immediately.
  3. Haha
    Vice got a reaction from Spartan in Continental Cup Finals: Game 5   
    On one hand, the closure a team needs.

    On the other, the meme potential has never been at its highest.
  4. Fire
    Vice reacted to DMaximus in 18th Annual Unofficial VHL Regular Season Awards – S83   
    18th Annual Unofficial VHL Regular Season Awards – S83
    Another exciting regular season has come to a close. That means we can dole out some regular season awards! Welcome everyone to the 18th Annual Unofficial VHL Regular Season Awards honoring the highs and lows of S83! Thank you to everyone that reads this.
    These awards have been created by me. There is no voting process and they are not officially recognized by the VHL Board of Governors. I wrote descriptions for most of these award names in the original award post.
    For each award, I list the winners from the last 5 seasons. If you want to check out the award winners from every season, use this link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sAZtX3bxVpPTIsKe1rSRVOenH1-iyWzbQEdR9ZvYOdU/edit?usp=sharing
    I also document the “all-time” record for each category. Of course, by that I mean all-time for the existence of these awards, not all-time, all-time. Clear? Ok, good. Let’s get things underway!
    The Pylon Award (worst +/- rating) – Barron Kruulenstien @LefLop 
    An interesting battle for this award saw players from three different teams competing for the award. Barron Kruulenstien held off challengers from New York (Gary Tarantino II @Garrett )  and Vancouver ( Ryan Li @Ryan Li) to win this award with a -66, how cruel.  
    All-time record: S82 – creed -  -156
    Last 5 Pylon Award Winners:
    + / -
    Barron Kruulenstien
    chris foley
    Nathan Steele
    Jared Carter
    The Gandhi Award (least penalty minutes, min 1,000 minutes played) – Mason Jones @Masu Chan 
    Mason Jones built a solid season accruing only 2 PIM in 2,146 minutes played. This was enough to win the award in a tie-breaker over Harkat Mulds @hylands, who also recorded 2 PIM, but in fewer minutes played (2,071) than Jones.
    We don’t recognize bots at this award ceremony, but if we did β-CGY LW2 would have taken this award with 0 PIM in 1,143 minutes played.
    All-time record: S81 - Brendan Telker - 0 PIM, 2211 Minutes Played
    Last 5 Gandhi Award Winners:
    Minutes Played
    Mason Jones
    Omi Aberg
    Brendan Telker
    Jakob Sosa
    The Terrible Trivium
    The Major2 Award (most major penalties) - Brian Payne @Scurvy 
    Rookie Brian Payne announced their presence to the league by recording 11 majors in their first season. All 11 majors were fisticuffs.
    All-time Record: S77 – Randy Marsh - 14 Majors
    Previous Major2 Award Winners:
    Major Penalties
    Brian Payne
    Owen Taylor
    Magnus Verlander
    Julian Nousiainen
    Henry Tucker
    The Timex Award (received most hits) – Saku Kotkakoivu @DollarAndADream  
    To score as many points as Saku Kotkakoivu scored this season, you going to have to take some hits. Saku took more hits than anyone in the league, 346 to be exact.
    Oh, and there’s no need to leave the stage, Saku, because…
    All-time Record: S82 – Bogdan Trunov - 408 Hits taken
    Last 5 Timex Award Winners:
    Hits Taken
    Saku Kotkakoivu
    Bogdan Trunov
    Lester Green
    Asher Reinhart
    Dakota Lamb
    The John Wayne Award (most shots on goal) - Saku Kotkakoivu @DollarAndADream  
    You won this award too! Saku fired 692 shots on goal this season.
    Oh, and there’s no reason to leave the stage, Saku, because…
    All-time record: S82 – Jerome Reinhart - 713 Shots on goal
    Last 5 John Wayne Award Winners:
    Shots on Goal
    Saku Kotkakoivu
    Jerome Reinhart
    Jerome Reinhart
    Asher Reinhart
    Gunnar Odinsson
    The “Hit the Broadside of the Barn” Award (most own shots blocked) - Saku Kotkakoivu @DollarAndADream  
    You won this award too! Saku took this one home with 189 of their shots blocked.
    Oh, and there’s no reason to leave the stage, Saku, because…
    All-time record:  S81 – Jerome Reinhart - 204 Own shots blocked
    Last 5 HtBotB Award Winners:
    Own Shots Blocked
    Saku Kotkakoivu
    Taylor Mourning
    Jerome Reinhart
    Asher Reinhart
    Groovy Dood
    The “Can’t Hit the Broadside of the Barn” Award (most own shots missed) – Saku Kotkakoivu @DollarAndADream  
    You won this award too! Saku took this one home with 509 of their shots missing the net. Saku won all three “shot” awards, congratulations! Celebrate in your own way, possibly by taking 3 shots of your favorite beverage, in a responsible manner.
    All-time record: S81 – Jerome Reinhart - 532 Shots missed
    Last 5 CHtBotB Award Winners:
    Shots Missed
    Saku Kotkakoivu
    Jerome Reinhart
    Jerome Reinhart
    Asher Reinhart
    Gunnar Odinsson
    The New Shin Pads Award (most blocked shots) – Barron Kruulenstien @LefLop 
    Barron continues the trend set by creed last season by winning both the Pylon award and the Shin Pads award. Barron won this by blocking 261 shots, which would have been an all-time high if not for the insanity from creed last season.
    All-time record: S82 – creed - 460 Shots blocked
    Last 5 New Shin Pads Award Winners:
    Shots Blocked
    Barron Kruulenstien
    Artair McCloud
    Chicken Wing
    Han Jae Kuk
    The Tired Legs Award (most minutes played) - Rhys Trenton @DeeGoat 
    Rhys led the league with 2,374 minutes on the ice. That’s an average of 32.98 minutes per game!
    All-time record: S82 – Chicken Wing – 2,512 Minutes played
    Last 5 Tired Legs Award Winners:
    Minutes Played
    Rhys Trenton
    Chicken Wing
    Artair McCloud and Ryan Vidot
    Chicken Wing
    Han Jae Kuk
    The Snap! Award (most power play minutes) - Battre Sandstrom @Acydburn 
    Battre Sandstrom brought this award back to the family (it was won by Onde Sandstrom in S77). Battre spent 339 minutes on the power play.
    All-time record: S79 - Muffbeav - 454 power play minutes
    Last 5 Snap! Award Winners:
    PP Minutes
    Battre Sandstrom
    Tyler Reinhart
    Bogdan Trunov
    Scotty Kaberle
    The 1 vs. 100 Award (most time on penalty kill) - Zeedayno Chara @Jubis 
    Zeedayno said yes when asked to kill penalties. They were killing penalties for 340 minutes this season. Enough to lead the league and claim this award.
    Oh and there’s no need to leave the stage, Zeedayno, because…
    All-time record: S79 - Gustislav Nasherov - 447 penalty kill minutes
    Last 5 1 vs. 100 Award Winners:
    PK Minutes
    Zeedayno Chara
    Hulk Hogan 2
    Sven Eightnine
    Sven Reikkinen
    Gustislav Nasherov
    The Sean Archer Award (highest face-off win %, min 1,000 faceoffs) – Zeedayno Chara @Jubis 
    You won this award too! Zeedayno must have spent his nights practicing face-offs because they posted one of the best all-time seasons for face-offs by winning 63.17% of their 2,900 face-offs. The best performance we’ve seen since the all-time record was set in S74 by Brock Louth.
    All-time record: S74 - Brock Louth - 63.72% face-offs won
    Last 5 Sean Archer Award Winners:
    Face Off Pct
    Zeedayno Chara
    Pistil Stamen
    Aloe Dear
    Dakota Lamb
    Pistil Stamen
    The Castor Troy Award (lowest face-off win %, min 1,000 faceoffs) - Gregory Bates @Tyler 
    Gregory Bates had a rough go at it in the face-off circle this season. They won a league low 31.86% of their face-offs. Unfortunately for HC Davos, they didn’t really have anyone else to help out with face-offs. Three of their players occupied the bottom 5 spots in face-offs won.
    All-time record: S79 - Gustislav Nasherov – 29.60% face-offs won.
    Last 5 Castor Troy Award Winners:
    Face Off Pct
    Gregory Bates
    Eeli Rantanen
    Otto Numminen
    Frank Funk Jr
    Gustislav Nasherov
    The Triple Deke Award (most penalty shot goals) - Zeedayno Chara @Jubis 
    Zeedayno really put their mark on this award by scoring on 7 of their 9 penalty shot attempts. The seven goals is enough to win this award outright and almost matched the all-time record.
    All-time record: S67 - Veran Dragomir and S78 - Thomas Landry II - 8 penalty shot goals
    Last 5 Triple Deke Award Winners:
    Penalty Shot Goals
    Zeedayno Chara
    Baby Bob
    Armani Calamari
    Calvin Hobbes
    Nathan Perry
    The Rocky Award (most fights won) – Brian Payne @Scurvy 
    What an amazing performance by Brian Payne. They broke the long-standing all-time record by winning 7 fights this season! And this is only their rookie season. Lots of eyes will be on Payne to see if they can keep inflicting pain.
    All-time record: S83 Brian Payne – 7 fights won
    Last 5 Rocky Award Winners:
    Fights Won
    Brian Payne
    Owen Taylor
    Pistil Stamen
    Jared Carter
    Calvin Hobbes
    The Glass Joe Award (most fights lost) – Kyle Glass @Tbeez99 
    Well it’s fitting for this award to go to someone with the last name Glass. Kyle Glass may need to spend a little more time training karate. They lost 3 fights this season, that was matched by two other players, Phil The Rock Johnson @Phil and Vinny Detroit @dasboot. Glass gets the award on the tie-breaker because their over record of 1-3-0 was worse than the other two players.
    All-time record: S74 - Lee Xin and S69 Rusty Shackleford - 5 fights lost
    Last 5 Glass Joe Award Winners:
    Fights Lost
    Kyle Glass
    Vasile Lamb
    Magnus Verlander
    Magnus Verlander
    Rusty Knale
    The Stars Award (most stars won) – Zeedayno Chara @Jubis 
    Zeedayno took home this award with 31 total stars this season. Congratulations to Duncan Idaho @OrbitingDeath  for leading the league with 18 1st stars. And a shout-out to Xavier Booberry @CowboyinAmerica for leading all goalies with 22 total stars.
    All-time record: S76 - Mikko Lahtinen – 34 total stars
    Last 5 Stars Award Winners:
    Total Stars
    Zeedayno Chara
    Taylor Mourning
    Justin Lose
    Duncan Idaho
    Gunnar Odinsson
    The “Always a Bridesmaid” Award (most stars without winning 1st star) – Tui Sova @v.2 
    Tui was symmetric in their 2nd and 3rd stars, winning 5 of each. That’s a total of 12 stars without ever winning a 1st star.
    All-time record: S72 - Lewis Dawson and S67 Dan Baillie - 13 stars
    Last 5 Bridesmaid Award Winners:
    Tui Sova
    Gustav Hjalmarsson
    Donny Carter
    Mistxh J
    Tim Waters
    The Biggest Backpack Award (player with the largest difference in points from the rest of their team) - Saku Kotkakoivu @DollarAndADream  
    Saku demonstrated their value to Calgary by recording 23 more points than their closet teammate. That’s a bigger difference than any other team in the league.
    All-time record: S82 – Taro Tsujimoto - 52 points more than nearest teammate
    Last 5 Backpack Award Winners:
    Point Difference from nearest teammate
    Saku Kotkakoivu
    Taro Tsujimoto
    Alex Johnston
    Nathan Perry and Julian Nousiainen
    Red Lite
    The Anniversary Award (rank in total points matches season number) - Robert Wilk @Tomat0 
    This is season 83, so the award goes to the player in 83rd place in total points. Congratulations to Robert Wilk! They recorded 54 points this season, good enough for 83rd place.
    Last 5 Anniversary Award Winners:
    Robert Wilk
    Jakub Brozik
    AJ Williams
    Frank Funk Jr
    Tim Waters
    The Eggshell Award (goalie with most overtime losses) - David Davis @Josh 
    David Davis had a really good season. For some reason they couldn’t keep it together in overtime. They led the league with 9 OT losses.
    All-time record: S82 - Sirkants Klamasteris, S78 – Calvin Harvey, S75 - Doug Dimmadome, and S71 Jaxx Hextall - 11 OT games lost
    Previous Eggshell Award Winners:
    Overtime Games Lost
    David Davis
    Sirkants Klamasteris
    Papa Emeritus
    Aksu Maronen
    Kevin Malone
    The Jason Voorhees Award (most PIM by a Goalie) - Ben Dahl @Ben 
    Ben Dahl wanted to send a message in their rookie season. They did just that by committing the most penalties for a goalie. Their 14 PIM was enough to win the award.
    All-time record: S76 - Doug Dimmadome - 29 PIM
    Previous Jason Voorhees Award Winners:
    Ben Dahl
    Thadius Sales
    Barry Taffe
    Tater Tot
    Jean Pierre Camus
    The Poke Check Award (highest % of penalty shots stopped, min 10 penalty shots against) - Dexter Vaughn @Flames1Fan 
    Dexter Vaughn showed their talents by stopping 80% of the 15 penalty shots they faced. That’s enough to lead the league and win the award.
    All-time record: S81 – Tater Tot – 100% penalty shots stopped (10 shots faced)
    Previous Poke Check Award Winners:
    Penalty Shots Stopped
    Dexter Vaughn
    Tater Tot
    Tater Tot
    Kunibuni UnGuri
    Zamboni Driver
    That wraps it up for this season! Another year, another successful award ceremony! Congratulations and/or condolences to all the winners! As always, please provide any suggestions, insights, or thoughts in the comments. Thank you all for reading and continuing to make this a successful column!
    2000+ words, will claim for 4 weeks.
  5. Fire
    Vice reacted to VHL Bot in [S83] Signing: Cadmael Ixazaluoh (TOR)   
    Cadmael Ixazaluoh has accepted a Signing Offer from Toronto:

    S84: $2,500,000

    S85: $2,500,000

    S86: $2,500,000

    S87: $2,500,000

    S88: $2,500,000

  6. Like
    Vice got a reaction from JardyB10 in Official Away Thread pt. 2   
    Oh I actually never knew this kinda thread existed. Gonna be gone for the rest of the Spring semester. Which finished this week so I'll be more active now. Probably just in forums though.
  7. Like
    Vice got a reaction from Banackock in Conference Finals: Game 6   
    GGs Seattle, good series. Scrappy as hell too!
  8. Sad
    Vice got a reaction from dasboot in Conference Finals: Game 5   
    Me and @dasbootfighting in multiple games now. Hmm.
  9. Thanks
    Vice got a reaction from Daniel Janser in A tale of two Brothers // Season end? Season end!   
    Good write up as always!
  10. Love
    Vice reacted to Daniel Janser in A tale of two Brothers // Season end? Season end!   
    Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg
    (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats)
    Since last we reported from our intrepid hockey exports, the regular season has ended and both brothers made it into the post-season without taking the detour via Wild Card games. This was expected for the undisputed VHLE-leader Vasteras with a 54-15-3 record and a +70 goal difference.
    Not so much for the Wranglers who are in a rebuild phase. They showed a 36-32-4 record and a -2 goal difference. The team was offensively carried by Sakukoivu, Lazeski and Johnson. The former two broke their respective points total record and the latter blew his goalscoring record out of the water. Defensively, the Wranglers had to rely on their rookie netminder Dahl, who had a respectable debut season as well as rookie defenceman AirRig 'Pylon' GoodBrandSun.
    The Jansers' final stats for the regular season is as follows:
    Marcel: 72gp, 13g, 34a, 47pts, +22, 116 PIM, 111 hits, 81sb, 4gwg, 7ppg, 5 three stars awards (2-1-2)
    Daniel: 72gp, 31g, 41a, 72pts, -10, 47 PIM, 150 hits, 140sb, 5gwg, 6ppg, 1shg, 55.79FO%, 12 three stars awards (6-3-3)
    Both franchises experienced a sweep in their respective round 1 series. Alas, with opposite results. Vasteras did the sweeping and eliminated Cologne in four games (4-3, 3-2 (OT), 3-0, 5-2) and Calgary was swept by the Legion (4-2, 3-2 (OT), 2-1, 2-1). Unfortunately, Mike Szatkowski winner Kotkakoivu could not carry over his scoring knack into the playoffs and only contributed two assists in the four games.
    The post season stats for the Swiss Hitmen show as below:
    Marcel: 4gp, 0g, 3a, 3pts, +2, 4 hits, 5sb 
    Daniel: 4gp, 2g, 2a, 4pts, -4, 6 PIM, 3 hits, 3sb, 1 ppg, 49.66 FO%, 1 three stars award (0-0-1)
    Calgary will load up on talent in the next season with the prospects Chicoine (top goal scorer in the VHLE), Gonçalves (a top ten goal scorer in his own right and amongst the ten highest scoring forwards) and Wolanin, who had also a respectable 55 points season with a positive +/-, few minutes served in the sin bin and 6 game winner. The trio accrued for a total of 24 game winners and all of them were in the top ten in that respect. It is save to say, that Calgary will have more depth up front than this season. On the defence, Marcel will join his brother in the VHL and give GoodBrandSun and Beach some relief, as he can be trusted to play boxplay with his defence-first mind set. The Wranglers will need further veteran help in their defensive end though. Some potential candidates are former Wrangler Jokinen who has an expiring contract and left torched soil after he publicly critized Helsinki's brass, Moscow's Power (though if the Menace manages to snatch the elusive cup, this seems unlikely), New York's Reinhart (also a rather wishful thinking transfer as the player has close ties to the Americans' management) and Toronto's Ixazaluoh (who played with the Jansers in the VHLM), all with expiring contracts and the necessary skill to boost Calgary's defence. We are confident that Kris Ricer will find ways to make Calgary competitive for the next season, be it with trades or with FA signings.
    Stay tuned for further updates.
  11. Hmmm
    Vice reacted to Enorama in more cap space that we deserve   
    Frankly, 5% is nothing. Even 20% is just 1.1M on a min. 900+ TPA contract
  12. Like
    Vice reacted to Doomsday in Dooms' Appreciation Extravaganza   
    I feel like when the theme of “VHL Appreciation,” was announced, quite a few people rolled their eyes. “Of course we appreciate the VHL,” they likely said to themselves, “why else would we be here?” Indeed, why else would they click buttons, work magic in Photoshop, write a masterpiece that would make Homer jealous, or put Joe Rogan to shame with a podcast? Of course they like what they do, appreciate the community, and we enjoy (maybe) seeing our player do well in the sims. But it goes deeper than that, I feel. It’s not a collective whole that brings us back time after time, player after player. There are members behind it all who stand out, and do so differently to different people as well. Sometimes, you need to find your people to really maximize your enjoyment, feel your worth, and discover your sense of belonging.
    These are my people.
    The Toronto Legion… all of them. Whether its newcomers like @Mr_Hatter and @Frank, who came and immediately set the VHL on fire, to veterans like @MattyFired, @Viper, and @DreMin15, who have proudly represented the team. @WildfireMicro, who is one of the most faithful teammates I’ve ever had, @Vice, who finds his own way to contribute, @Hybrid1486, our rookie blueliner and forum frequenter, and @KnightRiley, the piece of Emi that will always remain. Lastly, there’s @Peace, who brought me here, and is responsible for pretty much this whole team and situation today. I’ve done everything I can to help make this team a place someone would be excited to be a part of, and it isn’t possible without having a roster of players that makes the job feel worthwhile. I hope I have succeeded in that regard for all of you.
    @Spartan… you’ve assembled an incredible community in Moscow, and being a part of it is such a treat. It’s one of the funniest, most engaging, and overall rewarding places I’ve ever been in a sim league, and if I can manage to replicate half of this with Toronto, I will be ecstatic.
    @Beketov… if there is ANY one member that could be the VHL as a whole, it is you. Been here from Day One, done it all… and continue to do so. There is so much that simply wouldn’t be possible without your calm, steady guidance. When the day comes that you move on, a large part of this league will go on with you.
    @Victor, your captain still holds you in high regard, and will always cherish the glory years of the HC Davos Dynamo. Through mutual belief, respect, and trust, great things are always achievable. Onwards, Davos!
    @STZ, my first VHLM GM, and that awesome Season 33 Bratislava Watchmen team really got me cemented in this league, for better or for worse. You never forget your first, they say. I haven’t, and I always have done what I can to be as welcoming and helpful to others as you were to me. 
    @samx, my emotional support human/alarm clock. We talked from time to time, despite you being afraid of me, then we eventually realized how similar our brains were. How much we could relate to our brains messing with us. You’re a real one, a friend on a much more personal level than I’d ever expect to find in a league of fictional hockey players. Thanks for putting up with all my nonsense!
    @a_Ferk, to date, the ONLY AGM I’ve ever had. The yin to the yang, the night to my day… I can’t explain why it worked so well, but it did. Together, we may not have won cups (at least as a management team, S72 is forever), but we did produce many quality members and players to the VHL, which to me, is the ultimate sign of a job well done in the VHLM. I really hope you get a chance to shine again there.
    @Arce, you went from the VHL legend I got to write about every so often to becoming a real person, and one that is a blast to interact with almost daily. I’m so glad I got that chance to get to meet the man behind the myth, and I cannot wait for that Tri-State VHL BBQ!
    @MubbleFubbles, Tagger, whatever you want it to be… you’ve been a constant source of joy, hilarity, and entertainment throughout my time here, and you’re a legend just for goalie sacks alone, yet you do so much more than that.
    @OrbitingDeath , the guy who makes Hall of Fame players as a hobby, yet is still one of the most down to earth, approachable people in the community, always willing to share a laugh and wisdoms. Intelligent, cultured, and humorous, you’re a gift to this league, and I’m blessed that you consider me good company.
    @Vkobe-v, you went from the realest goaltender I had in Saskatoon to the realest dude in Moscow. A genuinely quality human being that I can’t wait to brag to people that I know him when he’s crushing faces in his many sportsball quests.
    @Shindigs, you crushed my heart when you asked to be traded from Toronto, but you’re too damn cool to not keep being friends with. You’re even a time-traveler that I can consult with to see what life is like several hours in the future. How cool is that?
    @JardyB10, someone that it's hard to believe is a real person behind all the crazy stories, but is the absolute realest dude. The Boomer Cast was a memorable experience and I would love to join up for another one!
    @Dil, the leader of Vasteras and someone whose contributions to this league go way too under the radar for my liking. You do great things for this league, but all that really needs to be said here is VASTERAS VASTERAS VASTERAS VASTERAS VASTERAS VASTERAS VASTERAS VASTERAS VASTERAS VASTERAS VASTERAS 
    @diamond_ace , who has put up with me as a general manager for nine seasons, longer than anyone else! You always valued my contributions, fostered a great team atmosphere, and were a blast to work with!
    @Garsh, who is a constant source of hilarity and a F1 fan to boot! The perfect blend of sarcasm and wit, just a naturally funny guy that is a proud pension practitioner on top of it all. Every time you show up, it's memorable. 
    @Josh is another guy that contributes in so many ways that just doesn't get seen or acknowledged on the surface. Thanks for everything you do that allows everyone to enjoy the VHL!
    @Zack, you're always a riot to talk with, and I hope one day we'll share a team so our encounters can be more than just randomly being in Gen Chat at the same time. 
    @MexicanCow123, I would write this portion of the article for free, like how you perform as an updater. We always had each other's backs in the M, and now we're both up in the VHL somehow. New York is waiting on a winner, though. Can't keep them waiting forever!
    @frescoelmo, you've had to deal with my shenanigans since the MSFL, yet you persist. You deal with the league's riff-raff on a daily basis, and while the yam threat hasn't manifested in ages, you remain ever-vigilant. Moddin' ain't easy. 
    @Squidward, whether you're pulling a legendary prank, causing chaos in Town of Salem, or trashing the Flyers, you're a character that this league needs more of. 
    @Moon MOONER! You showed up during my hiatus I believe, and in that time, you quickly established yourself as a go-getter capable of taking on big tasks. You're always a joy to talk to, and you always seem so happy to see me around, as if you've known me forever. 
    @Gustav when I first returned to the VHL, you were one of the first people that was super welcoming to me, and we've always gotten along after that. Our mutual passion for DAVID, love of meme culture, and love for the most unwanted song have made for some great memories along the way. You definitely wound up being one of the best new additions that was not around for my first tenure in the VHL.
    @BOOM another member who's been around for all of my shenanigans, and who I've also been lucky to call a teammate. I've seen the glories of your locker room contributions, and you enjoyed seeing the exploits of my B-17 on War Thunder. It's hard to imagine a VHL without my favorite brother from down under. 
    @Renomitsu, you're doing amazing things for the world, and we are blessed to have your company. You're also the one person who recognized my avatar and knows what it is!
    @McWolf , you're free from London, and hopefully free to enjoy some of the finer aspects of the league again. You gave me my start again in Saskatoon, and we got to compete against each other this season. Maybe one day we'll get to do so again!
    It's impossible to mention everyone, and I am sure my brain isn't going to let me remember everyone, so I can't wait for all the, "where's my mention?!" replies. But seriously, this community rocks, and it goes beyond all the tagged members here. That's what makes it so special, and makes everything worth it all.
  13. Haha
    Vice reacted to youloser1337 in Just Another Appreciation Post... Totally Nothing Special About It At All....   
    Please know I didn't call you a horrible decision. I'm just saying I'm horrible at making the decisions lol. You were a great AGM. You really brought a lot of things to the table and I was gutted when you had to leave.
  14. Like
    Vice got a reaction from youloser1337 in Just Another Appreciation Post... Totally Nothing Special About It At All....   
    Even if I lowkey get called a horrible decision, I still enjoyed the time I spent with you and the things that you taught me about GMing a VHLM team. I hate that my work schedule picked up as much as it did, but hopefully it dies down later in the year like it did last year so that I can spend more time on it.
    Thanks for your help with everything and thank you for your time as GM!
  15. Like
    Vice reacted to Insypher in Appreciation Week   
    When I first joined the VHL, it was really easy for me to feel very out of the loop. I had no clue what TPE was, I didn't really know how the league worked, and I felt that this would be too much work to figure out. But once I made my player and got acquainted with the staff, the transition became much easier. 
    The first person that reached out to me, other than @Beketov, was @Vice, who was the GM of the Mexico City Kings. He was the first person that gave me an opportunity to play in the league, so it's important that I recognize the opportunity he gave me. Vice was the first guy that told me how the league worked and how to get acquainted with everything. He made it easy for me to feel like just one of the guys in the locker room. Any question I had, he was the first guy I could go to. Another person who was important in my development was @Spartan. Not only did he draft me, he also gave me all the insights on how to properly do point tasks. I've messed up point tasks so many times and Spartan has been really cool about telling me what I did wrong in a respectful and understanding way. It's also fun to talk with him about Pittsburgh sports stuff. Plus all the other management stuff he does on the site is important too. I also have to give a shoutout to all of the guys on the Mexico City Kings and Red Wolves for making me feel included and part of that locker room, with one of those guys being @Brandon. Somehow, we were drafted/signed with the same team in every league, which is pretty cool. Not only that, he was willing to make me this really cool signature and he helped with my player build. It's not a coincidence that he was voted captain of the Red Wolves. 
    It's not just him that makes the Red Wolves a fun place to play. All of the guys in that locker room, whether it be @der meister, @KaleebtheMighty, @Spaz, @jacobcarson877, and all the other guys that would take up too much time to type out, all of those guys make that locker room loose and fun. @KaleebtheMightyreally knows how to keep that locker room positive at all times. He will not let a bad sim get the worst of us. He is always there to tell us to keep our heads up and look forward to the future. He also really kicks our butt when it comes to earning TPE. In fact, all of those guys in that locker room are always churning out TPE like it's nothing. Seeing all of those guys really take their time to do all of their point tasks really inspires me to do the same. 
    All of those guys make this league a great place to interact with people, and all of their hard work definitely had to be appreciated.
  16. Fire
    Vice reacted to Daniel Janser in Games: 13-24   
    Gives the term 'World Dominance' a whole new meaning
  17. Fire
    Vice reacted to McWolf in Games: 13-24   
    World still undefeated!
  18. Like
    Vice got a reaction from TheNeonShaman in S78 RIG-TOR Jolly Greene Giant Trade Tree   
    Woah! I was in a trade tree?! These things are always fun to read.
  19. Fire
    Vice reacted to v.2 in Games: 1-12   
  20. Like
    Vice reacted to Daniel Janser in S82 Team World Roster   
    Kurt Janser nominated the following players to dress for Team World in the S82 World Cup:
    In net:
    🇫🇯 Kunibuni Unguri 🇫🇯
    🇦🇺 David Davis 🇦🇺
    in the defence, Janser relies on the following players to close the gate:
    🇫🇯 Tui Sova 🇫🇯
    🇵🇰 Hari Singh Nalwa 🇵🇰
    🇸🇨 Ryan Vidot 🇸🇨
    🇬🇹 Cadmael Ixazaluoh 🇬🇹
    last but not least, the below listed players are expected to keep the opposing defenders and netminder busy:
    🇯🇵 Taro Tsujimoto 🇯🇵
    🇧🇷 Pistil Stamen 🇧🇷
    🇨🇬 Darth Kaprizov 🇨🇬
    🇸🇨 Zaza Colors 🇸🇨
    🇯🇵 Nezuko 🇯🇵
    🇨🇳 Yun Chiang 🇨🇳
    To all of the players who did not make the cut I wanted to say that all the decisions made are not against you but for the players nominated. With a heavy heart I had to make some tough calls, but I am nonetheless convinced that this group can go the full nine yards.
    Go Team World.
  21. Haha
    Vice got a reaction from Banackock in Continental Cup Finals: Games 3 & 4   
    A VHL Mod being out of line and doing something that was probably a gut reaction anyways? On this forum? Couldn't possibly happen.
  22. Fire
    Vice reacted to mattyIceman in MattyIce's recruits   
    Cadmael Ixazaluoh has reached 500 tpe.
    10 uncapped for me!
  23. Like
    Vice reacted to Doomsday in It's Official: Landry II Is New Toronto Legion GM   
    It's Official: Landry II Is New Toronto Legion GM

    TORONTO - After a long wait, perhaps the most anticipated off-season news finally dropped, with the dual announcement of the Toronto Legion announcing the hiring of Thomas Landry II and the Los Angeles Stars choosing Zack Gagnon as the new general managers of their franchises. Both teams have been waiting to see their team hoist the Continental Cup, with Toronto's last championship victory coming in Season 65 while Los Angeles awaits their first Continental Cup in franchise history. For the Legion, however, their new man at the helm has yet to lift a championship trophy over his head, but is now tasked with ending both of their respective droughts.
    Thomas Landry II spent his entire VHL career with the same team: the Prague Phantoms. Going from the wide-eyed rookie playing with top players like Brick Wahl II, Cinnamon Block, Seabass Perrin, and Wolf Stansson Jr to the team captain and a franchise leader. His career culminated with Prague raising his #48 to the rafters, but a championship banner did not accompany it. However, what Landry II lacks in championship victories he more than makes up for in passion, enthusiasm, and loyalty, earning him the support of Toronto's players and management. This virtually universal support no doubt played a large part in Landry II's hiring, and he will need it as Toronto enters an off-season filled with questions regarding the future direction of the franchise.
    When it comes to answering those questions, who better to answer them than Toronto's new general manager, Thomas Landry II himself? The MSFL Times was able to secure an exclusive interview with one of the league's two new hirings, and looked to get answers regarding the future in Toronto.
    Jethro Novacek: First of all, congratulations on being hired as the new general manager of the Toronto Legion!! Tell us, how long did you have to keep it a secret?
    Thomas Landry II: Thank you, and as it turns out, not very long at all! I was officially offered the position the same day it ended up being announced, with the plan being to make it public when Los Angeles was eliminated or the Continental Cup Finals started, whichever came first. Unfortunately for the Stars, they were eliminated later that day, which meant I only officially knew about my hiring for a couple of hours before the rest of the league did. 
    JN: Both you and Zack Gagnon, who was announced as the new general manager of the Los Angeles Stars, had a lot of kind words for each other. What sort of relationship did you two have prior to becoming VHL GMs together?
    TL: Zack actually drafted me back in Season 70 when he was the general manager of the San Diego Marlins in the VHLM, so we definitely go back a ways. I'd definitely consider him a good friend, as he's a great guy and we've always gotten along. Professionally, with every stop he's made as a general manager, he's done a really fantastic job. This has been long overdue for him, and it's amazing to see him finally getting his chance to prove that he can win at the VHL level, which I think gives him a very real possibility to become the first to GM a team to a championship in the VHLM, VHLE, and the VHL. How cool with that be for Zack to pull that off after hanging in there and waiting for his opportunity here?
    JN: As for the Toronto Legion, they're at a bit of a crossroads right now. Realistically, they could continue with their current group even though some key prospects haven't panned out, but the chance of yet another rebuild is very real. What do you make of the situation?

    TL: The key for me is all about finding the players who fill not only team needs, but who want to be a part of the Toronto Legion family as well. While some prospects definitely haven't panned out, there are others who have. Weenuk Warrior will be coming up to the pro roster next season, as will Sting Chameleon if they elect to stay. With strong players in place such as Matty Fire, Kyle Peace, Jannik Nylen, and Oskar Lindbergh, along with three first round picks in the next two drafts, we've got the capability to build around these players and create the depth needed to compete. As you mentioned, the future is very wide open in Toronto, and there are numerous possibilities available to us. 
    JN: You mentioned some of the key pieces of the current roster, who is someone that you feel really needs to step up and become part of that key group in Season 83?
    TL: One player that will in a position to do so is Cadmael Ixazaluoh, a first round pick back in Season 81. He made the jump up to the VHL this season and had a very respectable rookie season, but Cadmael is in line to take a much bigger role in Season 83, and if he can take the next step towards becoming a top-tier VHL defenseman, that would be absolutely huge for us. He will have the opportunity, and I believe he has the talent, so we will need to see if two plus two does indeed equal four in this situation. 
    JN: What do you think will be the most difficult aspect of the job?
    TL: For me, it'll definitely be when the time comes to trade a player I've known for a long time. My personal style is to build relationships and instill trust in the players on my roster, and I must admit that I do not look forward to the day I have to inform one of them that they are being traded. I also don't look forward to working with managing the salary cap at all, but I feel like I might be making a bigger deal over that than it actually will be. 
    JN: Season 83 will introduce the brand-new hybrid attributes, bringing an end to the brief era of the meta build. What do you think this will mean for competition in the VHL?
    TL: Honestly, I think it's really going to open things up. We won't see the same builds with different names on them, we'll be seeing a lot of unique players, and the challenge of assembling all the right pieces just got that much tougher. On top of that, you don't just need players that can hit 500 TPE and dominate, getting those consistent high-earners is even more important than ever now, and the balance between higher and lower TPE players to stay under the cap will be absolutely critical now. I think we're going to see a lot of competition and parity in the future with the hybrid system. 
    JN: Any final words to add?
    TL: We are Legion, and we are one.
    If one thing is for certain, it is that the future of the Toronto Legion is in the hands of someone in Thomas Landry II that firmly believes in his players and their abilities, and wants to win with them. Time will tell, however, if this faith and loyalty will be rewarded with a Continental Cup being paraded in the streets of Toronto.
    Jethro Novacek is an award-winning writer for the MSFL Times, the absolute zenith in simulation sports coverage. He enjoys the bizarre lingo of hockey, funnel cake, and talking to himself for hours on end.
  24. Like
    Vice got a reaction from Arce in Semi Finals: Game 7   
    Damn. GG to Houston!
  25. Like
    Vice got a reaction from Moon in Semi Finals: Game 7   
    Damn. GG to Houston!
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