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Status Updates posted by Horcrux

  1. Hi im not dead, sorry something came up

  2. Yall better fight to the death to get the exclusive right to dump 5 weeks of TPE

    1. Shindigs


      Ariane did hit Bo causing a turnover the other night. So I am considering it <insert evil Velociraptor noises>

  3. the VHLM is not about stats and cups. stop treating it as such

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Banackock


      Yep. That’s one persons opinion. I want big goals and points in the M. It can be about anything and that’s why the M is good and the magic of Disney. 100%, yes, retention… but as a GM I’d want to win and have good stats too… that typically translates to.. retention.😁

    3. Horcrux


      But IMO Retention first, make sure you players are comfortable and know wtf they are doing THEN ball out @Banackock

    4. Banackock
  4. I'm sorry everyone...

    1. fishy
    2. JardyB10


      We forgive you for your probably non-existent sin! :) 

    3. Nykonax

  6. I am excited for movie night tomorrow. thanks @JardyB10and @thadthrasher for the idea

    1. JardyB10


      I don’t really think it was my idea at all (in fact I’d even give Thad more credit, I think he’s the one who specifically suggested Saw parties), but I’ll gladly take credit for it! :D 

    2. thadthrasher
  7. the LA Stars logo is the worst in the league. 

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. diamond_ace


      @GustavMattias if were talking about being glad you werent around for a logo: screaming seamen

    3. Gustav


      I can only imagine, and I'm just now realizing that I don't think I've ever seen that one--which is strange because I think I know most old logos.


      Maybe I'm not the right person to judge that, though, because I didn't hate old HFX. Text was pretty garbage but I never had a huge problem with the actual logo part of it.

    4. diamond_ace


      Basically just the Gorton's Fisherman old Islanders logo

  8. Bringing home gold today 🇪🇺

  9. if our team didn't have 1 D playing a Full stacked Yukon we would have won. JS

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Horcrux


      Can't win 4 games @a_Ferkwhen we have 1 Defender

    3. fishy


      if Calgary would have won that game 7 4-3 ot game instead. would Chicago have had their Cinderella run ? No

    4. Horcrux


      Its not baout the win, i could care less haha XD i just feel if the rosters were atleast even (# of players not TPE) we MAY have won

  10. well today was fun

  11. The Kraken will win the Stanley Cup. just you watch


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