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Everything posted by Horcrux

  1. Horcrux

    VHLE Expansion

    So when I made my article about the VHLM and said we needed Balance. Killing Yukon was not what I meant but ill take it lol. Congrats to both of you. Well deserved.
  2. Ide like to apply. I think I can do well and would be a great benefit to the M
  3. Horcrux

    VHLE Expansion

    Congrats @Brewins15
  4. The world of Ariane Leblanc was greatly shifted last week when she got a phone call telling her that she would be a General Manager for the World Juniors tournament. Helming the front office of Team Europe, a dream of hers was about to be fulfilled. Sure she would not be putting on the Jersey for her nation and represent them that way, instead she was tagged to build a team that could win made up of some of the most talented European players in the Victory Hockey League. The first phone call she made was to her friend Sam where she quickly brought her on as Assistant General Manager, then she called up Venus and see if she wanted a coaching job. With the front office in tact Ariane then sat down and looked over spreadsheet, after spreadsheet, trying to figure out which players would work well off each other and which players would fit the mold she was looking for. Hoping to bring in players who might otherwise be looked over, or players who she thinks had the right attitude in order to win playing her style of hockey. Via Grande (Translator) “I am looking to build a fast, high scoring, high defense team. I want to grind down the other teams and I want Europe to hold up that trophy. I think with the team we have built we have every pillar on paper to win, now they just need to show up in practice and show up on ice. I'm confident we should have fun and win this thing.”
  5. Congratualtions on making the team
  6. Hello Everyone, General Manager for Team Europe here. Below will be the Roster for the Season 80 World Junior Championship Tournament. Congratulations to All the General Managers and Congratulations to Everyone Selceted. lets have a great Tournament and win this thing. thank you to my AGM @Brewins15and input from @BladeMaidenwho gave me advice and helped me understand key aspects to roster buidling. First up will be the 9 players who wlll suit up for Europe. Next up is the 4 players who were Selected to play Defence for this tournemnet Finally the two players selcted to stand between the pipes for Europe Congratulations to everyone selcted, as a first time GM this was a hard choice to narrow it down to these players. lets have a great tornament.
  7. 1. It sucks but that's hockey, had the league done better with roster balance maybe we beat Yukon but who knows. 2. I don't care who I join just want to play 3. I played well about a PPG player that is all you can ask for. 4.yukon probably. 5. Depends on what team im on and what the situation is on the LR and management. 6. Not really a question, don't know how to answer this but cool.
  8. Alright. Where to begin. You are not a failure. Everyone has their truth and their own stories. I'm loud, obnoxious, and won't sit down and sit idly by even if the staff may wish I do sometimes. My player has 60+ TPE news flash you are still doing better and you know what there are a lot of great players in history who were loyal workhorses. Who cares if you don't go to the VHL, this is a game. A game of hockey, you will take hits, you will pass, you will score. Maybe not this player, maybe next, or maybe the player 5 years down the line. All that matters is you play how YOU want and you have fun. Their is no wrong way to play. So never say you are a failure. You are worth it and amazing.
  9. I love you, you silly goose, You are so amazing and strong. I am HONORED to be your friend. Thank you and stay amazing.
  10. Congrats @TheNeonShamanwell deserved
  11. looking forward to seeing yoru career play out. any questions their are LOADS of people who want to help. or ask away in discord
  12. Regardles sof that, not everyone is you. not everyone feels the same. I know for me visuals like the emojis help me more then a simple color.
  13. I am using a chrome book and its harder for me to see things on the smaller screen, I think its an added benefit. if you dont want the GM tag ill take it
  14. AHHH Thank you for the clarification Beketov
  15. The Emotes in Roles help me see who is holding what poistion. the GM ones are handy
  16. Thats whay new member help is for, and the dfat hype chanels. Gen is a chaotic mess thats hard to Moderate
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