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Tim Robinson

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  1. Woah
    Tim Robinson reacted to VHL Bot in PRG/MAL; S88   
    Malmo receives:
    Ben McLaughlin
    Halvar Torbjorn
    Harkat Mulds
    Jani Karppinen
    Saku Kotkakoivu
    S88 PRG 1st
    S88 VAN 2nd
    S88 PRG 3rd

    Prague receives:
    Dabnad Shaw
    S88 LDN 1st
    S88 MAL 2nd

    This trade has been accepted by all parties and is pending league approval.
  2. Haha
    Tim Robinson reacted to Dom in PRG/MAL; S88   
    Acyd: How many players do you want from Prague?
    Kaleeb: yes
  3. Silly
    Tim Robinson reacted to Steve in Lucky Jammies   
  4. Cheers
    Tim Robinson reacted to Beketov in Forgive my Sentimentality   
    Hello everyone,
    Not gonna bother with a members tag on this, if you see it then great, you will be rewarded for that. If you don’t then…. Well why am I writing this because if you don’t see it how can you read this part?
    Anyway, today marks 5717 days (that’s 15 years, 7 months, and 26 days if you’re curious) since the VHL opened its doors. What a random number you might say, why does that matter? Well if I do the math, and I have, I was born 5717 days before the start of the VHL. Given that I joined on day one and have been here ever since that means today marks the official day that I have been in the VHL just as long as I was outside of it. Is that a stupid thing to celebrate? Probably but that won’t stop me; so please let me indulge in a bit of sentimentality for a moment.
    When the VHL started I had not yet completed high school, I had never had a girlfriend, hell I had never kissed a girl. I was a lonely nerd turning to the internet to find something to do; and I found it. The VHL was not my first sim league, wasn’t even the first one I joined ran by the people who ran it, but it was the first that felt different and felt like it had a good chance of surviving which so few at that point had done. I found a community here. I cannot honestly say that everything went perfectly or that my start in the VHL was without fault; I very nearly left for good within 2 months, but I stayed. I have now not only finished high school but university and going on 10 years working post-schooling. I have now not only had a steady relationship but a wife and two children, a life. All the while the VHL has been there, constantly evolving with the times sure but present. Over 5 years ago I took up the mantel of commissioner. I did it not because I thought I was necessarily the best person for the job but because I thought the league needed something, it was in trouble and I didn’t want to see it fail. I like to think that in these 5 years of growth I have at least stalled that failure.
    5717 days likely means nothing to any of you, just as that paragraph likely means nothing to any of you, but it means something to me. This league, this place, this community has been a standard in my life for longer than most anything else. I’m not going anywhere right now, that’s not what this is, but I did want to mark the occasion because this league does mean a lot to me.
    So if you’ve made it this far feel free to take 5 uncapped TPE for your troubles, on me. I’m not sure the insane total I’ve had over the years (probably over 10k by now) so 5 for everyone that I bored with this story should suffice as a thank you for being my weird extended internet family.
  5. Like
    Tim Robinson reacted to Try_Me678 in Ottawa Lynx Jersey Concept   
  6. Like
  7. Haha
  8. Silly
    Tim Robinson reacted to tinafrombobsburgers in That time of year   
  9. Fire
  10. Like
    Tim Robinson reacted to Frank in Round One Bracket   
  11. Haha
  12. Fire
    Tim Robinson reacted to Triller in S86 KGW Signature Stick Collection   
    S86 Signature Collection
         Hello and welcome to the S86 KGW Signature Stick Collection!  We have been hard at work with 5 special players in the VHL to create custom sticks that will help represent their style, family, city and teams!  We took their feedback and created sticks that would help them stand out throughout the season.  We asked each player what they wanted their stick to represent and then our team got to it to create something everyone would be proud to have.  We collected everything and created our product showcase, Signature Collection!  Please enjoy!

    Best way to take a look is to check out the PDF as it will let you zoom in and out and let you scan the QR codes if you are on a second screen that is not your phone.  Each player has a QR code attached that will take you to a short YouTube video of their custom stick!  Try it out!
    KGW S86 Signature Collection.pdf

    Below are the pages as images if the PDF doesn't work for anyone as well as the links to the YouTube videos for each stick.  It took me quite some time to put this all together and I appreciate anyone who takes a look, reacts or replies!  Thank you to @Shindigs, @N0HBDY, @Daniel Janser, @Arce  and @Frank for playing along!  Sorry for the wait, hopefully this is worth it!





    Bo-Ingvar Johansson S86 KGW Signature Stick - YouTube
    Cole Pearce S86 KGW Signature Stick - YouTube
    Daniel Janser S86 KGW Signature Stick - YouTube
    Ronan Lavelle S86 KGW Signature Stick - YouTube
    John Jameson S86 KGW Signature Stick - YouTube

    I will be claiming each player graphic in this thread individually and claiming each custom stick graphic and video for each player in the .com GFX section.
  13. Cheers
    Tim Robinson got a reaction from Phil in Sass with Stras #17   
    Thanks for the mention in your podcast!
  14. Fire
    Tim Robinson reacted to Steve in Malmo Dman   
  15. Like
    Tim Robinson got a reaction from Triller in Moscow vs Malmo   
  16. Cheers
    Tim Robinson reacted to Phil in Sass with Stras #17   
    Sass with Stras #17

    Treat me like a joke and I'll leave you like it's funny.    KnightTime Radio is proud to present an all-new Podcasting series!!   Another epic journey in podcasting!  Join me for some chill hangs, good vibes.
      Featuring a fantastic Bio from @Yahtzee!  Continue crushing it, good sir!    Sass with Stras Podcast Question Thread   Songs: Iridescent - Linkin Park   This is a division of KnightTime Radio.    Run Time: 35 minutes
  17. Like
    Tim Robinson got a reaction from Spartan in Moscow vs Malmo   
  18. Like
    Tim Robinson reacted to GioSivo in San Diego's Dynamic Duo   
  19. Like
    Tim Robinson reacted to Steve in Go Malmo   
    Great looking bunch of players. I wonder what one is me. Overall you did a fine job. I really like the shoulder patches. Everything looks well placed and the color change is fitting for the team. I like the vignette though I think the team logo could be on top of it if placed there at all. Good job, great team graphic.
  20. Like
    Tim Robinson reacted to DankTurtle in Go Malmo   
    I'll start with the jerseys and logos. You did a great job photoshopping the colors and the logos onto the jerseys and I like how you paid attention to the details with the numbers and even putting “Molotov” on the jersey although the font is a little off. The placement of the Nighthawks logo with the rays radiating out was a very nice touch as well. Could have maybe photoshoped a fan or two to have a jersey on as well but I don’t blame you for that, its very minor details, and its very likely that no one sitting there would be a fan because they might be the away team. Overall, I give it an 8/10.
  21. Fire
    Tim Robinson got a reaction from Phil in Probert Bio   
    On February 8th, 2002 in Detroit, MI, Mo Probert was born. Mo spent all of his childhood in his hometown of Saginaw, MI with his Father who was a now retired boxer. Once he was able to stand his Father had him practicing jabs on his hands as he wanted Mo to follow in his footsteps and become a great boxer. Mo took to fighting quickly and grew up training with his Father almost everyday, it looked like he was going to do just what his Father had wanted him to.
         It wasn't until around 2014 when Mo was introduced to Hockey. Mo was taken to visit his Grandfather for the first time and he stated in an interview "I don't think I even knew what hockey was until my Grandpa took me to a game when I was 12 years old. We had seats by the glass and I saw a bench clearing brawl and was surprised that no one was trying to stop it. All the fans in the crowd cheering and jumping outta there seats got my adrenaline and excitement pumping. I knew right then and there I wanted to be a hockey player." Once Mo returned to his home in Saginaw he pestered his Father for a year before he finally got him some skates and a stick to start practicing. Mo would go down to the pond near his house everyday that winter to practice skating and shooting. He still practiced boxing with his Father often and even started to spar with some of the young fighters at the gym his Father owned.
         Mo didn't take to hockey as quickly as he did to boxing, but he still went to tryout for his high schools hockey club the Saginaw Heritage his freshman year. He didn't make the cut that year as the Coach of the team told him his skating wasn't good enough to be on the team. After his father heard the news that Mo didn't make the team he told him if he did not make the team next season he would have to give up on hockey and focus on boxing. All year Probert worked on his skating in hopes to make the team his Sophomore year. When tryouts opened for the team next season Proberts skating had seen significant improvement and he made the team. He proved to be a force on the ice as he had a large growth spurt and was now 6' 6". He led his team in hits every season and would be named Captain of his team his Senior year.
         Following high school, Mo had a few options on what he could do next. He could go to college and try to be a walk on, He could stay home and work at his Fathers gym and possibly focus on becoming a professional boxer, or he could tryout for a VHLM team and try to get drafted into the VHL. He decided on trying out for a VHLM club in hopes of being recognized by the VHL sooner and to avoid doing schoolwork at college. Mo traveled to Miami because the Marauders had most of their team filled out, but they did not have too many defenseman, and so he figured this was his best chance at joining a VHLM team. If he didn't make the cut for the team he said he would've traveled back home and worked with his Father. "I put all my cards on Miami taking me onto their team and hoping that season would get me recognized by some VHL teams. If I didn't make the team that would've been it for my hockey career, I would've went home and worked at my Pops gym and train and spar with the fighters he brings in. I figured this was my one chance to play hockey and I was not gonna let the opportunity it pass me by."
        After Mo made the team for the Miami Marauders and played his first season in the VHLM he was eligible to be drafted by teams in the VHL, VHLE, and VHLM. He was hoping to get drafted by a team in each league and work his way up to the VHL, but his name was only called during the VHLM draft. After hearing the news that he was not drafted by a VHL or VHLE team Mo had little hope of continuing his hockey career. He considered going back home to his father and giving up on his dream to play hockey. "I remember being pretty down that day ya'know. I put all this work in and I was not even gonna get a chance to show one of the big teams what I could do. I didn't wanna play in the VHLM if I wasn't gonna get a chance to play in the VHL in the future. I had my bags packed and I was gonna call my Pops and tell him I was coming home, but I got a call the next day from Malmo saying they were interested in signing me. I knew that signing this contract would give me a chance to at least show the Nighthawks what I could do and hopefully I would be playing for them in the future."
         It took Mo three more seasons to finally make it to the VHL, but he is now in his 3rd season with the Nighthawks and has proven to be a valuable player to the team.
    917 Words
  22. Fire
    Tim Robinson got a reaction from Scurvy in Probert Bio   
    On February 8th, 2002 in Detroit, MI, Mo Probert was born. Mo spent all of his childhood in his hometown of Saginaw, MI with his Father who was a now retired boxer. Once he was able to stand his Father had him practicing jabs on his hands as he wanted Mo to follow in his footsteps and become a great boxer. Mo took to fighting quickly and grew up training with his Father almost everyday, it looked like he was going to do just what his Father had wanted him to.
         It wasn't until around 2014 when Mo was introduced to Hockey. Mo was taken to visit his Grandfather for the first time and he stated in an interview "I don't think I even knew what hockey was until my Grandpa took me to a game when I was 12 years old. We had seats by the glass and I saw a bench clearing brawl and was surprised that no one was trying to stop it. All the fans in the crowd cheering and jumping outta there seats got my adrenaline and excitement pumping. I knew right then and there I wanted to be a hockey player." Once Mo returned to his home in Saginaw he pestered his Father for a year before he finally got him some skates and a stick to start practicing. Mo would go down to the pond near his house everyday that winter to practice skating and shooting. He still practiced boxing with his Father often and even started to spar with some of the young fighters at the gym his Father owned.
         Mo didn't take to hockey as quickly as he did to boxing, but he still went to tryout for his high schools hockey club the Saginaw Heritage his freshman year. He didn't make the cut that year as the Coach of the team told him his skating wasn't good enough to be on the team. After his father heard the news that Mo didn't make the team he told him if he did not make the team next season he would have to give up on hockey and focus on boxing. All year Probert worked on his skating in hopes to make the team his Sophomore year. When tryouts opened for the team next season Proberts skating had seen significant improvement and he made the team. He proved to be a force on the ice as he had a large growth spurt and was now 6' 6". He led his team in hits every season and would be named Captain of his team his Senior year.
         Following high school, Mo had a few options on what he could do next. He could go to college and try to be a walk on, He could stay home and work at his Fathers gym and possibly focus on becoming a professional boxer, or he could tryout for a VHLM team and try to get drafted into the VHL. He decided on trying out for a VHLM club in hopes of being recognized by the VHL sooner and to avoid doing schoolwork at college. Mo traveled to Miami because the Marauders had most of their team filled out, but they did not have too many defenseman, and so he figured this was his best chance at joining a VHLM team. If he didn't make the cut for the team he said he would've traveled back home and worked with his Father. "I put all my cards on Miami taking me onto their team and hoping that season would get me recognized by some VHL teams. If I didn't make the team that would've been it for my hockey career, I would've went home and worked at my Pops gym and train and spar with the fighters he brings in. I figured this was my one chance to play hockey and I was not gonna let the opportunity it pass me by."
        After Mo made the team for the Miami Marauders and played his first season in the VHLM he was eligible to be drafted by teams in the VHL, VHLE, and VHLM. He was hoping to get drafted by a team in each league and work his way up to the VHL, but his name was only called during the VHLM draft. After hearing the news that he was not drafted by a VHL or VHLE team Mo had little hope of continuing his hockey career. He considered going back home to his father and giving up on his dream to play hockey. "I remember being pretty down that day ya'know. I put all this work in and I was not even gonna get a chance to show one of the big teams what I could do. I didn't wanna play in the VHLM if I wasn't gonna get a chance to play in the VHL in the future. I had my bags packed and I was gonna call my Pops and tell him I was coming home, but I got a call the next day from Malmo saying they were interested in signing me. I knew that signing this contract would give me a chance to at least show the Nighthawks what I could do and hopefully I would be playing for them in the future."
         It took Mo three more seasons to finally make it to the VHL, but he is now in his 3rd season with the Nighthawks and has proven to be a valuable player to the team.
    917 Words
  23. Like
    Tim Robinson got a reaction from ryf87 in Probert Bio   
    On February 8th, 2002 in Detroit, MI, Mo Probert was born. Mo spent all of his childhood in his hometown of Saginaw, MI with his Father who was a now retired boxer. Once he was able to stand his Father had him practicing jabs on his hands as he wanted Mo to follow in his footsteps and become a great boxer. Mo took to fighting quickly and grew up training with his Father almost everyday, it looked like he was going to do just what his Father had wanted him to.
         It wasn't until around 2014 when Mo was introduced to Hockey. Mo was taken to visit his Grandfather for the first time and he stated in an interview "I don't think I even knew what hockey was until my Grandpa took me to a game when I was 12 years old. We had seats by the glass and I saw a bench clearing brawl and was surprised that no one was trying to stop it. All the fans in the crowd cheering and jumping outta there seats got my adrenaline and excitement pumping. I knew right then and there I wanted to be a hockey player." Once Mo returned to his home in Saginaw he pestered his Father for a year before he finally got him some skates and a stick to start practicing. Mo would go down to the pond near his house everyday that winter to practice skating and shooting. He still practiced boxing with his Father often and even started to spar with some of the young fighters at the gym his Father owned.
         Mo didn't take to hockey as quickly as he did to boxing, but he still went to tryout for his high schools hockey club the Saginaw Heritage his freshman year. He didn't make the cut that year as the Coach of the team told him his skating wasn't good enough to be on the team. After his father heard the news that Mo didn't make the team he told him if he did not make the team next season he would have to give up on hockey and focus on boxing. All year Probert worked on his skating in hopes to make the team his Sophomore year. When tryouts opened for the team next season Proberts skating had seen significant improvement and he made the team. He proved to be a force on the ice as he had a large growth spurt and was now 6' 6". He led his team in hits every season and would be named Captain of his team his Senior year.
         Following high school, Mo had a few options on what he could do next. He could go to college and try to be a walk on, He could stay home and work at his Fathers gym and possibly focus on becoming a professional boxer, or he could tryout for a VHLM team and try to get drafted into the VHL. He decided on trying out for a VHLM club in hopes of being recognized by the VHL sooner and to avoid doing schoolwork at college. Mo traveled to Miami because the Marauders had most of their team filled out, but they did not have too many defenseman, and so he figured this was his best chance at joining a VHLM team. If he didn't make the cut for the team he said he would've traveled back home and worked with his Father. "I put all my cards on Miami taking me onto their team and hoping that season would get me recognized by some VHL teams. If I didn't make the team that would've been it for my hockey career, I would've went home and worked at my Pops gym and train and spar with the fighters he brings in. I figured this was my one chance to play hockey and I was not gonna let the opportunity it pass me by."
        After Mo made the team for the Miami Marauders and played his first season in the VHLM he was eligible to be drafted by teams in the VHL, VHLE, and VHLM. He was hoping to get drafted by a team in each league and work his way up to the VHL, but his name was only called during the VHLM draft. After hearing the news that he was not drafted by a VHL or VHLE team Mo had little hope of continuing his hockey career. He considered going back home to his father and giving up on his dream to play hockey. "I remember being pretty down that day ya'know. I put all this work in and I was not even gonna get a chance to show one of the big teams what I could do. I didn't wanna play in the VHLM if I wasn't gonna get a chance to play in the VHL in the future. I had my bags packed and I was gonna call my Pops and tell him I was coming home, but I got a call the next day from Malmo saying they were interested in signing me. I knew that signing this contract would give me a chance to at least show the Nighthawks what I could do and hopefully I would be playing for them in the future."
         It took Mo three more seasons to finally make it to the VHL, but he is now in his 3rd season with the Nighthawks and has proven to be a valuable player to the team.
    917 Words
  24. Cheers
    Tim Robinson got a reaction from Jubis in Stolzschweiger Rivalry(theme week)   
    Review: Rating this highly because it involves fighting haha. The Name swap on the back of the Jersey looks pretty good although I think you should've attempted to remove or cover the Penguins logo. I like the Text between the two players squaring off, it was a good use to fill the empty space there. Overall 8.5/10
  25. Haha
    Tim Robinson got a reaction from Thunder in Around the league in 538 words   
    Gotta see Probert and Thunder drop the gloves also! The VHL needs more fights
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