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Head Moderator
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Everything posted by Baozi

  1. 5FD96439497476349 $1M Player Store Cash (How to Claim) 5 TPE Uncapped Doubles Week (6 TPE uncapped from a PT being done)
  2. Thank you @Ricer13 for joining the Mod team!
  3. ? I'm a Baozi obviously.
  4. I just want to clarify since some individuals seem to be confused about it, but there was no "moderating" of AJ. I don't believe he violated anything in the COC so I did not ask my team to investigate anything other making sure the individual being brought back was once again removed from the community. So while I could've asked this all as a moderator, I feel this wasn't warranted. Mods removed the COC violator after confirming with multiple sources who the person was. At no point in time prior did I ask AJ any of this.
  5. For open discussion's sake, do you have any particular posts you're looking at that you feel have crossed this line? Due to varying laws in different countries and regions, the grey zone of these topics is extremely wide of course and you already acknowledged understanding that so presumably there are certain posts that you feel are way beyond any reasonable line.
  6. If I hadn't replied and pointed out that Achillies had numerous violations in other communities multiple times and also harassed staff, would you know about it? Did you know yourself that he had recently had another incident? Where is the bullying in all this? Did you even read my statements? Remember when you said you were bullied a while back and you wished someone would stand up for you? I'm standing up for those I advocate for in the LGBTQ community. I asked questions so that I didn't have to assume anything.
  7. I nor anyone on the mod team moderated anyone. This punishment was handed out by he VHLM commish and mods were already arms length from the situation. I'm allowed to have my opinion on someone bringing a high risk individual back into the community illegally and I said so in a respectful manner and questioned the action. Exactly the same thing you are doing except I'm explaining to you how none of what I did is remotely moderating or related.
  8. My concern is for the general public community, not for my own being. I have no desire to hide this conversation anywhere. I would like to know why you felt you were in best position to decide this course of action was the best for the community and what you would think if you were wrong and sometime down the road another incident occurred. I mean you're not obligated to answer since I'm just inquiring as a member of said community.
  9. Well as indicated, I wanted to know what the thought process was and if you actually looked into what he said or you just took it at face value. As to why I asked in public and not DMs, is because it is a public matter and if the general public is going to be put in possible risk of having to deal with people like this, they deserve to know as well.
  10. Did he tell you about his recent ban Jan 2023 for transphobic and generally toxic comments in SHL? That was his second chance already at SHL, so if you want to combine all of these incidents he has well over 7-9 incidents with multiple chances.
  11. You know this isn't even the second chance? Howmany chances would you like? Do you know how recent his last infractions were elsewhere? SHL recently banned banned him in January. His twitter was filled with hate speech in December. Did you even do your due diligence when dealing with Achillies? There have been 4 (5th including this one) incidents regarding him, I'd show you what he DMed some of the staff in december, but I don't feel the need to rehash any or want to post those messages. He has not ever shown any remorse for his actions at all. If you notice this convertsation, you see that he "blames it on" external factors and doesn't even take into consideration his own actions. Or its really simple, he was just conning you so that you would help him get back into these communities. How do you know anything he said you was even true?
  12. Modding hat aside. I'm not quite sure what you were thinking. Achillies was also "fine" for the earlier time he was here until he revealed himself to be a bigoted, racist hate speech person that he is. Not just here, but in multiple communities. In what world do you think that is ok to accept back into the community without asking anyone else if that was an advisable move? Why did you think someone that was permabanned for violation of major rules something alright to decide on your own?
  13. User @dack has been banned due to being the new multi account of @Achilles See prior threads.
  14. Baozi

    Jaromir Jagr

    Nezuko - Offensive Vision
  15. Imagine getting ran over by a 5'0 girl in a pro league And I did it to 1200 people
  16. Bumping for inventory. If you have made updates to your application please feel free to re-post and delete the prior app.
  17. I actually listened to it, which part was actually the part i was going to like lol
  18. I got bamboozoled. You said i was going to like it!
  19. I'm moving this to Suggestions/Complaints because I think its a constructive topic that should be there.
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