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Posts posted by eagle_3450

  1. 37 minutes ago, jacobcarson877 said:

    San Diego about to get a whole lot stronger shortly ;)



    2 hours ago, Grape said:



    2. San Diego Marlins


    Current Standing: 5th

    FD Ranking: 2nd (0.822)
    Goalie Ranking: 6th (102 TPA)


    scoring has not been there for the team, while being carried with strong defensive play, with their goals against being the second best in the league. They have the potential to be a possible championship team, they just need to get some offensive spark.

    You're a little out of date my friend, 3 of the top 10 scorers in the league are on San Diego...

  2. Jean-Pierre Devote, now also known as "Monegasque McJesus" by San Diego fans, is currently on fire, rocketing to the top of the VHLM, and showing that his skill was never purely theoretical. He's started to become so good compared to the other players in the league that he is now SINGLE HANDEDLY killing teams on multiple occasions. These teams that have gone up against San Diego since Devote's decision to turn it on have stood zero chance due to the Monegasque player. There have been a few examples of this happening, the first one being Game 32, against Saskatoon. The Marlins won this game 3-1, Devote scored EVERY. SINGLE. GOAL. Now this was before his current charge, but it was a little teaser of what was to come in the next little while after the game. Then, in Game 125 against Houston, Devote showed further prowess by pocketing 2 goals and 2 assists in the 5-2 win over the Bulls. He also picked up the game winning goal, which leads into the fact that Devote currently is leading the entire VHLM in game winning goals, with 6. During this game, there was a 43 second span in the 2nd period where Devote had 5 shots on net and a goal. He would end this game with a total of 10 shots on goal, with his line combining for a total of 19 shots. Devote's high defensive skill (highest in the league among forwards), has also been showing as he currently sits at 20 shot blocks this season, and if takeaways were recorded by STHS, Devote would undoubtedly lead the league in that category. Majority of zone entrances by San Diego's 2nd line come from him intercepting a pass, knocking someone off the puck, or blocking a shot in the Marlins' zone and rushing up the ice with his linemates. Devote's pure dominance was further shown in his past 2 games, as in Game 131 against Mexico City, he once again would kill an entire team. In the 4-1 Marlins win, Devote once again had 3 goals, including the game winner, though he only had 4 shots on net in the game. Then in Game 138 against Halifax, against former teammate and fellow top S93 prospect Antonia Bucatini Devote would show why fans have given him the nickname of "Monegasque McJesus", pocketing another 2 goals and an assist, though he did not score the game winner this time around. While Bucatini tried to prove her dominance with 2 goals of her own, it was not enough and Devote's assist on the game winning goal sealed the fate of the Halifax 21st, San Diego would take the game 4-2, on the back of another amazing game by Devote, who had 8 shots on net in that one. Devote's current dominance has ascended to a level rarely seen in the Hybrid Era, and he already looks poised for the title of Best Monegasque Player in VHL History. While VHLM stats mean very little in the grand scheme of things, this dominant performance is definitely a sign of good things to come.


    (518 Words)

  3. 5 minutes ago, Beketov said:

    Don’t we all, would have been far preferable to having to do any kind of major re-work like this.


    We definitely could look at tuning the update scale down so that at least you aren’t needing to spend 5+ TPE to get 0.3 (technically it’s like 0.6 but given that you are usually aiming for only 1 of the attributes I get it) but update scale changes are very finicky and it’s easy to go too far the other way and it becomes far too cheap and easy to be dominant and hold that top tier endlessly.

    The only change I'd think of for making that cheaper is by dropping it to 4 TPE, and even then it could be too much, I enjoy hybrid attributes, just like you said, a generational talent should be difficult to make. The league's scoring has been far more realistic since the implementation of hybrid attributes (ignore the VHLM), and I disagree with Berocka that it lowers build flexibility as if you actually look at the VHL nowadays, there are so many more nuanced builds with different focuses instead of only 2 or 3 like there were back in the Meta-Era. I also hated them initially, but have come to like them more because of the realism factor and the fact that there is now a significant and realistic gap between a HOFer and a normal player, instead of the gap being 150 points per season Vs 120 points per season.

  4. Jean-Pierre Devote had a relatively slow start to the VHLM season, after going under a point per game through the first 18 games of the season, sitting at just 17 points. Since then however, Devote has been on fire. With San Diego losing their #1 defenseman in Factor Lee, Devote stepped up and has now become one of the top scorers in the league. He is no longer a force to be reckoned with just on paper, but is now climbing the ladder in VHLM points and is currently ranked 9th in the league with 35 points in 26 games. This sets his most recent scoring pace at an insane 18 points in his last 8 games, along with being +14 in that span. This trend is eerily similar to what Connor McDavid did this current NHL season, when after a slow start, he put up 25 points in just 13 games and climbed all the way back up to the top ten in NHL points. Could this be a sign that Devote will be the VHL's version of Connor McDavid? Could he be the next big thing and actually achieve his goal of being the best Monegasque hockey player ever? If he can continue on this trajectory, then the answer to both of those questions is undoubtedly, yes.


    (219 Words)

  5. 18 hours ago, Mysterious_Fish said:

    San Diego Marlins Press Conference Week of 1/21/2024


    Answer 3 get 1 TPE answer 6 get 2 TPE


    1. Team isnt performing up to potential What are your thoughts?

    2. 1 week in how is your player performing?

    3. We just lost Factor Lee our basically capped #1 D-man. Do you think we can still win some important games?

    4. Chocolate or Candy?

    5. Who do you think is our biggest rival to this point?

    6. If you could take a vacation anywhere in the world where would it be?

    1. I'm a little disappointed considering we have two of the top players in the S93 draft class on the team as well as Devote having some of the highest STHS attributes in the entire league, but I'm confident with a little experimentation we'll turn things around.

    2. Devote is performing okay, not great, but not horrible. 17 points in 18 games is below where I hoped he would be, but he does also have 10 goals which is nice.

    3. I think Devote can step up, considering he has the highest DF attribute on the team, sitting at 60 on the dot, he is a two way forward after all.

    4. Chocolate for sure, but only milk chocolate, dark tastes horrible.

    5. I don't actually know, we're kinda in a weird spot where we are losing games we should win and are winning games that are more questionable, so we don't truly have one.

    6. Australia, since I've been to quite a few popular vacation spots, but Australia is one that I've never made it to. I hope I will someday get to visit though.

  6. On 12/11/2023 at 7:49 PM, Beketov said:



    I don't know about you all but my favourite time of year to be a VHL member is the holidays. From the charity drive to the auctions to the free TPE everyone loves the holidays in the VHL!


    This is officially the fourth year we've done this after @Banackock originally suggested it back in 2019 and we've chosen, as you can see above, Doctor's Without Borders to receive our charity donations for this year. This is, of course, just our league-supported charity. As always, you are free to donate your funds to any registered charity anywhere in the world and count it towards the auction and our total numbers; all we ask is a screenshot proving the donation (though please remember to redact any personal information). 100% of the money raised by the league will be donated to Doctor's Without Borders, and the VHL will not take any cut. On top of that the league has decided to once again match up to $1000 when the final donation is put in. That means if you all donate $2500 total we'll put the donation up to $3500!


    In addition to the Donation Drive, we will also kick off our Charity Auction and 12 Days of Christmas. How will it all work? Essentially the same as past years, but here are the exact details for each portion of our holiday season for 2023:


    Charity Drive: December 12th - 24th

    Starting tomorrow members can begin donating. Whether you do so through the league, by donating HERE, privately to DWB, or any charitable foundation of your choosing (receipt proof required for donations made outside the league), it will all count towards the overall contribution from the league. From that overall contribution, the league will match donations up to $1000 CAD, and add that to the donation made through the league.


    Please post all confirmations of donation, including Paypals through the league, auction wins, and private donations to THIS THREAD. Any donation of $5 CAD, or more, will result in an automatic personal reward of 2 Uncapped TPE + a Full Free Week (12 Capped TPE), as well as an entry to each of the first 3 tiers of the 12 Days of Christmas Raffle.


    Like past years as well we will be accepting blood donations in the charity drive. Blood is in high demand all year round, but especially at this time. Give the gift of life to someone. If you schedule and follow through with an appointment to donate blood that will count the same as a $5 donation and have the same rewards outlined above and below. For proof just post a photo from during your donation, it doesn’t need to include your face if you don’t want it to, a shot of the machine or your arm or whatever is fine, we’ll take your word for it.


    As this is the season of giving, members may also donate on behalf of one other user.


    Holiday Charity Auction: December 13th-20th

    @Acydburn will be posting the auction items soon but for now the full rules are available here. Go buy something fun offered up by our community members. Auction wins will count as personal donations for the purpose of individual rewards.


    As always there are some amazing auction items that we're looking forward to this year so it should be fun.


    12 Days of Christmas: December 13th - 24th

    This year’s 12 Days of Christmas will be similar to the last two years, where there will be a daily thread to claim “tickets” into our final raffle, which will be drawn on a live stream. As always the raffle will contain 4 tiers of prizes, with each day contributing to your entry into each tier, as follows:


    Dec. 13 - 15: Post in the corresponding thread each day for an entry into the Tier 1 raffle (1 ticket gained per day)

    Dec. 16 - 18: Post in the corresponding thread each day for an entry into the Tier 2 raffle (1 ticket gained per day)

    Dec. 19 - 21: Post in the corresponding thread each day for an entry into the Tier 3 raffle (1 ticket gained per day)

    Dec. 22 - 24: Post in the corresponding thread each day for an entry into the Tier 4 raffle (1 ticket gained per day)


    Number of Winners per tier:

    Tier 1: 10 Winners
    Tier 2: 5 Winners
    Tier 3: 3 Winners
    Tier 4: 1 Winner


    As with all our previous raffles if someone is drawn twice they will be considered as having won the higher tier item and the lower tier will be re-drawn. Users may also claim any tier underneath what they have won if they would rather have that item. No rewards can be exchanged for cash but we will ship worldwide as @Berocka found out to the detriment of the league having to ship a jersey to Australia...


    Rewards and Donation Milestones

    As previously mentioned, there will be personal rewards to those who participate in the charity drive / holiday auction, as well as stretch goals to hit which will result in rewards for the community as a whole!


    $500 Community Donations: 2 Uncapped TPE for Everyone + @twists will stream a declaration of his love for everyone that's been active in the past week.
    $1000 Community Donations: 4 Uncapped TPE for Everyone + @DarkSpyro will perform some Christmas themed metal songs
    $2000 Community Donations: PT Doubles Week for Everyone +  @Grape will do a full stream of all the Five Nights at Freddy's games.

    $2500 Community Donations: 6 Uncapped TPE for Everyone + @Acydburn will stream something, he just hasn't decided what yet.

    $3500 Community Donations: 8 Uncapped TPE for Everyone + @Beketov will once again stream Zoo Tycoon 2 Ultimate (which I'll have to re-install) and name animals after VHL members.


    Additionally, though not a "stretch goal" in the classic sense, for every $100 donated @eagle_3450 will do a lap of the Nurburgring in BeamNG.drive


    **Disclaimer: Rewards may only be applied to players created on, or before, December 25th, 2023**


    Let's do this @Members!

    I'll get the goal done eventually but Exams are soon so... IRL takes priority!

  7. 7 hours ago, Daniel Janser said:

    Also an unpopular opinion here (and I intend by no means to discourage you from max earning): The league also needs solid non-max earners. As good as max earners are in terms of star power and their contribution in the sims, to field a team of super earners is not sustainable for the VHL teams in the long run. They will run into cap issues.

    As a side-note, earn at the rate that you are comfortable with. We all know that a RL exists. It is best for the user (and by proxy for the league) if one earns sustainably on a regular basis for a full career, rather than two months of max-earning, burning out and go IA, never to look back. Find the earning level that is good for you and let your GM deal with it.

    That was my role with Retoslav, ~700 TPA and not fully maxing every week

  8. On 1/9/2024 at 10:21 AM, Noodle Enjoyer said:

    I mean that's a pretty rough situation but there are teams in even more dire straits when it comes to low TPE but i'm curious what happens if a teams doesn't have a goalie to start the season. does it just give teams like unnamed players to fill spots? Well anyway I wish you the best of luck no matter what comes out of this situation and I hope you have a successful and healthy career. If we see each other on the ice let's make sure to have a good match and leave it all out on the ice.

    TY lol, I've been traded to San Diego now tho so I'm all set

  9. On 1/8/2024 at 6:19 PM, JCarson said:

    We are going to do a predictive Press Conference


    1) Which player is going to score the teams first goa this season, provide reason?

    2) How many bot goals will we have this season, Why?

    3) What will be our backup goalies stats in their expected 7 games, why?

    4) Does London make the playoffs in season 92, why?

    5) Which new player to the team scores the first goal, why?

    6) On a scale of 1-10 how good of a GM will Jacob be this year, why?

    1. Molly, because she's got that dog in her, or that cat in her I guess... whatever she has in her she'll score first.

    2. Probably like 15 at most, because London has so many top scorers right now. It would make sense that very few bots end up scoring.

    3. .910+ SV%, with a GAA around 2.9 I'd imagine. Just because backup goalies tend to overperform in London, all the time, every season...

    4. Yes, becaus ethe only changes are the loss of Retoslav, Nesbitt, and Solyom, who have all been replaced by new players, with Sjin stepping up to fill Retoslav's spot as the 2C for the team.

    5. Probably Maloish, jus tbased off the OV attribute among the new additions, and the fact that they are on of the top Defense on the team.

    6. 9/10, because he's always a W GM, London hasn't had a "bad" season since he took over.

  10. 15 minutes ago, STZ said:

    I didn’t disqualify you. I’m pinging the people I’m supposed to ping. When I don’t do that people go to the commishes and I get DMs from Bek lol. I’m just doing my job as Group Manager..

    Nah I get that, I was just making sure you knew that I was here and active for VHFL, so that I didn't get disqualified for getting skipped twice lol

  11. Jean-Pierre Devote was selected 5th Overall in the S92 VHLM Draft by Mississauga, and according to some rumors flying around within the Mississauga camp, Devote wants nothing to do with the team that drafted him. In fact, Devote has yet to be seen in Mississauga, and many doubt that he's even flown into the city yet due to his unwillingness to play for the Franchise. Devote is the consensus 3rd best player in the S93 Draft Class, so losing such a player would be a massive blow to an already bad roster situation in Mississauga. According to a spokesperson from the Hounds, Devote has filed a trade request, and remains intent to spend as little time signed to Mississauga as he possibly can. The reasons cited by Jean-Pierre in his request were, "The team's roster is completely unbalanced with a 6-0-0 set up as of turning in this request, I somehow have the highest TPE and TPA on the team by over 20, despite being a season younger than many of the other players on the Hounds' roster, and the fact that playing on a team like the current Mississauga lineup will be a massive detriment, not only to my development, but also to my goal of being the best Monegasque player in VHL history." While Devote has zero desire to play for Mississauga, he also has no harsh feelings for the team's management, having only 2 picks in the draft is tough, and it was just unlucky that the Monegasque player was dragged into the mess of the Hounds' rebuild.


    (261 Words)

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