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Everything posted by Thunder

  1. 1: We’re past the halfway mark in the season, are you happy with your player's performance so far? I’m happy to be on a good team. Let’s win the trophy. 2: If you were asked to rename Davos’ VHL team, what name would you choose? Boston 3: What do you think of the Tarasenko trade? Not phased one bit!! 4: What are your go-to Pizza toppings? Pepperoni if wife is having slice, otherwise pepperoni, onion, jalapeño, tomato, pepper 5: Who is your favorite NHL player currently? Still Radko Gudas 6: Which NHL team(s) do you cheer for? Boston, San Jose, and whoever is playing the Penguins 7: Do you have a guess for which NHL team gets Jakob Chychrun at the deadline, assuming he moves? My guess is Edmonton 8: Who is your favorite videogame character and why? The ugliest character in whatever game I’m playing because no one wants that player 9: In honor of Valentines' Day I figured I'd include this. What on-screen relationship is your favorite? can be a videogame, movie, or any media. My wife, or Selma Hayek!
  2. Is this really Valentine’s Day, or is it “Remote Control Day.” I’m just throwing it out there because February 14th in the Thunder house, I’ve been calling it Remote Control Day because its the only day that I can actually take the remote control away from the TV stand next to my wife and change the channel to something I want to watch and she’s not particularly interested. Every other day of the year, as it seems, if I should happen to have the remote control and the channel is something Mrs Thunder has no interest in, I either turn over the remote, or change the channel to something she is willing to watch. Now, I have been putting up with this for so long that it just comes natural for me to automatically tune into something else. For example, if I am watching the Bruins game, the first words out of her mouth when she steps into the family room is, “Are the Ducks playing?” And when I say “no”, she spouts out, “Are the Sharks playing?” And if I say “No,” her question goes to the Kings. She really doesnt care who is playing, its a control thing for her to make me not watch the Bruins. At least she doesnt ask if the Penguins, Canadiens, or Sabres are on, because then I’d have to consider a divorce. A man can only put up with so much. Now, I could go on and on about this, but its a .com so I only need 150 words and I’m way beyond that. I will end with this…. If @JardyB10 happens to read this, he’ll probably say something like, “Hopefully your other nut drops someday!” If @Scurvy reads this, I know he won’t say anything because he never gets the remote! 303 words
  3. What perfect timing to have rivalry as the theme for theme week. I finally got the nerve to do a podcast and was building the courage to do another one, including a road cast like my podcasting mentors, @JardyB10, @Spartan , and @Berocka, although I think I’ve only heard one of berocka’s while he’s driving. I don’t know for sure though. Theme week gives me an opportunity to skip podcasting and typing a simple word theme. The first rivalry, is easy. And its reciprocated, I’m sure…. @Scurvy, or Brian Payne, is Jake Thunder’s number one nemesis, but only when Davos is playing against Warsaw. Every game Davos plays against Warsaw, Thunder hopes for another glove dropping with Payne. Especially since the first and only battle ended so quickly after Payne and his southpaw specialty did a swing and a miss on Thunder, and Thunder cracked Payne one time, and that was it. Payne hit the ice so fast, Thunder initially thought he was acting. Regardless, the anticipation for the next battle will be more entertaining and certainly put in stone that Payne is no match for Thunder. Any other time Payne is on the ice, Thunder wishes him well and hopes Payne has some success. Coming off a season stacked with trophies, Payne is most definitely one of the best defensemen of all time. No doubt by the end of Payne’s career at Warsaw, he will hold several all time records, which Thunder knows it to be an honor to know someone of such high caliber. In the VHLM, I see a continued rivalry between Mexico City Kings and the Las Vegas Aces. I’d have to add Houston to the rivalry with both Mexico City and Las Vegas. The rivalry theme brought back some memory of Thunder being in the VHLM playing for the Aces. Houston quickly became a sore subject for the Aces and it made it quite annoying when Houston beat Las Vegas. Now, being @badcolethetitan sidekick on Mexico City, I have the same feeling against Houston and Las Vegas. The first two seasons Las Vegas won the championship with some great managing by @Shindigs. It was impressive what Shindigs did for Las Vegas, while at the same time the Aces became a proven nemesis for the Kings. Even Cole’s outstanding managing skills weren’t enough for the Kings to overcome the Aces. As far as Davos, the European Division is stacked with solid teams. I’d have to say the rivalry is large given the talent. Warsaw, Moscow, Prague, and London, always seem to spoil winning streaks of Davos. And then there is Malmo, who for whatever reason have got our number this season. Helsinki and Riga finish off the European rivalry. GM Alex continues to analyze and dissect the opponents to find the minute movements to overcome the opponents. Thus far, success has been pronounced as is currently one point behind Moscow with a couple games behind. All that being said, I have to say that the biggest rivalry for HC Davos is overtime. Davos’ chances of winning a game in regulation is unmatched; however, if the game goes into overtime, the odds are reversed. Leading the VHL with seven overtime losses, its clearly a rivalry that we must change in order to dominate the league as we should be doing already. I’m not sure if its the shoot out process or the overtime process, but regardless, overtime is our biggest rivalry! 575 words
  4. Press Conference Week ending 02/19/2023 (Answer Questions for 2 Capped TPE 1. Its Theme Week, the theme is “Rivalries”. What team is our biggest rival? 2. Is there an opponent who is an adversary to your player? If so, who is it and what team do they play for? 3. Did you watch the Washington Capitals game yesterday or did you watch the superbowl? Or both? 4. What is your greatest hockey talent in real life? If you’ve never played hockey, just guess. 5. Mexico City continues to dominate the league. Is there anyone you can point out who has been the dominating factor, other than GM Cole? 6. Besides tarter sauce, what condiment is appropriate with fish?
  5. No shit scurvy!! I finally get to trash talk for some benefit!! Too bad Rip “Jimmy” isnt developed yet…. BTW. Your graphic is pretty cool. I know you didnt do it. Who’d you pay?
  6. When it happens it will be an easy win for Probert. Payne is a pussy!!
  7. Awesome! Thanks for the advice. Already thinking about next one. Also, like the TPA and TPE thing. Good thinking. That would make things interesting.
  8. Awesome! Thanks for the advice. Already thinking about next one. Also, like the TPA and TPE thing. Good thinking. That would make things interesting.
  9. Clearly the interview was Jimmy answering, not Rip. Rip wouldnt be so vain!!! Good job dangles.
  10. Oh shit! BjorkaBjorn BjornaBjorkson Good thing I dont plan on writing wordcasts anymore!! I can say BjorkaBjorn BjornaBjorkson. How did you come up with this name? And… no peaches commercial?
  11. Yeah, these are all Tom Wilson lol Guess you get a 10/10 then!! Nice work. Impressive
  12. Graphic Review: I really like this graphic. There is a lot to it and a lot of work to get the logos angled and stretched to make them belong on the jersey. I especially like the work you did putting the Mexico flag on the shoulders. Respect!! The blending of the crowd into the graphic to separate the players is unique. The logo on the chest of the white jersey is unrecognizable without enlarging the graphic so I cant ding you for that. The thing I am curious to learn is if the player in the white jersey and the other two faces are the same player? First looking at the graphic, it appears not to be the same player. Still, the graphic is full of detail and I like the gold all star in the corner. I like the signature too because it is enough to recognize the name but not so demonstrative that it takes the focus away from the graphic. Score 10/10 unless the faces are different, then it would be 9/10
  13. Graphic Review This player card is probably one of the coolest ones I’ve seen. It looks real, kind of like you copied and pasted it from NHL 23!! The color contrast highlights the team colors and still allows you to read everything. I like how you put the position, type of player and stick hand on top and in a quiet sort of way because it’s the least important. Looking at the player card, I can learn everything I need to know about your player. He’s a bad ass goalie rookie goalie with good skills playing for HC Davos. Great job!! Score 10/10
  14. 1: Which NHL team would you do a rebuild of in NHL23? None. I didnt buy nhl we because 21 and 22 sucked. Waiting for ncaa to come out… 2: Which VHL player has surprised you the most this season so far? I would say Yisan or Pete Mitchell, but I have been waiting for them to go balls out because they are both talented. I guess I could say biggie cheese surprises me. I didnt think he’d be doing so well. 3: What name are you planning on using for your next VHL player? Juicee Thunder. Jake’s sister 4: How did you decide on your forum username? Should have done sharky but was trying to come up with name i could build on like Thunder dome but that’s already used. Shit!! 5: How did you decide on your player's name? See above. Just picked simple first name 6: What is your opinion on the NHL All-Star Game? Oh please, lame! Why bother having an all star game. They could have at least faked a fight 7: Do you like The NHL All-Star Jerseys this season? No, it was like those assholes who choose same color jerseys in nhl 22 8: How likely do you think it is that Connor Bedard’s first NHL goal is a Michigan goal? havent even thought about it. Dont think about Michigan goals when watching games. Just say “holy shit that just happened when i see it”.
  15. Las Vegas Aces star defender Juan Ceson, @dylanjj37 recently made a decision to promote RC @Arce to executive manager of all of Juan Ceson’s holdings, including day to day operations, security, and future operations. Initially this decision seemed to be one that would send Juan Ceson Capital Stock through the roof as the stock had been struggling recently due to some bad decisions by Juan; however, since the change in leadership, it appears that Las Vegas is getting a complete facial. For example, the Juan Ceson Arena name has changed to the “RC Sports Complex.” The Juan Ceson Tower is no longer, and when all things are done, will be named “The Cole Tower,” in reference to @badcolethetitan, who has invested in the Aces’ best interest for some time. Others are reaching out to RC for a piece of the pie. Penguins have disappeared from the Juan Ceson Zoo, which will no longer carry that name once RC gives the rights to @Blazzer. Rumors are floating that she will likely turn the zoo into the first ever animal/human amusement park. The decisions being made recently could be the scariest of them all as RC has allowed a true Pittsburgh fan to purchase some of Juan Ceson holdings. @diamond_ace has thrown the dead cat on the table and is admits to a true devotion to the Penguins, Pirates, and Riverhounds, but denies an allegiance to the Steelers. Even @eagle_3450 is receiving new benefits from the change in leadership, by receiving free admission to the penguin park. Perhaps while Eagle is at the park, he can talk some common sense into Juan Ceson. There are so many changes coming fast and furious, Blazzer was recently heard saying in a board meeting that she can’t keep up with all the changes but she does learn a lot every day. There is some hope; however, as Blazzer has reached out to @Shindigs to step in and provide some nurturing to Juan Ceson and get him back to reality. Is it too late for Shindigs? 329 words
  16. You should have taken applications. You’re going to be wishing you had a new agent soon enough.
  17. Press Conference Week ending 02/12/2023 (Answer Questions for 2 Capped TPE 1. This week Mexico City lost a few games. Are you worried that losing 4 games in a week could be habit forming? 2. Ross Glagau has been a stud in goal. What do you think Ross does to prepare for games? 3. Did you watch the NHL All Star game? Was the outcome as you expected? 4. GM Cole is constantly trying to improve the team. What more can Cole do to guarantee a trophy? 5. Who was your favorite coach? You choose the sport, etc… 6. Are Taco Bell burritos better than McDonalds chicken nuggets?
  18. Well, I spewed some vomit and did 16 minutes. Cant believe i did it!! All thanks to you and jardy. Damn!
  19. You make it seem too easy!!
  20. 1: Davos has started strong this season, currently at the top of the European conference, do you think we will finish the season in that spot? No problem. GM Alex has his shit together and knows what to do. 2: Pete Mitchell is currently leading Davos in scoring, Did you expect such a strong start from them? Yes, he’s always been a stud and it just took the right set up to make it happen. Go Pete!! 3: What or who do you think is responsible for Davos’ early success this season? GM Alex and getting Ahma back 4: Who is your favorite active NHL player? Radko Gudas 5: Who was your favorite NHL Player growing up? Phil Esposito 5: What is your opinion on the Bo Horvat trade to NY Islanders? Dont care. 7: What was the first youtube video you remember watching? I dont know, probably porn!! 8: Hypothetical question here. You’re teleported to a stage of a singing show, which song do you sing? Freebird
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