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Everything posted by Thunder

  1. 1: Does your player do anything unique with their equipment? (Jersey Tuck, Colored laces, tinted visor...) 1/4” fold of the socks, left side jersey tucked in, one lace is purple, the other lace is white, fake eyeballs on visor 2: Do you expect your player to be more dialed in due to the holiday break? Absolutely not. My player is still at a .14 bac, and can only skate in circles 3: Do you think the VHL should have an all-stars game? That’d be cool 4: How many seasons / years have you been involved in the VHL community? 4? 5? I dont know actually 5: Which Davos player do you think your player gets along with the most? Pete Mitchell and Siyan, same draft 6: What are your player's New Year’s resolutions? Banking tpe to stay tough 7: If you had to get an NHL jersey right now, which one and what name would be on the back? Boston Bruins - fav team. #22 -fav #. Sharky - my nickname IRL 8: If there was a new award introduced into the NHL and you were allowed to name it, what would you call it? And what would it be awarded for? Sin Bin Award - strangest penalty 9: Which current NHL player (That hasn’t yet scored a Michigan/Lacrosse goal) will score the next Michigan goal? Ha ha. I dont know if Taylor Hall has yet so I will pick him
  2. Graphic Review My first impression of this graphic, was “Wow” and I have to say that it is one of the top 1% of graphics I have reviewed. This review is because I need 1 tpe and got a trivia question wrong, and I’m kind of glad I’m getting to review this. Starting with the words, because it clearly tells the story. I like the simple font and size of the initial words at the top. Its nothing that causes the eyes to stare and wonder what it says. And then you get right into the focal point of the graphic with nice bold letters with tails, that attracts the eyes to identify what is the purpose of the graphic. And you finish the words with an edgy vertical line that identifies the timing of the graphic. All in all, there is nothing that looks out of place on the words, regarding size, boldness, etc… It’s very well done. Now to the graphic part, I really like the way you separated players and have them approaching the goalie to congratulate the goalie. The colors are perfect for the statement and the patches are blurred enough that it creates authenticity to the logos on the shoulders. You added the team logos to finish the story and made them bigger to create the focus on the teams and the competition. And to finish the graphic you have put the vhlm logo in a place that is well proportioned and positioned. Everything about this graphic is very good. You are probably a professional artist so it is nothing to you, but I gotta tell you, you have talent! Score: 10/10
  3. There was a battle royal amongst VHLM GM’s and AGM’s fighting for the honor of having free agent Juan Ceson, @dylanjj37, join their team. If you are interested in the play by play, you can find it in the article folder. For those who have been following the suspense in the Las Vegas locker room, this is the cap to the drama. Unfortunately for @Blazzer, and @Jason kranz, their efforts to keep Juan came up short. Blazzer put up a good fight and Jason supported her every step of the way, but in the end it came down to the contest. Even with @badcolethetitan pushing hard for Juan Ceson to join Mexico City, it appeared Blazzer was going to keep Juan for another season. Everything Cole presented, Blazzer was able to counter and she kept things interested. Cole fired back with character games which seemed to get Juan’s attention. And then, it came down to the fight to the death. I must admit, when I started reading the play by play, I was a little concerned my friend Juan would eliminate me early on, especially after losing the first fight to Amkin but luckily I was spared. And once being spared, it was “game-on.” Some self reflecting, good fires, and a whole lot of luck, it finally ended with a victory and now its time to celebrate. Bienvenido a Mexico, Señor Juan Ceson! 234 words
  4. So glad to hear youre coming to mexico juan
  5. Press Conference Week ending 01/01/2023 (Answer Questions for 2 Capped TPE 1. It took us 7 games to beat Miami, do you think we are going to toy with San Diego or should we just put them away in fewer games? 2. How is your player doing in the playoff run? 3. What was your favorite Christmas present you received? 4. What was the best gift you gave to someone close to you? 5. Do you think Cole should wear his Buffalo Sabre jersey to the Bruins game on Saturday? 6. What food was served at your family Christmas supper?
  6. : If Davos had a daily sim award, what would you call it? Dynamo Trophy 2: Which company/brand would you want to sponsor Davos’ jerseys? Kirkland 3: Which NHL player is the second faster skater? Taylor Hall 4: Which NHL Prospect are you excited to see in the NHL one day? No clue 6: What is your favorite Christmas Themed episode of a show? Petticoat Junction 7: You get to name the next NHL team, but it has to be a Christmas theme. What Name and Logo do you choose? Northpole Snowman. You got it a big fat snowman 8: Which year was your favorite Christmas and why? Every Christmas is my favorite year
  7. Press Conference Week ending 12/25/2022 (Answer Questions for 2 Capped TPE 1. Playoffs are coming up. Do you have a specific regiment to ready yourself for the playoffs? 2. What superstition have you had, if any, that affects whether or not you play well or your team wins the game? 3. Did you ask Santa Claus for any hockey gear for Christmas? Follow up question, if you have kids, are your kids getting any hockey gear for Christmas? 4. Playoffs are a busy time of the season. Is the hype keeping you focused, and what are you going to do with TPE to help the team? 5. Are you staying on Mexico City next season? If not, what team are you going to? 6. What Christmas song cheers you up? (No food question this presser)
  8. Punishment must be swift and decisive Juan.
  9. There is only one reason Juan Ceson, @dylanjj37 is asking to retire. Las Vegas Aces GM Blazzer, @Blazzerand AGM Jason, @Jason kranzare doing everything in their power to keep Juan from retiring, and they are doing so with the noblest of intentions. Unfortunately they are not looking at the big picture. Juan Ceson has given everything to the Las Vegas Aces, and all the previous players have reaped the benefits of Juan’s generosity, including Thunder. Now is the time to reveal Juan’s secret; a secret that has been kept tight lipped for ages, but now must be known. And once this secret is divulged, Jason and Blazzer will welcome Juan Ceson’s retirement. The reason Juan Ceson is retiring is a simple one. Juan Ceson is Santa Claus. He is so busy this time of the year spreading joy and cheer for all the kids and still managing to be the star of the Aces. His sharing of the mansion, arena, practice facility, and fan merchandise store are just a few examples of Juan’s good works in this world. Blazzer and Jason must be honored to know the real Santa Claus, and will surely be nice to Juan, lest they care to receive coal in their stockings this Christmas. 208 words
  10. $50.00 donation Transaction ID: 1KY911603D347390B
  11. Press Conference Week ending 12/18/2022 (Answer Questions for 2 Capped TPE 1. GM Cole is preparing the Kings for a play off run by picking up a promising defender by the name of Mark Calaway. What can you tell Calaway about Mexico City and how will you welcome Mark? 2. GM Cole is at it again, building the defense for the playoffs. Reese McFleury has joined the team from Las Vegas. With the addition of McFleury, is there anything that can stop us now? 3. Another question about our league leader, Stroheim. Describe Stroheim’s performance in one word. 4. Is Buffalo Sabre center Tage Thompson going to win the Maurice Richard Trophy this season? 5. Right now, Mexico City is ranked 4th. Do you think it will matter if we finish the season in 3rd or 4th? How far will we go into the playoffs? 6. What is your favorite childhood cookie and do you still eat them now? Also, if you really want to get in depth, who makes the best cookie?
  12. Graphic Review To start with, I must say that this is a quality graphic that deserves to be recognized by VHL and you should be on the graphics team if you are not already. This graphic is full of outstanding design work. The players are what captured my attention right away as they were the reason of the title obviously. The logos are placed perfectly and match the angles of the players. The colors you chose are all in sync and nothing dominates or looks out of place. The shadows bring the graphic to life. I also like how you gave credit to Glagau on the bottom of the graphic and the graphic of the goalie was just the right amount of contrast that it goes with the entire graphic. The heading font and size is really good as well are the other words along with their placements. Overall this is a super graphic and I’m glad I got a trivia question wrong and had to do a review otherwise I probably would have never seen this graphic. GREAT JOB!! Score 10/10
  13. It’s theme week, and doing a write up about Jake Thunder and his experience as a first gen would be boring and probably not even worth reading so I’m going to write about the first gens who have had the biggest impact with my experience in the VHL and how they molded Jake Thunder’s career. If you’re sensitive, you may not want to read some of this because you might cry or at the very least get emotional. The person who I have to credit or blame, depending on how you might look at it is Scurvy. I still remember Scurvy’s persistence on convincing me to join the VHL. He would sit at his desk, doing nothing as usual, but more importantly he would make comments about how he scored a goal, got an assist, or got into a fight. Initially I thought he was on NHL 22 on his I-phone and I couldn’t figure out what the hell he was doing. Then he told me how he found a hockey league and how he’s building his player based on his player name Brian Payne. He bragged about how the Payne Train was leading his team in hits and was hoping to be drafted high in the draft. He explained how he had to earn TPE to improve his skills and write articles or do graphics every week. All of this was over my head and somewhat confusing. Nevertheless, Scurvy was patient and eventually got me to join the league, and Brian Payne has had a huge impact on Jake Thunder’s career. Brian Payne Brian Payne is a superstar, although @Scurvy will never give Payne the credit that Payne deserves. Brian Payne started in the VHLM on the San Diego Marlins, and focused on being a heavy hitter. Payne enjoyed crashing into opponents and breaking bones. He looked forward every day to get into fights and to contribute to his team with penalty minutes. The “Payne Train” made him giddy and his quest for a team championship was more important than scoring goals. Now, Scurvy has always paid attention to his +/- on NHL 10-22 on Xbox, to the point that he wouldn’t let me in the locker room if his +/- was in jeopardy. But, in the VHLM, he finished the season with a -21, which may have played an impact on his draft. Bratislava was smart in picking Brian Payne up in the VHLE draft as Payne continued to demonstrate his strength and devotion of being a team player and sticking up for his teammates. It was during this season that Scurvy introduced Thunder to the VHL and to Shindigs. And the mentoring was greatly appreciated; however, given Scurvy’s limited skills with explaining how to navigate through the forum, I had to reach out to Shindigs more often than not. But that’s a side note, let’s get back to Brian Payne. Payne’s performance in the E was decent and he continued to put up some good numbers that proved his value as a defensive stud. He continued to enjoy high numbers in hits and blocked shots. And he complained every time he was not involved in a fight or when, especially when, he lost a fight. In the end, he was also proud of his penalty minutes. I guess the Payne Train kept on rolling down the tracks. I was hoping that Brian Payne would stay in the E another season so that Jake Thunder could face Payne, but that wasn’t the case. He was drafted by Warsaw and he immediately adapted to the team and had some high praises about the team and their management. Payne’s numbers remained on pace with previous years, getting high numbers due to his physical play and contributing with scoring but not dominating. Last season Brian Payne dominated the hits, penalty minutes, shots blocked, and put up some impressive numbers in assists and goals, thus earning him the well deserved defensive player of the year. As Payne gets ready for his later years now, his TPE is being used selectively and his performance is respectable, but not on pace as last season’s output. On a sad note for Payne, his fighting is somewhat pitiful and I hear about it from Scurvy more often than not. Jake Thunder continues to wait for the opportunity to drop gloves with Brian Payne, but that may never happen considering Payne’s propensity to try to be a tough guy, only to flaunt his endorsement by Curve’s and his Payne Train clothing line of Spandex. Bo Johansson The next first gen player who had a big impact on Jake Thunder is none other than Bo Johansson. @Shindigs does not participate like he’s a first gen player. He seems to be so knowledgeable of the ins and outs of the VHL and is so generous with his time and assistance. He is a genuine good person who shares his experience with everyone and helps make them a better person and player. Shindigs has been instrumental in Thunder’s growth. I often look at Bo Johansson’s update log so that I can stay informed on how to earn TPE. If I don’t know how to put in for something, I first go to Johansson’s player page and then to Shindigs if I can’t figure it out. Like Brian Payne, Bo Johansson started the M in season 81. Johansson was on the Miami Marauders and his season in the VHLM was impressive. It was quickly known that Johansson would have an outstanding career as an offensive defenseman. Johansson is a pass first defenseman offensively, and a strong man on defense. His VHLM hits and shots blocked were off the hook, and to top it off he was well disciplined in the M. Bo Johansson joined Brian Payne at Bratislava in the VHLE and it became apparent that Johansson was the defensive star of the team. He dominated the ice with assists and blocked shots. It was during this time that Jake Thunder was introduced to Bo Johansson. I will never forget a graphic review I did on a graphic by Shindigs. His graphic was done really well and with the meticulous attention I have gotten to know and appreciate Shindigs’ abilities. At any rate, I completely missed his purpose of connecting the “O” and the “J” in the graphic which was to emphasize Johansson’s nickname, “BoJo.” At that moment, I realized how talented members of the VHL were and looked at graphics through a different lens. Bo Johansson started off his career in the big leagues with a bang and won the rookie of the year award. His offensive talents were on display all season as well as his ability to block shots. Bo Johansson continues to work hard and is on pace to break all of his earlier records. He is likely to earn the defensive player of the year, most assists, and offensive defenseman of the year. Choosing Johansson in the fantasy league may prove to be one of my smartest decisions. Unlike Brian Payne, Bo Johansson does not partake in questionable off the ice debacles. While Brian Payne is often seen drinking white claws and singing Olivia Newton-John songs on karoake nights, Bo Johansson is studying and dissecting the opponents stats and tendencies, preparing for the next game. Shindigs is quite talented with the way the STHS works and is very knowledgeable on maximizing TPE. As a first gen player, Shindigs is one of the best and its an honor to know him. Siyan Yasilievich Another first gen player who has impacted Jake Thunder’s career is Siyan Yasilievich. @badcolethetitan is a driving force in the Davos locker room and his leadership was recognized early on in his career. Thunder met Yasilievich when they joined the rebuilding Davos squad and have bonded as teammates. Although they are currently on different lines, they have good chemistry and are both involved in the success of the Dynamo. Prior to being Yasilievich’s teammate, Thunder only knew of Yasilievich as someone who dominated the VHLM and the VHLE. Yasilievich was a star for Philadelphia and then Istanbul. Yasilievich made his mark and there was no doubt he would be sought out by the first team in need of a defenseman in the draft. Yasilievich has an energy that is unmatched and as the team captain he lifts the team to levels beyond their normal abilities. His leadership is on display on the ice as well as in the locker room. Another trait that sets Yasilievich apart from other first gen players is his attitude. He is always bringing out the best in people because of his positive, optimistic attitude. One might not realize that Cole is a first gen because his knowledge of the league is advanced and consistent with a player who has more seasons under his belt. He’s on his third season as a GM for the Mexico City Kings and his knowledge of the league is on display with his outstanding decision making. In addition to a GM role, he was AGM for two seasons. Cole applies his knowledge of the league to his player and has made Yasilievich a superstar. As a first gen player Siyan Yasilievich will definitely catch everyone’s attention for the next five seasons and will be sporting several trophies, whether it be an individual trophy or a team trophy. In the meantime, Thunder will continue to look for Yasilievich for encouragement and advice. If there is anything about Cole that needs improvement it would definitely be his affection for the Buffalo Sabres. Him being a Sabres fan causes me to wonder why! How could someone so intelligent, so energetic, and so skilled, be a fan of such a crappy team. Clearly he has no appreciation of real hockey, otherwise he’d be a Bruins fan! 1638 words - claiming for three weeks
  14. The AGM for the Las Vegas Aces, @Jason kranz, has been over accommodating to the team leader Juan Ceson, @dylanjj37, and considering how much effort Jason puts into keeping Ceson happy, one would think that Ceson and Krantz are best of friends. Unfortunately for Jason, Juan is continually changing the goal posts which causes Jason to seek uncharacteristic decisions in an attempt to please Juan. The question for everyone to ponder is, should Jason continue to attempt to please Juan Ceson? In a nutshell, Juan Ceson is the pulse of the Aces. For three seasons, Juan Ceson was unselfish and was giving to anyone and everyone, which statistically speaking, was exactly what put the VHLM team into the spotlight and giving them two championships. Towards the end of last season, Juan Ceson demanded more from then manager @Shindigs, and as a result Las Vegas did not win the championship. And now with Jason doing everything he can to bump the Aces up in the standings, it appears to be a negative force in Juan Ceson keeping Jason from succeeding. Juan Ceson has everything and still wants more. It’s time for Juan Ceson to give away some ponies, cook some chickens for the needy, donate his training facilities, store merchandise, and plethora of vehicles, and take a step back. Juan Ceson has mentored so many individuals, Thunder being one of them, but this cannot continue. The future depends on you Juan. Jason is doing everything he can but the puck is on your side of the ice. Do the right thing! 262 words
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