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Posts posted by RileyL

  1. On 8/27/2023 at 7:19 AM, kelvi said:


    August 27th, 2023


    1. Eight games in and Riga is tied for third in the EU conference, is this what you expected?

    2. Almost every player is PPG, is this a sign of good chemistry or just some offensive luck?

    3.  Would you say you're settled into the season or still have some rust to work off?

    4.  How are you holding up with the shortened roster?

    5. Does this NHL offseason feel a lot longer to you? It seems like now that the schedule is back on track after COVID its hard to adjust.

    6. What NHL player is winning the MVP this year?

    1. Yeah, even though I think we have a top team in the league, only having two D-man is going to hurt are record a bit.


    2. It's a very good sign. Even though the first was off to a slow I think they will pick it up very soon. 


    3. The only rust Larry has is not being as physical as last year.


    4. It's been pretty good, just a bit more work on the defensive end.


    5. It's always felt long. Where in the spot now where not much is happening and almost every team is ready to get rolling.


    6. McDavid.

  2. On 8/20/2023 at 8:06 AM, kelvi said:


    August 20th, 2023


    1. Riga is starting this season with a shortened roster, how does the team feel about that? 

    2. Has there been a focus on additional condition due to the extra ice time you're expected to get?

    3.  What are you looking forward to the most heading into this season?

    4.  We had 5 picks in the first two rounds - have you been in touch with any of our prospects yet ?@cLoWn@Matt thunder @WhiskyJack @DontCallMeCarson @leafsman

    5. Do you think there's any exciting news to happen in the NHL between now and October?

    6. Who is your pre-season pick to win the Stanley Cup this season?

    1. It's a bit nerve-racking, even though I think our team is very good, only having two D-man is going to be tough.


    2. I am assuming you're asking about the two players on the point but to answer the question, Larry takes conditioning pretty seriously so he is always ready. 


    3. Seeing how our team fares with just two D and just how we perform in general.


    4. No, but Im excited to watch them grow and hopefully play together with them in the future.


    5. No not really, just waiting to see if they post the names of the five players involved in the Hockey Canada scandal.


    6. Edmonton Oilers (totally not biased lol).



  3. On 8/13/2023 at 6:09 AM, kelvi said:


    August 11th, 2023


    1. How have you been spending the offseason so far?

    2. How would you feel about entering the season 5/3 given the lack of availability on the market?

    3.  Have you reached out to the newest member AK ?

    4.  Have you been paying attention to the draft class? Riga has 4 picks in the first two rounds.

    5. How do you feel about the Erik Karlsson NHL trade?

    6. Are you ready for summer to be over yet?

    1. IRL I have been looking for a job but Larry has been training his ass off and looking to improve his numbers from last year.


    2. I don't really think that would be a good idea but I'm assuming Hedge is trying to go 6/3 like last year.


    3. Hello 👋


    4. I look to see who was drafted hear and I think they will be great additions to this squad in a few seasons.


    5. It looks like Pittsburg doesn't want to rebuild with Crosby (why would you) so they are just going to run with an old team till he retires.


    6. No, not really. It went by faster than last year.



  4. On 8/6/2023 at 3:08 PM, hedgehog337 said:

    1. So Davos eventually became the champs. does that makes you less sad now that ''we lost to champs''?

    2. a trade alert! lets give a welcome AK to I guess....

    3. do you think this playoffs went pretty quick?

    4. anything you look forward in this offseason?

    5. a huge GM turnover in this offseason. Do you think GM'ing here is hard and leads to a burnout?

    6. Erik Karlsson indeed got traded. Your opinion on that trade?


    1. No, it's never fun losing in the playoffs, but This makes me more confident in our team's ability because every game we lost against Davos was close. 


    2. Hello👋.


    3. Oh ya. Last year's playoffs felt like they went on forever.


    4. The pro-am, awards, and what teams will look like next year.


    5. I have no idea but I imagine it's not easy but not extremely difficult.


    6. Sharks finally enter full rebuild mode which I think is the right move for them. Canadians getting a solid dman. The penguins not getting any younger but at this point, I don't think their core is going anywhere so I think getting Karlsson is a good move for them.


  5. On 7/30/2023 at 1:07 PM, hedgehog337 said:

    1. That was disappointing. What happened after game 1? 

    2. Do you think having only 3 defenseman screwed us at the end?

    3. We have good amount of picks for this draft. What'd you do - sell em all for stars or keep all of them for drafting?

    4. Were you surprised by NYA making the conference finals?

    5. Daniel Clarke is retiring after this season. Say something nice about him please. 

    6. Do you watch women's football world cup?


    1. We stoped scoring. The sim was not kind to us.


    2. I don't think that was the biggest factor but it definitely hurt us in the long run. 


    3. We definitely have the team that will continue to compete for the championship for the next few years, so depending on what position of picks we have, the players in these positions, and the players you could potentially receive in a trade. So honestly I don't know.


    4. I was surprised because they didn't finish high in the standings.


    5. A great locker room chatter and I wish them the best in retirement.


    6. Not much, mainly just saw highlights.


  6. On 7/23/2023 at 6:26 AM, kelvi said:


    July 23rd, 2023


    1. Yay Playoffs! How's everyone feeling heading into the first round?

    2. Playing against Davos all season, what do you think is their primary weakness and how can Riga exploit it?

    3.  Who has been the unsung hero of this team down the stretch when contending for a playoff spot?

    4.  What's the pre-game routine now for the postseason?

    5. We're in the dog days of the NHL offseason - what's going to be the biggest news between now and September?

    6. Any TV shows your watching?

    1. Feeling great! Ready to show everyone what we got.


    2. They are definitely stacked from head to toe but I think are physicality will be a problem for them to handle and this will lead us to win more puck battles.


    3. In my opinion it's not just one individual player but the trio of Sadie St-Louis, The Frenchman, and Brian Kowalski. They were a big reason why we went on those big win streaks to end the season.


    4. Well he will just continue what he did all season. He will start by stretching/warming up by himself and then joining the team later on.


    5. If the Edmonton Oilers are able to sign both McLeod and Bouchard.


    6. No, I only really watch Hockey and Basketball.

  7. On 7/16/2023 at 1:43 PM, hedgehog337 said:

    1. Things getting better slowly. 4 points above the wildcard spot as of this moment. Do you think there's a particular reason for that?

    2. Kowalski is on pace to sweep all defensive awards. Can he do it?

    3. Also can he win the Funk award (most impoved player)?

    4. Can Abass Jr. put up some more points to fight for the Boulet award (best two way forward)?

    5. Can we reach 40 or more wins before reg season ends?

    6. I've heard some wildfires/tornadoes happening in NA region as of late. Is it calm where you're living right now?

    1. We are scoring and shutting down other tough teams. Hopefully, this can continue into the playoffs.


    2. Hell ya, he has been playing out of mind all season on both ends of the ice.


    3. There's a good chance that he can.


    4. He better lol. He has slowed down in the points category but has continued his hitting spree. Let's just hope that the points won't affect his chances of being nominated/winning the award.


    5. 4 wins in 8 games is absolutely achievable. 


    6. In the province I live in there are currently around 120 or so wildfires happening, thankfully there are none close to where I live. 


  8. 22 hours ago, hedgehog337 said:

    1. We back with the fixed up offense...and more or less decent defending too! Are we ready to win it all now?

    2. do you think the team needs anything in the trade deadline?

    3. do you think any of team member gonna win an award or two?

    4. did you like the topic of the theme week?

    5. was it easy to come up with an idea for theme week PT?

    6. hows the summer going on so far?

    1.  It would be better if we were doing well on both ends of the ice but nothing is perfect and I do think we have what it takes to win it all.


    2. Probably a fourth defenseman but what can you really do with limited cap space.


    3. Brian Kowalski has a pretty good chance at winning one of the defense awards.


    4. It wasn't my favorite.


    5. I wasn't able to come up with anything.


    6. It's been alright.


  9. On 7/2/2023 at 3:42 PM, hedgehog337 said:

    1. Looks like we fixed out defense...just to slow down offensively. do we need to buy a consistency at the trade deadline or some?

    2. your Riga MVP so far?

    3. Which team has surprised you so far?

    4. Try to guess what the topic of the theme week gonna be this time.

    5. Any excitement for the theme week/trade deadline at all?

    6. Hows the NHL free agency going for your fav team?


    1. We definitely need more offense. I don't think it's a matter of getting someone else, it's just that the sim is not our friend. In some games, we outshoot are opponents 50-30 but only win by one goal.


    2. Would have to be Brian Kowalski or The Frenchman.


    3. Helsinki, you would think that they would be doing better than they are.


    4. Wellllll, I think it would be cheating if I said it.


    5. I will try and make a graphic.


    6. Just some AHL/depth guys, with the exception of signing Conner Brown.

  10. 20 hours ago, kelvi said:


    June 24h, 2023


    1. How do you feel about Riga's start so far in the wildcard zone?

    2. Do you have all your rust shaken off from the offseason at this point?

    3.  Newly signed Brian Kowalski is off to a hot start as the team's leading scorer. How has he fit in so well with the DR?

    4.  Do you think you need a 4th defensemen to make this team a contender?

    5. Name an NHL player that will surprisingly get traded this week (and why).

    6. Where do you think Matvei Mitchkov is going in this draft? I think he's going to be elite

    1. I feel like we should be doing better, the shootouts are killing us.


    2. It Seems like Larry has shaken off most of the rust but I do think he has more to give.


    3. I think he has fit in really well, hes playing like a top defensemen in the league.


    4. I think so but because of the cap space, we got to work with what we got.


    5. William Nylander because the Maple Leafs got to start freeing up some cap space.


    6. I think he will probably fall from anywhere between 5-10.

  11. On 5/30/2023 at 3:13 PM, Tetricide said:


    Week ending 4 June, 2023


    1. What's up, Wranglers?! This week, the VHL finals come to an end and the off-season starts (hopefully)! I know we didn't make the cut to the finals this time around, but how do you feel about how the rest of the teams did from each sort of final (quarter/semi/cup final)?


    2. Speaking of the off-season, the World Cup is back! Who are you rooting for?


    3. The Commissioner's Cup was also just announced for its return! Do you think this will help keep the interest of new, prospective members of the community?


    4. This season marks the end of an incredible legacy that Oskar Lindbergh has left for the Calgary Wranglers as he has retired, and as a team we helped him get his name etched on the Continental Cup! He was also awarded the Daisuke Kanou Trophy, the playoff MVP! Do you have any kind farewell words to say?


    5. How was your weekend?


    6. For whatever sports team you're watching and supporting on game day, do you wear any of their apparel? Whether it be a jersey, hat, or socks...

    1. Congrats to both Seattle and London for making the finals. Also congrats to London for winning the finals. It was a pretty tight playoff this time around, any team could have made a deep run.


    2. Team Canada.


    3. I think it would be fun. More sims never hurt anybody.


    4. It was an honor to be your teammate for two years and I wish you the best in retirement.


    5. It was good. I spent time with family.


    6. I wear a jersey normally.

  12. On 5/22/2023 at 8:54 AM, Tetricide said:


    Week Ending May 28, 2023


    1. What's up, Wranglers?! We've defeated Chicago in the semi-finals 4-1. As this post, we're tied with our current opponent Seattle 1-1 in the conference finals. Where is your player's confidence level compared to last week?


    2. Oskar Lindbergh is currently leading playoff goalies with an incredible .961 save percentage, allowing only 9 goals with 2 shutouts. What is it like having a goalie of this caliber on the team?


    3. Who would you rather see in the finals... London or a rematch against Davos?


    4. Which of your teammates has given some inspiration to your player lately?


    5. Is it warm enough yet? It's been around 30C for us down here in Texas.


    6. How do you like your eggs cooked?



    1. It was pretty high after he was a point per game in the second round but that production didn't happen in the third sadly.


    2. It helps us win close games and steal a few games.


    3. Well we lost in the conference finals but I would have liked to play London.


    4. Osker because of how well he was performing in the playoffs.


    5. It's right around the sweet part of 18-22C.


    6. I like scrambled eggs.


  13. On 5/15/2023 at 2:20 PM, Tetricide said:


    Week ending May 21, 2023


    1. What's up, Wranglers?! Playoffs start this week! What's the vibe?


    2. What is your player doing in their downtime until the first series starts?


    3. The staff have organized a charity event where one-of-a-kind player jerseys are being actioned off and the proceeds go to a non-profit! Which charity/non-profit organization would you see the team supporting most?


    4. What has your player been working on in the practice facility lately?


    5. Are you allergic to bees?


    6. Would you rather fight a bee as big as a person or a bee as strong as a person?


    1. Excited to get things started.


    2. Pollishing of his game.


    3. Youth sports or a childrens hospital.


    4. His Strength. Winning battles in front of the net and in the corners.


    5. No.


    6. Probably as strong as a person. The bee is still small which would be an advantage and make the fight easier.

  14. On 5/11/2023 at 10:25 AM, Tetricide said:


    Week Ending May 14, 2023


    1. What's up, Wranglers?! As we finish this week's games, how are we feeling going into the playoffs?


    2. What's it like to be a Wrangler?


    3. Who's your player's #2?


    4. How accomplished does your player feel?


    5. Are you following any of the NHL playoff games? Who do you have winning it all?


    6. Does your computer have a CD drive on it?

    1. Feeling pretty good, anything can happen in the playoffs but I think we can make a deep run.


    2. Being a Wrangler is great. Everyone supports one another and we all have the same goal (hopefully) of winning


    3. That's hard to say, he played on a line with Janser and Wolanin, so probably one of those guys.


    4. He feeling good, most if not all of his numbers improved from last season.


    5. Yea I am. My Oilers biased in me says the Oilers.


    6. No.

  15. On 5/3/2023 at 10:40 AM, Tetricide said:



    1. What's up, Wranglers?! Theme week is over. Did you have any favorites among the bunch?


    2. The trade deadline has also passed! Were there any trades you saw that were surprising?


    3. Where is your player's confidence level right now from our strong comeback?


    4. Which hole against the goalie does your player love to go for? Goalies: which hole is your least favorite to defend?


    5. Are you watching any Star Wars this month? (May the 4th be with you!)


    6. What was your favorite game played growing up? Tabletop, video, and even physical (like tag/hide and seek) included here.



    1. I didn't really look at anyone else's, so no.


    2. I didn't pay attention to any trades.


    3. It's pretty high, he's been producing at a good rate recently, but still thinks he has more to give.


    4. he likes shooting five hole, it gives him joy every time he scores five hole.


    5. No.


    6. I really liked NHL slapshot on the Wii.


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