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  1. (I'm aware I get no additional TPE for this) Nikolas Kauppi suddenly appears and sits at the press conference table. For a moment it's silent from the confusion since this guy is still in the VHLM and drafted to Oslo. Does this guy know where he is? Kauppi taps on the microphone a few times to test the sound. Mic check, 1-2-1-2. Alright, watcha got for me? 1. A new season approaches! With S85 starting this week, what are a few points of individual success your player is hoping to achieve this season? Hell yeah. This season is going to be great! I'm working on a 5 level program of success as a hockey player, actually. I can't really divulge that kind of information to the public for free. Just be on the lookout for how you can be the next Great One in my interview coming up later this week. 2. With the 3rd and 4th overall picks in the draft that just passed, we picked up two defense studs in Tater Tottingham and Jani Karppinen! How do you think these two additions will effect our backend? Studs? More like spuds. You have a player with a head that looks like a potato and I don't see how anyone can concentrate on anything they're doing when he's around. 3. If your player could have their own personalized goal song, what would it be and why? Crab Rave by Noisestorm. If you really have to ask why, you need to re-evaluate your life. 4. What are you expectations for the team this year? My team or...? You know what. *Ahem* Look, I'm sure...(Kauppi looks around to try to remember whose press conference he's in.) ...that the Vikings think they will do great. I just don't expect them to. 5. With training camp over, what was your player's most hated drill to do, and if they have one- what was their favorite? Back skating. I should never have to go on the defense. Always skate forward. My favorite? Trying to score on Swayman. I swear that man is a brick wall. I snuck one in on him, but don't tell anyone else. They'll think they can actually score on him and if they do he owes me a hot dog. 6. It's time to haze the rookies and newcomers- what kind of prank does you play on them? I tell them about the Olympic-sized pool on the roof of the arena on days it's supposed to rain. I don't think the door opens from the outside either. Hey are those keto brownies?
  2. 1. The new season is almost upon us. What would you like to tell your teammates about your player and how do you plan on contributing? I can't wait for this season to start! Nikolas is a power forward, which means he likes to score as much as he likes to run people into the boards. 2. Having the top goalie in the league, what do you expect from Jeremy Swayman this season? Swayman won't let a single puck into the net. If he does, he owes me a hot dog. 3. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being best), where do you rate GM Cole’s drafts, trades, and free agent acquisitions to put Mexico City in the running? A solid 10. He knows what he's doing. Right? I hope. 4. Which team do you consider as our biggest rival and how will we fare this season against them? Las Vegas. I'm pretty sure we'll have to face them in the playoffs again, but this time we'll shut them out. 5. What is your favorite hockey team outside of VHL? The Dallas Stars. 6. What is your favorite pie, and do you add ice cream to it? Pumpkin pie! And no, unless you count whipped cream as ice cream...
  3. Nikolas Kauppi was born and raised in Tampere, Finland where hockey is the most watched sport on TV. Ever since he could walk, he was skating on the ice. Every day after he was done with school work, he was playing ice hockey with friends. His parents, Mathias and Helena, have been very supportive of Nikolas's ambition to be a hockey player since he started being more competitive in primary school. His parents put him in a youth program to help feed his love for the sport, and his coaches decided he would be best used as a defenseman. His coach at the time Kivi Palo taught Nikolas everything he needed to fill his role including fighting. Nikolas achieved his first Gordie Howe hat trick when he was 8, but was also ejected from the game after he spit on the kid he just pummeled. Between the ages of 10 and 12 he had an unusual growth spurt where he ended up a freakish 5'8" and didn't look like he was stopping anytime soon. Nikolas was more confident in his ability to pass and score and subsequently had his role switched from a defenseman to a left wing forward. Puberty definitely heightened the testosterone level output whenever Nikolas was on the ice, but the coaching staff helped mitigate and direct the fight in him to be more of a power forward. Nikolas was able to both put up points for the team and put down his opponents to regain possession of the puck for his team. It was after winning his 6th championship at age 15 he had his eyes on a big prize: getting into the VHL. Fortunately, his former coach Kivi Palo was already looking out for him uploading short YouTube videos highlighting his successes and progress for not just the world but mostly for junior league and some VHLM scouts. Before he knew it, he was started playing on Finland's U18 men's team. Standing at roughly 6'4" and feared to be still growing to be the next Zdeno Chara, he was a towering menace. Over the next two years, Nikolas helped his team dominate to the finals twice and brought home the championship cup in his final season. After his championship win, he was picked up by Ilves in the Liiga league, whose hometown is also in Tampere. His first season started rough with a 70 game suspension after running an opponent through the plexiglass and continuing to beat him unconscious before he was pulled off and ejected from the game. The Ilves would also find themselves unable to make it to the playoffs that year. In his second season he pumped the brakes a bit on his roughness thanks to his anger management classes it was starting to pay off when the Ilves made the playoffs, but only just barely. Unfortunately, they were shut out by Lukko in the quarter finals. His final season with Ilves they made it much further being the team with the 3rd highest points entering the playoffs. They defeated Kärpät in overtime in game 7 of the quarter finals in a close 2-1 game, but were stopped by TPS in game 6. The Ilves did, however, win their 3rd place matchup against KooKoo 3 to 2. Nikolas had took on a manager with help from his long-time friend Kivi Palo in hopes of getting attention to the VHLM scouts. In the season 84 VHLM draft, Nikolas Kauppi was drafted 32nd overall to the Saskatoon Wild. With stars in his eyes, Nikolas started training right away to show he has what it takes to be a key player in the VHL. 609 words, using for PT week ending September 4.
  4. I haven't claimed this yet, but how would I do that? Uncapped and link the post with my @ in it?
  5. [ Bobbus Dingus interviewing Nikolas Kauppi (image) ] Hello, world! Welcome to another episode of Between the Periods with your host Bobbus Dingus featuring my friend Nikolas Kauppi of the Mexico City Kings, prospect of the Prague Phantoms, and was drafted today once again but in the VHLE! Nikolas, please indulge us on the emotional journey you had today. First of all, it's bold of you to assume I have any emotions, which I don't. Second, I guess I was more-so concerned about the amount of people that reached out to me for interviews for the VHLE compared to the VHL. Only 2 teams in the E reached out and Oslo was actually one of them that did. I had a pretty good feeling it would've been one of the two, but didn't hold onto hope for it. There's some pretty cool people there in Oslo, so I can't wait to play for them after this upcoming season in the minors. Dad didn't come out naked this time did he? Uh...no, that's a weird conclusion to jump to there, Bob. I mean, yeah his pants practically weren't on last time, but you know why. We were all there at the same time when my name showed up on the board at the end of the 2nd round. My parents were actually really excited, and they're mostly excited for my VHLE experience so they don't have to travel so far to see my games. Nikolas, I do have to say you look a little...eh...different. Physically, I mean. You look like you could go for a nap right now! Honestly, I could sleep in this chair within seconds. I spent a lot of time today in the practice facility and in training camp. I got a lot of tips and tricks from the coaches and even some players on the style I want to play as a forward. My body is in pain, but I think the other guys are more beat up than I am. There's no doubt about that! Nikolas, I think I need a gym buddy. I know, I know... I'm a lanky kinda guy, but I need someone like you that can help me bulk up some! Get more into shape! Think you could help me with that? Bob. There's no way. Absolutely no way you'd want me to be the guy to whip you into shape. Don't get me wrong, I can do it but you're gonna hate life. I'd make you miserable. More than you make me. Aw, come on, Nikolas! I might look pathetic to you, but I'm spritzy! I've got the drive! Let's talk about it after this interview. Fine, fine... Okay, last question for you! How does it feel to be in the top 20 drafted in both the VHL and VHLE? Were you expecting it for either drafts? The VHL draft I had zero expectations. In fact, even if I was a last pick it would've sent me over the moon. But 17th? My mind was absolutely blown. I guess the 6 teams interviewing me should've been a clear indicator that I was a potentially high pick. Not top 10 high, but right about where I was picked, you know? So, I was feeling like a king at that point. I figured I would've had all the VHLE scouts or GMs interviewing me, but I only had the 2. It threw me off a little bit, but I was still feeling like hot shit and the 16th pick overall pretty much confirmed it. I'm awesome. That you are, Nikolas! I can't wait for our gym adventures to start. Welp! That's gonna do it for today's episode of Between the Periods with my new gym partner Nikolas Kauppi! Congratulations on being drafted by the Oslo Storm in the VHLE. We'll see everyone on the next episode! As the camera pans away from the two, Nikolas can still be heard on the microphone Haha, yeah...after I'm done with you in the gym, you'll be lucky to want to have another episode with me, bud. 672 words, using for PT for week ending September 4.
  6. Not at home, so I'm not color coding this... 1. Five of you have are currently on the roster. Are you looking forward to the season and will this be your final season with Mexico City? I am! Looking forward mostly to what Kauppi will be able to do in the minors in his last year. 2. If you were in charge of EA Sports, what changes would you make to NHL 23? Idk. I don't play. Sorry. 3. How much time do you spend on Discord in the Kings locker room each week? At least a few days out of the week if not the whole week. 4. When it comes to attributes, do you plan on putting more into scoring or passing? Scoring. 5. This is year 16 of the VHL. When did you start and how long do you plan on being involved? I started last season and I'll probably properly retire a few players before I quit. I don't really know for certain, but this has been fun. 6. What condiments go on a hamburger to make it better? Where is your favorite place to get a hamburger? Ketchup. Mustard maybe...I don't like mayo. There's a burger place in Galveston off the seawall called the Spot and they have the best.
  7. Hello, world! Welcome to another episode of Between the Periods with your host Bobbus Dingus featuring my friend Nikolas Kauppi of the Mexico City Kings! Nikolas, today was a very special day today wasn't it? Yeah, today was honestly a roller coaster of emotions. Not that I know what those really are. I have no doubts! Today, ladies and gentlemen, was the season 85 VHL draft which Nikolas was eligible for! How many teams did you talk with? Several teams, actually. I don't remember the count. I just know that I wasn't expecting to be drafted by the Prague Phantoms. 17th pick overall, 2nd round. I'm not sure anyone really saw it coming. You must have left an impression on the staff in charge of drafting because let's face it...you kinda fell off after your trade. Bob, come on you're making me look bad here. Look, I-- You're the one that couldn't produce and I'M the one making you look bad? Just pointing out the facts here, bud! Call me "bud" one more time and see if you leave here with that pretty face. Nikolas keeps a smile on and stares at Bobbus, and Bobbus gestures to continue after a brief pause. Look...I don't know what they saw in me either. Maybe it's my charming off-ice personality. Maybe I'm a good in interviews. All I know is that they saw something others probably didn't and I'm happy to keep working on getting better so that when I do finally play for Prague they'll see they didn't make a mistake. ...And you can stop giving me shit in these interviews. Ahh, come on Nikolas! What's friendship without giving each other grief? How did your parents take the news? I'm sure they were excited either way! My parents are still here in town for a couple days before going back home. We were all watching to see when my name would pop up except my dad was in the bathroom when my name popped up first in the 2nd round. He didn't bother trying to button up and buckle down his pants running back in the family room. His pants were basically around his ankles when he cheered. It's too bad none of this was on video because it was hilarious to watch this man slide across the floor with practically no pants on. That sounds like a story to tell your kids and grandkids! Hey, do you think maybe I could join you guys next time on something like this? Look, Bob... We're...friends, but we're not that close. Maybe you can buy dinner some time. Just you and me. None of this weird interview stuff. Dinner with my friend Nikolas? Well, ladies and gents, it looks like I've got a hot date-- Oh, god, it's not a date...please don't do this... --with my friend here to go to. So, that's going to do it for today's episode of Between the Periods. Congratulations Nikolas Kauppi on being drafted by the Prague Phantoms and I wish you future success! Also, thanks for not walking out like last time. Thanks, Bob. That means a lot coming from a fan who is also a...friend. Text me the details and I'll meet you there. Nikolas stands up, takes the lapel microphone off, and drops it before walking off. Will do! Wait...Wait! Nikolas! I don't have your number! 561 words, using for PT week ending August 28.
  8. 1. Mexico City is getting ready for the next season and GM Cole is busy scouting new players. What do you have to say to the new players who might be coming to the team? I hope you like to win. 2. Were you surprised with Warsaw Predators winning the VHL this season and did you follow the championships? I did follow the championship games on the second half. I was pulling for Seattle, but I feel like it definitely could've been either team's series to win. Warsaw just wanted it more. 3. What do you plan to do with your TPE this season and are you focused on moving out of the VHLM? I'm re-spec'ing the points to make Kauppi more of a power forward. He likes to score, but he also likes to stir things up a bit. He's not ready for the VHLE just yet, so he'll be with the Kings for just a while longer. 4. Are you in this coming up draft and if you are, where do you think you will go? Who has interviewed you? I...don't think so? Kauppi hasn't hit 200 TPE yet, so he's not eligible. Calgary has shown interest, but uh...a little early for the VHL. 5. Mexico City needs a goalie and defenders. Who do you think Cole should pick first? I'm not sure just yet. I haven't looked at the pool of prospects. 6. Would you accept one million pesos (you are on Mexico City), but you would have to give up hockey for life. That includes playing, watching, simulating, and even talking about hockey. Absolutely not.
  9. Hello, world! Welcome to the official first episode of Between the Periods with Bobbus Dingus where I only have time on my busy schedule to interview none other than Nikolas Kauppi from the Mexico City Kings. Nikolas, welcome to the show! You're looking very sharp today in that suit. How are you feeling today? Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself. I'm always happy to oblige my dear friend Bob in his weird endeavors. I'm feeling okay today -- nothing too exciting going on other than this. Oh, are we friends?! I guess I shouldn't read too much into that.. Now, Nikolas, in game 4 of the series against the Las Vegas Aces you did something spectacular and exciting in the first period. Can you walk us through it? Before I get into it, I just want you to know I don't appreciate the fluffing going on right now because I know you're gonna ask me about something I lack or haven't done. Nikolas, I don't know what you mean by fluffing, but if you're implying that I'm buttering you up before putting you on the grill you're probably right. Trust the process, friend. I don't mean any disrespect or harm! One of these days I'm gonna put you on the spot with my own questioning.. Anyway, yeah, we were about halfway through a power play when Stroheim shot just wide of the net, Torbjorn retrieved the puck, saw I had a good position for the shot, passed it to me, and just as he did I wound up my stick for the shot and probably could've set the net on fire for how much power I put behind the puck. My first playoff goal ever! It was an electrifying moment. It really was an electrifying moment for everyone in the arena! The Aces tied the game and the arena was mostly silent up until the power play started. Unfortunately, the Kings lost that game to the Aces by one goal. What happened to the momentum and how important was it to win this game? I knew it was coming eventually.. I don't really know what exactly happened except we stopped scoring and Vegas only needed 2 goals to be in the lead and that's exactly what they did. It sucked and leaving home ice without a win that day sucked even more. It's important to win every game, especially in the playoffs where you really can't afford to lose one. That's very true, Nikolas. Especially game 5 where it was a win or go home situation in which the Aces did send you guys packin', but not before you took them to 2nd overtime to earn it. Yeah, I really don't want to talk about that game. Fair enough! How about the points you were able to sneak in for the playoffs? You recorded only that one goal and two assists. What do you th-- Nikolas stands up and throws off the lapel microphone. As he walks off, he can be heard saying I'll see you next season, Bob. --ink... Oh, uh. Alright! Thank you for your time, Nikolas! And thank you everyone at home for listening in on today's episode of Between the Periods! I'll see you on the next! 542 words, using for PT week ending August 21.
  10. 1. We made it the semi-finals and gave the Aces a good run. What could we have done differently to have won the series? Making it to the semis was fun, but oh so heartbreaking when it ended for Kauppi. I'm not really sure what exactly could have been done differently. It's really tough to score against those guys sometimes. 2. With the season over for the Mexico City Kings, what are your plans to prepare for the next season? Kauppi is gonna go through a little bit of retraining. The training staff wants to make sure to help him be the best player he wants to be. 3. What advice do you have for GM Cole to help with the draft and this season coming up? I'm new to this. There's nothing I could think of that could help my GM draft some good picks. 4. What team are you headed to next season, and how do you plan to contribute to your new team? If I could help it, I'd like to stay with the Kings. If there were any teams interested in my player, I haven't been informed of it. 5. On a scale of 1-5 (5 being best) how well did your player do this season with Mexico City, and why? A 2 or 3. Sure, Kauppi contributed here and there, but he really needed to step up his game. Especially in the playoffs. 6. What is the best vodka drink? You tell me. I'm not too big on alcohol, especially vodka. Although, the first thing to come to mind is a White Russian from the movie the Big Lebowski. I've never had it, but it seems interesting!
  11. Hey, there he is! Nikolas Kauppi, everyone. I've got a few questions for you. Now, Kauppi, the Kings defeated the Philadelphia Reapers in the first round 4 - 1 where you recorded only 1 point with an assist in the 5th game. What do you think is stifling your points production and how are you going about trying to break your nearly pointless streak? Bob, this is my second interview with you, but it sounds like you're trying to insult me in the guise of asking questions. Oh, come on, kid! I'm just pointing out the facts here and trying to pick your brain! If you say so... Honestly, it's been tough to find the right time to score and there've been a lot of times where I have to pass the puck to someone else like Stroheim or Torbjorn who are better positioned for a goal. Being in the playoffs hasn't put me in a different mindset at all. Tottingham and I talk pretty frequently on the ice, but sometimes I can't get over how much his head looks like a potato and it's just really distracting. As for breaking the goal-less streak, I just need more practice. Maybe Tucker can give me some pointers. That's a great positive attitude you have for improvement! Speaking of pointers-- You son of a b.. --your points drastically changed when you were traded from the Saskatoon Wild. You played about 4 games shorter, but overall your points production on the Kings was about half! What do you think contributed to the points deficit? On the Wild, I had a lot of opportunities to shine and produce points even though I was new. I was on the first line almost every time, which was great. However, on the Kings there's just an insane amount of talent on here that are just consistent with putting up points and they've pretty much synergized at the half-way point of the regular season. It wasn't like I wasn't trying -- I was definitely putting in work every second on the ice. Let's just say on the Wild I was a big fish in a small pond and on the Kings I'm a small fish in a big pond. I just have to put a lot more effort. That was an incredible analogy that I believe really does summarize your situation. Now that the Kings have advanced to round 2 in the playoffs, how are you feeling about playing the Las Vegas Aces? Honestly, I feel like if it's not us then it's the Aces to beat to win the cup. I think it would've been an epic final game between us, but now I just have to fight harder to make sure they don't get a single win in this series. Do you go by Nikolas or Niko for short? Bob, you can call me what ever sounds cool to you. You seem like a smart guy. Nikolas Kauppi, thank you for taking the time out of your day today for this lovely interview. I look forward to our next one! Yeah, thanks for having me. Make sure to make it sting less next time or I'll have to stuff you in a locker. 535 words, using for PT week ending August 14.
  12. 1. Mexico City made it look easy getting past the first round of the playoffs. What do you see next for the Kings and what challenges are coming up? I gotta tell ya, I was really hoping SSK was gonna pull the upset against LVA. That would've been incredible coming from my former team. Vegas is definitely going to make us work for round 2 and I'm trying to get my player up to par. 2. What is your player doing differently in the playoffs? Scoring less, so far. I need him to do the opposite. I think he just got his only point in game 5. 3. Having the best defense in the league is only part of our success. What else do you see as having a major impact on the team? There's no doubt our defense is elite. An elite defense needs an elite offense to balance it out and I think we have a pretty well rounded team that meets that expectation. 4. When you joined this team, did you expect to be surrounded by such talent and are you surprised to see Mexico City in the run for the cup? I'm not surprised to see the Kings on a cup run, but I had no idea what I was dealing with coming into the locker room. 5. Do you have any words of wisdom for Tucker or Swayman? Shut your five hole. 6. Do you prefer skiing or snowboarding? Why? I actually haven't done either of them. I feel like either way, your feet are stuck to a ski or board and bailing out isn't as easy as it is skateboarding. However, if I had to pick which I think I'd like more, probably snowboarding as it's just skateboarding and the snow are your wheels.
  13. 1. The season is almost over and Houston is on our tail. What do we do to keep them from overtaking us and gaining second place? Keep pushing. Practicing. We just acquired another defenseman, so that should hopefully help keep our goals against down. 2. Are you happy with your player this season? The beginning of the season was pretty exciting, but he's fallen off a bit since the trade. 3. Which VHLE team do you think is going to surprise everyone in the playoffs? I'm gonna be honest, I haven't been paying attention to either the VHL or VHLE lately. Just been maintaining focus in my own league. 4. What is your first memory of hockey? Playing or otherwise? Watching hockey in its fullest during the 2018 playoffs. I never watched it before then. I never looked back. 5. How far in the playoffs do you expect Mexico City to go and why? The Kings can take it all for sure. What's also certain is that it is not going to be an easy road to get there. 6. When was the last time you had a PBJ sandwich? About a week ago.
  14. 1. Last week we dominated the offense and goal scoring. How confident are you that we will be able to bring this energy into the playoffs? We've definitely been dominating lately and it's helped us maintain a spot for the playoffs. I think it'll depend on who we'll face in the rounds leading up to the final. 2. So far this season, we’ve gone into overtime 10 games, losing 8 of those games. Do you think doing more sand bags in training will help the endurance or should there be more focus on penalty shots? I don't know about the other guys, but I enjoy the sand bag training. Hmm...maybe we should switch it up a little bit, but I'll definitely miss those sand bags. 3. Team Captain Tater Tots, leads the team in points. What do you say about his consistent stellar performance? Tots (@Trunkxolotl) is the man. I look up to that guy. 4. When Henry Tucker was selected #1 overall, some thought GM Cole was taking a big risk by selecting a goalie first. Now that Tucker has brought the Kings up in the standings and has proven to be a top goalie and contributor to the team, do you have anything to say to those other GMs? I can't hear the other GMs from where we're standing right now. 5. We’re 52 games in and have separated from all teams except the Las Vegas Aces. Should we push to try to pass them or be satisfied in second place going into the playoffs? We should always push to be better! Never settle for less. 6. What is the biggest mountain you have climbed, hiked, biked, or driven up, and why did you go up? Glacier Point in Yosemite Nat'l Park. We (my mom, sister, and I) actually took a bus to the top and hiked down. The views are absolutely breathtaking and I would do it all over again.
  15. 1. Our GM, Cole, just made an incredible trade, giving us Nikolas Kauppi for the next couple seasons. Are you looking forward to what Kauppi can contribute to the team? Kauppi seems like a pretty cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything. 2. How have you been doing with the weekly game predictions for TPE? Ooo...ahh...yeah...about that. I haven't been doing it. 3. If you could play one professional sport, what would that be and why? I'm not sure everyone considers it a sport, but poker. Hundreds of people from around the world compete in the WSOP for the final table and you never see the same faces. Hold 'Em has been a game that I've played most of my life. 4. The season is just over half way and Mexico City is tied with Houston. Are there any changes we need to do in order to jump ahead of Houston and chase Las Vegas? Score more. Allow less goals. Easier said than done, but I'm hoping Kauppi will help in that department. 5. What NHL jersey was Cameron wearing in the movie “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off?” And if you know more, who’s the player? Detroit Red Wings, but I couldn't tell you the player name. If I had to guess -- Yzerman. 6. Is it OK to put ketchup on steak? Why or why not? NO! Stop putting sauce on steak. You season that meat for flavor.
  16. Sig soon to come. Eventually. Maybe.
  17. 1. Are you satisfied with your player’s performance so far? Kauppi has definitely picked up more points over the past week, but I really need him to pick up more on scoring. 2. What’s the hardest aspect of Hockey in your opinion? It's easy to judge from the stands or the couch how a play should've gone, but you don't have that same view playing on the ice. 3. If you could choose any pet to adopt what would it be? A barn owl. 4. If you could choose any superpower, what would it be? Teleportation. 5. How does your player overcome challenges and adversity on the ice? He's a big guy, so he'll let a person know what they just did isn't OK. Physically. 6. Other than hockey, which other sport peaks your interest? None that get me as excited at hockey. Closest would be basketball, but I don't follow it.
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