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Posts posted by RElblein

  1. On 6/5/2023 at 10:08 AM, Spartan said:

    Presser for June 5th week!


    1. Moscow and Prague made a surprise trade late last week - did you see it? Any initial thoughts?

    I did not see it unfortunately but I am sure it will make Moscow even stronger than before! 

    2. In the trade, Moscow added a forward, a defenseman, and a goalie. Which position do you think was most in need for the team?

    Having strong goalies is always important so I would say that and I am happy to work alongside our new defenseman

    3. With Kyosti Karjalainen retired, Moscow will have to choose a new Captain. Who do you think might be a good choice?


    4. Moscow had 3 players nominated for the Most Outstanding Player - Ronan Lavelle, Tomas Sogaard and Hammar Voss. Do you think any of them will win?

    I wish all three could win but I am betting on Hammar Voss! 

    5. I've asked this question before, but the landscape of the VHL is always changing. Which player not on Moscow would you want to play with, if there was the opportunity to team up?

    Siyan Yasilievich is a top defenseman so it would be great to work with him! 

    6. Wrong answers only - what is @BOOM's favorite music to listen to?

    It's definitely Here Comes the Boom by Nelly


  2. 1. 31 games in, Moscow is in first place by the slimmest of margins. How are we feeling about our chances to win the conference?

    Doesn't matter if it's an inch or a mile, winning is winning

    2. Is there a weekly ritual the team should try to spark the power play? What should the ritual be?

    I heard about Jason Giambi having a lucky golden thong, maybe we should try that out 

    3. For those still building your player, which attributes are you working on updating at the moment? If your player is already built, are there any adjustments you would make to any of your attributes if you could?

    Scoring baby, all about those goals! 

    4. Do you have any plans for the Super Bowl this Sunday, if so what are they?

    My son's first birthday party lol didn't realize it was super bowl when we planned it 

    5. The VHL has been rolling out new ways to improve the league as of late, what would YOU like to see improve?

    Would probably never happen due to how much it would cost, but would be cool to get some sort of visualization to go along with the sim

    6. We are in the middle of the NHL season, what is your favorite hockey arena you have been to? (This can be from ANY league, not just the NHL.)

    Nassau Coliseum, nothing better than the barn 


  3. 1. Over the past few sims, our Power Play has struggled mightily. What do you think we need to change in order to make it successful?

    - I am not quite sure but let's do something crazy and mix it up. Throw all high scorers and no defense or something.

    2. Hammar Voss is 5th in the league in points, and 2nd amongst defensemen this season. What is he doing well that gives him this much success?

    - Well getting points seems to be a lot of what he is doing. He seems to be an assist machine so I would venture to guess he is passing the puck well

    3. Moscow currently has 4 players over a point per game, is this something we can maintain? Can more players make it to this level of production?

    - We can absolutely maintain this, if we keep improving our scoring and passing abilities I have no doubt we can add more players to the point per game club. If I wasn't so darn mediocre I might be able to make it there, but at least it seems like people like to score when I am on the ice given my 12 +/-

    4. Management has offered players the ability to pick one drink for the locker room for free. What drink do you choose and why?

    - Are we talking alcoholic drinks here or only stuff we can drink during the game? Alcoholic I would say get us some pappy but if we are talking nonalcoholic then some Bang energy drinks are where it's at cause I mean who doesnt like those?

    5. Management is also considering purchasing all players a new pair of headphones for travel. What would you recommend the team receives?

    - Some bose noise cancelling ones would be great so I don't have to listening to the snoring while we travel

    6. Fall Out Boy and Bring me the Horizon are doing an NA tour this summer. If you could see any artist/group live, who would you see and why?

    - I like some country stuff so I would probably enjoy a Florida Georgia Line concert or something 

  4. On 1/21/2023 at 4:25 PM, Brandon said:

    Moscow Menace Press Conference

    Week of Jan 16 - Jan 22

    Claim six answers for 2 TPE


    1. What are you most looking forward to in the upcoming S87 season?

    2. Which player do you think has the best name in the VHL/VHLE/VHLM?

    3. In general, how's this off-season been for you?

    4. Who do you think is going to be our hardest opponent this upcoming season?

    5. Cake vs Pie, which one are you choosing, and what kind?

    6. Who is your current favorite NHL player?

    1. What are you most looking forward to in the upcoming S87 season?

    I am most looking forward to all the goals I am going to score...or maybe I will just be mediocre as usual, I haven't decided yet 


    2. Which player do you think has the best name in the VHL/VHLE/VHLM?

    I don't know about the best but I can certainly tell you who has the most medicore name....

    3. In general, how's this off-season been for you?

    Pretty relaxing, in keeping with my mediocre life style I didn't do any work outs to get ready for the season, just crushed beers and ate pizza

    4. Who do you think is going to be our hardest opponent this upcoming season?

    Considering that Vancouver won last season I am going to say they will probably be tough to beat but I think we can do it

    5. Cake vs Pie, which one are you choosing, and what kind?

    I am going to go with Pie...probably pumpkin, or maybe pecan, apple is good too but cake can have too much icing which makes it not good

    6. Who is your current favorite NHL player?

    I am a big Islanders fan so I am going to say Barzal is my current favorite player 

  5. 1. GM John Frostbeard has been called out after he claimed that this season's Bratislava Watchmen are the best roster ever assembled in VHLE, your thoughts on the matter?

    I think they are about to find out just how good we are! Let's get some wins this season! 
    2. A monstrous trade was made with Istanbul Red Wolves in which Bratislava received two first line calibre players Rick Grimes and Daryl Dixon - how much of an influence they will be this season for Watchemn?

    Grimes has some great FO stats so he should help us to get the puck more often, and Daryl looks like he can certainly score some goals!
    3. Rex Wolfe Gregor and Dens Oden were seen going out for quite a few drinks last night, a day before the opening game - do you feel like that is the way for 2 teammates to act with so little time left before the puckdrop?   

    Eh wouldn't be my first choice before a game but we all have our rituals and it looks like their drinking habits are helping so far! 
    4. What are your goals for this upcoming season, do you focus more on personal achievement or more on the team's overall performance?

    I like to focus on both. Last season in the M I performed well individually in a way that helped the team make it to the playoffs. I look to be an offensive force that can help the team win games
    5. Bratislava Watchmen have been one of the most consistent if not the most consistent team in VHLE, do you think that is important for a team to have a continued success that might not necessarily mean that team has the ultimate roster? 

    I think being consistently good is important, but if it doesn't lead to championships then more risks may need to be taken
    6. Considering that most of the players on Bratislava roster have not played here before, is there a player with whom you are excited to have that chance of sharing ice-time? 

    I played with Womp and Bezos a bit in the M so I am happy to be playing with them again in the E! 


    Answer 3 questions for 1 TPE, answer all 6 for 2 TPE!


    1) We are currently in the playoffs and are down 1 game to the Steel. What do you think we need to do differently to come back?  

    2) Has your player been playing to their expectations? If no, what will you do this week to improve your player?

    3) What has been your favorite part of playing in the Junior Showcase Tournament? 

    4) What do you think has been your biggest success of the tournament? 

    5) What team would you most like to join/be drafted to in the VHLM?

    6) How has the vibe been in the locker room? What can we do to make it more exciting for you? 

  7. Welcome @son_of_moose!! I am the GM of the Royals in the Junior Showcase Tournament and we would love to add you to our defense. We are currently 1st place in the tournament and we could use your defensive help to keep us there. If you’re interested in joining the Royals, please quote this message with the hashtag #BecomeRoyalty and let’s be honest, who doesn’t want to be royalty? 

  8. 1.   Mexico City is on a roll.  Do the fans expect another sweep?

    It would be amazing to have another sweep but I am guessing we will be playing the Aces so that would be pretty tough to pull off


    2.  How badly do you hope that Las Vegas advances so we can go up against them in the next round?

    I hope they do advance, bring 'em on...I came here to be the best I can be so I want to play the toughest opponent we have 


    3.  How many hockey games do you expect to attend as a spectator this year, whether it be NHL, AHL, OHL, CHL, EHL, Ligue Magnus, Alps Hockey League, Bantom, Bumblebee, … the list goes on?

    I have yet to go to the Islanders new UBS Arena so I am hoping to at least get to one game this year but it is tough with an 8 month old 


    4.  Which Mexico City player will be the team MVP at the end of the playoffs?

    I think it should be that Swayman fellow in net...he is having a hell of a post season right now


    5.  GM Cole is in the running for GM of the year.  Describe Cole’s performance in 5 words or less.

    Absolutely, without a doubt, spectacular


    6.  Would you accept 10,000 pesos (we are Mexico City) to not eat tacos of any type for one year?

    Considering 10,000 pesos is only like $500 USD I don't think I could give up tacos for a year...Maybe I could do it for a month or something but 10,000 pesos does not buy a lot of tacos 

  9. The Royals are proud to announce their roster for the S85 Junior Showcase Tournament! 



    C - Jimi Jaks  @kelvi

    C - Nick Trash @nikkisixx089 

    LW - Sadie St Louis @sadie

    LW - David King @nfrank060

    LW - Feliks Sobek @G2019

    RW - John Richards @John Cimarno

    RW - Leonard Triller @Triller

    RW - Laytin Cupp @laytin

    RW - Grizz Tazzo @xslapxshotsx

    RW - Brandan Huinink @Brandan8



    D - Edward Traverse @Python_Starbuzz

    D - Tyler Swift @lilchrist

    D - Jack Jeckler @Uncommon



    G - Ash Sparks @DarkSpyro


    I am honored to be the GM for the Royals this tournament. Let's get out there, score some goals, block some shots, and get some wins! If you have not yet joined the discord server for our locker room, please let me know and I will send you an invite. 


    GO ROYALS!! 

  10. 1.  What a week!  What has been your first impression of the changes made by GM Cole this past week that has bumped us into 2nd in the division?

    I have no idea what GM Cole is changing around, but whatever he did it worked! We have had a heck of a run into the playoffs, let's keep it going!!


    2.  Not since the Hanson Brothers, has there been a family to make such an impact.  Which McFleury has been the most influential in the Kings’ success?

    That's a tough choice...but I have to go with Oreo! 


    3.  If you were a McFleury, what would your first name be?

    Mediocre maybe? Been a long time since I had a McFleury so I don't even know what flavors they have anymore


    4.  If all roads lead to Vegas, what is your player going to do while on the road at Vegas?

    Gamble my contract away on blackjack and craps for sure 


    5.  Playoffs are right upon us.  Are you hyped or is this just another day for you?

    Oh I am hyped! Let's get it! I am ready to start tearing up the competition 


    6.  You can’t be pretty in the face, skinny in the waist going to fast food restaurants.  What is your favorite fast food meal?

    Depends on what you classify as fast food...there's a hot chicken place near me that is fantastic so I will take that all day every day

    1. Recent trades have made an immediate success.  What are our chances of advancing deep into the playoffs now?

    Surely our chances must be like 95% with these awesome trades! 


    2.  Have you ever suffered a concussion playing sports?

    Nope, never even broke a bone playing sports 


    3.  Jeremy Swayman has faced almost 1400 shots so far this season and he’s still standing.  How resilient is he and how much of an impact is he having on Mexico City’s success?

    Seems pretty resilient to me! Hopefully he has a few hundred more blocks in him! 


    4.  Have you welcomed our new players, The Mediocre One and Ross Glagau?  Do you think they miss their old team and they are happy with the trade?

    Well I am on of those so I guess I welcomed myself! I do miss my old team but I am happy with the trade and think we have a good group of players! 


    5.  If you could have one super power, what would it be?

    hmmm tough one but flying might be pretty cool, or hulk strength, that would be cool too (imagine the goals I could score if I had hulk strength?!)


    6.  What is your favorite cookie?

    White chocolate macadamia! 

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