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Posts posted by Mercenary

  1. On 12/1/2022 at 8:47 AM, MubbleFubbles said:

    Nice to hear you’re doing well, I think we were all pretty immature back when those leagues were around to be fair, although I don’t think I realised you were that young at the time so I think I have less of an excuse haha.


    ISL was a good league, not sure if you were there for it but they did try to reboot it at one point, but it didn’t even get past a season unfortunately and think that was last league I saw Zach. I think the last league I saw Cole in was the USFL, but that was all the way back in 2014 now. 

    Yeah Madden Madness was good as well, I didn’t get into it as much as others did, but I did wind up carrying over the player name I was using in that league over here (Ron Dayne).


    I do remember that league we helped run (Helberg was the commish though I believe), I’m trying to remember if it was called the GFA or the GFL, one was ours and the other was one Wade ran. 

    Im doing well though, been in this league since 2013 now (had a different account to this one for the first eight years) and enjoying it even though hockey is not my first sport of choice or even third, fourth, fifth haha! If you were interested in getting back into leagues at some point, you’d find it’s WAY easier than it used to be, takes about 30 mins max to reach the cap each week and there are systems in place that let you earn a smaller amount of TPE without doing a PT so it’s not the excessive time commitment that these leagues once were.


    If you haven’t seen, there is an active football league that we’re affiliated with at efl.network and that’s been going for just over 5 real years now, so you may find some more familiar names there!


    Brings back some memories! Glad to hear you're doing well too. Thanks for the resources if I ever get back the itch. It's honestly crazy how many hours I used to spend on Photoshop or writing articles or simming games by writing down the play-by-play haha. So happy to hear it's much less strenuous now.

  2. 4 hours ago, MubbleFubbles said:

    Hi there Mercenary, you would know me as lynchtheram if you remember me. 


    I don't think there's too many more still around from those days, from ISL, Helberg is in this league (now under the name Scoop). From Madden Madness, there's a few who were in that league who're here (Renomitsu, Diamond_Ace, Lightning25). A few also drop in on occassion to create a new player (nhughes/Duckberg is the main one I remember, Molholt has also had a player recently). 

    Hey lynch! Of course I remember you. You and I go back to the ISL days. I wonder what the Dorrow brothers are up to, Cole and Zach. That was a fun league.


    Madden Madness was fun too but short-lived. Do you remember when you, me, Helberg, and dahobo created a football sim league together? I believe you were the commissioner. It didn't last long.


    You probably remember me being one immature little s***brain haha. Truth be told, I was a wee lad, 12-13 around the time. I'm now 28 and a functioning member of society or so I'd like to think. How's everything with you?

  3. Hey everyone! I'm not interested in joining. I'm not much of a hockey fan. I just joined to see if there are any others I recognize from my days of browsing through Madden simulation leagues back around 2007-2010. I remember BOOM and Bushito, Advantage maybe if that's the same Advantage. Anyone else from the ISL / Madden Madness 07-2010 days still around? If so, I'd love to catch up. I used to go by Mercenary or Cyril Punn back in the day.

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