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Everything posted by Doomsday

  1. If you're on a team with a really shitty culture, would you want to change it or just silently suffer through it? Why retire early?
  2. Not saying that what I said should always get the award. But if you're in a cesspool of indifference like Seattle, a leader who maintains the status quo is just another sheep.
  3. ITT: Having won the Heisman Trophy means you are automatically an NFL stud.
  4. Because sometimes pretending everything's fine doesn't work. Sometimes you need to light a few fires to get some positive change going.
  5. Some of us take the role of the captaincy a bit seriously.
  6. Doomsday

    QUE/RIG ; S39

    New favorite emoticon.
  7. So in other words, Riga paid more to get the same result in the end.
  8. Doomsday

    QUE/RIG ; S39

    I'm not done winning cups and neither is Davos. Come and get us!
  9. You are a good person and people say nice things about you.
  10. The VHL will be receiving the biggest goon in its history in this draft.
  11. I'd rather be on Vasteras than Seattle TBH.
  12. Doomsday

    VAS/COL ; S39

    C'mon David, you're worth more than that!
  13. This isn't a first time offense for Blount, so he might get the hammer dropped on him a bit more than Bell.
  14. Manster must want to be taken out for dinner before he takes a scholarship offer.
  15. Come home with your shield or come home on it.
  16. Damn impressive showing tonight. We owned the third period in both games, especially impressive against a team like New York!
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