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Everything posted by Doomsday

  1. I'm 15 minutes away from this dude at any given time on weekends.
  2. I reject your reality and substitute it with my own!
  3. Roses are red, violets are blue Sucks to be you Cologne, in victory we stand alone.
  4. We'll be waiting for you, I pray you bring enough ambulances to cart yourselves home, for I fear your walking abilities will be... hindered afterwords.
  5. Oslo sends: LW Johan Hallstrom Minot Sends: S39 1st Round Pick I wanna four score a deal with yooooooou.
  6. It's all good boys, that's what happens from all the partying over beating up Cologne. Good game Quebec, see you lads reeeeeal soon!
  7. Black flag, boys! NO PRISONERS!
  8. He's got to deal with either Brovy or Davey regardless of which lines are on the ice, not to mention his primal instincts kick into overdrive when Naomi Young is on the ice. Poor guy can't control himself!
  9. Conner Low went full goon in this one.
  10. I didn't win a share of the Grimm Jonsson Trophy for nothin'.
  11. We were out for blood and tonight, tonight it was ours.
  12. The five goals wasn't why we lost, it was the zero. We cannot win if we don't give you any "run support." If Davos is struggling, then I hate to imagine the word to describe the rest of the league.
  13. Hate the Nats so much, but that is too glorious to hate.
  14. Come on now, let's not insult the guy. Also GG bros.
  15. Content: 3/3 - Back to the grind! Also, how the hell did you meet all these NHL players? Grammar: 2/2 - Started to get sloppy, but you were able to reel yourself back in and avoid getting docked. Hockey Stars cause Havoc During Concert = Hockey Stars Cause Havoc During Concert where the continued to drink = where they continued to drink took us too next = took us to next the gladiators = the Gladiators Segs = Seg's (?) Appearance: 1/1 - I take back what I said about Katy Perry. Overall: 6/6 - You know you love having this graded an hour after it was posted.
  16. Content: 2.25/3 - Very well-written and an entertaining read, but unfortunately short of the word count. One more paragraph and this would have been full marks for sure. Riggs has been a very pleasant surprise for Oslo and it will be bittersweet to see him "graduate" at the end of the season. However, we are here to get the "younger guys" to the next level and I'll be rooting for you all the way! Grammar: 2/2 - Very well done here. Appearance: 1/1 - Overall: 5.25/6 - Use Word Counter before you submit your media spot to make sure you hit 450 words next time, capice? FINAL: 5/6
  17. Content: 3/3 - The History Channel lives on! I'd have to say I agree with your analysis, if you gave up what ultimately ended up being a VHL legend and didn't win any Continental Cups in the process, you lose that trade. However, I think that used up most of Vasteras' good luck. Grammar: 2/2 - I didn't see a thing... either you're really improving or I'm really slipping! Appearance: .5/1 - Lack of a picture hurts here. Overall: 5.5/6 -
  18. You got it, chief. Random factoid: The #1 killer of the Civil War was actually dysentery, not wounds received from battle.
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