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Everything posted by Doomsday

  1. Content: 3/3 - The Americans absolutely are a dangerous team this season, but what's truly scary is with how young this team is, the more the season goes on, the better they'll get. They could have been a playoff team last season too, but through good fortune they missed out and instead got another lottery pick out of it, allowing them to add even more power. Watch out for the Americans, VHL! Grammar: 2/2 - For how long your pieces are, they're pretty well done grammatically. Only a couple really, really nitpicky things. shamless = shameless If you're new to this series I do, = ? powerplay = power play faceoff = face-off Appearance: 1/1 - USA! USA! USA! Overall: 6/6 - You done good.
  2. Content: 3/3 - I had a similar sort of bonding with Davey Jones (Da Trifecta) when we both were drafted onto the Bratislava Watchmen. I had joined just before he had, so I had 29 some games in the VHLM and 40 or so TPE on him. But we ended up playing together with the Watchmen and being familiar faces in a new league for us just brought us together in a way that made the whole experience loads more fun for both of us. We ended up being drafted to different clubs, but he found his way to Davos and it's been such a blast being on the same team with him again. I'm hoping your friendship can bring the best out of both of you... even if you do play for Cologne. Grammar: 2/2 - Slobo is a machine! Overall solid job, just that one spot that tripped you up. Appearance: .75/1 - I had a similar issue with spacing that I couldn't resolve until I simply pasted over it from a plain text document. Very strange, wonder if anyone else has had issues like this or found out what causes it? Overall: 5.75/6 - Not like missing the .25 points really hurts you in the end now, does it? FINAL: 6/6
  3. Content: 3/3 - The History Channel rolls on! I rather enjoyed this one, as it is a lot less subjective to determining who won or loss a trade when there is no potential for things to change, only the facts of how it went from there. Those facts certainly support your case here and I'm inclined to agree. Crazy to think about how 510 TPE was a high amount in those days when you have players retiring with more than double that amount now. Grammar: 1.25/2 - Unfortunately, I also have to agree with Slobo: that's a laundry list of mistakes, one that's going to end up costing you. If you would like, I am willing to proofread your article to help catch some of those errors before your article is posted. Appearance: 1/1 - Overall: 5.25/6 - Keep 'em coming! FINAL: 5/6
  4. Content: 3/3 - I wasn't a fan of the old logo at all, but this one is a work of beauty. Also features a unique color scheme in a league seemingly dominated by red. Grammar: 2/2 - I didn't catch a thing, very well done. Appearance: 1/1 - Simple is A-OK in my book! Overall: 6/6 - Well done!
  5. Onward marches the Davos war machine!
  6. Any day that the Flyers not only beat the Penguins, they beat the piss out of them to the point of a shutout is a great day in my book.
  7. No sir... that deserves an LOL
  8. It's debatable. The VHLM team probably had more talent on it.
  9. Better luck next time, ye salty sea dog!
  10. This is the first hat trick of Landry's VHL career, only the second if you count the VHLM. That one came in the S33 Watchmen's Founder's Cup-clinching win.
  11. If only all these other teams knew what it was like to lose one whole game!
  12. 4 goals in the last three games? Johan Hallstrom has four hat tricks in the last four games.
  13. Kowalski Signs With Doomsday Agency NEW YORK - With their star client Thomas Landry playing a big role in the HC Davos Dynamo's Continental Cup win, along with a share of the Grimm Jonsson Trophy, many thought things couldn't get better for the Doomsday Agency. However, that may be exactly what happened when coveted linebacker/saxophone prospect Jack Kowalski signed on with John Gordon to take the agency onto the verge of breaking into the NFL. Kowalski, who had received guidance from the Doomsday Agency after his sophomore season, ultimately decided to sign with them after wrapping up an outstanding collegiate career. "Well, I could sign with some prick like Drew Rosenhaus," said Kowalski upon announcing his decision. "But why sign with an agent that just wants to add you to a stable of clients to fatten up his wallet? The Doomsday Agency has built a name for themselves by dedicating themselves to one player and now I can get that same kind of dedication and guidance for my career as well. How could I possibly turn down an opportunity like this?" With Thomas Landry taking big steps towards taking the next step in his VHL career, Randall James "Rim Job" Taylor making his way towards the SBA and having Jack Kowalski getting ready to take the NFL by storm, the Doomsday Agency is quickly becoming a powerful force in the sports world. Or is it? Hell, I don't know. Jethro Novacek is a writer for the MSFL Times, the most brutally honest journalists around. He enjoys a nice Chianti, being that bastard in Monopoly with a hotel on Park Place and dangling children by their ankles to collect their milk money.
  14. Additionally, is there a way we can make a different hard cap for goalies? As in, perhaps bump it to 200 for goalies or make it so that goalies must be called up in order to play in the VHL, especially since there's only one starting spot for them on a team. A player that squeaks by with 175 TPE can still play in all 72 games on the second line or something like that. A goalie would only play eight games as a backup. It's a much different situation and I think the rule needs to reflect that.
  15. If this is what we want, then the VHLM needs to be updated more than three times a year.
  16. I'm sure Moscow could use a goalie.
  17. Ugot Change needs to be mentioned in this discussion as well.
  18. For clarity's sake: if a player starts a season in the VHLM below 175 TPE, then breaks it during the season, is he no longer eligible for VHLM play?
  19. Content: 3/3 - Really like the premise of this article and can't wait to see the future installments. A nice read for guys like me who haven't been here relatively long and missed out on a lot of the history of the league. Grammar: 2/2 - Only one thing, off by one letter. Well done here. the worse winning percentage in team history = the worst winning percentage in team history Appearance: 1/1 - Boulet could intimidate a honey badger with that glare. Overall: 6/6 - Yup!
  20. Content: 3/3 - You should be on pace for a great year in the VHLM, but if Johan Hallstrom keeps up the pace he's on, he might end up breaking league scoring records and taking the hardware for himself! Keep up the hard work and you'll be having a big year in the pros before you know it! Grammar: 2/2 - Really close to getting docked, make sure you proofread your work next time! this past seasons draft = this past season's draft birght = bright has many thing to do = has many things to do for the founders cup = for the Founder's Cup Berns = Bern's Appearance: 1/1 - Eww, Rangers. Overall: 6/6 - Keep it up!
  21. Content: 3/3 - Encarnacion rules, quite possibly the most entertaining player in the VHL today. I look forward to all of your articles and you turned in another masterpiece this week. Please keep them coming! Grammar: 2/2 - Pretty good, just two little errors I caught: play in Germany through till the end = play in Germany through/till (one or the other) the end been made clear. Alexander Schneider is a genius. = been made clear: Alexander Schneider is a genius. Appearance: 1/1 - FIST PUMP! Overall: 6/6 - GREAT SUCCESS!
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