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Everything posted by Doomsday

  1. Content: 3/3 - Definitely an earth-shaking day in the VHL/VHLM with several fixtures moving to new homes. It's easy to forget that longevity is a rare thing in this league and is something to be greatly appreciated. Grammar: 2/2 - Not too bad. two founders cup = two Founder's Cups the teams = the team's It seems as legend, Ethan Osborne, = It seems as if the legend Ethan Osborne, HOF ballet player = HOF ballot player Appearance: 1/1 - Overall: 6/6 -
  2. Content: 3/3 - Really neat analysis of Jones' career against a future Hall of Famer. I certainly think that Davey will be in the Hall when his career is over, maybe even on the first ballot if he keeps up his current pace. Grammar: .5/2 - *snaps rubber gloves* lol = Really don't like the use of internet acronyms in articles. good exceptional players = good, exceptional players Phill rafter = Phil Rafter season 27 = Season 27 young, inspiring, heavy-hitting power forward season 34 = Season 34 THE ROOKIE SEASON'S = THE ROOKIE SEASONS Rafters stats = Rafter's stats Jones stats = Jones' stats skued = skewed tpe = TPE well above ppg = well above 1 PPG (?) leading all rookie in scoring would go on to win = leading all rookies in scoring and would go on to win Rafter’s rookie season than Jones? = Rafter’s rookie season than Jones'? a staggering 31 points = a staggering 31 points Jones’s = Jones’ Appearance: 1/1 - It is pretty, gotta give you that. Overall: 4.5/6 - YOLO STILL CHAMPS
  3. Content: 3/3 - Your name has been getting lost in the shuffle, which I'm sure is making some GMs very happy people. I have the feeling you will be a great pick and have a tremendous career ahead of you and any team would be ecstatic to have you! Grammar: 2/2 - Not a thing, great job! Appearance: 1/1 - Overall: 6/6 - Good luck with the upcoming draft!
  4. Content: 3/3 - Have fun in New York broski. Grammar: 2/2 - Yeah. Almost got away with one. the best players all time = the best players of all time Appearance: 1/1 - Keep your eyes open when the camera is on you, nub. Overall: 6/6 -
  5. Content: 3/3 - Here's to hoping Baby Vasteras decides to go bring hockey to a new market. The commies could use some hockey to help them settle down. Make it happen! Grammar: 2/2 - Yerp! Maybe… Just maybe = Maybe… just maybe Appearance: 1/1 - Wait, there are players on Baby Vasteras? Overall: 6/6 - Can't wait to see what direction you take this team in!
  6. Content: 3/3 - This was absolutely glorious. Don't stop submitting these. Ever. Grammar: 2/2 - Not that you were going to get anything less than a six anyway, but regardless... immigration out of Riga = emigration out of Riga Mr Alfredsson = Mr. Alfredsson realise = realize Appearance: 1/1 - Paint graphics ftw. Overall: 6/6 - YES!
  7. Content: 3/3 - The bitter sting of defeat is never really something you Grammar: 2/2 - REALLY nitpicking here, buuuut... the Watchmen. Thus, eliminating the young Royals = the Watchmen, thus eliminating the young Royals Appearance: 1/1 - Use the power of voodoo next time, chap. Overall: 6/6 - (Y)
  8. Content: 3/3 - Really cool idea for an article, very entertaining and generated a considerable amount of discussion to boot. Beautiful. Grammar: 2/2 - Appearance: 1/1 - PRETTY! Overall: 6/6 - Awww yiss.
  9. Player Name: Thomas Landry Cash you have: $9.25m Workout Name: 20 TPE Package Cost of Workout: $7m Cash Left: $2.25m
  10. I've been waiting for years for a good hockey sim league, thanks for the link!
  11. Content: 3/3 - It's amazing what gaining an extra perspective on life can do towards bettering yourself. I work in a multi-disabilities classroom and I am blessed to work with those kids. When you dedicate yourself to helping the less fortunate, you're helping yourself more than you can possibly imagine. Grammar: 2/2 - Just some silly stuff: various Hospital's = various hospitals lost his Aunt = lost his aunt looked up too = looked up to However, Daniel's life hasn't been easy for him and Kameron was touched by this little guy’s courage. = Not an error, but something tells me you weren't trying to speak in the third person here. Forgot this was in quotations? Cancer = cancer Appearance: 1/1 - Overall: 6/6 -
  12. Best of luck in New York, mold those young guys well Boom!
  13. Same time next year sir? Let's do this again! Devise's prediction only was right in only one way: Thomas Landry showed up. But he instead showed up with everyone else on the squad. All doubted us, but Davos has the final laugh tonight! Additionally, suck it, Kendrick.
  14. Congratulations to both teams on great seasons and an entertaining series. Can't wait to see all the new Bratislava alum make the leap to the bigs!
  15. QQ There will be a Game Seven, the captain wills it!
  16. David Stern is rigging both the VHL and VHLM Finals, he wants a Game Seven in both.
  17. Davos Turns To Voodoo DAVOS - Not even a return trip home could get the Continental Cup closer to the grasp of the HC Davos Dynamo, as the Legion jumped to a commanding 3-1 series lead. However, Davos players and faithful alike are not yet ready to abandon their season. It is often said far too often that desperate times call for desperate measures. Clearly, that is happening here, or else there wouldn't be a story, ya dingus. But anyway, several hundred people, ranging from players to fans to the homeless turned out to conduct a bizarre voodoo ritual. Crafting an effigy of Toronto goalie Remy LeBeau (artist's depiction above), several sharp and pointy pins were inserted into strategic placements on the effigy. LeBeau's glove hand has been killing the Dynamo's offense thus far, leading to two pins in the arm to stop that. For further affect, a pin was also inserted into the glove itself, because fuck that particular piece of equipment. Two pins each were placed into his meaty thighs, because hell if he's going to be doing any splits or crafty shit with pins there, jackass. Finally, two pins were inserted directly into his penis, because good luck concentrating when your dick hurts. It remains to be seen whether or not this will have any effect whatsoever on the Continental Cup. But hey, at least they had some fun in the meantime. Jethro Novacek is a writer for the MSFL Times, who continue to patiently wait for the return of football. He enjoys drinking Minute Maid Fruit Punch, throwing french freedom fries at the elderly and starting campaigns to take back Germany from the freight train overlords.
  18. I have no idea, which saddens me because it looks like something so ridiculous that I must watch.
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