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Everything posted by Doomsday

  1. Hook, line and sinker. I rest my case, your honor.
  2. Then it's just a regular badger, which is admittedly still terrifying.
  3. Screaming Maniac Causing Disturbances In Davos DAVOS - It's not every year that the VHL Continental Cup Finals come to your town, so for the residents of Davos, Switzerland, it's a big deal for the HC Davos Dynamo to be competing for the ever-coveted Continental Cup. Kind of a huge deal. However, for some, the experience is being ruined by an unknown person who has taken it upon themselves to run around the city screaming at the top of their lungs, often at rather inappropriate times. The only known identity of this strange fellow is simply "Maniac." Sadly, at first the man became something of a hero after his antics may have led to a victory for the hometown Dynamo. Wearing an entirely purple suit that covered him from head to toe, he somehow gained entry to the hotel at which the Toronto Legion were staying (the game was at Toronto). Once doing this, he ran up and down the halls that the Legion's players were staying, blaring air horns and the occasional toot of a vuvuzela. While a good amount of the team was already awake and consuming ordinarily excessive amounts of Molson, Remy LeBeau was notably annoyed and could not focus on his Netflix marathon. The next day, Davos scored six goals against a notably distracted LeBeau en-route to a series-tying victory. However, this is where the "Maniac" crossed the line from "heroic acts of fandom" to "deranged, psychopathic behavior." Following the series from Toronto to Davos, the lunatic began to run up and down the streets surrounding the Zurich Center bellowing out the loudest nonsense known to man. Whether it was Nickelback lyrics, the calls of endangered animals or reciting Jesse Ventura's many conspiracy theories, there was no shortage of disturbing, uncalled for antics occurring near the arena to dampen the mood of the event. "It's damned awful," said Reggie Dunlop, a winger for Toronto. "There's no time in the day where hearing some batshit insane dude yelling about Kameron Taylor being Jesus' gift to Earth is ok. I heard enough of that shit in Cologne, now I'm finally playing for the Continental Cup and this bullshit wants to keep following me? Terrible. TERRIBLE!" Despite the fact that the Maniac's reign of bizarre terror has occurred entirely in public, the Davos Police Department has little to no leads on the identity of the culprit. Apparently it can be quite difficult to distinguish this when the guy is wearing some bizarre purple body suit, but it appears that the DPD can't be bothered to worry about the guy. "You kidding me?" said the Juggernaut, who, no bullshit, is the Chief of Police in Davos. "I don't have time for this shit, I'm the Juggernaut, bitch! Gotta round me up these stray dogs to keep them from bitin' a bitch, yeah!" Jethro Novacek is a writer for the MSFL Times, who specialize in secret voodoo magic. He enjoys playing with his canine friends, weeding out the dissenters and bringing egotistical twats down a peg or two.
  4. There's nothing more dangerous than a man with nothing to lose.
  5. Looks like Landry can pass to someone who actually believes tomorrow.
  6. Good, good... let the hatred flow through you...
  7. My face when I saw the game thread to... ... my face after clicking.
  8. Oh God, I've agreed with Devise on something. This is truly a magical piece. Submit it as a player card TBH.
  9. I think Helsinki gives it another year. Rebuilding now would more or less hand Davos the EC with most of the conference rebuilding.
  10. My guess is Toronto, you would be ready to take over once LeBeau hangs 'em up.
  11. I don't know what it is about it, but I love the old-school goalie gear.
  12. I'll leave this open for further discussion, since it has generated some
  13. Content: 3/3 - Pretty cool look at some of the races for league awards. Kind of surprised to be mentioned for two of them, but hey, I'll take it. Brovy should have the Virkkunnen based on those numbers alone, but he probably won't based on who he is. Also agree that AZ takes the Boulet, only with Odin Tordahl a close second. Grammar: 2/2 - Just one mistake in all of this... damn impressive! frontrunner = front-runner Appearance: 1/1 - Very spiffy! Overall: 6/6 -
  14. Content: 3/3 - Moher is indeed a mysterious dude. Definitely not an in-your-face guy like Skylar Rift has been, but he still gets the job done and he's been getting better and better. Could lay the foundation for a great legacy by bringing home a Continental Cup over Remy LeBeau. Grammar: 2/2 - Started out really rough, but you got it back under control afterwards. Moher had some errors, but I don't consider that to be a mistake on your part. the every so mysterious = the ever so mysterious one of the leagues best = one of the league's best the championship HC Davos Dynamo = European Conference Champion? Championship hopeful? one of the jobs in the VHL = one of the toughest jobs in the VHL Appearance: 1/1 - Picture, colors... it's here. Overall: 6/6 - I wanna four score a deal with yooooou.
  15. Content: 3/3 - Hearty lols will be had if my jersey sold better than Taylor's. HEARTY LOLS. Grammar: 2/2 - Not so fast my friend! fanbase = fan base Ethan Osbourne = Ethan Osborne Appearance: 1/1 - Mmmmmhmmmmm. Overall: 6/6 -
  16. And you can tell everybody, you can tell everybody, you can tell everyboooody he's the man, he's the man, he's the man.
  17. I am sure he is enthused with your football career himself.
  18. You're so vain, I bet you thought the whole post was about you, don't you, don't you, don't you?
  19. Colin Kaepernick has won as many Continental Cups as Kameron Taylor.
  20. Learn to grammar, n00b. When will the VHL learn that disrespect shown to us will make us more powerful than your darkest fears? Please, continue to fuel us. I welcome the bulletin board material.
  21. Content: 3/3 - S1 Calgary = 2007 Patriots! Grammar: 2/2 - Nearly flawless. we've next seen since = we've never seen since Appearance: 1/1 - Up up we go, into the wild blue yonder... Overall: 6/6 -
  22. Content: 3/3 - It was a blast having you in Oslo and I am really hoping to get you again. It's all going to depend on how the cards fall, though. Just keep it in mind that there's at least one team with you on their draft board. Grammar: 2/2 - Not too bad at all! without much a reputation = without much of a reputation naturally player’s minds = naturally players' minds Appearance: 1/1 - You win the PRIZE! Overall: 6/6 -
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