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Everything posted by Doomsday

  1. World Cup will be next off-season, you are pretty much a lock for Team Europe!
  2. Pick the winner, all three correct will earn 1 TPE Game 1: Toronto @ Davos Game 2: Toronto @ Davos Game 4: Davos @ Toronto Predict the score, Correctly predict the score and winner for 3 TPE Game 3 Davos @ Toronto 3-1 Predict the leading point earner of the series for 1 TPE Davey Jones Predict the leading penalty minutes earner for 1 TPE Odin Tordahl Predict the leading special teams goals earner for 1 TPE Sergey Brovalenko
  3. Congratulations to Helsinki on a well-played series!
  4. Content: 3/3 - Well, no wonder Blade was fired so quickly: they were hiring the goddamned Batman. Grammar: 1.75/2 - Some silly stuff that you'll catch next time! Good Evening = Good evening until after playoffs = until after the playoffs we are casted = we are cast (Yeah, English is a weird language.) they drawl all the attention = they draw all the attention KJA is taken with the second overall pick, the Turku Outlaws = KJA is taken with the second overall pick by the Turku Outlaws Good Luck = good luck Appearance: 1/1 - What the hell is that right next to Bruce's right eye? It's incredibly distracting. Overall: 5.75/6 - It's simple. We kill the Vasteras.
  5. Because it's a computer program from which stats are more or less dumb luck?
  6. Content: 3/3 - Loved the premise for the article, very cool to see just how deep this draft class truly was in retrospect. Grammar: 2/2 - More mistakes than I'd have preferred, but you did go way beyond the word requirements, so it all comes out of the wash. #th Overall = #th overall Forwards = forwards Tordahls = Tordahl's the Quebec City Meute Kellinger has been a very important = the Quebec City Meute, Kellinger has been a very important 353 Hits and 208 Penalty Minutes = 353 hits and 208 penalty minutes Appearance: 1/1 - SURE! Overall: 6/6 -
  7. Content: 3/3 - You've made a great name for yourself so far, keep up the good work and you'll hear your name called on draft day before you know it! Playmakers will always have a home in the VHL. Grammar: 2/2 - the playoffs beginning the the VHLM = the playoffs beginning in the VHLM face off circle = face-off circle not used to in junior = not used to in the juniors (?) Appearance: 1/1 - Excellent presentation with the pictures and colors as an added emphasis. Overall: 6/6 - (Y)
  8. Content: 3/3 - Riga certainly has a bright future, but I have a really tough time seeing anyone compete with New York for the cup when that team comes of age. At the very least, the Americans-Reign rivalry will get a couple new chapters with these squads. Grammar: 1.75/2 - Check yourself before you wreck yourself. the teams first line center = the team's first line center Gow is a pass first playmaking = Gow is a pass-first playmaking He is good in faceoff dot = He is good in the face-off dot Two way centers = Two-way centers a smooth skating winger that plays a well rounded game = a smooth-skating winger that plays a well-rounded game Appearance: 1/1 - I'm amused by the fact that both the Gows have beards, but not Jamie. Overall: 5.75/6 - Shiiiiiiiet.
  9. Content: 3/3 - The Watchmen delivered as expected, but Yukon is on the brink of sending the Gladiators home. As dickish as it sounds, the title is all but Bratislava's, the only challenge is seeing if someone can manage to prevent them from sweeping their way to the Founder's Cup. Grammar: 2/2 - Pretty good here. the other series will be David Vs. Goliath match-up = the other series will be a David Vs. Goliath match-up favourites/favorites = Use one or the other, not both. Appearance: 1/1 - Urgh, fuck the Penguins. Overall: 6/6 - Awww yiss!
  10. Congratulations Bratislava, go take your places in history!
  11. I'll judge/partake in this as well. Because really, who else is going to grade it?
  12. Worshipped in the House of Slim Jim, patiently awaiting the day that the Macho Man cometh.
  13. Ethan Osborne and Thomas Landry fight to a draw at 18:15 of 3rd period The captains going at it! One more, boys! Let's punch our ticket for the finals in front of the home crowd!
  14. It's not my turn to watch Fresco, unless we majorly violated the rules to acquire him for the playoffs.
  15. The only thing Riga has truly won is a decade of beatdowns from New York.
  16. Vasteras Hires, Fires GM Within Minutes VASTERAS - Inspired by the influx of new talent in the VHLM's front office, Sterling Labatte decided that he was unnecessarily impeding their progress and stepped aside from his position as general manager of the Vasteras Baby Eagles. However, Thomas Corcoran, commissioner of the VHLM decided that this would be the perfect time to give a kickback to Mikey Blade, who had given up a similar position to become a co-commissioner, a role he was eventually dismissed from. Vasteras and Labatte, however, had other ideas. After a very loud and very public argument in which Blade was locked out of Vasteras' team complex and denied entry. After a colorful exchange of vulgarities, Vasteras posted a bulletin in the lobby stating that Blade had been fired and that effective immediately, D3vilsfire was now the acting general manager of the Baby Eagles. Why they did not specify who this was or why they chose to fire Blade in this manner is unknown, but two middle fingers had been traced onto the document, so it doesn't leave much to the imagination. Jethro Novacek is a writer for the MSFL Times, the absolute bestest publication like, ever. He enjoys a good cup of tea, hanging out with the Heavy Weapons Guy and air raid sirens.
  17. I'll end up re-doing the depth chart again if I can get assurance it won't be overwritten again.
  18. Rift Not Ready To Ride Into Sunset QUEBEC CITY - In a climatic series for the ages, the Quebec City Meute were pushed to the very brink by Sebastian Ball Jr. and the Seattle Bears. However, with elimination on the line in a hostile environment away from home, veteran goaltender Skylar Rift seemed to pay no attention to the crowd. Two games in a row, Rift and the Meute entered facing elimination and both times the controversial goalie delivered, holding the Bears to just two goals during those games. The Meute had survived to fight on against the Victory Cup-winning Toronto Legion. "Yeah, I heard more or less throughout the entire series that I was done, that this was it," said Rift following Quebec City's Game 7 win against the Bears. "But on the ice, their words are meaningless. They aren't the ones taking shots on me, they're not the ones who will take me down.And despite what it may seem to be, I am far from finished with playing hockey." Shocking the Victory Hockey League by announcing his retirement following this season, Skylar Rift has been the ultimate enigma. Personified by his coolness and consistency on the ice, off the ice he is the vocal leader of the Meute, always fired up and ready to mouth off. He announced that he will retire following the season, yet he has saved some of his best play in order for that season to continue on. "I don't want to even start to imagine what this team will be like without Skylar next year," said Doug Clifford, a forward for the Meute. "He means so much to this team and without him, Quebec City never would have hoisted the Continental Cup or escaped the basement of the VHL. You can replace him on paper or on the ice, but you can't fill the void of the team's soul just like that." With Quebec City ready to travel to Toronto for the North American Conference Finals, the stage is set for an absolutely memorable series. Remy LeBeau, the chief rival of Rift, finally has a team around him, resulting in a dominating season for the Toronto Legion on their way to winning the Victory Cup. But while LeBeau has achieved tremendous personal achievements, he now finds himself face-to-face with Rift, who has been to the top of the mountain countless times before. Can LeBeau defeat Rift for the opportunity to finally hoist the Continental Cup? "It would certainly do wonders for my legacy to go through Skylar Rift to win the Continental Cup," said LeBeau in an interview conducted over the telephone. "It would certainly cheapen my legacy if I could only manage to win once Rift was gone, so to be able to not only beat him, but end his career on my way to a championship... that would be mighty sweet." The stage has been set for an entertaining series, but only one thing remains clear: Skylar Rift is not going to simply ride off into the sunset without a fight. Jethro Novacek is a writer for the MSFL Times, purveyors of the most excellent writing. He enjoys Rush, pancakes and being bored with just how much you suck.
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