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Everything posted by Kylrad

  1. Pick the winner, all three correct will earn 1 TPE (N/A is an answer here) Game 5: @ - CGY Game 6: @ - COL Game 7: @ - NA Predict the score, Correctly predict the score and winner for 3 TPE Game 5: @ - 3-2 COL Predict the leading point earner of the series for 1 TPE Thomas O'Malley Predict the leading penalty minutes earner for 1 TPE Jaime Hill Predict the leading special teams goals earner for 1 TPE Bismarck Koenig
  2. Content 3/3 Nice article, the alternating seasons is basically my shl player. Grammar 1/1 not much to find altrnating - alternating Appearance 1/1 Looks good Overall 6/6
  3. Content 3/3 Nice article and title Grammar 1/1 not much to find He record a league leading 66 goals - he recorded Appearance 1/1 Looks good
  4. Game 3: ( ) Game 3: ( ) Game 4: ( ) Game 4: ( )
  5. Content 3/3 - like the idea of the story Grammar 1.5/2 Taron got most of it but he like he said many sentences didn't seem to flow well kinda - kind of Appearance 1/1 Looks good Overall 5.5/6 Final 5/6
  6. Content 3/3 Interesting article Grammar 1.75/2 Some mistakes Taron got most of them scrared - scared Theres also lots of random spaces but that could just be the formatting Appearance 1/1 Looks fine Overall 5.75/6 Final 6/6
  7. Context 3/3 a hiatus , interesting podcast going into the future would be cool. Professionalism: 2/2 yup Editing 1/1 sounds good Overall 6/6
  8. Context 3/3 nice podcast. Professionalism: 2/2 sounds good Editing: 1/1 yup Overall 6/6
  9. Overview 5/5 Nice Biography everything needed is there Grammar 3/3 not many mistakes to find leag - league Appearance 1/1 Looks good Over 1000 Words 1/1 Yup Overall 10/10
  10. Content 3/3 Good article Grammar 2/2 nothing really stand out worthy playesr - players Appearance 1/1 Looks good Overall 6/6
  11. express vikings bears dynamo
  12. Content 3/3 Yup, nice article Grammar 2/2 Not much to find After that, he was once again traded, this time to the Calgary Wranglers where he currently plays at. - where he currently plays or whom he currently plays for Appearance 1/1 Looks great Overall 6/6
  13. Context: 3/3 Good podcast, enjoyed the song, also more on topic on usual Professionalism:2/2 yup Editing: /1 sounds good
  14. wranglers americans express vikings
  15. Express BearS Vikings Meute
  16. Context: 3/3 Interesting and great job as usual Professionalism: 2/2 yup Editing: 1/1 Sounds good Overall 6/6
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