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  1. Like
    .sniffuM got a reaction from diamond_ace in WARNING FOR ROOKIES / FIRST GEN PLAYERS   
    Devise also builds players better suited for football leagues than hockey leagues.
  2. Like
    .sniffuM reacted to boubabi in That Banning Was a Poor Decision   
    Raise your hand if you think everything as already been said.
    *raise my hand*
  3. Like
    .sniffuM got a reaction from JardyB10 in WARNING FOR ROOKIES / FIRST GEN PLAYERS   
    This will be my last post in this thread because it seems that my presence here is stirring up more shit than it's worth and that's never a good thing.

    Gorlab raised an issue. He did it in a very abrasive, confrontational manner. He then continued to raise the same issue in an abrasive, confrontational manner, meaning he either thought nothing or at least not enough was being done about it, or he just wanted to cause an issue. I'll go ahead and assume it was the first one.

    I grew sick of reading his abrasive, confrontational posts, as they made him come off as if he was entitled to the change to a rule that has worked well enough for a long time. He paid for triple award points, and I am of the opinion that he should absolutely be refunded the money or be allowed to claim that for this season because we can't expect every member to be aware of the TPE cap (I'm of the opinion that that type of awareness falls on the VHLM GM to let the player know, but that doesn't change anything now).

    Fighting fire with fire is never good, but that doesn't change my opinion that he's gone about this all in a shitty way. He didn't suggest we should make new members aware of the cap, he complained that he wasn't made aware. If he's actually made any suggestions to fix the issue, I haven't seen them. If I'm a shithead for being of this opinion, so be it, but stomping your feet for change to a rule is easily the worst way to go about making it happen.

    tl;dr brb gonna retire so recruitment tpe gets fixed
  4. Like
    .sniffuM got a reaction from JardyB10 in WARNING FOR ROOKIES / FIRST GEN PLAYERS   
    Actually, he's not speaking. He's pounding his fists and kicking his feet. He's been screaming repeatedly about an issue for a week while doing absolutely nothing to try to fix it and people are praising him for it. Would I have gotten the same response if, rather than proposing solutions to the issue of recruitment TPE, I went into a bunch of pertinent areas and screamed "THEY GET SO MUCH TPE IT HURTS MY EXPERIENCE FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT"? No I wouldn't have, because I'm not a new member. Instead, I get shit on for being sick of seeing childish behavior facilitated. Fuck that.
  5. Like
    .sniffuM reacted to Victor in Recruiting TPE cap   
    Yeah already brought this up in the BOG. A certain someone didn't like it but I think there will be changes.
  6. Like
    .sniffuM got a reaction from JardyB10 in WARNING FOR ROOKIES / FIRST GEN PLAYERS   
    thanks man, means a lot
  7. Like
    .sniffuM got a reaction from JardyB10 in WARNING FOR ROOKIES / FIRST GEN PLAYERS   
    Considering you're trying to circumvent a rule and dominate the VHLM, which drives new members away, I don't think my responses are the ones that are too extreme.
    If you want to stay down in the VHLM, fine, but you have to stay below 175 TPE until the start of the season. It's that simple. Considering you chose to give up over 30 TPE to do so, you did it for absolutely no reason, but if being in the minors gives you so much thrill then I can't stop you. But this is clearly outlined in the rules so I don't see where your issue is. Should we raise the cap and have even more players dominate the VHLM? Should we plaster the 175 TPE rule all over the league, everywhere in sight? Because you're doing a lot of complaining about a supposed problem and doing nothing to raise a solution.
  8. Like
    .sniffuM got a reaction from Doomsday in WARNING FOR ROOKIES / FIRST GEN PLAYERS   
    Actually, he's not speaking. He's pounding his fists and kicking his feet. He's been screaming repeatedly about an issue for a week while doing absolutely nothing to try to fix it and people are praising him for it. Would I have gotten the same response if, rather than proposing solutions to the issue of recruitment TPE, I went into a bunch of pertinent areas and screamed "THEY GET SO MUCH TPE IT HURTS MY EXPERIENCE FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT"? No I wouldn't have, because I'm not a new member. Instead, I get shit on for being sick of seeing childish behavior facilitated. Fuck that.
  9. Like
    .sniffuM got a reaction from Squinty in Post Pictures of Yourself   
    Guys I'm, like, a hipster now
  10. Like
    .sniffuM reacted to Victor in WARNING FOR ROOKIES / FIRST GEN PLAYERS   
    Money will probably be returned.
  11. Like
    .sniffuM got a reaction from Frank in Recruiting TPE cap   
    So I will preface this by saying I greatly appreciate Kendrick, Green, and everyone else's efforts with recruiting. It has helped this league grow to a point where it's healthier than ever.

    But 61 TPE in one season from recruiting is ridiculous. That's literally almost 7 weeks of full capped TPE, which is crazy considering (including the offseason) there are 9 weeks in a VHL season.

    So, I have two suggestions, one of which should be implemented:

    1: Bring down how much TPE a member can get from recruiting a person. Maybe make it so that you gain TPE for a member up to 250 rather than 500.

    2: Limit the amount of TPE a member can gain from recruiting in any one season. Noah touched upon this in our podcast, where we suggested a cap of 20 TPE per season for recruiting with every extra 10 TPE a member gets from recruiting per season earning them a free week.

    You can say that this may stymy recruiting efforts or that it's limiting their rewards, but 61 uncapped TPE in one season is unjustifiable in my opinion.
  12. Like
    .sniffuM got a reaction from Molholt in WARNING FOR ROOKIES / FIRST GEN PLAYERS   
    Actually, he's not speaking. He's pounding his fists and kicking his feet. He's been screaming repeatedly about an issue for a week while doing absolutely nothing to try to fix it and people are praising him for it. Would I have gotten the same response if, rather than proposing solutions to the issue of recruitment TPE, I went into a bunch of pertinent areas and screamed "THEY GET SO MUCH TPE IT HURTS MY EXPERIENCE FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT"? No I wouldn't have, because I'm not a new member. Instead, I get shit on for being sick of seeing childish behavior facilitated. Fuck that.
  13. Like
    .sniffuM got a reaction from JardyB10 in Post Pictures of Yourself   
    Guys I'm, like, a hipster now
  14. Like
    .sniffuM reacted to Frank in Post Pictures of Yourself   
    Damien it looks like you're trying to steal everyone's style at once. I like it. 
  15. Like
    .sniffuM got a reaction from BOOM in Post Pictures of Yourself   
    Guys I'm, like, a hipster now
  16. Like
    .sniffuM reacted to BOOM in Post Pictures of Yourself   
    Why do you have a sketch of Noah in the background?
  17. Like
    .sniffuM reacted to Jala in WARNING FOR ROOKIES / FIRST GEN PLAYERS   
    Hey kettle have you met pot?
  18. Like
    .sniffuM got a reaction from frescoelmo in WARNING FOR ROOKIES / FIRST GEN PLAYERS   
    Devise also builds players better suited for football leagues than hockey leagues.
  19. Like
    .sniffuM reacted to Mr. Grumpy Bear in Double Penetration, Ep. 1   
    I listened strictly for the sounds of gay love and I was not disappointed. Also, the recruitment TPE part was perfect and I shall support this.
  20. Like
    .sniffuM got a reaction from Mr. Grumpy Bear in Recruiting TPE cap   
    So I will preface this by saying I greatly appreciate Kendrick, Green, and everyone else's efforts with recruiting. It has helped this league grow to a point where it's healthier than ever.

    But 61 TPE in one season from recruiting is ridiculous. That's literally almost 7 weeks of full capped TPE, which is crazy considering (including the offseason) there are 9 weeks in a VHL season.

    So, I have two suggestions, one of which should be implemented:

    1: Bring down how much TPE a member can get from recruiting a person. Maybe make it so that you gain TPE for a member up to 250 rather than 500.

    2: Limit the amount of TPE a member can gain from recruiting in any one season. Noah touched upon this in our podcast, where we suggested a cap of 20 TPE per season for recruiting with every extra 10 TPE a member gets from recruiting per season earning them a free week.

    You can say that this may stymy recruiting efforts or that it's limiting their rewards, but 61 uncapped TPE in one season is unjustifiable in my opinion.
  21. Like
    .sniffuM reacted to BOOM in Recruiting TPE cap   
    I refuse to support this unless my backpay issue gets addressed. 212 TPE please.
  22. Like
    .sniffuM reacted to probably not noah in Double Penetration, Ep. 1   
    Welcome to the first of many phenomenal podcasts featuring myself and the wonderful Muffins. 
  23. Like
    .sniffuM got a reaction from Corco in Boys   
  24. Like
    .sniffuM got a reaction from Victor in Season 41 Entry Draft Rankings: Meet the Prospects   
    Said beverage was not created yet at the time of writing of this article (which would officially date the VHL at about 1885 at the time of the last rankings). You shall be in this week's.
  25. Like
    .sniffuM reacted to boubabi in Expansion is Coming [GRADED 6/6]   
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