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Posts posted by Kyle

  1. 1.) 20 games into S71, Moscow is fighting for 1st overall in the league. Who's our biggest competition for the Victory Cup? (best reg ssn record)

    Probably Calgary again, they're young.

    2.) Are you involved with the VHLM at all (GM, AGM, alumni who keeps up with their team, etc.)? If so, what VHLM team do you follow?

    No I can't say that I am.

    3.) Did you make any player store purchases this season? If so, what?

    No I'm saving it to deal with depreciation next season.

    4.) Are you wearing a face mask/covering of any sort when you go out in public now adays? Do you think this will become the norm?

    I have to, I live in NYC. It will likely be the norm for me going forward.

    5.) Henrik Zoidberg has settled in nicely on Moscow, with 27 points in 22 games. He's our leading scorer. What has impressed you most about Zoidberg so far?

    He's been a great fit with our offense and hopefully he keeps it rolling.

    6.) How has the weather been so far in April where you've been self-isolating?

    It's been fine, I really can't even workout outside because I live in Brooklyn and it's really dangerous here.

  2. 1.) Moscow has had some young players really step up so far this season. Who's been the biggest breakout star for Moscow thus far in S71?

    Lagesson for sure.

    2.) What is your opinion on the recent VHL change to limit uncapped tpe? Good or bad?

    Good, I think inflation has become a big problem and gets abused.

    3.) Are you are there is a VHL graphics tournament going on right now? Are you voting for gorlab every week?

    No but I can start.

    4.) What is the best piece of media (movie, tv show, podcast) you've discovered since the recent 'social distancing' / 'stay at home' developments?

    the movie The Gentlemen by Guy Richie.

    5.) Are you happy with the approx. 2 games simmed per day? How many Moscow games would you like to see simmed per day?

    Yeah 2 is fine.

    6.) Which VHL arena is the nicest in the league, in your opinion? What team's arena do you most like playing in, besides Moscow of course.

    Riga has a very nice arena.

  3. 1.) MOSCOW HAS WON THE CONTINENTAL CUP? Be honest - did you think we had a chance this season?

    Of course, Victor had this window in mind from the moment I was drafted here. We can make another run at it again this year too.


    2.) You get one day with the cup - where are you taking it?

    Probably just to my hometown.


    3.) Do you believe we are early favorites to go back to back next season?

    I do, but that doesn't mean it's going to be easy.


    4.) What type of championship merch is your player going to buy/wear?

    Shirt and hat, I'm a simple guy.


    5.) Do you like amusement parks? BECAUSE WE'RE GOING TO DISNEY WORLD!!!!

    I like roller coasters actually.


    6.) Recommend @gorlab a book to read!

    The Old Man and the Sea

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