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Everything posted by frescoelmo

  1. Rather mine is the opposite and I say fuck graphics.
  2. Yessir, two monitors. The background is Chicago looking west from downtown. I'm still fiddling with the icons and need to create ones that aren't done already (ie. BF4). Finding code for web-based media is a deeper subject I'm not ready to play with yet, so for now I'm okay with the pandora widget.
  3. I will random number generate you out of this fucking tournament!
  4. Blame the selection committee!!!! (random number generator)
  5. Second Annual Member Madness Selection Show -Portland, OR Good evening all, and welcome to the second annual Member Madness Selection Show! The time has come to unveil the bracket for this year’s Member Madness! The inaugural showdown last year made for quite the league controversy, as both veterans and rookies alike took part in battles to determine the only thing that matters… Who is the best in the most irrelevant voting process ever! Last year’s winner, JardyB10, narrowly squeezed out a win against the famed ‘Noah!!’. Who will rise this year in the second coming of the tournament? Drum roll please... AARP Members - These commercials are depressing 1). frescoelmo vs. 16). tfong 8). 701's ghost vs. 9). Bushito 5). Smarch vs. 12). ssdd911 4). lightning25 vs. 13). Knight 6). Victor vs. 11). Boom 3). Kendrick vs. 14). Doomsday 7). Erection/Random vs. 10). Scotty 2). Cuffy vs. 15). Diamond_Ace Mmmmm…. Tasty. A bracket full of old fucks with a sprinkle of noob mixed in. Some of the highlights include a first round meeting between Bushito and 701’s ghost, Victor facing off against Boom, and the field against Scotty (basically). Nemos - Noobs with a very recent “joined date” 1). Advantage vs. 16). Rogueginger 8). Kyle vs. 9). Boubabi 5). RunnyNose vs. 12). DevilsFire 4). AwfulHomesick vs. 13). CoachReilly 6). Crimsonhunter vs. 11). Toast 3). gregreg vs. 14). Beketov 7). Maxy/Romanes vs. 10). Edgar 2). Jamie vs. 15). Kincaid “Wait, this was only supposed to be new guys!” said some newb. It was, but that wouldn’t be fun, would it!? So the selection committee decided to add a few veterans in to see what comes of it. A few big first-round bouts includes DevilsFire and RunnyNose, along with Jamie and Kincaid… Which sounds like a pornstar if you put their names together. Racial Slurs Clint Eastwood Made In Gran Torino - For $2000 1). Sherrifflobo vs. 16). sterling 8). Corco/Turner vs. 9). Devise99 5). Squinty vs. 12). LVShark 4). Wastlund vs. 13). Green 6). Eaglesfan vs. 11). STZfan 3). Frank vs. 14). InstantRockstar 7). DaveyJonesLocker vs. 10). Flyersfan99.9 2). Seth vs. 15). +Minus The selection committee (kendrick) had the most fun with this bracket, putting some of the most ruthless assholes in the league up against one another in a battle for aryan supremacy. Or something like that. Personally, I’m interested to see if anyone actually lives long enough to make it out of this division. "No I'm A Guy, Give Me 2 Popsicle Sticks And A Rubber Band... I'll Find A Way To Fuck It Like A Filthy MacGuyver" - Because. 1). Rybak vs. 16). 8Ovechkin8 8). Jardyb10 vs. 9). StevenStamkos 5). fever95 vs. 12). Jericho 4). jeben23 vs. 13). Boragina 6). Mikey vs. 11). sball77 3). Noah!!! vs. 14). Teeko (James?!) 7). Aenir/Map4reak vs. 10). Kesler 2). Higginz vs. 15). Jackim Seriously, why does everyone have to have numbers after their name? Isn’t it unique already? The selection committee’s breakdown is linked below: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aoq-a5c_MHnfdHhIcXZ0ZG1EQldCOEVhUi1jQTA5Smc&usp=sharing The Bracket is now uploaded and ready to go below: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aoq-a5c_MHnfdDlPSmVMcWdXNEItdEZaaHlZbkJJbVE&usp=sharing The Play-In match ups will take place over the first few days, and the opening round will follow later during the week starting on 1/20/14. Enjoy, and good luck! -MGMT
  6. 2nd Annual Member Madness Play-In Announcement Friends and family alike! We would like to announce the play-in seeds for this year's 2nd Annual Member Madness. Derived from the most difficult of formulas (random number generator) we have finally reached the point of no return... The play-in week! The brackets, to be unveiled later tonight, were randomly chosen after the league gave the selection committee its input on who they thought they should be in the contest. However, not enough members were chosen, so people were randomly selected based on age, post count, and quality of their sisters. Play-in brackets: #7 Seed AARP Member Division: ErectionForOvechkin Vs. RandomHero Woah! This match up highlights two new members, both of which have barely had a chance to get their feet wet in the Victory Hockey League! Who will flex their muscle in this rookie blood bath? #7 Seed Nemos Division: Maxy Vs. RomanesEuntDomus A seasoned veteran against a very familiar simulation league foe... Bring it on! If someone can tell me what that shit means in Latin I will agree! #8 Seed Racial Slurs Clint Eastwood Made In Gran Torino Division: Corco Vs. Turner Take a look at this heavyweight bout. A VHL general manager takes on the fan favorite from the dairy state. Who would have imagined seeing something like this in the opening play-in seed round? #7 Seed "No I'm A Guy, Give Me 2 Popsicle Sticks And A Rubber Band... I'll Find A Way To Fuck It Like A Filthy MacGuyver" Division: Aenir Vs. MapFreak In one corner... Someone who can't get enough of the globe (literally). In the other corner... Aenir. This calls for a quality "O.o". After reviewing this tasty play-in that will open up in a matter of hours, only one word comes to mind... Palpable. Enjoy! -Mgmt
  7. That actually sounds pretty interesting, I might check that out myself. I'm getting close to perfecting Flow so I'll have some downtime soon
  8. Fuck yeah hat trick against my old team #fuckyougreeeeegggg
  9. Custom rig for epic lol'n lamp 3 books (I'm reading the 4th) Gift card I may or may not use Logitech 5.1 for the bass Vinyl beer poster from Georgetown Boondock Saints poster that might self-destruct at any given moment
  10. Against noobs I don't think you could ever live it down
  11. Could be either. Kendeezy is going into the nemo bracket
  12. Brackets to be released this weekend in media spot form! Quit being dicks and give me more names! Also, may have to improvise on the nemos division... Might have to look at post counts in reverse order as fillers if there aren't more named. Probably the weakest division in regards to support.
  13. Solid NFL Network reference
  14. But seriously... we need more banter! #Alfie4prez
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