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Team Canada - Quest for Gold

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Review: I enjoy the simplistic aspect of this graphic! You’re filters and effects you applied to this graphic really makes your render pop! The font works for this as well, maybe a boarder would work to make the graphic as a whole bolder instead of the white! (Unless it’s for sizing purposes) overall Go Canada! 


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The effect you added to this graphic gives it a super cool Canadian theme. It gets me hype for the WJC which makes it that much better. I really like the picture you chose, it gives the graphic a really nice flow. The font is also nice and easy to read. 8.5/10    

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Review: i love all the overlay effects you added to the graphic, there nice and simple and add alot to the original image. The font is also really nice , it's colours blend very nicely with the team canada red and the font itself is very unique. 9/10

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