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A tale of two brothers // Business as usual

Daniel Janser

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Swiss Central Gazzette


Our 'Swiss Hitmen' were facing two very difficult opponents in the last matches: the Mexico City Kings and the Minnesota Storm. Not entirely surprising, the games were lost.

In the first match up against the US-based team, the Hounds lost 6-2. Mississaugan highlights were few and far in between, however they managed to draw the first period 0-0, which can be interpreted as a success, considering how quickly they allowed goals in the last matches. Unfortunately the second period was lost 5-0 and the Hounds were not able to recover from that disadvantage (albeit the third period was theirs with 2-1). Again, the Canadian franchise was heavily outgunned (15 vs 41 attempts) and this did certainly not help them. What put even more rocks in the Hounds' way to success was the abysmal performance of the special teams. The Hounds had nine! opportunities in power play and only converted once, whereas the Storm took full advantage of the two opportunities given to them (2/2). he Mississaugan netminder cannot be envied as his performance was almost on par with Blanchette's (.854 vs .867). The only highlight reel worthy scene for the Hounds was when Lospenov buried the puck after a textbook transition play involving Daniel and Bedard as his assistants. As it is to be expected on such a one-sided match, all three stars went to Minnesota. Kiprusoff (3g/0a), Bonds (0g/4a) and Hagstrom (0g/2a) took the place of honour.


Marcel had 0g/0a, -1 and also 24:03 minutes on ice

Daniel had 0g/1a, -1 and 24:03 minutes TOI (second of the team with Marcel and Bedard)


The second match  against the most southern team of the league was a conceded 4-3.

In this match up, the Kings scored first and went with a 2-0 lead into the first intermission. The second period was balance with two goals each and the third period was won be the Hounds 1-0. Daniel was involved in the only goal in the last period, where we could witness one of these precise set-up we have grown accustomed to see from him. The special teams were better than in the Storm match with 6/8 on the penalty kill and 1/2 on the power play. The Hounds' netminder was marginally better than his opposite number (.892 vs .889) but faced more shots (37 vs 27) and therefore was not able to win the game for his team mates. The three stars this night were made up from Avens (1g/2a) with the game winner in power play, Stonebridge (2g/0a) and Hounds' number 6 (1g/0a). Marcel increased his sin-bin time from 4 minutes so far to 10 minutes (3 minors for roughing and hooking (2x)). None of the penalties lead to a goal, though.


Marcel had 0g/0a, -1, 6 PIM

Daniel logged 0g/1a, -1 and 27:47 minutes on ice (first of the team with Bedard and Hall)


With these two losses the team is now for the first time in 15 games out of the playoff run with the fifth place in the conference and ninth in the league. This newspaper does believe that the team can succeed though, considering that it is a very young and yet inexperienced roster, which will improve significantly during the season. Especially the Janser brothers seem to get better and better with every match played. Despite that their team has a -27 goal difference, the Jansers managed to get a +0 on the +/- rating. Marcel is the player who blocked the second most shots in the league only beaten by a defender who is in his forth VHLM season. When Jean-Luc Lieuxperroux asked the assistant coach how he rates our Dynamic Duo he replied: 'Dan and Marcel are our two best defense players and amongst the best skaters (Bedard also shows a natural talent for skating, interestingly all three played for the Brigade, where apparently a lot of emphasis was put on this aspect). Daniel and Bedard are probably our best players with the puck, but Dan is also the weakest forward when it comes to score goals. However, we are assigning him additional shooting drills so that will improve over time. Marcel is the most disciplined player (no wonder after the dressing down he received from his elder brother after the second match for the Brigade). Dan also shows a lot of leadership and takes responsibilities beyond his age.'


Please find updated stats for the brothers as follows:


Marcel: 15gp, 3g, 7a, 10pts, +0, 10 PIM, 9 hits, 41sb

Daniel:  15gp, 7g, 12a, 19pts, +0, 4 PIM, 32 hits, 9sb



an all too common sight sofar: hapless Hounds after a defeat.


Here some related articles for your reading pleasure:

















@Greg_Di and another one...

Edited by Daniel Janser
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