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VHL Holiday Charity Auction call for items


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Charity Idea : These past 2 weeks hasn't been easy for anyone in B.C Canada. We got hit with a major rainfall causing floods and mudslides on our main highways that connect to Vancouver B.C as well as the City of Merrit getting completely flooded. Today I bring to you The Red Cross Foundation. They will support the affected people in and around the area of B.C, helping them with basic needs like food, shelter, clothing. This one hits close to home so every donation that is made to this Foundation I will donate $1.


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Charity suggestion:

EcoTrust Canada


“EcoTrust Canada works to establish ecologically sustainable communities (especially First Nations), renewable forests and forest practises, and protect fisheries. EcoTrust also funds community development and housing projects.”

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56 minutes ago, fishy said:


Looking through the donation drive posts, I'm seeing that we've donated to Make-a-Wish, Spirit North and ACLU, and Food Banks Canada and Feeding America. Am I missing any?

That sounds about right. We’ve only done it the last 2 years so there wouldn’t be anything before the 2019 one.


And obviously people have donated to whatever they please as well, that’s always part of this, but the league’s “official” one would be those. If I recall last year we did the food banks for the auction and Spirit North / ACLU as the direct donations.

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Auction idea : I will stream/or record a video of a Cow Farm Tour. Will take everyone around my place and show you everything and explain all the equipment to you. You will also get to see my wonderful cows.

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- Discord name for a month
- Cooking Stream (sandwich, you choose the ingredients)
- Pick the game (off steam) and ill play the whole thing and stream it all

- Discord mute me drive $20 a day

Edited by Beaviss
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1 hour ago, Beketov said:

Holy you may regret that one but it could be fun haha


Our first charity drive from 2019 was actually in support of Make-A-Wish so while I love the cause we'll likely want to pick a different one.

Ahh okay my next suggestion then is 




this one is near and dear to my heart and is world wide. If you’d like a little more backstory for this to make sense please DM me.


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Dil's Lootbag


- Discord Name Control (30 days, must be appropriate)

- Forums Name Control (30 days, must be appropriate)

- Name Stream ($1 = 30 seconds of stream where I say nothing but your name repeatedly) [Ex. if Dil wins with $100, I will do a 50 minute stream saying "Dil" repeatedly]


Additional Items (If The Winner Wants):

- Podcast w/Quik (Won this last charity drive, you can have this in name even though he's not here anymore)


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1 hour ago, MexicanCow123 said:

Charity Idea : These past 2 weeks hasn't been easy for anyone in B.C Canada. We got hit with a major rainfall causing floods and mudslides on our main highways that connect to Vancouver B.C as well as the City of Merrit getting completely flooded. Today I bring to you The Red Cross Foundation. They will support the affected people in and around the area of B.C, helping them with basic needs like food, shelter, clothing. This one hits close to home so every donation that is made to this Foundation I will donate $1.


Love this idea 

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2 hours ago, FrostBeard said:

Alrighty, here we go - I am giving up for auction a simple thing: I will write a fantasy themed article about any team in the VHL/VHLE/VHLM with your choice of player as the main character and then do a podcast reading it in the most artistic way possible! 

So what you are saying is that we'll be getting a reading of the adventures of donald trump and Mia Khalifa in the Miami locker room? No way that can end poorly.

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1 hour ago, MexicanCow123 said:

Auction idea : I will stream/or record a video of a Cow Farm Tour. Will take everyone around my place and show you everything and explain all the equipment to you. You will also get to see my wonderful cows.

I want to name one of them : )

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2 hours ago, Doomsday said:

An auto 12 for the duration of your next player's career

Now THAT'S a proper pay-to-win!


I'd be willing to offer tons of shit. I love all of Beav's ideas, and I'm going to steal various ones around here:


- Podcast dedicated to the highest bidder


- Change my forum and I guess Discord names for a season. (This one's big, I've never not been JardyB10 in the past 11.5 years) Hell, you can change the profile picture while you're at it. Unlike Dil, the more inappropriate the better. (We'll call this bid item "Jardy's Identity Crisis")


- In my friend circle I'm renowned for eating questionably aged food items. I think I'm currently sick from eating week old corn bread. Thus, I'll film myself preparing, then eating whatever you choose, as long as it's technically edible and won't literally kill me. It could be as simple and nasty as a raw red onion (please don't do this), or something more creative like a mayonnaise and cinnamon sandwich. I might vomit, but that's your fault.


- Admin Abuse: I'll create you a subforum in General Discussions (same tier as Off-Topic and Thunderdome). You'll have full moderative control in this section, and it will be named whatever you want (As long as it's CoC friendly). I don't know if this should be allowed or if it will be permanent, depends on how much I get yelled at for suggesting it. Alternatively, or perhaps in addition to, maybe a custom forum role/colour for a season?


- I'm willing to auction my old, most holey underwear and socks in a giftbox.


- I'd also be down for Beav's Steam Stream game idea. You can even choose a weird dating sim or horror game and I'll buy it.


If anyone has any other dumb suggestions for me, I'd be down.

Edited by JardyB10
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