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2021 Twelve Days of Christmas: Day 7


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On November 20th, at 6 PM Atlantic time, I received a DM from tfong. The DM was about a post I had made under an alt account during the S79 draft stream. The draft stream occurred on July 18th 2021, 124 days prior to the report. I had joined the stream on a twitch alt and started acting like I was somebody else (a non-existent member or player). I had then said a few small things like “have I been drafted” and “my player is Willy Langston” (made up name on the spot). My next two sentences were the ones that got me in trouble. I said “im in minors” “are you in to minors”. An obvious offensive and stupid joke that I made. 
After asking for an appeal for reasons I will later mention, it was denied.

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2 hours ago, fishy said:

dude i got some fucking banana bread at work today dude. hell yeah. my mom told me if i wait for things like good things will happen to me dude and fuckin i waited for some things and i got some banana bread at work today dude, hell yeah. so it just goes to show that waiting for things is like, worth it, but there's a lot of bad things in this world dude, like fucking skunks dude, hell no. scratching your eye, but it's still fucking itchy dude, hell no. the fucking cops, dude? hell. no. like getting paid NOT A LOT OF MONEY DUDE FOR FUCKING WORKING? HELL NO. BUT BANANA BREAD AT FUCKING WORK DUDE? HELL YEAH HELL YEAH, BRO. HELL YEAH. BANANA BREAD


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