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Helsinki Titans of S36 getting called out.😱




Police are coming to take "All the Drugs"...again.😅



"This brought us more in line with our affiliates in EFL and SBA"

Literally quoted.



"Shouldn't do 1000 word article right out of the gate"

Yeah I'd rather not. Doing 2 500 word or w/e was fine. But 1k in a single go? Rather not.



"How to make people do Career Point Tasks"

I mean if you were allowed to review them that would be interesting too. Because then people outside of GMs would have a reason to read them. They are basically a MS that's not called a MS anyways. So why not?



"Career Tasks as podcast/GFX"

I mean I kinda did that. By making both of mine in Photoshop with some graphic stuff to make them look like "real" scouting reports etc.

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4 minutes ago, Shindigs said:

Literally quoted.

I'm coming for ya!


5 minutes ago, Shindigs said:

I mean if you were allowed to review them that would be interesting too. Because then people outside of GMs would have a reason to read them. They are basically a MS that's not called a MS anyways. So why not?

So back when we had Graders (basically reviewing used to be a league job and whoever was a grader was tasked with going through and giving the reviews) Biographies and Rookie Profiles were definitely reviewed, I can't speak on whether that's still the case or not, but forum certainly makes it look like that isn't the case, which is a surprise, not sure why that's the case now.

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